Chapter 263 Demonic Shadow

Chun Ning felt quite emotional when he came again to the place where he had killed many Demon Spirit Sect monks.

  Unexpectedly, that time when I fought hard that time, I really gave myself a chance to fight hard.

Immediately, he turned his eyes slightly and looked at the many monks standing here.

There are now many Nascent Soul cultivators and Golden Core cultivators gathered here, and Chu Ning finally has a preliminary understanding of the strength of the Yunxiao Alliance for the first time.

“There are ten Nascent Soul monks here alone, but with my current level of cultivation, I can’t see clearly the strength of these people.

 It is impossible to tell what state of Nascent Soul stage these people are in. "

Chun Ning murmured in his heart, and his eyes fell on the tall old man in the front, wearing a robe.

“This person must be the only late Yuanying monk in the alliance, the leader of the Yunxiao Alliance, and the Supreme Elder of the Yuan Sect, Qin Changkong.”

 At this moment, Chu Ning felt something.

 After turning his eyes, he faced Da Luo Zong Ao Langtian who was not far away.

After Ao Langtian saw Chu Ning, he was slightly stunned at first. The next moment, his arrogant face flashed with various emotions such as shock, anger, and resentment.

  Immediately afterwards, a sneer and murderous intention flashed in this man's eyes.

Even under Chu Ning's gaze, he did not hide it.

 Chun Ning couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

"It seems that Ao Langtian is also going to enter the spiritual realm. I really have to be careful."

 However, it was different from the previous stage of foundation building where he had no choice but to run away when he noticed Ao Langtian approaching.

After entering the golden elixir stage, although Chu Ning did not want to confront the opponent head-on, he still had more ways to protect himself.

Shortly, Chu Ning ignored Ao Langtian and began to look at the Jindan monks who were about to enter the spiritual realm like him.

 There are quite a few acquaintances among them.

In addition to Chu Ning, a few golden elixir monks from the Daluo Sect who have met before, the female cultivator named Jia in palace attire who previously traded at the Tianyin Pavilion small trade fair is also among them.

Beside her, there was a young and beautiful early Jindan woman wearing a lavender dress.

 Judging from his age and appearance, he seems to be in his twenties, but he doesn't know whether he completed the elixir formation early like Chu Ning or took some kind of elixir to keep his appearance.

However, Chu Ning saw that his eyes were smart, and he didn't feel much about the vicissitudes of life. He vaguely guessed that the other person might not be particularly old after all.

Perhaps he noticed Chu Ning’s gaze, and the woman also looked over.

  Looking at Chu Ning, he was also somewhat curious.

Immediately, the female cultivator named Jia in palace attire also turned her head.

Chun Ning smiled at the two of them as a greeting.

The female cultivator surnamed Jia returned a smile, and then started talking to the young female cultivator.

Chu Ning naturally couldn’t hear the sound transmission techniques used by the two people clearly.

But it can also be vaguely guessed that the female cultivator named Jia is introducing herself to the other party.

Chun Ning turned his eyes again and found another Wanli Sect monk who he had also met in Tianyin Pavilion. The other monk also traded a bottle of spiritual elixir to him.

 The two men nodded slightly.

As for the other monks, Chu Ning didn’t know them very well.

However, because they are all standing in different sects at this moment, Chu Ning can roughly tell which sect they belong to.

At the same time, Yuan Zhuo also sent a message to Chu Ning, briefly introducing the monks from each sect, so that Chu Ning would have some confidence.

Just when Yuan Zhuo was about to introduce it, Qin Changkong's voice suddenly rang out.

“Fellow Taoists, this space boundary point is about to be formed, and the space channel will be opened to enter the spiritual realm immediately.

Those who entered the spiritual realm this time are all the rising stars of our Yunxiao League, and they are also the core strength of our Yunxiao League.

 I know that some of you may have some disagreements with each other, but after entering the spiritual realm, I hope that everyone can work together and support each other. "

 Speaking of this, Qin Changkong raised his head and his eyes swept over the sixty Golden Core cultivators who were about to enter.

“I’m going to say something ugly at the beginning. If you have any grievances, please settle them outside.

If I, Qin Changkong, knew that some people were killing each other, or even colluding with monks from other alliances to kill monks from our own alliance.

Just stay here at Honghukou forever! "

 When he said these last words, the power of this late Yuanying monk completely dissipated.

