My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 315: Feeling like my body has been hollowed out

Chapter 315: Feeling like my body is being hollowed out

Chuning looked at the ancient knife at this moment, but saw a dark red color in the blood groove on the knife.

  Completely different from the empty one before.

“Is this because the power was not released after absorbing the essence and blood, so the essence and blood was not consumed?”

Chuning had a vague guess at this time.

There was a smile on his face.

 This is quite convenient.

You must know that his magic power is only enough to activate this ancient sword once.

 In this way, there is no need to consume blood essence every time when facing an enemy.

As for the essence contained in the mouthful of blood he just sprayed out, Chu Ning can make up for it in a few days of practice.

Chuning casually put the ancient knife into his most commonly used storage bag.

 Immediately, he walked to the corpse of the old black demon again.

Took off the other party's storage bag and checked it carefully.

After finding nothing else, he directly activated the fireball technique and turned the opponent's body that was split in half into ashes.

At this time, Chu Ning opened the storage bag and poured out all the contents.

 The first thing that fell into Chu Ning's eyes was a jade bottle.

 It is the jade bottle that Situ Yan used before with a drop of thousand-year spiritual milk.

Chuning opened it and glanced inward, his eyes suddenly brightened.

 However, I saw that the Millennium Spiritual Milk inside was half a bottle, probably nearly fifty drops.

“How come this old devil has so many thousand-year-old spiritual milk?”

 Chun Ning’s eyes were full of surprise.

You must know that Thousand-Year Spiritual Milk, once a monk collects it, will rarely trade it.

  After all, this thing is useful to monks, and it can even be used to save lives in many cases.

Just like Situ Yan just now, if he didn't think that the ancient sword was enough to kill Chu Ning, then when Chu Ning's spiritual sword attacked, it would be too late to take the thousand-year spiritual milk.

As long as the opponent has time to drink a drop, Chu Ning's blow may injure the old devil.

 But it is still a bit difficult to kill with one blow.

Chun Ning thought for a moment and realized that this might have something to do with the other party's use of the secret method to extend longevity.

Although the opponent is at the peak of the late Golden elixir, at this stage the Golden elixir is not strong enough and the elixir power is likely to be insufficient.

 That’s why we collect and prepare so many thousand-year spiritual milk to prepare for the battle.

At this moment, these spiritual milks naturally benefited Chu Ning.

 Then, Chu Ning continued to search and check among the pile of things.

After all, he is an old devil who has lived for eight or nine hundred years, and there are really a lot of high-quality things.

However, many of the things the other party collected seemed to be used to refine magic skills and magic weapons, and Chu Ning could not use them very much.

  There is something called Tianli Water, which is one of the materials for refining the Water Spirit Sword.

There are also some spiritual stones and some normal elixirs and elixirs, which Chu Ning also collected separately.

In addition, there are also some jade slips recording martial arts and spells.

It's just that Situ Yan practices demonic techniques and spells, and Chu Ning is also not interested in them.

Only one of the jade slips, which recorded the name of Phantom Escape Technique, was taken out by Chu Ning alone and was currently being studied in his hand.

 In fact, Chu Ning is quite interested in the old devil's secret method of extending life span.

Although Chu Ning didn't have any use for this thing, he still wanted to take a look and study it.

 Even if you take it out for trading, it should be very popular with other monks.

Unfortunately, Chu Ning searched the entire storage bag and couldn't find it.

As for this phantom escape technique, Chu Ning guessed that it was the escape technique that Situ Yan had used before.

Chun Ning was quite impressed by the escape technique, so he took it out to study it now.

Bai Ling watched Chu Ning sorting out these things without saying anything.

Her face was still in deep contemplation at this moment, and it seemed that she was still thinking about the simulated breath.

 The two of them were thinking about their own things.

At this moment, Chu Ning looked at the content recorded on the jade slip and felt extremely happy in her heart.

“This phantom escape is not a magical skill, but a special escape technique that consumes a lot of mana.

The reason why the old demon had purple and black mist before was entirely due to the magic power practiced by the other party.

This escape technique can be practiced, after all, it is much faster than the divine wind escape.

