Chapter 109

Jiang Yuan knows very clearly, especially in the face of the unknown, the more we should maintain a relatively calm attitude, because in such a situation, I don’t know whether some are trying secretly. Therefore, when Jiang Yancha received that kind of very powerful Qixin, he did not choose to talk to the other party’s talents at the first time but also to the mind. If this is the case in the void, he can guarantee that he is not good for a very dangerous person. In the forbidden area, and he knew very well that when he appeared directly in the Witch tribe several times in a row, he was always aware that he seemed to have a very powerful presence, and he was constantly watching in the dark. He, in this way, Jiang Yuan has a feeling of scalp numbness several times in a row, so he does not know what kind of powerful existence in the Witch tribe is secretly looking at him, but he can be sure of the other party’s The strength is relatively strong!

And obviously facing such a powerful existence above him, Jiang Yuan feels that the way to be a name is not to provoke the opponent, and at the moment when the opponent is preparing to attack him, Zheng Yuan’s wisest thing is to let the owner apply. Log directly into the void, so that you can guarantee that you will suffer any predicament, but it can be said with certainty that when Jiang Yuan directly hid in the void, he began to change the qi luck he had absorbed. Suddenly, the sea of ​​people in the billions was like a waterfall, directly falling down a vast and terrifying force of destruction, directly sweeping the entire southern world, shaking horror, such a terrifying force of destruction, directly scaring the gods and demons one by one. They don’t know how to speak, and they are very curious. They don’t know what happened and why things are in such a horrible situation, and they can clearly feel that something very important is about to happen. Perhaps it was because of such terrifying pressure that they all had cold sweats from behind, and this cold sweat made them rush to hide in the own Immortal Cave several times in a row, because they knew it was terrifying. The existence of is simply beyond their ability to contend, and now the easiest way for me to protect myself is to hide in a relatively safe place!

In this way, it can be guaranteed that they will not be immune from such a catastrophe. It is undeniable that the words of these gods and demons are very powerful, but if they are allowed to surrender their own lives, there will be no Doubt this is absolutely impossible, because they all know very well that in order to be able to cultivation themselves over the years, in order to make themselves stronger, they can be said to have spent a huge amount of money, if at this time If they are asked to hand over all their own Cultivation Base, it is undoubtedly impossible, and if they have to hand over their own lives, it will definitely be impossible, because they want to make themselves very It’s very powerful, and a very high price has already been paid. If the owner’s luggage is handed over directly, then the doubt will be overwhelming. It is in such a process that they are relatively safe in their words, and it is undeniable that as far as the current situation is concerned, they can indeed be protected from such disasters, and they Each cultivation is relatively difficult, especially in order to be able to become more powerful. Over the years, the power they need to spend can be said to be unmatched by ordinary people.The gods and demons of the heavens raised their heads to look at the farthest point, and in the process of looking, their eyes showed jealous faces, and they all said with great curiosity.

“What happened? Why did I suddenly feel such a terrifying and powerful existence. This terrifying and powerful existence is like a huge mountain and river directly pressing on me, and it makes me feel an inexplicable and powerful pressure. , And this kind of pressure makes my emotions relatively close to collapse. It is undeniable that this is indeed a very powerful existence, and it makes me feel that if I don’t hide well at this time, I might suffer. I am afraid that only Sage can show such a powerful deterrence in the disaster of extinction, but Sage is no longer there. Is it possible that there is a power as powerful as Sage in this world.”

“It seems that what is happening now is really a disaster for the entire southern world, and based on the current situation, if you can’t guarantee yourself against disaster, then the best choice is to hide in the own Immortal Cave. It is undeniable. Judging from the current situation, it is not clear what happened, but it is safe to say that a very powerful existence is about to emerge, and such a powerful existence is definitely not something we can compete with. Yes, so as a simple way, it is to obediently hide in the own Immortal Cave, so that you will avoid such disasters.”

“I never thought that the Lich War had just ended. These things happened immediately. And judging from the current situation, this kind of thing is far beyond everyone’s expectations. It is undeniable that I can feel it. Very powerful existences are constantly appearing directly between the heavens and the earth, and I can guarantee that such a powerful existence will definitely make people feel broken, and it cannot be contended at all. If it is forced to contend, it will be. Suffered from the disaster of extinction, and I can clearly feel the words of this powerful breath continue to spread, it seems that Heavenly Dao is showing off, and the words of Heavenly Dao are very angry, it seems that someone has already heard I heard the anger, so now I am going to drop the sky thunder to punish this person, but there is no doubt that the strength of this person is very strong, it seems that the punishment of the sky thunder is not calculated at all, and the thunder is getting stronger and stronger that day. At that time, it was not affected by the good behavior at all. On the contrary, he was very calm and directly chose to continue the Ascension own Cultivation Base. Tianlei’s punishment seems to be a very powerful one in this world, and it seems to have already surpassed the entire prehistoric world!”

