My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 288: The spirit of aura, the spirit of Gengjin

Chapter 288 The spirit of aura, the spirit of Gengjin

Chun Ning activated the Five Elements Chaos Art.

Prepare to absorb the metallic aura between heaven and earth, and at the same time simultaneously transform the golden elixir mana that condenses the three attributes of wood, fire and earth.

 What surprised Chu Ning a little.

He had just activated the Five Elements Chaos Art, and the spiritual energy in his Dantian reacted, and a trace of it was refined.

At the same time, the metallic aura between the sky and the earth quickly gathered towards Chu Ning's location.

 In just a few breaths, a large amount of pale golden aura gathered around him.

These spiritual energy directly wrapped Chu Ning into a golden pupa.

 Then, it poured into his body crazily.

“Yes, the aura of aura can arouse the aura of heaven and earth!”

Chun Ning was not refining the spiritual energy for the first time, and he soon thought of the situation when he was refining the spiritual energy of the wood spirit species in Qingxi Sect.

 With this golden aura of spiritual energy in the Dantian, plus so much accumulated metallic aura.

Chun Ning’s original three-attribute golden elixir of wood, fire, and earth did not even need to be converted into magic power.

  The aura of aura and the new aura were quickly converted into mana, and then added to Chu Ning's golden elixir.

On the three-color golden elixir, a faint golden ray soon appeared, and it expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chun Ning clearly felt the changes in his Dantian, and immediately stopped driving the conversion of mana, and instead used all his strength to refine and absorb the metallic aura between heaven and earth.

With Chu Ning's metallic spiritual root that is comparable to the Tianling root at the moment, plus the Gengjin spiritual body, the speed at which Chu Ning absorbs spiritual energy is terrifying!

 Fortunately, the level of spiritual veins in this fairy city in Iceland is quite high, and the spiritual energy is extremely rich.

 In addition, although Chu Ning absorbed a large amount and quickly, overall, it was a relatively long process.

It is not like condensing golden elixir, absorbing a lot of spiritual energy in an instant, and even causing strange phenomena in the world.

 So ordinary monks cannot detect abnormalities in spiritual energy at all.

But at this moment, on the sixth floor of the upper city, deep in the Changkong Palace that towers into the clouds.

An old man wearing a brocade robe and a golden crown who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

“In this cave on the fourth floor, there seems to be a golden elixir monk who is practicing some kind of secret technique.

It can actually activate the metallic aura between heaven and earth!

 This man has some secret skills. "

The old man felt it carefully and found that although the metallic aura fluctuated, it did not have much impact on the entire Icelandic Fairy City.

 The old man felt relieved again and closed his eyes again.

Although he is a little curious about this secret method, he is not ready to leave.

Chun Ning naturally didn’t know all this.

Since stimulating the spiritual energy in his Dantian, Chu Ning has been practicing meditation.

After another three months, Chu Ning, who had been practicing, finally ended his meditation.

“Three months later, after refining three strands of aura, and absorbing numerous metallic auras.

 Metallic mana is completely equivalent to the other three attributes of mana, but this speed is far beyond my expectation! "

There was a hint of smile in Chu Ning's eyes at this moment.

Having gone through two mana conversions, he knew that if it was normal, it would actually take a long time.

 Especially since his mana is much stronger now than before.

However, with the addition of the aura of the golden spirit species, the metallic mana has been replenished in just three months and does not need to be transformed.

 At such a speed, it is naturally extremely fast!

Chun Ning took another look at his practice proficiency at this time.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), second level (3000/100000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (23600/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (57045/64000)】

The second level of Five Elements Chaos Technique has increased to 3000 points, which is equivalent to a daily proficiency increase of more than 30 points these days.

 “This spiritual energy is really a good thing!”

Chu Ning couldn't help but sigh at this moment. You must know that he has now reached the second level of the Five Elements Chaos Art.

Moreover, he is still in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

 It is indeed terrifying to be able to gain so much proficiency in just three months.

“This spiritual energy has such an amazing effect, what about this golden spiritual seed?”

Thinking about it in his mind, Chu Ning didn't even care that he had just completed a stage of practice.

Can't help but run the Five Elements Chaos Art again, trying to refine the golden spirit seed.

