Chapter 153 See Through

“Destroyed all the demons?” Nuwa Empress Yurong modified, and roared involuntarily in her heart, joking, just in the bright sky, she noticed that the Supreme Master witnessed the Cultivation Base approaching the Heavenly Emperor of Hunyuan Sage. It only took you a few breaths to come back from the bright sky. The Taishang Laojun is dead, and the demon saints of all walks of life are dead. This is a small amount of fantasy. However, looking at Di Jun’s sickness, Nuwa’s heart is caught. It seems to be true. Di Jun can’t be wrong, and there is no reason. mistaken. Empress Nuwa looked at Jiang Yuan and cried secretly in her heart. Could it be that Jiang Yuan could be so terrible?

“Major Taiyi is dead?” Pangu was taken aback for a moment, looked around, and then laughed: “This Heavenly Emperor is definitely a thing. He can’t live for three seconds. “There is some satisfaction. I found out that the height of Xuanhe’s life, Taiyi real person is sweet, just hang up, I am afraid that the No. 1 Heavenly Emperor has said unlucky for the ages, “Shut up!” Hearing the words of Pangu real body, Nuwa and Dijun turned their heads at the same time. Come, with a cold face, follow them angrily to punish the twelve ancestor witch who rebuilt Pangu’s real body: “Dijiang, you are too happy!” Dijiang snorted expressionlessly, and quickly said: “We Yaozu Being annihilated, your witch clan is the next one, regardless of how to get rid of the source, how can you still gloat! “”My monster clan’s today is your witch clan’s tomorrow.” These words have reached the heart of the twelve ancestral witches, Pangu His face solidified, and his brows wrinkled slightly. Our Wu Clan does not have this strength, and we cannot have any plans. “Haha, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the strength, but you have a chance! “”a chance? what chance? “”The Lich can give up the previous grievances for the first time and become a member of Jiang Yuan. These days are the best opportunities. If you miss these days, there will be no chance. ”

