My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 316: The fourth level of divine refining is completed, and the divine killing technique

Chapter 316 The fourth level of divine refining is perfected, the divine killing technique

 Leaving the cave in Changling Mountain, Chu Ning first went to find the person in charge of the Changkong Palace to return the spirit stone he handed over, and then left the upper city.

 In total, Chu Ning has lived in this fairy city in Iceland for nearly thirty years, and spent hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones alone.

 Although there is not much left over from the previous pre-delivery, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Arriving at the lower city of Iceland Fairy City, Chu Ning looked around and then came to the place where Xi Minxia lived.

This female foundation-building cultivator has helped me a lot in the past ten years. It can be regarded as mutually beneficial and reasonable. Since I want to leave the fairy city of Iceland, I also want to say a word to the other party.

 “Senior is leaving the Fairy City of Iceland?”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Xi Minxia's expression suddenly changed.

“I wonder where my senior is going? If I want to find my senior in the future, how can I contact him?”

“I will travel for a while and may find a place to settle down, but I don’t know yet.”

Chun Ning answered casually.

 Then he casually took out a jade slip from his storage bag and handed it to the other party.

“Here are recorded some methods of making talismans for intermediate, mid-grade and high-grade talismans.

If you are interested, use it for research. If you master the art of making talismans, there should be no problem in ensuring the resources during the foundation building period. "

Xi Minxia looked at the jade slip in Chu Ning's hand, but did not directly reach out to take it.

She lowered her head slightly, biting her red lips, and finally plucked up the courage to raise her head and asked:

“Senior Chu, if you find a place to live and build a cave, can you...can you let me practice as well?”

Chun Ning looked at her calmly and did not speak directly.

 Xi Minxia had a blush on her face at this time, hesitated for a while, and finally said:

“If possible, the younger generation is willing to serve the elders.”

  While saying this, Xi Minxia quickly looked away, not daring to look at Chu Ning at all.

I was confessed by this founding girl?

Chun Ning could not say that he did not feel a little complacent at this moment.

However, with his current Qi-nourishing technique, it will not be revealed to the surface.

Chun Ning looked at Xi Minxia who was a little shy and lowered her head at the moment, and asked directly:

"Are you interested in my magical abilities, or are you interested in something else in me?"

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the blush on Xi Minxia's face suddenly disappeared. She raised her head and saw that Chu Ning's eyes were calm at the moment, but there was no sarcasm in them.

The expression on his face finally looked better.

 I understood that Chu Ning was asking her this question very seriously.

Xi Minxia was silent for a while, then she mustered up the courage to look at Chu Ning with clear eyes.

“I don’t know, the senior’s magical powers really give the junior a strong sense of security.

But I just heard that my senior was leaving, so I subconsciously wanted to follow him. "

Chuning looked at Xi Minxia's clear eyes at this moment and could feel the sincerity of the other party.

After pondering for a while, he sighed slightly and said:

“Your cultivation level is too low and you are not suitable to be my Taoist companion.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Xi Minxia's cold face showed an expression of no hesitation.

“I didn’t dare to think about being a Taoist companion of my senior. If my senior doesn’t mind me, I would be willing to serve as my concubine.”

Chuning sighed softly when he heard Xi Minxia's resolute attitude.

At this moment, what flashed through my mind was the figure of Cen Zijin.

  That Fairy Cen left such a deep impression on me at the beginning, and it was also the first time I felt excited after entering the world of immortal cultivation.

Although decades have passed, it is still vivid in my mind.

  Whether it’s the time you spend alone together from time to time, or the things before the other person leaves.

They all left a deep imprint on Chu Ning’s heart.

So much so that in Wuling Island, I spent several years with Shi Xuerong, who was also a talented Jindan monk.

 There is not much turmoil in my heart.

“You may just be a little hot-headed now. You can actually support yourself by relying on the skill of making talismans.

In this fairy city of Iceland, there are not many dangers, so there is no need to embarrass yourself. "

Chun Ning said, seeing Xi Minxia, ​​she wanted to say something else.

 He spoke calmly again:

 “I don’t need anyone else to serve me.”

Hearing Chu Ning say this, Xi Minxia's eyes flashed with sadness and loss.

He immediately took the jade slip from Chu Ning, bowed and said:

“It’s the junior who was abrupt. Thank you to the senior for taking care of the junior over the years.”

When Xi Minxia raised her head again, Chu Ning was nowhere to be seen.

Not long after, Chu Ning appeared in the inland sea and flew towards the unknown island.

“Sir, this Foundation Establishment nun is quite beautiful, and she is willing to be a concubine. Why don’t you accept her?”

