Chapter 110

At this moment, the whole world can be directly described with the word horror, but if it is to be described with a more real feeling, it is that all the gods and demons can feel the threat of Death, but they can clearly feel it. Such a death threat is even more terrifying to a certain direction. It is worthy of a god’s punishment. It’s just that the first Heavenly Tribulation can condense such a terrifying coercion, and it’s just an appetizer. It will be even more terrifying. This is the idea of ​​countless gods and demons. It seems that Jiang Yuan must be dead this time, and the words of other gods and demons also nodded. Heavenly Tribulation’s words have always been one and more than one. Strong, not to mention that this is the Heavenly Punishment in the Supreme Connection, and they are also very clear. They don’t know if Heavenly Punishment took the initiative to punish Jiangwon this time. They are also very curious about what happened. If they want to know, Before that, Jiang Yuan had just stopped the Lich War and won it. I blessed him, but I never expected that in a blink of an eye, even Heavenly Dao would directly provoke him. It really is Jiang Yuan!

And they are also very curious. Naturally, the words in their hearts are also very clear. No matter what their thoughts are, the words in their hearts feel that a troublesome existence like Jiang Yuan should be They solved it directly, and they all knew very well that the more situations like this, the more they should be solved by their resident Life. If before, Jiang Min would oppress them one by one. I can’t breathe, so the words in my heart are already full of anger at Jiang Yuan, and if they can, they naturally want to say that they will never be able to continue under such a situation. It happened, but it is undeniable that they all know very well that it is not something they can provoke. It is precisely because of this point that they can only choose what they say, a relatively calm one. Looking at such a situation, they had better expect that Jiang Yuan’s words would be solved directly by Heavenly Dao!

But it is undeniable that they think that if Heavenly Dao is to punish Jiang Yuan, it is indeed a relatively comfortable thing for Jiang Yuan. If possible, they naturally hope that they can directly put the gold on themselves. This trouble was solved because they were also very resentful of Jiang Yuan. Before that, Jiang Yuan could be said to have provoke them one by one, and many of their treasures were directly robbed by Jiang Yuan, so in my heart The words of Jiang Yuan have long been full of opinions about Jiang Yuan, but they are just moved and dare not say anything. The words now show them that Jiang Yuan will be punished by Heavenly Dao directly, and they can’t wait to say that Heavenly Dao can become even more powerful. It was precisely because of this that Jiang Yuan was dealt with with a stab of thunder. When the current situation arises, everyone in my heart feels very happy. It is undeniable that it is just the current situation. Saying that, this is still a very happy thing, and they all know very well whether they are definitely Jiang Yuan’s opponent, so they still choose to watch such a good show obediently….

Jiang Yuan didn’t know clearly that his original words directly disturbed the long river of luck because he absorbed the sea of ​​luck, but he was mistaken for Heavenly Dao by the gods and demons outside, and he planned to punish him, but he thought about it carefully. If you don’t belong to Heavenly Dao, you can’t tolerate heaven and earth. This is the unique law of Jiang Yuan, and it can directly devour the luck of the gods and demons, and it can directly become the luck that governs the Tao. No wonder it will directly provoke it. He was angry with Heavenly Dao, and Jiang Yuan could understand that this was a matter of force Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao could understand what he was about to punish him, but Jiang Yuan could not help but sighed and the words in his eyes appeared. A little bit of helplessness, but still relatively pleasantly surprised. What’s more helpless is that the occasion of air luck nurtured by this sea of ​​air luck did not disappoint him, and the level is relatively high, and , Made him feel a little scary!

What surprised Jiang Yuan was that he was the lord of air luck in this air luck occasion, and he could directly control the air luck of all living beings. At this moment, Jiang Yuan could clearly feel that there was a huge message above his head. The sound of thunder, and this terrifying thunder directly scared Jiangwon’s words, he woke up directly from his sleep. Originally, he stayed in the occasion of own luck, but now, when he sees such a When the huge thunder sounded directly above the head, Yan Yan couldn’t help but shook his head. This time it really made the entire Heavenly Dao very angry, and this kind of situation would appear. Otherwise, follow the previous steps. In other words, I heard a good impression of Jiang Yuan, and I will take the initiative to bless Jiang Yuan in the previous words, but it is undeniable that from the current situation, it is indeed not what Jiang Yuan can and understand. Therefore, considering this point, he chose to do it this way. However, judging from the current situation, people think that such a punishment by Heavenly Dao would not have a huge impact on him, on the contrary. If it was Jiang Yuan, he could face it calmly, such a terrifying coercion, if it were before that.

Jiang Yuan certainly has no way to withstand such terrifying coercion, but it is undeniable that looking at the current situation, such a terrifying Buddha statue will not have a huge impact on him, so Jiang Yuan’s words You can face the pressure of such a terrifying Heavenly Dao directly and calmly, but when the real person raised his head and looked at the endless void, a trace of light appeared in his eyes, and he thought of the words of this heavenly thunder in his heart, Relatively speaking, it was quite good. He suddenly roared, and the divine light in his hand flickered, Xiantian Supreme Treasure, that huge hammer appeared in the hands of the craftsman here, and directly operated the own Cultivation Technique, holding a huge His hammer hit it again, and when a sky thunder directly hit the sky and the earth, his hammer went directly to the red, the sky broke and the earth broke, and everything returned to the ruins. The 30,000-mile-wide huge sky thunder waterfall directly It was directly detonated by a hammer from Jiang Ye, and it turned into a thunder and lightning, rushed into the thunder sea, and was directly absorbed by the inland sea and turned into Heavenly Tribulation, but the breath became relatively weaker.