“The wizard and Devil are united?” Pangu’s heart made a barrel-like tumbling, his eyes flickered. He looked at Nuwa, and then at the distant three Sages, Tongtian, Receiving, and Zhunti. They all It is Jiang Yuan’s enemy. Although Di Jun intends to take the knife to kill people, this is definitely a good opportunity for the Lich to join forces. After pondering for a while, Pangu really shook his head: “Haha!” The Ancestral Witch, I didn’t expect the Twelve Ancestral Witch to become a member of the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan so obediently. This was extremely unexpected. “Dijiang, speak for words!” “The wizard tribe is full of drools when talking, naturally speaking for words!” The wizards formed an alliance with the monsters. Nuwa seemed surprised, so he smiled, whether it is a wizard. It’s still a monster, and you can’t kill Jiang Yuan alone, but the wizard and the monster together are enough. Nuwa gave Dijun an admiring look, “The wizard and the monsters are united!” “The gods and demons around are horrified. It turns out that the two princes in the geographical prehistoric area, or his princes, blocked Jiang Yuan’s coronation. These days, they united to kill Jiang Yuan. That was to lift a rock and hit his own foot. , It should be said, this is definitely a kind of irony. “Lich united? “Tong Tian was surprised, froze for a moment, and thought about it. It seems to be cheap. The Lich has been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and his feelings are in his bones. However, facing a typical enemy, or a person whose strength makes them desperate, the connection of strength It’s traditional. Looking at Jiang Yuan, Tongtian squinted his eyes, his eyes flickering, and I don’t know what to assume. “Haha! “Zu Yue and Zhunti were shocked. They looked at each other and smiled. The witch and the monster joined forces to kill Jiang Yuan. This is a very good plan. “Witch and monster join forces?” Kunpeng and Chang’e’s face changed, and a desperate expression came to them. The two gentle lich lords had joined hands, and Jiang Yuan was in a very dangerous situation at this time. “Jiang Yuan, run!”. “Master, run quickly!” Jiang Yuan and Kunpeng shouted toward Jiang Yuan, “Run?” Di Jiang was full of Blood Qi, and sneered: “I killed my virtuous brother Taiyi, a million demon saints, At the moment you still want to run, come back and do something, it’s too late. “”No one wants to save Jiang Yuan these days, he must die!” Haoqiu commanded the Heavenly Emperor seal, blocking Jiang Yuan’s forehead, Pangu’s true body He and Meiwen form a pair with Dijun from two opposite directions, killing Jiang Yuan in the middle, “Roar!” Jiang Yuan was holding his horse, his face calmly looked at Chang’e in the distance, and he smiled and said, “You Why do you want to run? Some people who came back to die, if you don’t blow them up, I sympathize with them.””Kill!” The real body of Pangu, Dijun, and the characters from the American alphabet looked at each other without any nonsense. The two stood together. The real body of Pangu affected an associated axe. With the sound of a knife, the endless void opened. A chaos, where the good axe is placed on Jiang Yuan, “Boom!” Dijun transformed into the Heavenly Emperor seal, blooming related infinite divine weight, mountains, rivers, sun, moon, and stars gushing out of the good seal, walking towards Jiangyuan . “Boom!” With a wave of her sleeves, Empress Nuwa reshaped a world from the pictures of mountains and rivers, hiding Jiang Yuan. Countless fluorescent lights flickered, making Jiang Yuan’s mind confused. “Swipe!” With a wave of his sleeve, 3 golden lights, 3 purple lights, and 3 infinite lights flew out, as fast as lightning, and slammed into the real bodies of Nuwa, Pangu and Dijun fiercely. The twelve ancestor witches failed to cultivate their primitive spirit, including their Xiantian non-secular treasures to protect their bodies. The tri-color light shot into Pangu’s real body, “Absorbing two billion thousand feet, the first-level Sage, one million yuan can live!” Pangu’s body trembled, his breath fell, and there was a boom, Pangu’s body exploded. The appearance of twelve ancestral witches reappeared, one by one coughing up blood and falling to the ground, “Boom!” Jiang Yuan’s eyes were glowing with silver light, and his illusion-breaking eyes saw through the illusion, and he waved the Magical Item in his hand. The power to obliterate all laws directly broke the illusion of mountains and rivers. Jianghe Sheji, the speed of his mace remained unchanged, and he directly hit the seal of the Heavenly Emperor, with a boom, the void bends for hundreds of millions of miles, and the seal of the Heavenly Emperor dimmed. Flew back, broke a passage in the void, and fell into Di Jun’s hands. Di Jun’s face turned pale, and he stepped back dozens of steps. His face was full of panic and madness. With a movement in his heart, Di Jun’s face changed. Bai, dozens of steps toward retreated, his face full of panic and madness, with a move in his heart, he directly shot the golf ball upwards, and the strange ocean in the sky appeared, “Rong!”. “Dijun shouted loudly, mobilizing the Heavenly Emperor seal from the sea of ​​strange luck and tying it, making the Heavenly Emperor seal a stronger target.

“You are finally back!” Jiang Yuan’s eyes lit up. Although he saw the huge ocean of heavenly luck, his own heavenly luck was too weak to enter the ocean of heavenly luck. At present, Emperor Jun has opened the ocean of heavenly luck. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. . “Come out, Lord of Fortune!”. Jiang Yuan’s heart was captured. In the ocean of operations research, eight hundred miles of operations research rules flew out of Calabash. The sky changed color, lightning and thunder, dark clouds, condensed Deva’s suffering. “Not good!” “The lord is the result of my own natural upgrade. It belongs to the law of freedom in the prehistoric world, and is not contained by the prehistoric Heavenly Dao. “Jiang Yuan’s complexion changed, motivating the long law of luck, golden light For a flash, he rushed to Dijun’s body, before he could resist, he was annihilated.

The long stream of thunder is a non-secular snake, sliding through the cracks in the sea of ​​thunder opened by Emperor Jun, frantically greedy for the surrounding thunder.

