Chapter 111 Thunder

Sage feels very magical at this moment, and even feels a bit inexplicable, and in the process, he always feels that things are far beyond what he expected, which is indeed very powerful, and before that, in Jiangyuan What happened must make people feel very unbelievable, but it is undeniable that Jiang Yuan’s strength is placed there, it is impossible for this situation to happen at present, and it is even possible to swallow the entire Tianjie directly. This is completely complete. They all exceeded their expectations, and what they said in the process, completely exceeded what people expected. In addition, the words of countless gods and demons in this process felt incredible. When they saw Jiang Yuan When directly devouring these thunder tribulations one by one, I can be said to be surprised in my heart, and there is no resurgence.

Before that, they thought that Jiang Yuan could not get the slightest benefit in the process of facing this kind of situation, but what they never thought was that Jiang Yuan not only got it in the process. Benefits, and the whole process can be said to be without the slightest amount of pressure. This is completely beyond all destined encounters. I originally thought that Jiang Yuan would not find the slightest benefit in this connection, and it may lead to direct Affected by Thunder Unlocking, but what makes people feel incredible is that Jiang Yuan directly swallowed all these connections with his own powerful strength. This has never happened before, and it is Jiang Yuan that makes people feel surprised. How did you do it? It stands to reason that this is impossible. It makes people look at the endless black hole directly from his own magical powers, but when he is about to see the situation inside the black hole, he appears. It was a little vague, and in this black hole, he actually felt the breath of the chaotic world, which made him feel unbelievable, and at a certain moment when talking about the ancient gods, he woke up from his sleep again, with a very curious look, I just looked at the gods and demons who were watching around the black hole, and they all showed expressions of amazement, especially when I saw the 300,000 li thunder directly swallowed by Jiang Yuan, you must know that Jiang Yuan is a man. The head of the immortal, did not expect to have such a powerful ability.At this moment, the Eye of Retribution seemed to see something strange, so he was directly irritated. The thunder sea of ​​his forgetting you was constantly going on, and the thunder waterfall tens of thousands of kilometers wide was tumbling down directly, without a doubt. , Being Heavenly Dao naturally has own majesty and does not allow any mistakes. The original words naturally did not allow anyone to perform heaven-defying actions. Therefore, this time, when they saw that someone was directly able to When resisting his thunder, he was very angry, and such a situation was not allowed at all, so Heavenly Dao’s words began to wave the power of own thunder and condense continuously, and when the momentum of this thunder reached a very terrifying The state of, far beyond everyone’s expectations, and in the process, there is no doubt that ordinary cultivator can not resist at all. When the gods and demons saw this scene, I was not very surprised. They had already felt a great deal of pressure from it, and during this process several times, they almost had to pee in their butts, and did not dare to resist the slightest, but what made them feel incredible, When Jiang Yuan faced such a terrifying situation, he didn’t have the slightest timidity. Instead, he stood calmly and stood on the spot. It seemed that the black hole he had summoned could swallow it directly.

Jiang Yuan always maintained a relatively flat expression. With a wave of his big sleeve, the huge black hole suddenly became even bigger, directly changing your size, and directly changing the size of the tens of millions of miles wide. The waterfall is all swallowed, the Chaos Bead is like a avenue, the Red Furnace generally seems to be ready to call all the Thunder directly or Jiang Yuan looked at the Chaos Bead, but he sighed gently, if you want to let these Thunders It might not be enough to evolve into a grandiose purple qi, so he looked up at Heavenly Dao above the sky, and thought directly in his heart that if it descends like this, it is indeed a bit slow. It seems that I have to help you, Jiang Yuan He stepped on the void, and appeared directly at the very edge of the North Sea as if halfway through the steps. He stepped directly into the thunder sea, and was directly submerged by the endless thunder sea.

Countless gods and demons were stunned when they saw this scene, and then their expressions were very surprised, and it seemed that they had misread them. Generally, especially during this process, they were completely completely. I couldn’t be more surprised by Jiang Yuan’s performance, and he didn’t hesitate to directly enter that connecting sea when he lowered the pressure. Before that, it was impossible. You know, this is terrifying. Once If you enter, there may be a devastating blow, even if you enter the current Cultivation Base, entering such a territorial water, there is no doubt that it is like a lifeless, it is completely impossible at all. But it really appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, it was because he was already in Heavenly Dao, and when he entered this forest sea, a thin golden coating appeared directly on his physique, and Jiang Yuan directly blew the Cultivation Technique in his body at this moment. , The original huge black hole became even bigger, and it seemed that a huge vortex appeared in this sea of ​​thunder. Without the slightest hesitation, it directly swallowed the countless thunders surrounding the 10,000-mile inner sea on the spot. Under the dumbfoundedness of the gods, they did not expect the rapid decrease, especially when they saw Jiang Yan entering this South China Sea, not only did they not feel the disappearance of his breath, but they could clearly feel this scene. Thunder’s words, the originally terrifying coercion continued to diminish. In a blink of an eye, the original, terrifying, huge inner sea disappeared directly into that huge black hole, leaving only an eye of several kilometers floating in it. In the sky, a very surprised look appeared, and his eyes were full of disbelief, cursing in his heart, fuck, what is going on?

This picture looks very strange and a bit funny, but none of the gods and demons who were watching around dared to laugh, and their eyes were full of surprise. How could this be possible? It was a huge sea of ​​thunder, which was not intended or avoided, but was swallowed up by Jiang Yuan. They did not expect to be able to do such a thing this year. They have far exceeded their expectations, and during this process it is simply unimaginable, and their mood at this moment is relatively unbearable. After all, things like this are far beyond their expectations. , How powerful is the current strength, even they don’t have a clear concept, and they don’t understand how Jiang Yuan did it?