“Who has such a powerful strength, if you know, even when Sage faced Heavenly Dao, he showed a relatively jealous look, because everyone knows very clearly that even Sage’s words are for the sake of It is possible to have a relatively safe cultivation environment. Therefore, for Heavenly Dao, there is also a certain respect for Heavenly Dao, and it is even more impossible to do something against Heavenly Dao. But now, this person is indeed direct. Ignore Heavenly Dao and forcefully want to make the own Cultivation Base higher. There is no doubt that this completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, and judging from the current situation, this is absolutely nothing everyone has. I think of it, one thing that is undeniable. Looking at the current situation, this person is indeed very powerful, and even he is not afraid to lick it, so I dare to do such a thing, I am very Curious, who on earth dared to do this, isn’t he afraid of Heavenly Dao’s punishment?”

Everyone is curious about what happened between heaven and earth, and it is undeniable that everyone is very surprised by the situation before us, because it hasn’t happened in a long time before that. It’s something, but it’s undeniable. Judging from the current situation, they are also very surprised. It is undeniable that if it were not for such a situation, it would not have alarmed so many gods and demons, and They have been able to clearly feel the strength of this individual, it can be said that it is far beyond all of them, and because he seems to have improved his own degree, or because of other things, they can clearly feel what they are now. Heavenly Dao above his head has become bigger and bigger, and with this pressure, they are almost out of breath. But it is undeniable that their current words came directly out of the animals, just at the beginning At the time they thought it was about to happen, they were unpredictably powerful and terrifying, but now it seems that their judgment is polluted, because they can say with certainty that Heavenly Dao continues to condense, but it is right. For them, there is no threat, so they can appear calmly and directly outside. At a certain moment, everyone clearly feels that this powerful breath seems a bit familiar. Soon there will be powerful gods, and the devil will react immediately. Coming over, he did not expect that this powerful aura was actually emitted from Jiang Yuan, because before then, they had felt such a powerful aura in the explainer, and it was precisely because of this that they felt it. When the powerful aura radiated from Jiang Yuan, everyone was surprised and speechless. Later, their faces became very clear and directly said: “I never thought that since this is radiating from Jiang Yuan Judging from the current situation, Heavenly Dao seems to have begun to prepare, and finally severely punished. Haha, it seems that this time, he will indeed be punished by Heavenly Dao. I never thought that Jiang Yuan would be here today. In the previous words, I thought that he was a very powerful existence, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that, and it is undeniable that now Heavenly Dao must have such a terrifying and powerful aura to punish Jiang. If this is the case, even Jiang Yuan could not withstand the punishment of such a powerful Heavenly Dao’s thunder. It seems that Jiang Yuan must admit it this time!”

Countless powerful gods and demons, the mood at this moment is relatively happy, and they definitely say that judging from the current situation, this is completely beyond their expectations. They were originally very curious. , What happened, and they also felt very strange, why Heavenly Dao suddenly became so terrifying, and seriously threatened their survival, but then when countless Heavenly Dao continue to gather towards a certain position At that time, they clearly discovered that Heavenly Dao was not to be able to draw any conclusions, it was originally to punish a certain powerful existence.

That’s why they suddenly and continuously condense, and when such a powerful existence exudes a very powerful aura, they clearly feel this aura, which they once felt from Jiang Yuan, that is to say. Now, Heavenly Dao wants to punish Jiang Yuan the most important thing. For them, this is not a happy thing. You must know that now, Jiang’s reason is his own strength, and he has snatched many treasures of the gods and demons from the heavens. Now, everyone can say that Jiang Yuan is daring to be angry and afraid to speak, because he is afraid of Jiang Yuan’s identity. After all, he is the head of the Lanxian, and they all know very well that the strength of the current drop is far beyond them. As expected, and it is undeniable, they all know very well that if Jiang Yuan is recruited, there will definitely not be any good consequences. The most obvious is that because of the previous homeowners’ battle, Jiang Yuan was just next to him. Watching the show.But I didn’t expect that because the Wu Clan summoned Pangu’s true body, he became very swollen. I felt that there was no choice and searched in time. Anyway, when facing Jiang Yuan, he took the initiative to recruit, which made it now. If the homeowner has truly made half of the owner’s luck disappeared, it is precisely because of this that their confidence can be said to be very depressed, and this matter can be said to be the whole world. The time is also very clear, and it is precisely because of this. Now they are all very clear. Now Jiang Yuan is definitely not something they can provoke. Therefore, the more you face such Xie Qin, Show that they can’t provoke Jiangyuan, because everyone is very clear between the world and the earth. I know that Jiangwon’s suffering is no longer something they can provoke casually. The more you face this situation, the more you are Yuan should be more polite, otherwise it may bring disaster to himself, and the words of the Wu clan are the best example.

It is undeniable that they are also very clear, so when they feel that these Heavenly Dao are actually preparing to shoot Jiang Yuan, their emotions are undoubtedly very excited, and the best Hearing that Jiang Yuan’s trouble can be solved completely, otherwise, whether it is for the monsters or the witches, this is a very troublesome thing, but if Jiang Yuan is directly destroyed , For them, this is not a good thing, because they all know very well that only Jiang Yuan is solved, and Sage is no longer there, then they can directly rule the entire wild world, whether for the Yaozu or It’s a great opportunity for the Wu Clan, but if reinforcements or homeowners exist between the world, it’s a very headache for them, and it’s because of this. Now, when they noticed that Heavenly Dao was about to punish Jiang Yuan, they all had the mentality of watching the show.

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