My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 287: The middle stage of Jindan, Gengjin spirit body

Chapter 287 The middle stage of the golden elixir, Gengjin spirit body

 Happily, Chu Ning put away the few drops of spiritual liquid, and turned to Ling Xiaobai to explain.

Just then walked out of the cave.

If it were normal, Chu Ning would definitely take Ling Xiaobai with him.

But now that there is a treasure like Snow Crystal Zhi in the cave, he doesn't dare to be so careless.

 Ling Xiaobai stayed in the cave in case something unexpected happened. The little guy can also hide things in his belly and escape.

At the same time that Chu Ning was heading to Shuangyue Pavilion, the few Jindan monks wearing Phantom Spirit Sect robes he had seen before were already at Shuangyue Pavilion.

This time, Wu Lingwei did not show up, but Tang Jinchuan was in charge.

“Fellow Taoist Qiu, in the past three months, no fellow Taoist has come to sell celestial lizard grass.

 This item is extremely rare even in Snow Mist Valley, and it has little effect.

 So there are very few monks who specialize in picking this kind of elixir. "

The old man named Qiu, who was wearing the magic robe of the Phantom Sect, frowned slightly when he heard this.

“Even your Shuangyue Pavilion can’t acquire it?

Fellow Taoist Tang, please continue to keep an eye on it for me. If there is a lizard, I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy it.

 Even willing to offer several rare elixirs in exchange. "

After Tang Jinchuan heard this, he naturally agreed.

 After a few people left, Tang Jinchuan couldn't help but look puzzled.

“Why is this Phantom Sect suddenly paying so much attention to the lizard grass?

I haven’t heard that they have any special elixirs or techniques to achieve this. "

As he spoke, he turned to a young female nun not far away:

“Bai Ruo, please pay attention recently if any Taoist friends come to sell things.

You can ask if there is any celestial lizard grass. According to the elder of the Phantom Sect, if you can get this elixir, it will be a big deal.

By the way, just ask if it is available, don’t mention who wants to buy it. "

 “Yes, Mr. Tang.”

Bai Ruo responded obediently and then went to the first floor by himself.

 After a while, I saw a familiar figure in blue robe walking towards the pavilion.

Bai Ruo's eyes lit up and he immediately stood up to greet him.

“Senior Chu, you are here.”

Chuning looked at the pretty young female cultivator in front of him and remembered what Wu Lingwei told her last time, so she simply stopped thinking about finding her.

 He said directly:

“Miss Bai Ruo, I am here to get the elixir, can you get it?”

"Okay, senior, please follow me." Bai Ruo immediately showed a sweet smile and led Chu Ning upstairs.

Halfway through the walk, Bai Ruo remembered what Tang Jinchuan had said before, thinking that Chu Ning had come to the pavilion several times to buy elixirs.

Then he subconsciously said:

“Senior Chu, you are buying elixir in Immortal City. Have you ever heard of buying lizard grass somewhere recently?”

 “Lizard grass?” Upon hearing Bai Ruo’s words, Chu Ning was slightly startled.

 While there was a hint of surprise on his face, Chu Ning thought more keenly in his heart.

He has only seen this thing once, and it was in Na Gufeng's storage bag.

 At first he even thought about taking this thing to the trade fair the next day for trading.

 In the end, out of caution, I chose to hide it.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Bai Ruo mention it and started thinking about it.

Chu Ning immediately said casually:

“I’ve never seen this before. Why, do you want to buy this elixir in your cabinet?”

“Well, like my predecessors, I acquired it on behalf of someone else.”

Bai Ruo answered casually.

Chun Ning felt a slight shiver in her heart, but she just said "oh" and did not continue to ask any more questions.

“It seems that the monks from the Phantom Sect have determined that something has happened to Gu Feng.

This lizard grass was indeed rare before. It is very likely that the other party wanted to find some clues through this thing.

 Fortunately, I was alert and did not exchange this thing. "

Chun Ning had a vague guess and made up his mind.

The few things I got from Gu Feng were not shown to others under any circumstances.

 In this northern cold land, I am alone and weak, and I am not willing to provoke the Phantom Spirit Sect.

 After all, I heard that there are monks in this sect who are in the late Yuan Ying period.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning took out the talisman she drew and handed it to Bai Ruo.

