My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 317: Bi Ling Black and White Demons

Chapter 317 The Black and White Demons of Biling

 He kept trying to use the God-Decapitating Technique around the island. Even later, he had begun to try to combine the Distraction Technique with the God-Decapitating Technique.

Try to send out two decapitation spells at the same time to attack different targets.

 After practicing the God-Slaying Technique around the island for a long time, Chu Ning finally returned to the island.

 Started to think seriously about opening up the cave.

If it were just to open a cave, it would not be too difficult for Chu Ning.

However, considering the convenience of practicing in the future, it is naturally more appropriate to arrange the formation on the entire island.

Originally, Chu Ning thought of going to Shuangyue Pavilion and buying all the final formation materials before leaving the Fairy City in Iceland.

But because in the fairy city of Iceland, monks generally do not need to set up cave formations.

 Hence, in terms of formation materials, there is not much supply.

 Some high-end formation materials are not as abundant as those in Haiyun Basin and Hanyan Continent.

So Chu Ning simply did not go to Shuangyue Pavilion, but planned to go directly to Hanyan City to buy again.

When Chu Ning appeared again in the lower city of Iceland Fairy City and used the teleportation array to go to Cold Rock City, his appearance had already changed.

He had stayed in Cold Rock City for two months before and was very familiar with it.

 After entering the city, we went directly to the largest trading place in the city.

Although this place is slightly inferior to Shuangyue Pavilion in terms of elixirs and refining materials.

 But in terms of formation materials, it is indeed more complete than Shuangyue Pavilion.

Chun Ning spent a day wandering around the city and collected a lot of advanced formation materials.

 After collecting the materials, Chu Ning flew directly to the Shenyin Valley, preparing to find a place to change his appearance, and then head to the Shenyin Valley.

There is also a teleportation array between Hanyan City and Shenyin Valley, but it is a one-way teleportation array.

Monks from Shenyin Valley can reach Hanyan City through this formation, but they cannot go to Shenyin Valley.

 This is obviously also for the sake of sect security.

The distance between Shenyin Valley and Hanyan City is about five thousand miles, which is medium among the major sects in Hanyan Continent.

Chuning flew less than a thousand miles before stopping directly in the air.

Looking at his side and behind, he slowly spoke.

“Fellow Taoist has followed me all the way from Hanyan City, why don’t you show up to meet me.”

Chun Ning's words were deliberately controlled, and he could hear them clearly even ten miles away.

 You may not be able to hear it clearly in other places.

 After Chu Ning said these words, a figure immediately flew from the side and behind.

Before anyone arrived, a burst of laughter could be heard.

“Taoist friends have magical powers. I was so far away and even used the concealment technique. Unexpectedly, I was discovered by Taoist friends.”

As he said these words, there was already another person in front of Chu Ning.

He is a middle-aged monk with a thin appearance and a shrewd face. This person is also in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

 There is the most conspicuous black mole on the left cheek.

As soon as he saw Chu Ning, the middle-aged monk with a mole on his face immediately raised his hands and said:

“I am Feng Yanzhang, a casual cultivator in Hanyun Continent. I have met my Taoist friend. Do you know his surname?”

When Chu Ning heard this, he did not answer. Instead, he stared at this person coldly.

 “If you don’t even know my name, why are you still coming with me?”

"Fellow Taoist, don't get me wrong, Feng has no ill intentions." Feng Yanzhang said with a smile at this moment.

“Fellow Taoist bought so many formation materials in Cold Rock City, so he must be good at formations.”

When Chu Ning heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“You started following me in Seyan City?”

As soon as Feng Yanzhang heard Chu Ning’s unkind tone, he immediately smiled and waved his hand:

“Fellow Taoist, don’t get me wrong, I just recently wanted to find a Taoist who is good at formations to cooperate with me, so I bribed several monks in the city. If anyone wants to buy advanced formation materials, please let me know.

I didn’t expect that several monks reported that the people who bought the formation materials were all fellow Taoists. I was overjoyed and followed them. It was indeed a bit abrupt and presumptuous, and I asked fellow Taoists to forgive me. "

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Ning frowned slightly.