Hunting towards Chu Ning and others, everyone's expressions could not help but change slightly.

However, Chu Ning also knew that although Qin Changkong's words had a certain deterrent effect, they could only go so far.

  It is not enough to truly bind everyone.

If nothing else, let’s talk about Ao Langtian, if he really meets himself who is alone.

How can one really be constrained by this and remain indifferent.

Qin Changkong said nothing more, and naturally the other monks wouldn't say anything either.

After waiting for about a cup of tea, Qin Changkong suddenly said:

“The boundary has been formed. Fellow Taoists, please join me in taking action.”

As he finished speaking, more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks in front took action.

 Suddenly, a stable space channel opened.

 The Jindan monks who were about to enter also entered one after another according to the previous order.

The three members of the Jiuhua Sect were in the middle of the crowd.

Just when Chu Ning stepped into the space passage, Tang Xuan's spiritual sound transmission fell into his ears.

 “Pay attention to the people of Daluo Sect.”

Chun Ning nodded imperceptibly.

 Then, he entered the space channel.

This is not the first time that Chu Ning has entered Yifang's small world through a space channel.

The moment he walked out of the space passage, he felt a huge space force acting on himself.

 This power is far stronger than the ordinary teleportation array.

“It seems that the level of this spiritual realm is higher is not a lie. If it were not for the Golden Core cultivator, I would not be able to withstand this kind of teleportation power.”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chu Ning subconsciously released the Immortal Golden Body and Earth Spirit Rock Armor at the moment when the transmission of power ended.

 After all, he was not sure where he would be teleported to and what he would encounter.

 At the same time as he let go of the two defenses, Chu Ning suddenly felt that he was locked by divine consciousness.

Moreover, several powerful spells attacked.

“A monk came in early!”

Chun Ning felt a chill in her heart and wanted to run away.

 But before he could use Divine Wind Escape, he felt several golden lights flashing in front of him.

Then he hit **** the layer of spiritual rock armor formed around his body by using the earth spirit rock armor technique.

Chun Ning immediately activated his magic power, and around his body, the rock armor formed by the condensed earth spiritual energy began to rotate rapidly at this moment.

 Through rotation, all the golden rays that struck it were dissipated.

But at the same time, the rock armor he condensed collapsed at this moment, revealing the immortal golden body shield inside.

Chun Ning did not wait for the opponent's follow-up attack to launch the Forbidden God Technique, and at the same time, the figure flashed out ten feet away.

“Huh? A monk at the early stage of Golden Core can actually neutralize my fatal blow like this?”

Suddenly the attack target was lost, and the attacker let out a cry of surprise.

At this moment, Chu Ning finally saw the other party clearly.

He is a middle-aged gray monk with triangular eyes and an aura like a poisonous snake.

"People from the Demon Alliance! They actually came in first and laid an ambush for a sneak attack. My luck is really not that good."

While thinking about this in his mind, Chu Ning waved his hand, and the double fire rings held the flames and smashed directly towards the opponent.

At the same time, he opened his mouth, and a green light flew out, disappeared in the air, and came to less than five feet in front of this person in the blink of an eye.

The opponent attacked in advance, and he was a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator from the Demonic Alliance, so Chu Ning naturally had no reason to hold back.

 “What a fast flying sword!”

The old man in gray clothes with triangular eyes had a look of surprise on his face when he saw this.

 Obviously he was shocked by the sharpness of Chu Ning's attack.

However, this person's movements were not slow either. As his body flew away, he raised a stick-shaped magic weapon in his hand.

As the golden light flashed on the magic weapon, the old man in gray clothes with triangular eyes drove the stick and directly hit the double fire rings and the wood spirit sword that were shooting towards him.


A crisp sound mixed with red and golden light spread out in all directions.

 The double fire rings flew back directly under this blow.

When the old man with triangular eyes saw this, a sneer flashed across his face.

 As if to say, is it useful if there are many magic weapons?

 Immediately, he pointed in the air, and the stick-shaped magic weapon faced Chu Ning's Wood Spirit Sword.

Seeing that the two were about to collide together, the wood spirit sword suddenly drew a curve in the air.

 At the same time, the speed suddenly increased.

Like a shooting star flying towards the moon, the green light flashed and disappeared.

He actually bypassed the opponent's stick-shaped magic weapon and went straight to the old man with triangular eyes.

The demon cultivator was also shocked when he saw this scene, and he flew away.