At this moment, Bai Ling had transformed into a human form, sitting on a golden thunder eagle, and asked Chu Ning with a smile.

“Oh, I understand. Are you missing Fairy Cen?”

Chun Ning smiled noncommittally.

Then he slowly said: "Xi Minxia's cultivation talent is actually pretty good. If there is a chance to leave Beihan and return to Jiuhua Sect in the future.

It would be better to consider taking her to the sect to practice. As for the matter of serving as a concubine, let's forget about it. "

Cultivation in the Northern Cold Land is not bad. Chu Ning actually got a lot of cultivation resources here.

But since Chu Ning entered the cultivation sect, the places where he feels most comfortable are Qianhu Qiandao and Jiuhua Sect.

 Among them, Jiuhua Sect ranks first in my heart.

 Over the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, in fact, it was more about the feeling of freedom and the way I got along with Cen Zijin there.

 But Qianhu Qiandao has insufficient spiritual energy and insufficient resources.

 Within the Jiuhua Sect, the entire sect has revitalized the atmosphere of unity within the sect, as well as the convenience of large sects in terms of resources.

 In Chu Ning’s opinion, they are all the first choice places.

So if there is a chance, Chu Ning will naturally want to return to Jiuhua Sect to practice.

Of course, I can only think about it now.

Having stayed in this northern cold land for nearly thirty years, Chu Ning naturally tried his best to find out some ways to leave this place.

But apart from flying away through the boundless sea, Chu Ning really didn't know any other way to leave this northern cold land.

 But to fly to the boundless sea, you must first pass through the boundless sea or the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

And these two places are where the tenth-level monster is located. Now Chu Ning will naturally not take risks easily.

Flying back to the island cave, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to set up the cave formation.

 Going directly into the place where the magic array was originally arranged, he took out a white flower from the storage bag.

This flower has no leaves, and only one complete petal is rolled into a circle.

 White as snow, as if condensed from the purest spiritual energy.

Chuning touched it lightly, and the petals rippled like water waves.

As soon as this thing was taken out, Chu Ning suddenly felt that the air around him became fresh and full of vitality, and his whole spirit became extremely clear.

  Leafless flower!

This is the name Chu Ning chose himself. This flower was one of the spiritual plants that Chu Ning brought out when he was in the golden spiritual realm.

 Because he felt the wood essence on it, he focused on cultivating it together with another golden-scaled vine.

 It took nearly thirty years for this flower to bloom again.

Chuning picked one when it was first transplanted.

At this moment, Chu Ning closed his eyes and began to practice the divine refining technique, and his spiritual consciousness directly reached the leafless flower. In just a few seconds, Chu Ning felt a pure wood essence energy being absorbed by him.

 When you start refining it, condense it into the sea of ​​consciousness and strengthen your spiritual consciousness.

Nearly two hours passed in this way.


Chu Ning suddenly felt that a silent wave sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

 The next moment, the entire spiritual platform suddenly became extremely clear.

 And his spiritual consciousness also automatically extends outwards and continues to expand.

 “The fourth level of divine refining is complete!”

 Such a feeling immediately made Chu Ning understand the progress of his cultivation.

He couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart.

You must know that before this, his consciousness had exceeded 5,600 feet, which is 37.5 miles.

As for the cultivation of the fourth level of divine refining, according to the records of Master Shenmeng, after the cultivation is completed, the spiritual consciousness can increase eight times.

Chun Ning's consciousness continued to expand outwards, reaching a distance of a hundred miles in an instant.

At this moment, Chu Ning could feel that the intensity of the divine sense induction was weakening, but there was still no sign of stopping.

 Two hundred miles!

 Spiritual consciousness is still expanding outward.

 Two hundred and twenty miles, two hundred and forty miles...three hundred miles!

 When his spiritual consciousness reached three hundred miles, his spiritual consciousness finally stopped.

At this moment, Chu Ning's mouth was slightly open, with a look of shock on his face.

This goddess is not exaggerated in the refining magic.

His spiritual consciousness actually reached eight times as much!

“Three hundred miles, although after exceeding a hundred miles, I felt that the intensity of my spiritual consciousness continued to weaken.

However, it can cover a distance of three hundred miles. I am afraid that even ordinary Nascent Soul monks will never be able to reach such a distance! "

Chun Ning was shocked.

 While I feel great joy in my heart, I am also full of doubts.

 Why is it that the practice of divine refining can increase spiritual consciousness to such an exaggerated degree?

But the divine refining technique of Master Shenmeng is just a secret technique derived from the Beichuan sect.