 In order to collect more high-end formation materials, he went to several shops in the market.

 But I don’t know which company leaked the news.

However, these merchants attach great importance to credibility and generally do not choose to tell others the information.

But I don’t know if it’s because of his handsome appearance or because of this person’s great supernatural powers.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Chu Ning said directly to the other party:

“Fellow Taoist, please explain your purpose directly. I don’t like beating around the bush.”

 “Refreshing!” Feng Yanzhang clapped his hands at this moment and said with a smile:

“I just like to deal with people who are cheerful, so I’ll just say that.

I discovered a secret cave of ancient monks. The cave doesn't look big, but there are ancient formations on it. I think there should be some treasures there.


 “Not interested!” Chu Ning refused without even thinking.

 He ​​has never met the person in front of him, so he will not go hunting for treasures with strangers.

Seeing Chu Ning's straightforward refusal, he even had the intention of turning around and leaving.

Then Feng Yanzhang dodged, stopped directly in front of Chu Ning, and said with a smile on his face:

“Hey, fellow Taoist, don’t refuse so quickly.

That cave is located in the Ice Crown Mountain of Hanyan Continent, which is a famously extremely cold place.

Ordinary Jindan monks simply cannot stay in that kind of place for a long time, so the cave is most likely the cave of Yuanying and above monks.

Fellow Taoist, are you really not moved at all? "

After hearing this, Chu Ning said coldly again:

“Fellow Taoist, I have found the wrong person. Firstly, I don’t understand many formations, and secondly, I have no interest in the ancient monk’s cave.”

Originally, Chu Ning thought that since she had refused in this way, Feng Yanzhang would no longer be entangled.

Unexpectedly, this person still said with a smile on his face:

“Fellow Taoist, you can also mention the conditions first. I have collected some good things in the past few years.

 If fellow Taoist is willing to help break the formation, I am willing to pay fellow Taoist some reward first.

How about if the ancient monk's cave is opened later and we can share the things in it equally? "

 “I think I’ve made it clear enough…”

Chuning was about to refuse, but at this moment, his words suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked at the appearance of the two people who had just flown in.

 After Chu Ning raised his head and took a few breaths, Feng Yanzhang also felt something and looked up.

 Then his face changed slightly.

“No, why are they two here?”

Muttered something softly, Feng Yanzhang immediately sent a message to Chu Ning:

“Fellow Taoist, please don’t mention what I just said.

 The person coming here is the Black and White Demon of Biling, who is extremely difficult to deal with. If I ask, just say you don’t know me. "

While Feng Yanyin was transmitting the message and speaking, two figures flew over.

Both of them are in their sixties, with very similar looks, and a fierce look on their faces.

 The difference is that the person on the left is wearing a black robe, while the person on the right is wearing a white robe.

 They have all reached the peak level of the late Jindan period.

After the two arrived, their eyes briefly glanced at Chu Ning and Feng Yanzhang, and then the old man wearing a robe on the right took the lead and said:

“So it’s Fellow Daoist Feng. He’s in such a hurry to leave the city, but he doesn’t know what treasure he’s discovered yet?”

“You are joking, Daoyou Daoist Xu.” Feng Yanzhang was obviously very wary of these two people, and he replied with a smile on his face.

 “I just happened to go out of the city for a walk.”

“Oh, really?” The white-robed old man named Xu glanced at the two of them again, and then fell on Chu Ning.

“What about this fellow Taoist? But I don’t know who he is. Wouldn’t Fellow Daoist Feng introduce me to him?”

Feng Yanzhang smiled again.

“Fellow Taoist Xu is really making things difficult for me. I have just met this fellow Taoist.

He just asked me for directions, so we chatted here for a few times. "

After the old man surnamed Bai and Xu heard this, a sarcastic look flashed through his eyes, and he turned to Chu Ning and said:

“This fellow Taoist looked strange, could he be a monk on an island or in a mountain?