At the same time, after Chu Ning inquired about several kinds of demon pills, she found that Shuangyue Pavilion actually had them, and bought several kinds of demon pills from Bai Ruo.

This actually made Bai Ruo, the female foundation-building cultivator, very happy.

 In fact, Chu Ning was originally planning to hunt some monsters near the Zhonghai area to obtain the inner elixir.

However, after realizing that people from the Phantom Sect were still nearby to pursue the matter, he put aside this idea.

Who knows if going near Zhonghai will cause any other troubles.

 Things that can be solved with spiritual stones should be solved with spiritual stones as much as possible.

Chu Ning didn't know that his careful choice really saved him from trouble.

The Golden Core monks from the Phantom Sect, after spending several months without finding any relevant clues, actually invited a Nascent Soul monk from the sect to come out.

 Because it is only in the sea area of ​​​​the Infinite Sea and has not entered the inland sea, there is no fear that the Yuanying monks in Changkong Hall will notice it.

This Yuanying monk from the Phantom Sect interrogated many Jindan monks near Zhonghai.

 It wasn’t until a few days later that Changkong Palace noticed and issued a warning to the Phantom Sect.

 This Yuanying monk has already left.

 In a few days, there was quite a disturbance.

Of course, these naturally have nothing to do with Chu Ning.

 After purchasing the elixir and demon elixir that he wanted, Chu Ning returned to his cave and began to refine elixirs in large quantities.

 Then, another half-year-long retreat began.

 For half a year, Chu Ning took a drop of Xuejingzhi Lingye every month to refine it.

 The rest of the time, you either directly use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, or you use the elixir you refine to practice.

This Five Elements Chaos Art is rapidly improving with nearly 300 proficiency points every month, and the mana cultivation level is also constantly improving.

 Half a year later, Chu Ning left seclusion, went to Shuangyue Pavilion to buy some elixir materials, and then started seclusion again.

 Similarly, half a year is a cycle, and Chu Ning’s time in the Fairy City of Iceland also increases year by year.

During the journey, Chu Ning would walk around and communicate with several Jindan monks in the fairy city from time to time.

 Even if I have time, I will go to the Shuangyue Pavilion trade fair.

 After chatting a lot, I will also inquire about whether there is a way to get to the Ximeng Continent from the icy land.

  But did not get the answer.

 Even the Golden elixir monks are already unattainable in the eyes of most monks.

 But these Jindan monks have spent their entire lives in the Northern Cold Land and have not gone to other places.

 This is actually the same as most of the previous Jindan monks in the Western Alliance Continent.

Every six months when he leaves seclusion, Chu Ning will take Ling Xiaobai and two golden thunder eagles to the sea to hunt some monsters.

 Occasionally, I also go to the Xuefeng Mountains for a walk.

 But he adheres to the principle of safety and only goes to places with level six monsters at most.

 For the seventh-level monsters that can compete with the late Golden Core, they will not provoke them.

 Over the past few years, not many accidents have happened.

 After the sixth year, Ling Xiaobai reached the promotion stage and began to fall into a deep sleep.

 In the seventh year, the golden spiritual root cultivated by Chu Ning with the help of spiritual energy was finally completed after fifteen years.

 This spiritual root has become the strongest among Chu Ning's five elements spiritual roots.

 He felt it carefully and found that it was comparable to the metallic Tianling Root!

 This is naturally because he has condensed three rays of aura.

Having cultivated the Golden Spiritual Root, which is comparable to the Heavenly Spiritual Root, Chu Ning can theoretically practice the metallic technique of the Five Elements of Chaos Art.

  After all, it is comparable to the existence of Tianlinggen, and its speed in absorbing spiritual energy is definitely not slow.

However, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to practice.

 Because at this point in his practice of the Five Elements Chaos Art, he was already close to the first level of perfection.

At the same time, Chu Ning could also feel that when the Five Elements of Chaos Art reached the first level of perfection.

 It was the moment when he broke through to the middle stage of Jindan.

As a result, Chu Ning devoted himself wholeheartedly to practicing hard in seclusion again.

 One year has passed and it has been eight years since the Snow Mist Valley was opened.

On this day, Chu Ning, who was wearing a blue robe, walked out of the training room and came to Xue Jingzhi.

After a little investigation, he sat down directly in the courtyard.