Originally, the gods and demons were looking forward to it, and they were very curious, but when Jiangwon faced such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, there was definitely no room for resistance, so they were also very happy and waited until the weather was above. When the sky thunder was dropped once, they definitely had no way to resist. In other words, the previous words would definitely suffer severe injuries this time, and these powerful gods and demons would naturally not let go of such a great one. Opportunity, once they feel that they can solve Jiangyuan’s problem directly, they will definitely join hands and prepare to solve Jiangyuan’s problem completely, but what they never expected is, I originally thought that under such a situation, they would be able to save them from such a disaster, but what they never expected was that facing a terrorist like Jiang Yuan, they would not get the slightest benefit. , On the contrary, such a terrifying sky thunder was directly reduced to a hammer and scattered. This was completely what they said they did not expect and it was precisely because of this. At this moment, their football gods and monsters were all surprised and speechless, suddenly and Their complexion became very ugly. Before that, they hadn’t had such a situation, but now when they see it clearly, it can be said that their mood has become relatively complicated.

And it is undeniable that judging from the current situation, it is far beyond their expectations. They often did not expect that Jiang Yuan would not be directly resolved when faced with such a situation. Falling is a very gentle and proper way to achieve such a situation, and what makes them feel very interesting is that they thought that in such a situation, they would definitely be able to escape to a little bit of benefit. , At least if Lei Jie comes down, Jiang Yuan will definitely be solved directly, but what they never expected is that instead of cutting off the wall, Jiang Yuan still maintained it under such a situation. Very calm attitude, and solved a situation like this with a hammer. This is something that everyone never expected, and their mood can be said to be very complicated at this moment. It is undeniable. If it is possible, they would naturally hope to be able to do this. Tianlei will solve Jiang Yuan directly, but what they never expected is that instead of solving it, it was Heavenly Dao in front of Jiang Yuan. It’s totally unimaginable for everyone to get the slightest benefit, because their mood can be said to be very complicated. If even Heavenly Dao’s day, Chengdu can’t pose the slightest threat to Jiang, then here Between the heavens and the earth, isn’t Jiang Yuan walking sideways anymore.And they are also very clear. I know that Heavenly Dao is not just an ordinary existence at this moment. It is a certain consciousness, and in the face of such a situation, it must be able to The other party completely solved it, but what they are most complicated now is not the situation, but they know very well that, judging from the current situation, not only did Jiangwon not be directly affected by Heavenly Dao, Lei Jie was seriously injured, but when faced with such a huge thunder robbery, he was able to directly destroy this sister Lei by relying on his own strong strength, so they can understand more clearly now. Understand that Jiangwon’s strength is indeed very strong, but now, such a strong strength is far beyond their expectations.

What they are saying now can be said to be completely surprised at the situation before them. Jiang Yuan waved his own fist again, and there was no hammer. Later he hesitated to break up these terrifying Heavenly Tribulation again. Knowing of these Heavenly Tribulations, they are all very powerful. If it were before, no one could do it directly, but when faced with such a situation, they could directly control it. Disperse with a hammer, this is no longer an existence they can understand. If you know before this, this is completely an impossible thing, but now it really appears in front of everyone. And in this case, it is really with a hammer that a powerful one that should not have appeared in the original is directly scattered with a hammer. You must know that this is Heavenly Tribulation. If before this, no one can directly Dodging, even those very powerful beings can only choose to avoid their sharp edges when facing Tianwei, instead of directly fighting Heavenly Dao with a hammer like this, because everyone knows very well. Judging from the current situation, if it were not for the powerful self-protection of Xiantian, it would not be able to resist such a strong force, but judging from the current situation, it is far beyond everyone’s expectations, and they are also very sure They know very well that Heavenly Tribulation is not diligent. It can be solved so simply by being able to resist the first sky thunder. The more the later, the more punishment will be given by the sky thunder. Strong, they will not support what they can resist. It is precisely because of this situation that their words and emotions become more arrogant, because everyone knows very clearly that it is the current situation. If they can’t completely solve a problem like this, then the punishment Jiangyuan will suffer will be even more terrifying. But what makes them feel very strange is that Jiangwon will face the Heavenly Tribulation. At the time, he didn’t have the slightest timidity. On the contrary, he felt that this was a painless thing.At this moment, when Jiang Yuan saw that the power of Heavenly Tribulation was increasing, he was sneer in his heart. Since Heavenly Tribulation was going to eliminate it, then he would directly take these Heavenly Tribulation. All are absorbed. Anyway, their Cultivation Technique can directly refine all things. Now, even the Hongmeng Purple Qi can be directly absorbed, not to mention these days. So Jiang Yuan thought of this and directly promoted the body. Chaos Bead, and a huge black hole appeared directly in his body, and this black hole directly swallowed a huge thunder waterfall that is 30,000 miles wide, and you must know that the world of chaos has directly become a avenue. Hong Lu, and wanted to refine all these Thunder.

At this moment, when Jiang Yuan summoned this chaotic world, Ling Xiao suddenly shot from inside the palace, waking up from his sleep once again, and felt very confused in his heart. Just a moment ago, he suddenly felt Then, a chaotic aura appeared again between the world, which made him feel that this matter was a bit weird.

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