At this moment, when the other powerful gods and demons saw this scene, their mood was very surprised, and they had to be amazed. They did not expect that Jiang Yan’s current strength was so terrifying, which was far beyond. In order to understand what they expected, you should know that before that, when they first met Jiang Yuan, they were just a not a very powerful thing. On the contrary, they were relatively ordinary. But now, Jiangbian Appearing in front of them, it can be said that it is a very powerful and powerful existence that men and women can contend with. In the face of such a powerful existence, they have a very weak feeling in their hearts. You must know the previous words, Jiang When facing them, Yuan must also point out the right of ownership, but now, even if they face such a terrifying and powerful Heaven Court VR, they have no room to resist, and Jiang Yan’s words can be said to be easy. In the process of facing such a situation, not only did he not receive the slightest influence, but he continued to maintain a relatively calm mentality.

When I saw this scene, I didn’t feel that my mood was relatively complicated, but they hadn’t thought about it like this before. It’s undeniable that in the current situation, it can be said to be far beyond. In this process, their mood is relatively complicated. It is undeniable that they understand very well that Jiang Yuan’s words are indeed very powerful, but this is Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao is not. Can contend, but what appeared in front of them at this moment, Zhang Liang not only contended Heavenly Dao, but also directly swallowed the entire Thunder. You must know that this is not something ordinary people can do. But what is happening now is a phenomenon. It is really the master who swallowed up the entire Thunder. This is completely beyond the scope of their understanding, and in the current situation, they can’t help it at all. Understand, how can this be achieved in such a terrifying state, so Da Jiangyuan’s mood can be said to be complicated and irreversible. If they had been before, they would naturally not have such an idea, but now they are a powerful one. Existence really appeared in front of them, so when there was no way to fight against it, a very weak feeling suddenly appeared in my heart.

At this moment, Heaven Court seemed to have been irritated by Jiang Yuan. His divine light flashed, and a terrifying place of punishment flew out of Heaven Court again. This terrifying force of punishment was full of immeasurable feelings. , To know that this vast force can be said to be self-esteem and self-improvement. Without any hesitation, he came directly to Zhejiang Yuan Hong. When countless gods and demons saw this scene, they can be said to be surprised by the law of infinite addition, which can obliterate everything. Those who want to resist the rules of Heavenly Dao, it seems that Jiang Yuan must be finished this time, so the words of those powerful gods and demons, such as Zhunti Zhen Yuanzi Fuxi, etc., can say on their faces at this moment. With a happy smile on his face, he was even more gloating in his heart!Jiang Yuan nodded in satisfaction with the power of Heavenly Hair that Jiang Yuan felt, and he glanced at the vast power of Heavenly Thunder in the Chaos Orb in his body. Yes, at least the conditions for him to develop some grand and purple qi are enough. At this moment, people feel that a force of Death is enveloped. This makes Jiang Yuan’s original god unable to help shaking, his face is big. Suddenly raised his head and saw a divine light suddenly appeared on Heaven Court. When Jiang Yuan saw that it was the power of Heaven’s punishment, his mind appeared more solemn than ever before, and it was in Jiang Yuan’s mind. Among them, countless thoughts came out of his mind quickly, but they were quickly rejected by the publicity. It seems that the situation like this can only rely on his strong strength to carry on the hard work. In Jiang Yuan’s mind, people who had never seen before appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind. At this moment, Jiang Yuan is ready to Ascension his own rice to the level of all things, and he can also repair Ascension next. For Jiang Yuan’s eyes never appeared. The steadfastness you have had and the talent skills that directly promoted your own Tao fruit. During this process, you will quickly want to get the own Cultivation Base Ascension up. In this way, you can directly squeeze and extract the own potential. In the section of Paddy Sage, Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base can briefly reach the Sage Realm’s Cultivation Base. When Jiang Yuan feels a terrifying force, he is constantly facing his physique. When it comes in, Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base went directly from the quasi-sage early stage to the late stage, to the late stage until Sage did not stop directly, and when all the gods and monsters onlookers saw this scene, their minds suddenly blew up, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, especially It was when Jiang Yuan’s Cultivation Base suddenly skyrocketed to Sage Realm. It was suspected that it was frost on the ground, and the hammer appeared in Jiang Yuan’s hands again.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan’s words immediately roared, and from this process, he will also be able to clearly feel that his fighting spirit has appeared. It has never been so high, and countless huge powers have once again appeared there. Inside a big hammer, the big hammer became very huge at this moment, directly becoming the size of hundreds of millions of miles, and without hesitation, a hammer slammed directly at Heavenly Dao’s thunder, with a bang, and suddenly it sounded deafening. The sound of heaven and earth exploded again, and this sledgehammer did not hesitate to smash it directly towards the Heaven Court. The whole process can be said to have surprised countless people. In this process, They were far beyond their expectations. They didn’t know that Jiang Yuan’s strength was so strong before. Now, when they see that they will be in the process, they can rely on the Ascension own Cultivation Base. As they do, facing such a terrifying thunder at this moment, it is only possible to prepare for the funeral, not to say that he can have a better process for himself. It is precisely because of this that they are at this moment. It can be said that Jiang Yuan’s mood is very complicated, especially when faced with such a powerful existence. They originally thought that they had a little bit of Jiang Yuan, but now they have to admit that Jiang Yuan is so powerful that they are fundamentally strong. There is no way to challenge the possibility.

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