Zixiao Palace, “Strange Law?” Hongjun, he shuttled in the Shenzhou Void. He opened his eyes briefly, and his eyes were dazzled by the divine light. Following the induction of the power of thought, he saw countless areas. At the top of the Zhoushan dynasty, a golden creek, distributed with the Law of Wim, is buried in the sea of ​​Wim in Heaven Court. “This may be the law of Wim?” Hongjun frowned slightly. He lowered the good fortune jade disc, which was in harmony with Heavenly Dao. He understood the law of three thousand and naturally knew the law of Vimalakirti. However, the law of Vimalakirti was not Rivers and Lakes. “It will cause Heavenly Tribulation, which means that they are not the laws of the plains, but the laws of other places.” “But who is Jiang Yuan?”…

In the Pangu Hall, the Pangu sculpture opened his eyes again, looked up at the sky, and saw the greedy golden stream in Vimalakirti Heaven Court, his eyes shrunk: “The law of the source of chaos?” “How can there be a source of chaos in the wild world? The law?” “In the wild world, maybe it is because he has entered the Chaos Demon God again? But why can’t I feel it?” “No, it can be Jiang Yuan’s Spiritual Qi, this Chaos Origin Law belongs to Jiang Yuan, he is not the Chaos Demon God , But does he have the Primordial Law of Chaos? “”It seems that Jiang Yuan can’t keep it!” Pangu divine carving narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in his pupils. ……

“Boom!” The Lord of Luck Wim entered the Sky Fortune Wim Ocean. Under the interference of the Sky Fortune Wim Ocean, the violent storm in the sky rang loudly for a while, and then dissipated. Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. The heart is on luck QT, because there is a day to run Wim Ocean, otherwise he needs to climb the penalty again. “what is this?”. Nuwa, Tongtian, Jiying, Zhunti, and the Twelve Ancestor Witches were a little at a loss. They felt a wave of law. A lightning flashed. The suffering of Heaven Court merged. A golden light flashed. Then the suffering dissipated, and there was nothing. , What’s the matter?

They were lost, but Di Jun was very annoyed. When he noticed that there was a golden flow in the Vimalakīrti in Heaven Court, swallowing the surrounding space, the flow of Vimalakīrti increased the crackling sound. Qianer, Qiansan…….