 In terms of our familiarity with the area around Hanyan City, the two of us are no worse than Daoyou Feng.

But I don’t know if the Taoist friend has asked for the way. If not, we brothers can show the way to the Taoist friend. "

“I’ve already asked about the road, so I won’t bother you fellow Taoist.” After saying that, Chu Ning turned around and flew forward to prepare to leave.

 He was not clear about the relationship between the three of them, and had no interest in finding out.

Looking at the two black and white demons of Biling, they obviously didn't seem to have any good intentions, so naturally he didn't want to get involved in this trouble.

 But just as he was about to leave, a figure had already flown over.

“Fellow Taoist has not made his words clear, so if he wants to leave in a hurry, it would be too disrespectful to our brothers.”

 At the same time as these words were heard, an extremely cold spell attacked.

However, the old man in black robe had stopped in front of Chu Ning at this moment, and attacked Chu Ning directly without any reason.

When Chu Ning saw this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand, and punched directly to meet him.

 It was the Gengjin Divine Fist that Chu Ning had not used for some time.

After all, his flying swords were so powerful at the mouth of the Snow Mist Valley that many people in the Northern Cold Land knew about it.

 At this moment, he did not use it, for fear of being recognized by a few people.

 Until he figured out what was going on, he was naturally unwilling to reveal his identity rashly.

 After all, he didn’t know if there would be any trouble in the future.

 The powerful metallic divine fist collided with the cold spell, and the next moment, they both collapsed at the same time.

 “Oh? That’s interesting.”

The old man in black robe gave a low cry at this moment.

“No wonder he looks so confident, he turns out to be quite capable.

 I want to see what you are capable of when you are in the middle stage of Golden Core. "

 Speaking, the black-robed old devil struck out with one palm after another.

One after another, seemingly invisible, but filled with cold power, the palm shadows bombarded towards Chu Ning.

That cold force made Feng Yanzhang, who was not far away, couldn't help but change his face.

 He moved as if he was going to help Chu Ning.

 But at this time, the old man named Xu in white robe had already stopped in front of him.

When Feng Yanzhang saw this, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Two fellow Daoists Xu, you have really misunderstood me. I met this fellow Daoist for the first time, and I didn’t even know his name.

As for the treasure land you mentioned, that is also a thing without a shadow. "

"Hey! Feng Yanzhang, don't force me to do it." The white-robed old man named Xu sneered at this moment.

“A few months ago, you left your wife in Cold Rock City while you went to Icecrown Mountain. Do you think we don’t know?

Feng Yanzhang is famous for being kind to his wife. He searched for all kinds of natural and earthly treasures to treat your wife's illness.

If it weren’t for the treasure in Icecap Mountain, how could you have been there for so long? "

Hearing the words of the white-robed old man named Xu, Feng Yanzhang's expression changed several times.

 Obviously, the words of the white-robed old man named Xu hit his weak spot.

Feng Yanzhang was about to say what he was going to say when...


 But only a muffled sound was heard.

Feng Yanzhang looked up and was shocked to find that at this moment, the body of the old man in black robe, one of the two demons of Biling, flew out upside down.

After stabilizing his body, his face looked ugly, but in just a few rounds of the fight, he seemed to be at a disadvantage.

This made Feng Yanzhang couldn't help but look at Chu Ning, who was standing still in the air with a surprised look on his face, looking calm and relaxed.

The most important reason why many Jindan monks in Hanyan Continent are unwilling to mess with the Biling Twin Demons is that they often appear together.

 Not only are both of them at the late stage of Jindan, they are also extremely good at combined attacks.

 However, this does not mean that individual strength is not good.

On the contrary, their individual strength is very powerful even among late-stage Jindan monks.

 But now, the black-robed old man named Xu was at a disadvantage when facing Chu Ning.

You must know that he is only a middle-stage Jindan monk.

The old man in white robe turned his head sideways, his face also showing great surprise.

 “This person is weird! Join forces!”

 At this moment, the old man in black robe suddenly spoke.