If understood in this way, is it possible that the secret technique has an even more exaggerated use in increasing spiritual consciousness?

Even though Chu Ning was filled with doubts, such doubts did not cover up Chu Ning's inner joy.

 He began to slowly withdraw his consciousness, and then paused slightly when he reached about a hundred miles.

 The face showed a look of thoughtfulness.

“At a distance of one hundred miles, the intensity of the entire spiritual consciousness is still completely different from that of three hundred miles. Its intensity is one level higher, and it is no different than if it were spread out for ten or twenty miles.

 It seems that the increase in spiritual consciousness is only reflected in the distance, and does not reach eight times in intensity. "

Thinking of this, Chu Ning's heart moved.

“Could this be the reason why Master Shenmeng called divine refining an entry point? If you practice the complete secret technique, even the intensity can be increased to such a distance.

 In other words, if I continue to absorb the energy of wood essence to strengthen my consciousness.

Even if one has a breakthrough and strengthens his spiritual consciousness, can there be such an improvement in intensity, just like the continuous improvement of distraction skills? "

At this moment, Chu Ning has many speculations in his mind, and these obviously need to be confirmed by him.

Having realized the power of the increase in his spiritual consciousness, Chu Ning slowly opened his eyes and began to observe the progress of his cultivation in his mind.

Since you have reached the fourth level of perfection in the art of refining the gods, it stands to reason that you will also refresh your magical powers and secrets.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), second level (43028/100000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Level 2 (33445/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (64000/64000)】

 【The fourth level of divine refining is completed, the natural magical power is refreshed, and the magical secret skill "God-killing Technique" is rewarded】

 Ch Ning's eyes lit up slightly when he saw the name of this secret technique.

 Since I have been practicing the art of refining the gods, I have refreshed my magical powers and secrets four times in total.

Forbidden God Technique, Distracting God Technique, Illusion God Technique, and now, the God-Destroying Technique has been refreshed.

Just by hearing the name, Chu Ning knew that this should be a secret technique of spiritual attack.

Look at the introduction of this magic.

 It was indeed not what Chu Ning expected.

 The art of killing gods can initially reach the point where the divine consciousness can be transformed into a tangible blade and slash at the opponent.

  If the opponent thinks it is a spell attack and uses it for ordinary defense, it can severely damage the opponent with one blow.

Of course, the God-killing Technique can also directly use invisible attacks.

 But in this way, the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness will be noticed by the opponent when approaching.

 The power of the God-killing Technique is also the same as the Illusion God Technique, and is related to distance.

Chun Ning read the introduction to this technique and immediately understood it.

“To put it simply, when the consciousness is too far apart, the other party may not be able to feel a direct invisible attack.

Even if you feel it, you have no ability to resist such an intense spiritual attack.

And if the spiritual consciousness is similar, it is to directly transform the spiritual consciousness into form and launch an attack, causing the opponent to misjudge. "

Chuning thought of this, a smile flashed in his eyes.

With the strength of his current spiritual consciousness, if he can achieve the same spiritual consciousness, there is a high probability that he will be a Yuanying monk or above.

 For ordinary Jindan monks, they are absolutely crushing existences.

 As for being attacked by divine consciousness, there is no need to worry too much.

 With his current strength of divine consciousness, coupled with the Forbidden God Technique.

Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator launches a spiritual attack, it will only come back in vain. Instead, it can injure the opponent through backlash.

 Chuning has always been relatively cautious about spiritual attacks.

 Even if it launches a spiritual attack, it mostly relies on the ancient disk of reincarnation.

 But now, there is obviously less scruple.

While thinking in his mind, Chu Ning's consciousness was released again, covering the entire island.

 Then he landed on a second-level monster.

 Because this island has hidden spiritual veins, but the spiritual energy is not visible, these monsters are already at a relatively high level on this island.

 The art of killing gods!

 The consciousness shrouded it, and Chu Ning directly used the secret technique.

This second-order monster suddenly stiffened, and the next moment, it fell directly to the ground.

 “Kill invisible!”

At this moment, Chu Ning truly felt what it meant to kill someone invisible.

The two were nearly ten miles apart. Chu Ning had a thought and a second-level monster was directly killed by it!

 “What a powerful secret technique!”

 Subsequently, Chu Ning began to move his distance continuously, looking for monsters in the inner sea to experiment with.

  It was finally determined that within one mile, the God-killing Technique was not affected by the weakening at all.

 The attack lethality within ten miles is top-notch.

 Such a range, although not comparable to the coverage of divine consciousness, is absolutely terrifying!

 (End of this chapter)

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