 It’s just that the golden spirit seed was not moved at all.

Chuning had to give up temporarily after trying for a while.

"It seems that with the strength of my own magic power, this golden spirit seed is still unable to be refined for the time being."

Chuning shook his head and let out a breath.

  Anyway, this golden spirit seed stays in his Dantian, so it seems to have no effect.

 Let it be for now.

  After finishing her work, Chu Ning left the practice room.

Ling Xiaobai was still sleeping, so Chu Ning came to Xue Jingzhi and used the Xuan Qing Hua Technique.

In the past few months, Ling Xiaobai has not come to accelerate the ripening, and he has been practicing without using the Xuan Qing Hua Technique.

This Snow Crystal Zhi's speed of condensing spiritual liquid has obviously slowed down.

At this moment, the leaf on which the spiritual fluid may have condensed was as white as Ganoderma lucidum, far from transparent.

Chun Ning felt it carefully at this moment, but he didn't feel any Gengjin aura in it.

I turned around and looked at my medicine garden again, and found that there seemed to be no metallic elixir in my medicine garden.

He couldn't help but pat his forehead.

“Before, I didn’t pay much attention to these metallic things, whether they were elixirs or refining materials.

 Fortunately, the previous elixirs are still effective.

Furthermore, Xue Jingzhi can continue to provide spiritual liquid, but it is the thing for refining magic weapons..."

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning began to search in the storage bag.

Since he has practiced the Five Elements Chaos Technique Metallic Skill, he naturally wants to refine the Golden Spirit Sword.

 There is really not much material in this area.

 After searching around, I only found three useful materials: golden obsidian, star iron essence and black black gold.

 Among them, golden obsidian and star iron essence are obtained from Iron Lion and Ao Langtian.

This black black gold is the black chain he got from You Jing. The three spiritual swords he refined earlier were mixed with this material.

However, it was only with the help of the ancient treasure in Ge Liuyang's hand that he was able to remove three sections of the chain.

 It cannot be removed now.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning couldn't help but sigh.

“Speaking of it this way, we do still have an advantage in large sects, at least in terms of resources.

It's just that in Jiuhua Sect, they didn't think of this at all. "

It’s no wonder that Chu Ning didn’t prepare in advance. Not long after he formed the elixir in Jiuhua Sect, he entered the Golden Spiritual Realm.

At that time, I never thought that I would leave Jiuhua Sect directly after entering the Jinlingzhong spiritual realm, and I would leave for more than 20 years.

 So naturally, there was no preparation for refining magic weapons with three attributes as early as before.

But now it seems that it is not that easy to gather the materials to refine the golden spirit sword.

 Shaked her head, Chu Ning was not too impatient.

 After all, he still has a magic weapon in his hand, and its power is not small. He can spend more time collecting materials for the golden sword and refine it later.

He still has some things in his hand that can be used for exchange. He thinks that if he puts some effort into searching, he should be able to gather the other materials.

  Metallic magic weapons cannot be refined, but Chu Ning thinks that metallic magic weapons can be given a try.

Since the Gengjin spirit body has been refreshed, it is natural to practice one or two metallic attack spells, which will definitely be used later.

Especially the Qi of Gengjin. Although Chu Ning has not been exposed to it yet, his subconscious told him.

This so-called Gengjin Qi can only be displayed when it is condensed into metallic attack spells.

Chu Ning does have metallic spells in his hand. At this moment, he casually took out two jade slips from his storage bag.

After carefully examining the two jade slips that recorded the Golden Light Staff Technique and the Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist Technique respectively.

Chuning pondered for a moment, left the latter behind, and put the jade slip in front of him back into the storage bag.

These two spells were obtained after killing the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect and the Iron Lion from the Tianji Alliance.

The golden light staff method in front is also good, but it needs to be combined with the old man's magic weapon golden light staff to exert more power.

 For Chu Ning, the staff was not his own magic weapon after all, and the power it could exert was limited.

  Comparatively, the Golden Armored Shadow Fist obtained from Iron Lion is more suitable for him.

Even without the help of magic weapons, you can still exert the power of top-level mid-level spells.

  Ch Ning still saw it when Iron Lion defeated Ao Langtian and the old man surnamed Zou with a pair of iron fists. But Chu Ning only found out about it after checking out the method of practicing this technique.