The white-robed old man surnamed Xu was even more surprised when he heard this, but he didn't hesitate at all.

 In a flash, he rushed towards Chu Ning.

Seeing this appearance, Feng Yanzhang gritted his teeth and chased after him. At the same time, he raised his hand and released a shovel-shaped magic weapon, which inspired several khaki rays of light to attack the old man in white robes.

The old man in white robe snorted coldly at this moment, moved his body continuously, and dodged directly, and soon flew to the vicinity of Chu Ning.

At an angle with the two men in black robes, they simultaneously waved their palms and attacked Chu Ning.

 “The two of them will become more powerful together, fellow Taoist, be careful!”

Feng Yanzhang's speed was not very fast. He was chasing after him but could not stop the white-robed old man, but he could only shout at Chu Ning.

 At this moment, Chu Ning also felt the difference.

There seems to be some very special connection between the positions and spells of the black and white demons at this time.

 The power of the cold palm shadows emitted by the two men suddenly increased a lot.

However, such power is not enough to make Chu Ning feel pressured.

But at this moment, Chu Ning's fists were swinging continuously, punch after punch.

The golden light fist shadows in the sky are facing the palms of the two people. Even in the face of the oppression of the two people, they are still not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

At this scene, Feng Yanzhang, who was about to fly in for support, couldn't help but be so shocked that his eyes widened.

At this moment, the black and white demons of Biling were also extremely surprised.

The two of them looked at each other, and their bodies suddenly flew around Chu Ning quickly.

 At the same time, the palm shadows are getting denser and denser.

 Vaguely, Chu Ning saw that each of them seemed to have an extra jade pendant-like magic weapon in their hands.

 Void finger!

At this moment, Chu Ning could naturally guess that the two people must have other back-ups, and they quickly inspired two void fingers to attack the two people in the air.


What surprised Chu Ning was that at this moment, the two demons of Biling seemed to feel the power of the Void Finger.

The two people who were still spinning around were now standing together.

The two palms holding jade pendants touched each other, and the other palms swung out at the same time.

In the air, the two palm shadows merged into one, facing the void finger that Chu Ning clicked.

 When the two sides collided, they both collapsed and separated.

At the same time, the two demons kept waving their hands, quickly shooting out palm shadows.

In just one breath, more than a dozen palm shadows appeared, but these palm shadows did not hit Chu Ning.

 While gathering in front, a giant palm actually formed.

 “Fellow Taoist, hide quickly, this is the killing move of the two demons!”

Feng Yanzhang shouted anxiously at this moment, and the shovel-shaped magic weapon in his hand was thrown directly, hitting the old man in white robe among them.

  However, at this time, the old man in white robe who had already waved several palm shadows no longer struck forward.

Let the old man in black robe use his hand to press the giant palm towards Chu Ning.

And he waved several palm shadows in succession, facing Feng Yanzhang's shovel-shaped magic weapon.

 Blocked Feng Yanzhang's attack.

Chuning looked at the cold giant palm pressing down, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

 The power of this palm has exceeded the power that a peak monk in the late Golden Core stage can produce, and it is vaguely comparable to his Ice Shadow Sword Talisman.

Chun Ning did not choose to use the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman to greet him at this moment, but only made an imperceptible sway of his body.

At the same time, the giant palm struck down hard!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Bi Ling and the black and white demons showed a trace of pride at the same time.

They could have expected that even though Chu Ning had previously shown strength far beyond ordinary people at the middle stage of the Golden Core, he could only fall or be seriously injured under this palm.

 Before this, they had done the same thing countless times.

At this moment, the giant palm fell on Chu Ning.

With one palm strike, Chu Ning’s figure shattered and turned into nothingness in an instant.

A look of astonishment flashed across the faces of the black and white demons who saw this scene.

 The next moment, both of them exclaimed:

"not good!"

They are very confident in their combined attack, but they also know that such a palm is not enough to turn a middle-stage golden elixir monk into nothingness.

At the same time, a figure appeared from more than ten feet away, and it was none other than Chu Ning!