Di Jun’s face was gloomy. He hurriedly used his divine power to disperse the Jin Liu. However, despite the high proportion of his divine power, he could not harm Jin Liu. It still swallowed the surrounding space and grew to 1500 li. “Your Majesty!” Dijun turned helpless and said to Nuwa, “Jiang Yuan touched a stream of water in the sky. He was greedy for this stream. We quickly killed him!” “What?” Nuwa’s face changed, no wonder She noticed Tianwei’s bad luck, it turned out that it was Jiang Yuan who was in trouble. Once the opportunity is broken, Heaven Court will be in chaos, which is not a trivial matter. “Di Jiang, quickly kill Jiang Yuan!” Empress Nuwa shouted angrily at the 12th Ancestor Witch: “Kill!” Empress Nuwa forged her own good fortune magic skill and killed Jiang Yuan. The twelve ancestor witches had serious faces. They once again forged the twelve gods and evil spirits, gathered Pangu’s body, and wielded an axe to hit Jiangyuan. “Boom!” Jiang Yuan’s expression was very calm. He exploded his own hammer. The hundreds of millions of miles of repair quality swept the world. The world bends because of this. The violent power directly rang Pangu’s real body from the top of Buzhou Mountain. A thundering hammer burst out, and the second hammer exploded. Wanfa was completely empty wherever the hammer passed. All the laws were annihilated, pulling the divine power of the globe rebuilt by Nuwa, the globe was bent, Nuwa vomited blood and flew back, pulling the Heavenly Emperor seal, hundreds of thousands of miles of void was shattered by the stone, the beam of Heavenly Emperor seal, carrying Emperor Jun flew back, There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, “Tongtian, take the lead, Emperor Jun!”. “Nuwa stopped and shouted: “What are you doing in a daze, what are you looking at, and you haven’t taken the opportunity to unite and eliminate Jiang Yuan’s revenge.” “”Do you still want to be weakened by Jiang Yuan? “”We are Sage, the supreme existence between heaven and earth. Just like dignity, we were beaten by a quasi-Sage and sometimes abused face to face. Do we still have a statue of Sage? “”revenge? “Tongtian, Zhunti, and Jiuyin’s faces were gloomy and watery. Nuwa’s words awakened them. None of them did not have enemies with Jiang Yuan, especially Tongtian. His Dage, eldest son, and second brother Yuan, have been crushed and lost. After holy, they are still in Closed Door Training, and he himself was also suppressed by the Cultivation Base, but can they forget this hatred?”Two fellow daoist, let’s go too!” Tongtian looked at the lead and Zhunti, “Okay!” The two looked at each other, thought for a moment, nodded, and the two stood up with Tongtian and watched. Nuwa’s appearance, yelled, “Boom!” The mountain roared, and Pangu’s real body jumped into the air again from the lowest mountain, and landed heavily on the highest mountain, with a fierce light in his eyes, staring at Jiang Yuan: “Haha “Seeing that Tongtian, Jiuying, and Zhunti are members of the Three Sages, Dijun was very happy: “Jiang Yuan, look, Damn it like you, hateful!” “Now, not only the witch and Devil want to kill you , Even the Four Saints want to kill you! “”You will definitely die today!” In the distance, his countless gods and demons are looking at own head, Jiang Yuan is now dead, Tongtian, Jiying, Zhunti, Nuwa, Dijun is the five six sages, and Pangu’s true body is also a sage-level combat power. This may be the ability of the six Sages. The six Sages unite. Although Jiang Yuan is heaven-defying, it cannot stop him. After all, Jiang Yuan is just a person similar to Sage. “Jiang Yuan, you are done!” Jiang Yuan said. “In the demons, the Sheikh, wearing a crown and wearing a phoenix crown, was full of resentment and ridicule. After breaking her own reasonable behavior, she was eager to tear Jiang Yuan to pieces. “Jiang Yuan is dead, we should tend to What? “Chang’e stomped her feet in anxious state, she was just wondering, but at the moment she is desperate, Hongjun is not there, the Six Saints have delineated the best combat effectiveness in the prehistoric region, Kunpeng is also sighing, although he believes in Jiang Yuan, but now he is still shaken. , After all, the division is too beautiful. “Is that so? “Jiang Yuan said indifferently: “It’s because of you people who are desperate to kill America and forget the first place he created for you. I will bring back the things I gave you in the same way! “”If you betray the United States country, you will all be crushed! “There is no ambiguity in this sentence,” Kill! “Tongtian, Jiuyin, Nuwa, Zhunti, Dijun, and Pangu all sacrificed their own religious treasures and died their own supreme magic arts, firing from six sides to Jiangyuan.

Tongtian yelled, the power in the body was operating, so the inexperienced flat weapon system in his hand was cut out, the light weapon system shot into the sky, illuminating the bright sky of hundreds of millions of miles, and the light weapon system shot towards Jiangyuan. “Kill!” Zuyue contacted Jiang Mozhu and turned into the supreme Vajra, with infinite light. In the large-scale rule flow, the void exploded and smashed towards Jiangyuan. “Swipe!” Zhunti took out the Xiantian religious Magic Treasures “Seven Treasures”, stepped on the long river of Karma law, and walked directly to the river source along the road of Karma. There was a chaotic brush in the sky, “Boom!” Directly, a small hand hooked the long river of good fortune laws, reshaping everything at once, and finally developed a chaotic world, crashing into the river source, Pangu is the most brutal body, the twelve golden laws of long river appeared around her, the twelve laws of long river Melting on her paws, one paw blew towards Jiang Yuan, “Huh!”. “Jiang Yuan snorted expressionlessly, shifted his mind, and used the magic power of Huaqi, 3 clear qi flew out and reshaped into 3 Jiangyuan, each holding a related Xiantian Lingbao in his hand, 4 Jiang Yuan’s eyes turned white, and the eyes of the god of illusion saw through the illusion.



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