Moreover, when this escape technique is performed, it will leave an phantom in place. If it is not a monk with very strong spiritual consciousness, it cannot be detected, but it can be used to deceive some attack spells. "

Chun Ning’s interest increased greatly after seeing it.

 After even releasing the two golden thunder eagles, they allowed them to hunt on their own.

 And he began to think about the phantom escape technique.

 This thing can be cultivated on this overseas island.

 Most of a day later, Chu Ning put down the jade slip.

He saw Bai Ling looking at him with a happy face.

 “Sir, I remembered.”

Bai Ling said with a smile at this moment:

“There is indeed a secret technique in my inherited memory that can simulate the breath, and it can even completely simulate the breath of a tenth-level monster.

It's just that this practice is a bit difficult, and with my current level of practice, I still need to use a treasure called the Cold Marrow Bead. "

“Cold Marrow Pearl?” Chu Ning raised his eyebrows slightly, “What is that?”

 Bai Ling was also stunned at this time.

"Hey, Master, don't you know? When I broke through and advanced to the next level, I didn't have enough spiritual energy. Didn't Master give me a cold marrow bead?"

“Is that the cold marrow bead?”

After hearing this, Chu Ning had a surprised expression on his face.

No wonder he didn’t know what it was at first, but he had never heard of it before.

“I originally learned that it was in the hands of the young master of the Phantom Sect, but I didn’t know what it was called.”

Bai Ling thought for a moment and said:

“There is an introduction to this thing in my inheritance memory.

This cold marrow bead was born in cold jade and can only be found in extremely cold places. "

“An extremely cold place.” Chu Ning nodded and said:

“This northern cold land should be the place with the most extremely cold places in the entire Tianyan Realm.

 I will keep an eye out to look for it. "

 After speaking, Chu Ning said to Bai Ling:

“I let Dajin and Xiaojin go out to find something to eat, so you can take a look.

 Let's stay here for a few days, and I can also practice the new escape technique I just learned. "

 “Okay, sir.”

After answering, Bai Ling returned to his true form, flapped his wings and flew away.

The spiritual energy of the spiritual island here is thin, and it is in the inland sea, so no big monsters will appear.

Chu Ning didn't need to worry too much. After Bai Ling left, he meditated on the spot and recovered his mana.

  When he just tried the ancient sword, nine out of ten of his mana had been exhausted.

 At this moment, if you want to practice this phantom escape, which consumes a lot of mana, you need to recover first.

 And he was not in a hurry anyway, so naturally he would not waste the thousand-year spiritual milk easily.

 It took me meditating for half a day to recover my mana.

Chun Ning began to practice Phantom Escape above the island.

 I saw it transform into a blue shadow, flying continuously in the air.

 The speed is slow at first and the blue track is still visible.

 But gradually, the speed became faster and faster, but there was no trace of escape at all.

The figure at that moment had just dispersed, and Chu Ning's figure had already appeared at the next point.

Chun Ning has been practicing for half a day and feels that he has initially mastered the Phantom Escape Queen.

 This is the end of the practice.

Of course, if you want the speed to be faster and the phantom to be more realistic, you need to practice further.

But at this moment, Chu Ning could no longer continue practicing. The reason was very simple. At this moment, he only felt that his body was hollowed out.

 Mana consumption is too high.

“The performance of Phantom Escape indeed consumes a lot of mana. During this short half-day, I would stop to recover my mana every time I practiced.

 But even so, 90% of the mana was still consumed.

If it were fully used, with my current strength of mana, I would probably only be able to use it for at most half an hour. "

Chuning finished muttering softly, and then prepared to meditate again to restore his mana.

But at this time, Chu Ning was suddenly stunned again.

  Why did Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles go away for so long without returning?

 I went back and forth, but it took almost a day.

Thinking like this, Chu Ning's consciousness spread out and expanded directly towards the outside.

 With the strength of his consciousness, he can already cover the entire island.

What surprised Chu Ning was that he did not find the three spiritual beasts. Instead, his spiritual consciousness was blocked when it touched an area.

 “Hmm? Formation?”

Chun Ning's expression changed, and his body turned into a blue shadow and ran straight away.