And what he just used was the Phantom Escape that he has been practicing for more than half a year!

 At the same time that the figure appeared in the air again, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly became extremely deep.

 While looking at the Biling Demons, an invisible attack burst out from them.

In just a blink of an eye, they were already in front of the two of them.

 “This is...a spiritual attack!”

Feeling a powerful spiritual pressure coming towards the top of his head, the faces of the black and white demons of Biling changed at the same time, and then they gathered their spiritual consciousness to resist.

 “Ah!” “Ah!”

But then, the two of them let out a scream at the same time, and then fell to the ground one after another.

Even though they are two peak cultivators in the late Golden Core stage, their spiritual consciousness is not weak.

Even if Chu Ning only uses the distraction technique and the decapitation technique in combination, the power is slightly reduced.

 But such a powerful spiritual attack was still not something that the two of them could resist.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Chu Ning's eyes, the golden light flashed in his hands, and his fists were about to release the Gengjin Divine Fist and chased after him.

 “Fellow Taoist, wait!”

At this moment, Feng Yanzhang shouted not far away.

Hearing this, Chu Ning's movements couldn't help but froze slightly.

At this moment, the two demons who had fallen to the ground were holding back the pain of almost completely exploding the sea of ​​consciousness, and forced their magic power to fly away into the distance.

The trick that was thought to be a sure-kill hit failed, and instead was almost killed by Chu Ning. How dare these two demons continue to stay where they were.

At this moment, when Feng Yanzhang saw the two demons escaping, he showed an expression of great relief and cast a grateful look at Chu Ning.

At the same time he also shouted:

“Two fellow Daoists Xu, there is a real misunderstanding. This is really the first time that this senior Yuan Ying and I have met.”

During this delay, the two demons had already flown far away.

At this moment, Feng Yanzhang turned around, bowed his luggage towards Chu Ning and said:

“I just want to thank you, senior, for taking the initiative. I am ignorant and have offended senior a lot. I hope senior can forgive me.”

Chun Ning saw Feng Yanzhang looking like this, and was not in a hurry to defend himself. He just said calmly:

"Why do you think I am a Yuanying monk? And why do you want to stop me from killing them?"

“The senior who can face the two demons joining forces so easily must be the senior Nascent Soul.”

Feng Yanzhang said very respectfully at this moment, and then showed a wry smile.

“The reason why we dissuade our seniors from killing those two demons is because these two demons have an uncle who is a famous Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator in our Hanyan Continent.

 Seniors are not afraid of each other, but juniors cannot afford to offend.

If I really let the other party know that the two demons died because of me, I will probably live to the end. "

 Speaking of this, Feng Yanzhang smiled bitterly again and said:

“Senior is laughing at me, I still have a married wife to take care of at home, and I really can’t bear to lose my life just like that.”

After hearing this, Chu Ning showed a noncommittal expression.

 According to his opinion, it would be best to destroy those two demons.

 But now that the two of them had fled far away, Chu Ning had no interest in pursuing them.

 After all, his current appearance and the means of showing it will not reveal any identity.

At this time, Feng Yanzhang hesitated for a moment, then bowed to Chu Ning again and said:

“Junior, I’d like to take the liberty of asking seniors to help with the matter of the ancient Nascent Soul Monk’s Cave that I mentioned earlier.”

After hearing this, Chu Ning frowned slightly, his face full of displeasure.

It was because of what Chuang Yanzhang said about the cave that caused all this trouble.

I didn’t expect that this person was so ignorant that he would even mention this matter at this moment.

Just when Chu Ning was about to scold him, Feng Yanzhang seemed to see the displeasure on Chu Ning's expression.

“Senior, don’t be surprised. It’s actually the junior who wants to get the cold marrow beads to use them to treat his wife.

I am willing to give up all the remaining treasures to my seniors. "

“Cold marrow beads?” Chu Ning, who had no interest at all, couldn’t help but soften his expression when he heard this.

 He is also looking for this thing and is preparing it for Bai Ling to use.

 (End of this chapter)

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