 It’s just that the Five Elements Spiritual Sword is good at attacking.

 Coupled with the addition of black black gold, the power in all aspects has been greatly improved.

 Even though Chu Ning did not use the most lethal Fire Spirit Sword.

At this moment, this wood spirit sword is not something that the old man with triangular eyes can easily dodge. The green light chased after him and appeared beside the old man in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the green mist flashed around the old man with triangular eyes.

A strange green mist-like defensive shield was formed around the body, which looked extremely strange.

 “This is not an ordinary green mist, there is a snake in it!”

Chuning has excellent eyesight, but he can still see clearly at this moment, even if his eyes flicker slightly.

However, there was no hesitation at all, and the Wood Spirit Sword slashed down hard.


Looking at Chu Ning's flying sword, the old man with triangular eyes smiled instead of being shocked.

 As he drove, the green mist that originally enveloped the whole body was concentrated in one place in an instant.

  It completely wrapped Chu Ning's Wood Spirit Sword in it.

Chuning couldn't help but murmur in his heart when he saw the other party laughing like this.

“Is there something weird about this green mist?”

 It's just that the connection with the magic weapon is completely normal.

Chun Ning didn’t notice anything was wrong at all.

With this, Chu Ning's flying sword immediately and decisively chopped off the head of a snake as thick as an arm in the green mist!

This demonic snake, which was obviously of a high level, was cut into two pieces without any resistance under Chu Ning's slash.

The old man with triangular eyes was horrified when he saw this scene.

Seeing that the flying sword was about to continue slashing towards his body, he just happened to drive the stick-shaped magic weapon back, and then he quickly hit the stick on Chu Ning's Spirit Wood Sword.

While hitting the Lingmu Sword slightly, the old man's body flashed and dodged.

But even if it was like this, it was enough to make the golden elixir demon cultivator break into a cold sweat.

Looking at the wood spirit sword flying back to Chu Ning's hand.

The old man with triangular eyes finally couldn't help but speak out, his tone full of disbelief:

"What kind of flying sword are you talking about? It's actually uncontaminated in the poisonous mist of my emerald snake."

“Emerald Demonic Snake.” Chu Ning could not help but whisper softly at this moment.

“The emerald demonic snake whose poisonous mist specializes in contaminating magic weapons?”

 After finishing reading, Chu Ning immediately felt his wood spirit sword carefully.

 It was a huge relief.

This sword shows no signs of being stained, and its aura has not been affected at all.

“Is it the unique effect of Black Mysterious Gold? Or is it the effect of the Five Elements Chaos Art?”

While Chu Ning flashed a trace of thoughts, the movements in his hand were not slow, and the two techniques finger.

 Suddenly, the flying sword flew out again.

This time, the flying sword suddenly flashed a dazzling green light, even covering Chu Ning's entire body.

  That old man with triangular eyes couldn’t even see clearly.

By the time he realized that all the green light had dissipated, the flying sword was once again less than three feet away from him.

 With the previous lesson, the old man with triangular eyes naturally did not dare to let the Chu Ning Wood Spirit Sword get close easily.

The stick-shaped magic weapon flew out and kept spinning in front of him, forming a golden light curtain that directly stopped the wooden spirit sword.

At this time, Chu Ning unexpectedly did not use the Wood Spirit Sword to forcefully break the opponent's golden light screen.

 But a slight smile flashed across his face.

Then he formed another magic formula with his left hand and pointed at the old man with triangular eyes!

 “This is...not good!”

The old man with triangular eyes suddenly realized that something was wrong. He jumped into the sky and flew away to the side.

 However, it is already too slow!

I saw a yellow light suddenly emerging from the ground at this moment!

Then when the soles of the triangular-eyed old man’s feet just left the ground, he was already killed!

 In a flash, it did not penetrate into the old man's feet, and the next moment, it flew out from his head!

This yellow light actually penetrated the old man with triangular eyes!

 “How could this be?”

 Feeling that his vitality was disappearing rapidly, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the old man with triangular eyes.

 The next moment, it turned into a fierce look!

 “Then let’s die together!”

At this time, the old man actually took the stick-shaped magic weapon back into his body, and then flew towards Chu Ning quickly.

The speed was far beyond Chu Ning’s imagination.

While the man was in the air, the body of the old man with triangular eyes also began to expand rapidly.

 “Self-explosion magic weapon and golden elixir!”

