My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 264: You do the first grade and I do the fifteenth grade.

Chapter 264 You do the first day of junior high school and I do the fifteenth day

Chu Ning's flight lasted more than a hundred miles.

He is not just rushing. With Ling Xiaobai here, he is very sensitive to various elixirs and fruits.

So Chu Ning picked up several rare elixirs along the way.

At this time, Chu Ning also believed more in some of the judgments made by everyone before.

 The formation of this spiritual realm is actually more like a small space being transferred from somewhere else.

 After all, Chu Ning could tell the quality of this elixir just by looking at it a few times.

The growth period is at least several hundred years, and naturally it cannot be born in just a few decades after the formation of the spiritual realm.

“In this case, there may be some big monsters here, but the main thing is to rush along the way.

 Try not to fight with monks and monsters of too high a level as much as possible. "

With this mentality, Chu Ning also deliberately avoided the two monks after the Forbidden God Technique was cast.

At the same time, I passed by the lair of a sixth-level monster and did not rush in to investigate.

After flying forward for about fifty miles, Chu Ning raised his brows and sensed that there was a monk flying towards him in front of him.

 Immediately launched the Forbidden God Technique, preparing to dodge again.

But at this moment, Chu Ning discovered that there was a monk approaching quickly from the side and behind.

And judging from the auras of the two of them, it was obvious that their levels were both high.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning simply landed in a small valley below and found a hiding place to hide.

Using the wind-hiding formation function of the robe and the Forbidden God Technique, he can also avoid the detection of the two monks.

After they leave, it will not be too late to leave on your own.


But after a while, Chu Ning was surprised to find that a monk had also fallen into the valley.

 And it was not far away from him.

Even through the entrance of this hidden cave, Chu Ning could clearly see the people coming outside.

This man has a middle-aged appearance, is as skinny as a stick, and is faintly exuding demonic aura. At first glance, he is a member of the Demonic Alliance.

 He is surprisingly a late-stage Jindan monk.

As soon as this person fell into the valley, he used his spiritual consciousness to explore everywhere.

Chuning possesses the Forbidden God Technique, so naturally he will not let the opponent easily detect it.

Just when Chu Ning was wondering how the other party came to this inconspicuous valley.

The monk who came from the other direction also landed in the valley at this moment.

Moreover, it happened to fall in front of the Demonic Alliance monk.

What surprised Chu Ning even more was that he knew this person himself, it was Ao Langtian from the Daluo Sect.

 “The Daluo Sect actually colluded with the Demonic Alliance.”

Chun Ning felt a little chilled in her heart, but also sighed secretly.

From this point of view, the relationship between the different alliances in the Western Alliance Continent is really complicated.

 Such things may happen among various alliances.

 The two met, but there was no sound of conversation. Chu Ning immediately realized that the two were communicating through spiritual consciousness.

Chun Ning raised his brows slightly. The two of them thought that no one could hear their spiritual consciousness transmission.

It is true that I can't hear it, but this little guy Ling Xiaobai can hear it.

 “Xiao Bai, please pass on the message transmissions from the two of them to me.”


Chun Ning’s mind rang with the voice of this little guy, Ling Xiaobai.

Then Ling Xiaobai transferred the content of the message transmission between the two.

At this moment, it was the skinny monk from the Demonic Alliance who spoke.

“Brother Ao, didn’t you agree to try to avoid encounters after entering this spiritual realm?

  We will cooperate again when the spiritual seeds are finally obtained..."

As soon as the skinny old man spoke, Ao Langtian immediately raised his hand to signal the other person to stop talking.

The next moment, Chu Ning felt Ao Langtian's familiar consciousness sweeping over his body.

However, when Chu Ning was still in the foundation building stage, he could use the Forbidden God Technique to block the opponent's spiritual consciousness.

 This is naturally even more true at this time.

 Ao Langtian's spiritual consciousness scanned around, but naturally found nothing.

 The skinny old man smiled and said:

“Brother Ao, you can’t trust Zou. Naturally, I have already explored this place with my spiritual sense.”

Ao Langtian laughed and said, "Brother Zou is weird, but Ao is also cautious."

“Hey, if you are being cautious, Brother Ao shouldn’t ask me to meet here.”

The skinny old man named Zou was very confused at the moment.

 The smile on Ao Langtian's face disappeared, and a hint of gloom flashed across his face.

“I also just happened to sense that Brother Zou was nearby, and I suddenly thought of asking Brother Zou to help me with the next favor.”

