Chapter 289 Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly

“Why would a foundation-building monk come to a place like this?”

His consciousness sensed the arrival of three foundation-building monks, a man and two women, not far away. Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Chu Ning was not interested in contacting others, so he planned to dig up the golden grass and leave directly.

But the next moment, when he saw clearly the actions of several people.

 Can't help but feel a little more curious.

 At first he thought the other people were walking aimlessly, but after watching for a while he realized that.

  A middle-aged monk who was the leader of the three actually saw a butterfly with golden wings flying in front of him.

A few people and this butterfly first picked a spiritual fruit somewhere, and then headed straight towards themselves.

Chun Ning vaguely guessed something.

 Immediately put the two already-fed Golden Thunder Eagles into the spirit beast bag.

At the same time, the figure flashed and he also hid himself.

 With his cultivation methods, after hiding, let alone several foundation-building monks.

 Even if the monks arrive at the late stage of Jindan, they will not be able to sense it.

Three foundation-building monks soon came into his sight.

 Among the three of them, a man and a woman who looked to be in their forties were both in the middle stage of foundation building.

 The other female cultivator, who is slightly younger, is in the early stages of foundation building, and she still looks like she has just established the foundation.

However, Chu Ning's age and appearance are only in his mid-twenties, so his cultivation talent should be pretty good.

At this time, the leading middle-aged monk had already seen the golden grass, and he suddenly made a sound of joy.

“Dijincao, there are more than ten Dijincao plants here!

 This is great. With these things, we can gather enough spiritual stones. "

  The middle-aged female monk next to the middle-aged monk laughed at the same time.

“In this way, we can buy a good magic weapon for Xia’er.”

The three of them were obviously a family of three. When the young female cultivator named Xia'er heard this, a look of joy appeared on her face.

“Dad, thank you for getting a golden-winged spirit butterfly this time, which can sense the metallic elixir’s breath.

 Otherwise, even if most of the spiritual beasts are hidden before the opening of the Snow Mist Valley, we may not have such a harvest. "

After the young female cultivator named Xiaer finished speaking, the middle-aged monk nodded and said:

“Well, there will be some subtle changes in the surrounding area a year before the Snow Fog Valley is opened, and the high-level spiritual beasts nearby can feel it.

He also knew that a large number of monks would enter soon, so most of them would leave.

This is not a secret in the Fairy City of Iceland. In a few months, a large number of monks will come here to search for elixirs.

 We took the risk to come here first, and with the help of the Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly, the harvest will naturally be higher.

 After picking these golden grasses, we hurried back to avoid unnecessary branches. "

While the three of them were talking, they had already arrived at the Golden Grass and were about to pick the Golden Grass.

At this moment, the middle-aged male monk with the highest cultivation level among the three suddenly felt something.

But before he could react, the three of them discovered that there was already a blue-robed figure in front of them.

Then, they saw a man with a young face who was a little too young, reaching out to grab a golden-winged spirit butterfly in the air.

The usually extremely fast golden-winged spirit butterfly wanted to flap its wings and fly away, but the young man in blue robe had a suction force in his hand.

The golden-winged spirit butterfly couldn't move at all, and it had already fallen into its hands.


The young female cultivator named Xia'er saw this scene and was about to open her mouth, but the next moment she swallowed her words directly.

But at this moment, looking at the young monk who was several years younger than herself, he suddenly exuded an aura that made her heart palpitate.

 Golden elixir monk!

When the aura on Chu Ning's body was released, how could the three of them not know Chu Ning's cultivation level.

The middle-aged male cultivator immediately winked at his wife and daughter, and then took the lead in bowing and saluting:

“I have met the seniors, but the three juniors don’t know that the seniors are picking elixirs here, which is very offensive.

Senior, please forgive me, we will leave now. "

As he spoke, the middle-aged monk wanted to step back.


 Hearing this, the middle-aged monk's face changed slightly, but he did not dare to move at all.

Chun Ning looked at the golden-winged spirit butterfly in his hand with some curiosity, and then glanced at the three of them slightly.

“From what you just said, it seems that when I went into the mountain this time, I picked up a lot of metallic elixirs with this little thing.