 In just a moment, Chu Ning arrived at the formation.

After feeling it for a while, Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is a formation here, it is not particularly advanced.

 Such a formation should not be able to trap Bai Ling.

Just when Chu Ning was preparing to break the formation and enter.

 With a flash of white light, Bai Ling had already emerged from the formation.

 As soon as the formation came out, Bai Ling turned into a human form.

When he saw Chu Ning, he immediately smiled and asked, "Hey, sir, are you here too?"

“Well, why have you been here so long?”

Chun Ning nodded, and then asked with some confusion:

 “Where are Dajin and Xiaojin?”

"The two of them are in the formation." Bai Ling said with a smile at this moment.

“This formation is a phantom formation. I saw that Da Jin and Xiao Jin seemed quite happy entering it, so I controlled the phantom formation to create some illusions.

 You should be having fun now. "

"You can actually control the formation?" Chu Ning's face changed slightly at this moment.

Bai Ling said with a smile:

"I also tried this formation after seeing it today and found out that as long as it is not too complicated, if I break the restrictions, I can dispel the formation."

“This incredible talent.” Chu Ning shook his head and sighed.

Although this magic formation is indeed not too advanced, it looks like a relatively elementary magic formation.

But Bai Ling is a monster that can not only break the formation, but can even control it.

This is exactly the same as a human monk.

"Could it be that the ancient spiritual beasts, or the demons who have cultivated to a certain stage, practice the same way as humans?" Chu Ning had some vague guesses.

He is not from this world after all, and he has seen a lot of weird things before traveling through time.

There are more ideas.

“Sir, why don’t you ask me why I stayed in this formation for so long?”

At this time, Bai Ling said with a smile again.

 Chun Ning felt moved after hearing this.

“Why, is there some secret in this formation?

That's right. Otherwise, no one usually cares about this small island. How could anyone set up a position here? "

Bai Ling nodded at this time and said: "Young master is right, but this formation must not have been here for a long time.

  Many places have been damaged by monsters. Looking at the things arranged inside, I’m afraid no one has been here for more than ten years.

Mr. Master, go and have a look with me and you will know. "

With that said, Ling Xiaobai waved his hand and sent out a white light, which enveloped Chu Ning and led Chu Ning directly into the formation.

Chun Ning nodded. Since he was promoted to the fifth level monster after forming the pill, Bai Ling has become more and more free in using spells.

 Entering the formation, Chu Ning quickly felt the existence of the illusion.

It's just that such an illusion has no effect at all on Chu Ning, who possesses the magic of magic.

He looked at the two golden thunder eagles playing happily in the illusion, shook his head and said:

"Okay, let's get rid of the illusion. Being trapped in the illusion for a long time will cause some damage to the consciousness."

 “Yes, sir!”

Bai Ling used both hands to perform a mysterious technique that Chu Ning had never seen before, which fell within the formation restrictions.

The illusion within the formation was lifted, and the two golden thunder eagles suddenly woke up.

At the same time, the two eyes that usually looked very sharp now showed a look of confusion.

Bai Lingjiao laughed and said a few words to the two golden thunder eagles.


The two golden thunder eagles made a sad sound, and then fluttered their wings and came to Chu Ning.

Chun Ning put the two golden thunder eagles into the storage bag.

 Then he said to Bai Ling:

 “Come on, take me to see what else there is.”

Following Bai Ling into the cave that was obviously opened by man, Chu Ning took a look and found that indeed many places were covered in dust, as if no one had been there for a long time.

 But when he continued to follow Bai Ling forward, and was about to go deep into the ground, his heart moved slightly.

 “Hey, the aura the hidden spiritual vein?”

Chuning suddenly remembered the location of his cave when he was in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

Bai Ling responded with a smile at this time:

“Young master guessed it right, it’s the hidden spirit vein.

Although his spiritual veins are not very big, his level is not low, even compared to the cave where the young master is now in the fairy city of Iceland. "

Hearing Bai Ling's words, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Then he quickly walked towards the ground.

Soon he came to the hidden spiritual vein in the ground.