Before the old man surnamed Zou could continue to speak, Ao Langtian had already spoken again:

“I would like to trouble fellow Taoist to mobilize your friends in the Demonic Alliance. I met an early Jindan monk from Jiuhua Sect named Chu Ning. Help me kill him. I will be very grateful.”

As he spoke, Ao Langtian took out something that was obviously a portrait.

At this moment, Chu Ning felt a chill in her heart when she heard this through Ling Xiaobai Zhuan's words.

“This Ao Langtian really hates himself to the core. He even contacted people from the Demonic Alliance to kill him.”

The old man surnamed Zou also asked with some confusion at this moment:

“Brother Ao, you took the risk to find me just to settle this matter? But I don’t know how this early Jindan monk offended you.

How dare you mobilize so many troops to kill him? "

Ao Langtian’s face continued to look gloomy, but he just said:

“Brother Zou doesn’t need to ask about the specific reason.

I won’t be able to take action in a crowded place. As long as Brother Zou can get this person’s head, Ao will definitely thank him and never break his promise. "

The old man surnamed Zou laughed when he heard this.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's see if our luck is good. Can we run into this little fat sheep and get a big thank you from Brother Ao?"

With that said, the two people, who had obviously reached some kind of deal before, actually dispersed.

 It seems that other cooperation matters have already been discussed.

  It wasn't until the two of them left for a long time that Chu Ning walked out of the hiding place, his face also a little gloomy.

“It seems that the situation with Daluo Sect is really a fight to the death.

 Fortunately, I have changed my appearance, otherwise, they might really be able to track me down. "

A cold glint flashed in Chu Ning's eyes at this moment. Ao Langtian was a late-stage Golden Core cultivator. It would be too risky for him to confront him rashly now.

But this Daluo Sect has admitted four monks, but there are still two middle-stage Golden Elixirs and one early-stage Golden Elixir.

 In this case, it is best not to encounter other monks from Daluo Sect during this trip.

 Otherwise, don’t blame yourself for being cruel.

Since you are doing the first grade of junior high school, then I will do the fifteenth grade.

With his mind spinning, Chu Ning glanced at the direction and flew forward again.

This spiritual realm has another advantage compared to the wood spirit realm that we entered originally. It is probably that there is no restriction on flying.

 Otherwise, if this spiritual realm is obviously larger, we really have to rely on walking.

 Even for Chu Ning, it takes a long time.

Chuning flew forward again. As he got closer to the core area, he could find more monks.

During this process, Chu Ning also saw one or two Yunxiao League monks.

 It's just that he didn't meet anyone he knew well, so Chu Ning naturally wouldn't contact them rashly.

 Flying forward from the valley, it is about a hundred miles away.

Chuning suddenly stopped in the air.

After the consciousness dispersed, it locked onto a place about twenty miles to the southeast, and a figure that was flying towards this place about fifteen miles to the southwest.

 Then his eyes began to flicker slightly.

 “Monk from Daluo Sect!”

Chuning used his spiritual consciousness to detect the escaping figure fifteen miles away in the southwest.

 It was discovered that the other party turned out to be an old man with an eyebrow who had been to Jiuhua Sect with Ao Langtian before from the Daluo Sect.

Chun Ning also learned later that this person's surname was He, and he was considered an older middle-stage Jindan monk in Daluo Sect.

However, at this moment, Chu Ning did not directly choose to meet the old man with an eyebrow raised by the surname He.

There is another monk twenty miles to the southeast. It is easy to attract attention by doing it alone.

Using his spiritual consciousness, he briefly sensed the situation twenty miles to the southwest.

Chu Ning waited quietly. When the old man with sullen eyebrows closed the distance to about ten miles, he suddenly locked the opponent with his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, Chu Ning deliberately controlled the intensity of his consciousness, which was close to the level of the early stage of ordinary golden elixir.

 At the same time, after his spiritual consciousness fell on the other party, he immediately retracted it as if he was frightened.

And all this has already been noticed by the old man with an eyebrow.

The man was slightly startled at first, and the next moment, his spiritual consciousness swept over him.

People were also flying towards Chu Ning.

At this moment, Chu Ning no longer waited in the air, but turned into a ray of light and flew towards the southwest.

 Behind him, the old man surnamed He with eyebrows was chasing after him. The two men fled very fast, and they quickly chased them for more than ten miles.

 Under Chu Ning's intentional control, the distance was basically maintained at about five miles.