  Happily took a sip of the spiritual tea brewed with the jade clear spring water on the snow peak, and then began to check the proficiency in his mind.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), first level (49987/50000)】

   【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (23600/90000)】     【Shen Shen Refining Technique, Fourth Level (57045/64000)】

“After you collect the Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid tomorrow, take another drop, and you will be able to break through the first level of the Five Elements Chaos Art and reach perfection.”

Chun Ning thought in her heart, and couldn't help but have more expectations.

 In fact, he still has the Snow Crystal Zhi Liquid in his hand.

 After all, in the past few years, Chu Ning could collect four drops of spiritual liquid in three months, but only took three drops.

 Over the past few years, I have saved dozens of drops.

However, as the first level of Five Elements Chaos Art has reached its peak, it may be facing a breakthrough, and its improvement speed is obviously slower.

 In the past, one drop could increase about 200 points, but recently, it can only increase to about 100 points.

 So Chu Ning’s Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid is consumed faster.

The Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid can be collected tomorrow, and Chu Ning is not willing to waste time re-condensing the spirit liquid.

After all, since the little guy Ling Xiaobai disappeared into deep sleep due to his promotion, Xue Jingzhi's time to condense the spiritual liquid has become longer.

Even if Chu Ning uses the Xuan Qing Hua Technique every day, it will take about five months to condense.

However, Xue Jingzhi seemed to enjoy the ripening process of Chu Ning and Ling Xiaobai.

 Ever since the two of them joined forces to promote ripening, they have never been able to escape again.

Chun Ning did not return to the practice room immediately after tasting a cup of spiritual tea.

 He opened his mouth and spit out a thin blood-red light.

This thin light was extremely fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

 After directly piercing through a giant piece of metal specially prepared by Chu Ning, he fell into a restriction in front.

He immediately circled around and returned to Chu Ning. Chu Ning opened his mouth and swallowed it directly.

 Blood Cloud Needle!

What Chu Ning just used was the secret technique he had obtained from Gu Feng, the Blood Cloud Needle.

Chun Ning had already learned Yun Qianshan's Spiritual Earth Shadow Escape Technique when he was about to plant the Snow Crystal Zhi.

As for the Blood Cloud Needle, I didn’t really start practicing it until a few years ago when I had nothing to do.

Before that, Chu Ning also made some inquiries.

 While communicating with Chang Lingshan and the others, they learned about the various secret techniques of the major forces in the Northern Cold Land.

 No one mentioned the Blood Cloud Needle.

Moreover, this secret method was carried with Na Gufeng, and it was not carved on jade slips, but recorded in an ancient material that even Chu Ning didn't know.

 Thinking about it, the other party probably got it from somewhere.

So Chu Ning started practicing with peace of mind.

 It was only after he actually practiced the Blood Cloud Needle that Chu Ning realized that it had the effect of breaking restrictions.

Perhaps it is because of the concentration of essence, blood, elixir power, and spiritual consciousness into the subtleties that ordinary restrictions cannot resist its attack.

When Chu Ning practiced, he combined the cultivation method of Condensing Yuan Zhan with the many methods of breaking restrictions that he had learned from Master Shenmeng.

 Its power has reached a new level!

Chuning also learned the lesson from Gu Feng, in order to avoid having no backup plan after each attack.

At this moment, three blood cloud needles were condensed and hidden in the body.

However, when he tried to gather more energy, he couldn't.

 Eight years later, Chu Ning did not stop practicing other spells.

However, he already had a deep understanding of the Heavenly Fire Sword Technique and the Fiery Flame Technique, and there was not much room for improvement.

 It is the void finger. After eight years of research and understanding of the power of space, it is different.

Over the past eight years, Chu Ning has also gained a lot of understanding of formations and weapon refining.

 Other than that, one of the biggest gains is actually Yu Fulu.

Flipping his hand, Chu Ning had a jade talisman in his hand.

It is the top-grade low-grade talisman, the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman!

Chun Ning has been able to draw high-end top-grade talismans for a long time, but he didn't specifically put aside time to analyze the ice shadow sword talisman before.

 In the past few years, I have gone to Shuangyue Pavilion to deliver talismans every six months.

 Having relatively more time to make the talisman, I began to analyze the ice shadow sword talisman.

It took several years, but Chu Ning finally completed the analysis of the source of the ice shadow sword talisman and fully mastered the art of making it.

“The requirements for making this Ice Shadow Sword Talisman are extremely high.