This Golden Armored Shadow Fist has very high requirements on the physical body. Even the Iron Lion must use the opponent's magic weapon to truly exert the power of this fist.

 This is not a problem for Chu Ning.

 For him who has reached the second level of the second volume of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

 You can fully rely on your own physical strength to unleash the power of this punch.

Moreover, when performing this technique, you can also connect it with Void Finger and Tiangang Fist, which can create a series of attacks.

 So for the next two months, Chu Ning did not take any pills or Xuejingzhi liquid.

 While practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art, he consolidated his newly greatly improved state.

On one side is the Golden Armored Shadow Fist.

 After two months, although this top-level spell is still far from being fully mastered, it can be considered as a basic introduction.

After finishing his practice this morning and collecting the Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid, Chu Ning suddenly had the idea of ​​going out for a walk.

“It’s been a year since I left the cave. You can go to Shuangyue Pavilion to see the elixir.

By the way, let’s see if we can find several materials needed to refine the Golden Spirit Sword. "

Thinking like this, Chu Ning came to the spiritual beast room of the Golden Thunder Eagle and released the two Golden Thunder Eagles.

“Da Jin, Xiao Jin, let’s go, I’ll take you out for a spin.

Having been trapped in this cave for almost a year, I guess you also want to go out for a walk. "

After Chu Ning finished speaking, the two golden thunder eagles suddenly let out a cheerful cry of "coo".

At this moment, Chu Ning’s eyes lit up slightly.

 “The Qi of Gengjin!”

But at this moment, he suddenly felt an aura from the two golden thunder eagles that he had never felt before.

 Although I have never been in contact with it.

But with just a slight sweep, he already had an idea in his heart, this is Gengjin Qi.

At this moment, Chu Ning even had the idea that if he wanted to, he could directly use his magic power to extract the Gengjin Qi from the two golden thunder eagles, condense them, and refine them.

“It turns out that not only the treasures of heaven and earth, but also the energy of Gengjin may exist in these monster beasts.

This is of course related to the fact that the Golden Thunder Eagle itself is a metallic monster. After all, the Golden Thunder Eagle is a monster with both gold and thunder attributes.

However, before advancing to the fifth level monster, the metal talent is still the upper hand. Only by advancing to the fifth level monster and condensing the demon elixir can the thunder attribute talent be fully awakened. "

Chu Ning thought to himself that in this way, it might be easier to search for Gengjin Qi.

 Metallic monsters, elixirs, and even materials are all the objects of his search.

Put the two golden thunder eagles into the spirit beast bag, and the sleeping Ling Xiaobai was also put into the spirit beast bag by Chu Ning.

As for the Snow Crystal Zhi, Chu Ning also cast several spells on it, letting it transform into a spirit and put it into the jade box.

After all, he only rented the cave here from Changkong Palace. Although he later handed over the spirit stone, the lease period was still several years away.

But Chu Ning was fine in the cave himself. When he was away, he was naturally not at ease about leaving such an important treasure here.

 Leaving the cave, bypassing the Fairy City of Iceland, and appearing in the snow-capped mountains behind.

Seeing that the number of monks was gradually decreasing, Chu Ning patted the spirit beast bag and released the two golden thunder eagles.

 “Goo!” “Goo!”

 The two golden thunder eagles screamed and rushed up, and Chu Ning also jumped on Dajin's back.

 Then he gave instructions to the two eagles.

"Fly as you wish. If you see any monsters, hunt them down if you want."

As Chu Ning finished speaking, the two golden thunder eagles immediately flew towards the depths of the Xuefeng Mountains.

 At the same time, two sharp eyes were staring straight down.

Occasionally, one or two monsters appeared, and Xiao Jin would swoop down and use his sharp claws to tear them into pieces.

Then the two golden thunder eagles shared the food.

While the two golden thunder eagles were killing the monster prey, Chu Ning also fully unleashed his spiritual consciousness.

 Feel whether there are some elixirs or refining materials in the mountains.

Although the Xuefeng Mountains have the word "Xuefeng", they are not completely covered with snow on the outside. Only when you enter the depths of the mountains and pass through the Snow Fog Valley is the area truly covered with white snow.