 Take them all out. "

 Hearing Chu Ning's words, the expressions of the three people changed drastically at the same time.

 The middle-aged male monk was even more secretly complaining.

This time the family ventured into the snow-capped mountains and finally gained something, but now I am afraid it will all be in vain.

However, with this complaint in his heart, the middle-aged monk did not dare to hesitate at all. He reached out and started to take out things from the storage bag.

Even though the three members of their family are all Foundation Establishment monks, the one with the highest level of cultivation is only at the peak of the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and is still one step away from the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

 As for the young monk in front of him, he couldn't even see through it.

 But the aura that was much stronger than that of the ordinary early-stage golden elixir monks told him.

This person is definitely not an ordinary early-stage Jindan monk.

 Seeing the middle-aged monk's behavior, Xia'er, who was called behind, had a look of anxiety on her face.

However, under the constant reminders from the eyes of the middle-aged female nun, she just bit her lips tightly and did not make a sound.

Chun Ning saw the expressions of the three of them, but didn't say much.

 Just focused his gaze on the various elixirs that the middle-aged male monk took out from his storage bag.

There are more than ten kinds of various elixirs, spiritual plants, and spiritual fruits, some with only two plants, and some with dozens of plants.

  And without exception, they are all metallic.

Chuning just glanced at it and immediately focused on two of them.

 A plant that looks like an orchid. The flowers are golden yellow and each petal sparkles with golden light.

 The other type is golden slender bamboo, which is extremely hard just by looking at it.

 The latter has only three roots, while the former has more than twenty.

Chu Ning did not expect that there were two things in these foundation-building monks that contained Gengjin energy, but he said lightly:

“Is everything you picked here? There’s nothing else to hide.”

 “Junior dare not.” The middle-aged monk said respectfully.

Chun Ning nodded, and a golden glow came out, and all these things were rolled into his storage bag.

“These things of yours are pretty good, and I like this little thing too.”

Even though his heart was bleeding, the middle-aged monk still said respectfully:

 “It is our blessing that the seniors can appreciate the things of the younger generation.”

As he spoke, he took out another jade slip from his storage bag.

“Senior, this junior also got this golden-winged spiritual butterfly accidentally. The cultivation method of this spiritual butterfly is recorded here.”

Chuning reached out to take the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, he saw that the method of cultivating this spiritual insect was recorded in it. He was very satisfied with the middle-aged male cultivator's cooperation.

 “Okay, it seems you are still very knowledgeable.”

Hearing what Chu Ning said, the middle-aged monk breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said:

“I don’t know if senior has any other explanations.

 If not, the junior will resign. "

 Compared with the things falling into Chu Ning's hands, the middle-aged monks were more worried about Chu Ning taking action against them.

Although these elixirs are precious, they are nothing compared to a small life.

Chun Ning did not answer directly, but his eyes fell on the young female cultivator named Xia'er.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged monk's expression finally changed drastically, and he unconsciously put his hand on the storage bag.

“I didn’t expect that I would be so cooperative, and this person is still not satisfied.

If this person really wanted to take action against Xia'er, he would have to fight tooth and nail even if he didn't dare. "

He naturally also knew that many Jindan monks kidnapped young female cultivators to make cauldrons.

My daughter has good qualifications, and the young man in front of me is an old monster who doesn’t know how old she is.

If you are really captured by the other party, your life will be ruined.

Even the middle-aged man, who has always been relatively calm, behaved like this, let alone the two female monks.

While their faces were fading, both of them also put their hands in their storage bags, obviously ready to take action or escape at any time.

Chu Ning naturally saw this little behavior of the three of them, which made him laugh.

The reason why Chu Ning insists on the three people's things is just to get more Gengjin Qi.

At this moment, Chu Ning didn't care much. He scanned his storage bag with his consciousness and finally found a pair of golden daggers in the corner of the storage bag.

In the eyes of the three people who were surprised and uncertain, Chu Ning handed over a pair of golden daggers.

“I won’t give you anything for free. Your daughter must be practicing metal-based skills and spells.

Although this magical weapon cannot be called top-notch, it is still quite powerful. The elixirs you exchanged for it should be enough. "

As Chu Ning finished speaking, the expressions of the three people who were nervous just now suddenly became a little stunned.