  You need earth-veined jade, especially ice-condensed jade, which is the best.

As for making this jade talisman, you also need a special talisman pen to refine and carve it, and you need to use precious materials.

I don’t have any of these things yet, so I can’t draw this ice shadow jade talisman for the time being. "

Chun Ning murmured in his heart and then put it behind him.

 For him now, it is more important to break through and advance to the next level.

  After all, in the past few years, his focus has been on the cultivation of martial arts.

 Take care of the spiritual plants and play with the spiritual beasts, and the day will pass.

 Early the next morning, Chu Ning came to Xue Jingzhi after completing the magic refining process.

Sure enough, he found that a leaf had already condensed the spiritual liquid. He immediately took the spiritual liquid into a jade bottle and returned to the practice room.

Sitting cross-legged, he casually poured a drop of spiritual liquid into his mouth.

The familiar aura and fragrance fills the entire mouth.

Chun Ning activated the Five Elements Chaos Art and began to refine it.

 Six days later.

 If anyone looks here, they will find it.

 Compared to six days ago, Chu Ning's aura was much stronger.

Chun Ning, who had finished practicing the Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid that was supposed to take ten days to refine, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

 A bright light flashed in his eyes.

 “Middle stage of golden elixir!”

At this moment, Chu Ning could clearly feel that his cultivation level had crossed over from the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage.

 This process took more than twenty years.

Of course, I spent six years on Wuling Island and did not practice the Five Elements of Chaos Art.

“This golden elixir is really different in the middle stage. The speed of refining the Snow Crystal Zhi Spirit Liquid has been doubled.”

While thinking about it in his mind, Chu Ning immediately checked the cultivation proficiency in his mind.

 【Five Elements of Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), second level (83/100000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (23600/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (57045/64000)】

  【Native gold, detects that the host has gold spiritual roots. 】

  【Talent refresh, reward talent "Gengjin Spirit Body":

1. Significantly improve the ability to sense metallic aura, and increase the speed of practicing metal-based exercises and spells; it can be superimposed with the Yinmu spirit body, the Wuhuo spirit body, and the Xutu spirit body to practice the four-attribute exercises and spells of wood, fire, earth, and metal. Cultivation speed is equally effective.

  2. Using metallic spells, the power of attack ban is doubled.

Hidden magical talents:

 Absorb the energy of Gengjin from heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and after refining it can defeat the enemy. 】

“Huh, luckily I gathered the golden spiritual roots in advance!”

Seeing the reminder of this talent refresh, Chu Ning’s first thought was that he had really made the right move by going to the Golden Spirit Realm.

 After the four major spirits in the Alchemy Tool Array were refreshed, the system refreshed itself, as expected, it was the spiritual body that cultivated.

If there is no condensed golden spiritual root, this spirit body may not be able to be refreshed.

 Immediately, Chu Ning began to check out the various talents below.

It goes without saying that there are bonuses for practicing metallic exercises and spells.

But the talent behind it surprised Chu Ning somewhat.

  The power of metallic spell attack bans is doubled, which is somewhat similar to the power of noonfire spirits doubling the power of spells.

However, this talent of Gengjin Spirit Body increases its power to break all kinds of restrictions, including formation restrictions, defense restrictions, etc.

 “The Qi of Gengjin!”

At this moment, Chu Ning looked at the hidden talent of Gengjin Spirit Body.

 Can't help but start to think about it.

This talent seems to be somewhat similar to the hidden talent of the Yinmu spirit body. The aura gathered by the wood attribute spell used on the spiritual plant can be transformed and absorbed by itself, which is somewhat similar.

  but there are obvious differences.

 First of all, this Gengjin Qi is not condensed by one's own magic, but is brought by the heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Thinking about it, it is probably brought by some metallic heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Then it can be absorbed and refined and used against enemies. It should be added to one's own attacks after refining to increase attack power.

  Metallic spells are mainly for killing, but this can take your attack to a higher level!

 While thinking about it in his mind, Chu Ning's attention withdrew from the proficiency in his mind and fell on his Dantian.

 There is not only the golden spirit seed, but also three strands of the aura of the golden spirit seed.

I have been unable to refine it before, and now I have the top golden spirit root comparable to the heavenly roots, and there is Geng Jinling.

As long as you practice the Five Elements Chaos Technique Metallic Technique, you can probably refine it!

 (End of this chapter)

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