Therefore, outside the Xuefeng Mountains, the level of spiritual veins is not low. Although the temperature is lower than that of spiritual veins in other places, there are still many natural and earthly treasures.

Chuning has been flying all the way and has gained a lot. At this moment, he has arrived at a place about twenty miles away from the Snow Fog Valley.

There will be fifth- and sixth-order monsters here from time to time, so foundation-building monks generally don't dare to go deep.

 And there is still about a year before the opening of Snow Mist Valley, and there are not many Golden Elixir monks.

Just when the two golden thunder eagles hunted another monster beast, Chu Ning's eyes also lit up slightly.

The next moment, Chu Ning’s figure flashed and appeared twenty feet away, landing in front of more than ten pale golden spiritual grasses.

“Dijincao, finally found a spiritual plant with Gengjin energy!”

Flying all the way, Chu Ning's consciousness has been sensing whether there are any treasures from heaven and earth.

However, it seems that there are not many metallic heavenly materials and earthly treasures here. Chu Ning has discovered several metallic elixirs and weapon refining materials before, but the grade is too low.

Chuning did not find the Qi of Gengjin on it.

 At this moment, Chu Ning finally discovered the existence of Gengjin Qi among these ten golden grasses.

Chun Ning was overjoyed, and immediately cast several spells and landed on one of the golden grasses.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the air, and a wisp of light golden air was absorbed into Chu Ning's hand.

 “This is the Qi of Gengjin!”

Chun Ning grabbed it in his hand and looked at it curiously.

Judging from the appearance of this energy, it is somewhat similar to the aura of the golden spirit species.

But it is obviously much weaker than the aura of aura.

Chun Ning used the Five Elements Chaos Art to absorb and refine the Gengjin Qi into his body according to the refining method.

 Then Chu Ning discovered to his surprise that this Gengjin Qi did not exist in his Dantian.

Rather, it is stored in one’s own golden spiritual roots.

 After feeling this, Chu Ning immediately used the Golden Armor Divine Shadow Fist.

 Suddenly, fist shadows shot out from Chu Ning’s hands!

 “The Qi of Gengjin!”

 The next moment, Chu Ning mobilized the Gengjin Qi in his body.

 A wisp of pale golden air suddenly appeared in the two fist shadows following Chu Ning's swing.

 Compared with other fist shadows, these two fist shadows are not only much more solid, but their power to Chu Ning has also been improved by nearly 10%!

“This is how the Gengjin Qi is condensed, and the power can be increased by nearly 10%.

If you gather more Gengjin Qi..."

Chun Ning's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately turned his attention to the remaining ten golden grasses.

 Then he shot out a series of spells and landed on those earth spirit grasses.

Immediately, Chu Ning grasped it with his palm, and wisps of faint Gengjin Qi were absorbed into his body.

After absorbing and refining the Gengjin Qi of more than ten golden grasses, Chu Ning focused on these spiritual grasses and felt them carefully.

“It seems that the luster is a bit darker than before, but the aura is still strong.

However, if it is used to refine elixirs, its effectiveness may be compromised. "

Chuning looked at these spiritual herbs, and his heart suddenly moved.

“What if I use the Mysterious Youth Flower Technique to help these spiritual grasses condense metallic aura?”

With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning immediately began to play several Mysterious Youth Flower Techniques and fell on them.

Xuan Qing Hua Shu can strip away the five elements of spiritual energy. Now that Chu Ning has a golden spiritual root and a Gengjin spiritual body, his perception of metallic spiritual energy is even more obvious.

 After the magic formula fell into the golden grass, metallic spiritual energy began to gather here.

 After doing all this, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to leave.

 Just meditate and practice on the spot, and then wait for the effect of the Xuan Qing Hua Shu to be fully exerted.

Chuning observed carefully again, and his eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

 He could clearly feel that there was a trace of Gengjin aura on these golden grasses.

 Although it is very weak, it is indeed born.

“With these hens that lay golden eggs, why worry about not having golden eggs!”

Chun Ning chuckled in his heart, thinking that he had to dig up all these golden grasses and put them into jade boxes.

 This thing will naturally be transplanted into its cave.

Just when Chu Ning finished all this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked to the right.

 (End of this chapter)

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