Chun Ning's face changed slightly when he saw this scene.

  Kamikaze Escape was used, and the figure quickly retreated.

At the same time, Chu Ning's Immortal Golden Body and Earth Spirit Rock Armor techniques were also used again immediately.

 At the same time that Chu Ning had just completed these.

The body of the old man with triangular eyes shrank sharply, and at the same time, the stick-shaped magic weapon that was originally stored in his body.

 Wrapped in a round pill, it flew towards Chu Ning at a faster speed.


Along with a loud noise, a huge impact hit Chu Ning's body hard.

 It was directly overturned more than ten feet away.

At this time, the body of the old man with triangular eyes, whose eyes were flashing madly, was directly turned into nothingness by the shock wave.

 After a few breaths.

Chun Ning, wearing a blue robe, slowly stood up not far away.

He looked in this direction and shook his head slightly.

“These people from the Demon Alliance are really crazy. I originally thought they had been killed with the help of the Earth Spirit Sword.

I didn’t expect that I would explode my magic weapon and golden elixir before the last moment.

Had it not been for my quick reaction and strong defense, I would have been dragged to death by the opponent. "

Chun Ning flew back and looked at the messy scene with nothing left behind.

He scolded the other person again, and then quickly fled away.

Just now the old man blew up his life magic weapon and golden elixir. The noise was so loud that Chu Ning was worried that other monks would come to check.

After flying for nearly ten miles like this, Chu Ning found a small rocky mountain and fell down.

 Using the flying sword, he quickly opened up a small stone room and got into it.

 At this moment, I have time to think about my current situation.

“It is very likely that the Demonic Alliance and the Tianji Alliance entered in advance. It seems that the cultivation level of the monks in the late Nascent Soul of the two alliances is still higher than that of Qin Changkong.”

Chun Ning murmured to himself, feeling a little unlucky that he was attacked by the Demon Alliance as soon as he entered.

After muttering, Chu Ning casually took out a magical mirror, but his brows furrowed secretly.

 Before entering this spiritual realm, he, Yuan Zhuo and Luo Jie all carried a magic mirror with them.

 Similar to the ones they carried in Wolong Valley.

 But at this moment, there is no display on the mirror, not only the positions of the two people cannot be displayed.

Even Chu Ning’s own position is not displayed on the Dharma Mirror.

“Positive-type magic weapons cannot be used in this spiritual realm?”

Chun Ning had a vague guess at this moment.

The original plan for the three of them to get together is not feasible now.

 The next step is to judge the location of the spiritual seeds through the richness of the spiritual energy, and then converge at the center where the spiritual seeds are located.

Thinking like this, Chu Ning put away the Dharma Mirror.

With his consciousness released, Chu Ning carefully investigated and made sure that no one was nearby to observe him.

 He used the transformation spell and the talent of Yinmu Spirit Body to hide his aura, completely changing his appearance and aura.

 He also put on some clothes over his blue robe.

 Only then did he walk out of the small rocky mountain again.

“Xiao Bai, I feel that the aura in the southwest is stronger, what’s your reaction?”

Standing on the small rocky mountain, Chu Ning felt it for a while. At the same time, Chu Ning asked Ling Xiaobai through the sound transmission from his spiritual consciousness.

 “That’s right.”

Ling Xiaobai responded at this moment.

Chuning flew away in the southwest direction without hesitation.

At the same time, a figure in black robe appeared where Chu Ning had fought with the old man with triangular eyes.

The man in black robes stayed where he was for a moment, and then said softly:

“There was indeed a fight here just now, and judging from the remaining aura, it may be that the monk’s golden elixir exploded.

 Is it possible that a late-stage Jindan monk appears? Otherwise, how could he force a monk in the middle stage of the golden elixir to explode his golden elixir? "

There is obviously no one here, but the man in black robe doesn't sound like he is mumbling to himself, but like he is talking to someone, which is very strange.

Just after he finished speaking, an extremely harsh and harsh voice suddenly sounded.

“It’s such a pity that the golden elixir exploded on its own. If I had come earlier, I could have gotten another golden elixir.”

This sound was like metal friction in the throat, which was extremely weird.

But the man in black robe was accustomed to it, and just said softly again:

“Don’t worry, there are so many golden elixir monks here. If you are really so capable, how many golden elixirs do you need?”

 “Jie Jie!”

That harsh voice sounded again, full of greed.

 (End of this chapter)

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