 The middle-aged monk raised his head and looked at Chu Ning's face. When he saw that Chu Ning didn't look like he was joking.

 Then he gritted his teeth and reached out to take a pair of daggers from Chu Ning's hand.

 “Top magical weapon!”

As soon as he got it, the middle-aged monk felt the level of the magic weapon and suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Even though he is a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, he only has an entry-level top-level magic weapon in his hand at the moment.

At this moment, what he has in his hand is a genuine top-level magical weapon, and it is an extremely precious complete set of magical weapons among the magical weapons.

 With this magic weapon, it is naturally enough to exchange for these elixirs just now.

You must know that in this northern cold land, the cost for casual cultivators to obtain magic weapons is not small.

 After hearing what the middle-aged male cultivator said, the two female cultivators also had a look of surprise on their faces.

Chun Ning was not too surprised when he saw the ecstatic expressions of the three people.

The three of them were obviously born as rogue cultivators. Compared with large sects or large cultivating immortal families, this kind of rogue cultivators are naturally much weaker in terms of resources.

The pair of daggers he just gave away were obtained by killing Song Feng of the Song family in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

At that time, he had just obtained the Double Fire Ring and the Thunder Bead from the Thunder Fire Sect. In addition, these things were metal magic weapons, so he had never used them.

If he hadn’t looked for it specifically just now, he wouldn’t even have remembered it existed.

However, taking out this magical weapon was obviously a big surprise to these three people.

  The middle-aged man immediately bowed towards Chu Ning and gave a big salute.

 “Thank you, senior, for the reward!”

 When the two female cultivators saw this, they also quickly bowed and saluted.

"Thank you, senior!" It was just that after the three of them finished speaking, there was no response. When the three of them raised their heads and looked again, Chu Ning was nowhere to be seen.

The three of them were slightly stunned at first. The next moment, they looked at each other, and joy flashed across their faces at the same time.

“Dad, is it really a top-notch magic weapon? Show me it quickly!”

The young female cultivator stretched out her hand with anticipation and took the dagger from the middle-aged male cultivator.

 Then his face immediately became excited.

"What a top-notch magic weapon! This senior is so good, dad, mom, this senior is younger than me, he..."

"Okay, Xia'er, don't talk about seniors' matters." The middle-aged male cultivator immediately stopped the young female cultivator.

Then he said seriously: "Put this dagger away for me first. Let's go back quickly. Remember not to mention this matter to others today."

 The two female nuns nodded immediately.

 The three of them hurriedly left and headed towards the Fairy City of Iceland outside the mountains.

At this moment, Chu Ning followed the golden-winged spirit butterfly and continued to explore the snow-capped mountains.

This golden-winged spiritual butterfly was just driven by the middle-aged monk using some secret techniques.

However, for Chu Ning, this kind of gadget is simply wiped away.

Then Chu Ning used the driving method he had learned from Jiuhua Sect Qi Guangshou, and the golden-winged spirit butterfly naturally obeyed his command obediently.

"Golden Arrow Fruit, this thing is good. Not only does it have the energy of Geng Metal, it is also good for refining elixirs."

“Enoki mushrooms can be eaten directly, but unfortunately they don’t have the flavor of Gengjin.”


 With the help of the Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly, Chu Ning's search in this mountain range will be much easier.

This thing is indeed very sensitive to metallic elixirs, and can often be detected even from dozens of miles away.

 Even better than Chu Ning’s own consciousness.

This way, walking into the mountains, after half a day, Chu Ning came to a valley.

Looking up, I saw the wind and snow in the valley, shrouded in a layer of white mist, making it impossible to see the scene inside.

As people get closer, they can clearly feel the temperature which is much lower than the outside.

 “Snow and Fog Valley!”

Chuning was looking at the famous treasure land near the Fairy City in Iceland at the moment, and couldn't help but feel a little more curious in his eyes.

“The reason why no one dares to brave this wind and snow is not just because of the cold, it also seems to contain the power of space.”

Chuning has stayed on Wuling Island for several years, and has long been extremely familiar with the power of this space.

 So just as soon as you get close, you can roughly feel it.