“Sure enough, this spiritual vein is probably at the top level of the third level.”

Chun Ning nodded with satisfaction. The spiritual energy that this level of spiritual veins can release is indeed no worse than his cave in the fairy city of Iceland.

Bai Ling has been following Chu Ning for a long time and has long understood Chu Ning's thoughts. When he saw Chu Ning's expression, he smiled and asked:

“Young master, do you think this place is suitable for opening a cave?”

Chuning nodded slightly.

 In fact, he had already had the idea of ​​finding a place to open a cave outside.

Living in the Fairy City of Iceland is easy and convenient, but there are also some inconveniences.

For example, the escape technique he just wanted to practice was inconvenient to practice.

 For another example, he has been thinking about setting up a cloud thunder array and trying to use the power of thunder to temper his body.

But later on, the human-monster clans turned against each other, and Chu Ning had some things in her hand that she needed to refine and cultivate in a hurry, so she put the matter on hold.

Now encountering such a place really made Chu Ning want to set up a cave.

  Returning to the ground again, Chu Ning thought for a while and said:

“Let’s stay on this island for half a year. If the people from this cave don’t come back within half a year, I will make use of this hidden spiritual vein.

This half year is just enough time to prepare some things so that you can practice here with peace of mind in the future. "

Although Chu Ning felt that the owner of this cave probably left or died for some reason.

 However, after all, this is where someone had set up a cave before.

 It is somewhat unjustifiable for me to take possession of it as soon as I discovered it.

"Okay." When Bai Ling heard Chu Ning say this, he naturally agreed.

 She and the two golden thunder eagles are much freer on the island, and they don't have to be trapped in the cave every day.

 In the next half year, Chu Ning spent most of his time on this island.

 Normally, he practices meditation in the hidden spiritual veins underground, and also practices phantom escape.

 At the same time, I drew some high-level talismans to exchange for some cultivation resources in Shuangyue Pavilion.

 In the middle of the journey, Chu Ning also left the island several times.

 First of all, I went to Shuangyue to exchange for things, including those who arranged formations and those who refined elixirs.

 There is also the ice-condensing jade.

After seeing the power of the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman, Chu Ning naturally felt that the more of these talismans he had in hand, the better.

 Before he breaks through to the Yuanying monk, this will be an extremely important killing move in his hand.

In addition, Chu Ning also asked Shuangyue Pavilion about the cold marrow bead.

The news we got is that even in this northern cold land, cold marrow beads are extremely rare.

 Shuangyue Pavilion is not something you can take out just as you want.

During this period, Chu Ning also went to the Xuefeng Mountains, naturally looking for some natural and earthly treasures.

 Compared to the Boundless Sea, there will be fewer attacks on humans by monsters in the Snow Peak Mountains.

This is mainly because monsters are mainly concentrated deep in the mountains, and there are also big monsters in these mountains.

 But the area is not as big as the boundless sea, and the monks are also worried that going too deep will easily attract the big monsters there.

 So you generally don’t choose to go too deep into the mountains to hunt monsters.

Of course, the conflict between the human and demon tribes is not that deep.

Although Chu Ning’s magical powers are far different from those of ordinary monks, he doesn’t choose to take too many risks.

On the contrary, with his excellent spiritual consciousness, Chu Ning chose to avoid places where there might be monsters of level seven or above.

 In this way, and after Bai Ling advanced to a higher level, he became more sensitive to all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and he gained a lot almost every time.

Within half a year, some passing monks naturally came to the island.

But Chu Ning basically ignored it. Unless someone took the initiative to attack and destroy the illusory formation, he would retreat in fear.

 Half a year passed by and the owner of the cave on this island never showed up. Chu Ning also decided to officially move out of the fairy city in Iceland and build his own cave on this island.

But before that, there are still some things to deal with.

 In the fairy city of Iceland, Chu Ning refined the elixirs in the alchemy room for more than ten days before leaving the alchemy room.

The rest of the island is pretty good, but there is no Earthline Fire.

Although the elixir Chu Ning wants to refine, there are some materials that can be refined using elixir fire.

  But there are still some materials that need to be refined by earth fire.

Chun Ning can also arrange formations and use his own refined earth vein essence fire to simulate earth fire alchemy.

But Chu Ning thought that as long as one-time alchemy was enough, there would not be many opportunities for him to make alchemy next, so he was too lazy to waste the earth vein essence fire.

After refining the elixir, Chu Ning came to the medicine garden and began to collect several elixirs planted here into his storage bag, preparing to transplant them to the island.

At this time, Chu Ning’s eyes fell on dozens of spiritual plants, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.


This kind of spiritual fruit is the only one that Chu Ning has grown and survived among the many spiritual fruits he brought from the Wuling Island.

  And it was the result later.

 But the surface of this spirit fruit should have been purple, but now it is blue.

And Chu Ning has been in this fairy city in Iceland for nearly thirty years.

 However, this fruit has not changed much. It has grown a bit in size, from the size of a little finger before to now the size of a thumb.

 But we don’t know how long it will take before it reaches full maturity.

 So much so that later on, Chu Ning basically didn’t ask Bai Ling to ripen him, and even he himself didn’t use the Xuan Qing Hua Technique every time.

After a slight hesitation, Chu Ning decided to transplant all the dozens of spiritual plants and carefully put them into storage bags.

 Although in his opinion, it took a lot of time to cultivate these spiritual plants.

 But twenty or thirty years, for some spiritual plants, is actually not a long time.

Many of the elixirs in Chu Ning's hands were transplanted from the spiritual realm or other places with sufficient spiritual energy, so it would naturally be faster to cultivate and plant them.

Like Xue Jingzhi, it has been transplanted for more than three thousand years.

 As for the Ming Ling Fruit, I don’t know how many years it has been, but it was finally ripened by Chu Ning.

As for the various original power spiritual fruits in the soulless island, it is unknown how many thousands of years they have grown.

Based on this calculation, the time for these dozens of spiritual plants to grow is really not that long.

 Put all the spiritual plants in the cave into the storage bag.

Then he took away all the restrictions he had placed in the room, and then Chu Ning walked out of the cave.

Arrived outside the nearby Changling Mountain Cave House, Chu Ning sent a message.

Soon, Chang Lingshan introduced Chu Ning into the cave and said with a smile:

“Fellow Daoist Chu is a rare visitor, but our neighbors haven’t seen him for more than ten years.”

Chuning nodded and said with emotion:

“Yes, I have been in seclusion for the past ten years or so. The first ten years have been.

 I left quarantine half a year ago and went out for a walk again.

This time I am here to say goodbye to Brother Chang. I am planning to go out for a while, and I may not be in the Fairy City of Iceland for a long time. "

"Brother Chu is leaving the Fairy City of Iceland?" Chang Lingshan was slightly startled when he heard Chu Ning's words.

Then he sighed with emotion: "Fellow Daoist Wu left before, and now Brother Chu has also left. There are fewer and fewer acquaintances in this fairy city in Iceland."

"Fellow Daoist Wu has also left?" Chu Ning was slightly surprised, but he didn't know that Wu Rongfeng had also left the fairy city of Iceland.

“Three years ago, Taoist Wu went to Shenyin Valley. He came to say goodbye before leaving, but Brother Chu was in retreat at that time.

 So she didn’t bother you either. "

Chun Ning nodded, waiting to say something.

Chang Lingshan had already continued:

“By the way, Brother Chu, when Fellow Daoist Wu left, he specifically asked me to pass on a message, asking you to make a trip to Shenyin Valley after you leave the customs.”

“Going to Shenyin Valley?” Chu Ning was somewhat surprised.

However, since the other party said this, he naturally would not tell Chang Lingshan anything specific, so Chu Ning did not ask any more questions.

After chatting with Chang Lingshan for a while, Chu Ning left the other party's cave, but he was secretly thinking about it.

“Before decorating the cave, you can go to Shenyin Valley first. After the decoration is completed, you will have to retreat and start practicing hard.

But before that, let’s go to the island to practice the magic! "

When Chu Ning's fourth level of divine refining came out half a year ago, it was already on the verge of a breakthrough, and now it finally has an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

 (End of this chapter)

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