 The wind and snow here are filled with the power of space just like the forbidden area of ​​the Infernal Island Beast Mountain.

But perhaps it is because of the spiritual energy here, and the power of this space also contains extremely strong icy power.

After Chu Ning felt it carefully, he found that he seemed to be able to barely resist.

Of course, Chu Ning would not take such a risk without knowing what was going on in the Snow Fog Valley.

Immediately, Chu Ning directed the golden-winged spirit butterfly to avoid the snow-fog valley ahead, and then continued walking deeper into the mountains.

 However, the golden-winged spiritual butterfly was a little afraid to go deeper.

“Further deeper, the entire mountain range is covered with ice and snow, and the temperature is extremely low.

I'm afraid even ordinary early-stage Jindan monks can't resist it.

This little thing is of too low a level after all. It is only a first-order monster. It is even worse than a second-order monster. It is normal that it cannot bear it. "

Chun Ning himself did not feel much discomfort. First of all, his magic power and physical strength far exceeded the average middle-stage Jindan monk.

Secondly, he is also wearing the ice and fire silk armor that he got from the Thunder Fire Sect ruins.

However, since the Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly could not go any further, Chu Ning had no choice but to return home and still chose to search in relatively peripheral areas.

After wandering around the Xuefeng Mountains for more than ten days, under the guidance of the golden-winged spiritual butterfly, Chu Ning picked a lot of elixirs and fruits.

  Relatively speaking, there are fewer metallic materials because the Golden Winged Spirit Butterfly cannot sense them.

Chun Ning used his spiritual sense to detect a few types, but there was no material he wanted.

 Back in the fairy city of Iceland, Chu Ning first went to his cave and planted seven kinds of spiritual plants with Gengjin energy into the elixir garden.

 Then, Chu Ning used the Xuanqinghua Technique to make these spiritual plants absorb more metallic aura.

“With so many spiritual plants, at this speed, I can refine a lot of Gengjin Qi every month.”

 Chun Ning nodded with satisfaction.

 Immediately, he went straight to Shuangyue Pavilion with some talismans and unused elixirs.

He wants to refine the golden spirit sword, but he still lacks four materials. Now it seems that he can only go to Shuangyue Pavilion to see if he can get it.

Maybe attend a few more big trading days, and when Snow Mist Valley opens a year later, when there are more monks here, the chance of getting it together will be greater.

On the way to Shuangyue Pavilion from the lower city, Chu Ning saw a lot of monks on the road and knew that today should be Shuangyue Pavilion's big trading day.

 When we came to Shuangyue Pavilion, the person guarding downstairs was still Bai Ruo.

The two of them were already very familiar with each other. When he saw Chu Ning coming, Bai Ruo immediately came up to greet him.

“Senior Chu, you are here, but I haven’t been to the pavilion for a year.”

Chuning nodded, glanced at him, and said with a smile:

“I haven’t seen you for a year, but Miss Bai Ruo has improved a lot in her cultivation. Congratulations to the girl for entering the middle stage of foundation building.”

"Thank you, senior!" Bai Ruo smiled after hearing Chu Ning's words.

Looking at Chu Ning, he vaguely felt that Chu Ning's aura seemed to be a little stronger.

Just based on her cultivation level in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, it is naturally impossible to tell that Chu Ning has advanced to the middle stage of Golden Core.

He didn’t dare to say more, he just said:

“Many other seniors have already arrived, and the small trade fair should start soon.”

Upon hearing this, Chu Ning immediately walked quickly towards the third floor without further delay.

 Entering the small hall for internal transactions, there were already more than ten people sitting inside.

 Besides Wu Lingwei, there are two acquaintances.

One is Chang Lingshan, who is familiar to Chu Ning, and the other is a middle-aged monk named Han Shihong, whom he met at the trade fair after the opening of Snow Mist Valley nine years ago.

After coming in, Chu Ning cupped her hands towards Wu Lingwei, said hello, and then walked towards the two acquaintances.

At this moment, Wu Lingwei’s eyes flashed with something strange, and she turned to smile:

“I was wondering why Fellow Daoist Chu hasn’t come to my Shuangyue Pavilion for so long. It turns out he was in seclusion for promotion.”

When Wu Lingwei said this, Chang Lingshan and Han Shihong also reached the middle stage of Chu Ning's golden elixir cultivation, and they were also a little surprised.

 “Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chu for advancing to the middle stage of Jindan.”

Although the other monks did not know Chu Ning, they all congratulated him a few times when they heard this.

"Thank you all fellow Taoists." Chu Ning bowed his hands and saluted everyone before sitting down next to Chang Lingshan.

Wu Lingwei organized the transaction at this moment. According to the usual practice, Shuangyue Pavilion would take out a few treasures first, and then the monks would trade on their own.

 What makes Chu Ning feel a little regretful is that neither the items sold by Shuangyue Pavilion nor the items used by the monks for trading later have the materials Chu Ning wants.

Chuning randomly selected a few good elixirs and materials and put them down for the monks to exchange.

  I found Wu Lingwei.

As soon as Chu Ning stepped forward, Wu Lingwei immediately smiled and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, you have requested a lot of elixir materials in recent years, and the inventory in the pavilion has long been sold out.

 In the past year, there have been one or two types, but I’m afraid they can’t satisfy your needs.

We have to wait for the opening of Snow Fog Valley in a year's time. "

Chu Ning shook his head at this moment and said:

“Fellow Daoist Wu, I’m not looking for elixirs this time, but I want to ask you if there are any materials for refining weapons here.”

With that said, Chu Ning handed a jade slip towards Wu Lingwei.

 The latter took it and took a look. After seeing the content recorded inside, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Jiuyi gold, Xingrui sand, black feather water, and marigold wood, these four materials are not common.”

“I wonder if there are any of these types of products for sale in Shuangyue Pavilion?”

After Chu Ning asked, Wu Lingwei immediately smiled and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu really thinks highly of our Shuangyue Pavilion. There are not many kinds in the pavilion, but there is a bottle of Wu Ling Water in the pavilion.

 The rest of the materials will disappoint fellow Taoists. "

Although Chu Ning felt a little disappointed, when he heard that there was Wuling water, he immediately said:

“Fellow Daoist Wu, I don’t know how this Wuling water is sold.”

Wu Lingwei laughed after hearing this and said: "Fellow Taoist, just follow the previous practice and make more high-level talismans."

Chu Ning readily agreed. At this moment, he remembered the materials for making the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman, and then asked:

“By the way, I wonder if there is ice jade and the tail feathers of the gold and silver bird in the pavilion?”

Hearing that Chu Ning added two more ingredients, Wu Lingwei couldn't help but look at Chu Ning again, and then said:

“There are indeed ice-condensed jade. This fairy city in Iceland is backed by the Snow Peak Mountains. Although ice-condensed jade is difficult to find, there are still some after all.

As for the tail feathers of the gold and silver bird, this monster is at least a peak level seven monster, or even above level eight, and its tail feathers are even regarded as treasures.

 There is no such thing in this pavilion. "

When Chu Ning heard that there were no gold and silver bird tail feathers, he said:

“Then please ask Fellow Daoist Wu to help Chu get some ice crystal jade.”

Wu Lingwei confessed, and soon Bai Ruo arrived with a bottle of Wu Ling water and two large pieces of ice jade.

 There are also two elixirs that Chu Ning can use.

Chu Ning handed over the talisman he had prepared a long time ago, plus some unused elixirs to the other party.

 Just then he returned to his seat and sat down.

 At this moment, four types of materials have been collected to refine the Golden Spirit Sword.

The remaining three materials have not been found, which naturally makes Chu Ning unhappy.

Chang Lingshan asked Chu Ning curiously:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I think you just wanted to buy some materials from Shuangyue Pavilion.

 What, you didn’t get it together? "

 “No!” Chu Ning shook his head, and then his heart moved.

This Chang Lingshan has a lot of friends, and I may be able to ask them for information.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately asked the other party for several materials.

 “Nine-Yi gold, star pistil sand, marigold wood, gold and silver bird tail feathers.”

Chang Lingshan had a strange look on his face when he heard the materials Chu Ning asked for, and then sent a message to Chu Ning:

“Brother Chu, let’s talk in detail after this.”

 (End of this chapter)

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