At this moment, in the southwest direction where Chu Ning originally targeted, a middle-aged monk was looking at the corpse of the sixth-order magic beast ant in front of him.

At this time, he quickly raised his head and looked at the sky not far away.

After using his spiritual sense to investigate, he found that a monk was coming straight towards him. The middle-aged man couldn't help but frown slightly.

Just as he was about to put the corpse away, the next moment, a white light shot towards it.

At the same time, a ray of blue clouds swept towards the corpse of the monster on the ground.

 “How brave, you dare to rob my Tianji Alliance’s things!”

 The middle-aged man let out an angry roar at this moment, waving his hands one after another, and two golden lights flashed.

One is facing the Qingxia that wants to ingest the corpse of the monster beast, and the other is facing the white light that is shooting out.

 Suddenly, the green clouds and white awns instantly disappeared.

 “The spell of Daluo Sect of Yunxiao Alliance?”

This middle-aged man from the Tianji League seems to have a lot of knowledge. He recognized the origin of this spell after just one confrontation.

 What only made the middle-aged man frown slightly was that after launching this attack, there seemed to be no movement from the visitor.

 When he used his spiritual sense to investigate, he could not find any trace of the monk nearby.

Just when the middle-aged man was confused, he discovered that a figure was flying towards him not far away.

 Dang even asked loudly: "Who is coming?"

“I am the Great Luo Zong He Huirong, I wonder if you...”

The person who escaped was naturally the old man named Daluo Zonghe who was attracted by Chu Ning.

 When the middle-aged man heard that this person turned out to be from the Daluo Sect, he immediately showed an angry look on his face.

 “Daluo Sect? You’re here just in time!”

As he spoke, the man took out a golden ruler and flew towards He Huirong. At the same time, several golden beams of light struck out.

 “Fellow Taoist, what does this mean?”

He Huirong, who had just flown up to him, saw that the middle-aged man was attacking without saying a word, and his face turned cold.

 Similarly, he took out a flywheel-like magic weapon to fight against the enemy.

“What do you mean? It’s you, Daluo Sect, who is being beaten!”

The middle-aged man's offensive became more and more fierce at this moment, and the two men suddenly started fighting in the air.

 As the two sides went back and forth, they gradually deviated from this place.

At this moment, a human figure appeared next to the body of the sixth-order magic beast ant.

 It was Chu Ning who had hidden himself after losing a few spells before.

It's just that at this moment, Chu Ning didn't pay attention to the corpse on the ground, but quickly flew towards the cave.

“Xiaobai, are you right? Is there really Tianyuan Grass in this?”

 “Yeah, I smell that.”

Ling Xiaobai responded, and Chu Ning rushed directly into the cave without any hesitation.

Chun Ning once obtained a small amount of Tian Yuan Grass in the Thunder Fire Sect, and later refined it into Xiao Tian Yuan Dan.

 Because at that time, Chu Ning's cultivation level could only support him in refining Xiao Tian Yuan Dan, and the quantity was not large.

  I had already taken a few pills when I was seriously injured by the elder of the Yin Demon Sect.

Later, when Da Luo Zong came to compete, he gave another one to Yuan Rongzhang, who was seriously injured.

There are only two coins in my hand.

Chun Ning felt that it was necessary to prepare something like this that could save lives.

Especially with his current alchemy skills, he can not only refine Xiaotian Yuan Dan.

 Even the refining of Tianyuan Dan is no problem at all.

Chuning entered the lair, and sure enough, he saw more than ten Tianyuan grass in a corner.

“I don’t know if some of them were eaten by that sixth-level monster. It was really a waste of natural resources.”

Sighing in his heart, Chu Ning quickly took out the jade box and collected all the Tianyuan grass.

 Then he flew out again.

The two people in the distance were still fighting. Chu Ning naturally put the body of the monster into the storage bag without any politeness.

 Then get ready to leave.

At this moment, Chu Ning’s eyes flashed slightly as he looked towards the fight in the distance.

Just now, with a slight sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he suddenly discovered that the middle-aged man from the Tianji League was actually at a disadvantage against the old man named He from the Daluo Sect.

“If this continues, this middle-aged man will either run away or be seriously injured by the old man named He.”

Chun Ning muttered to himself and left in no hurry.

He didn't care what happened to the middle-aged man from the Tianji League, but he was not prepared to let the old man named He go.

With the help of the Wind Hidden Formation effect of his robe and the Forbidden God Technique, Chu Ning once again lurked near the two of them.

The two people who were so excited at this moment could not find each other.

 “This fellow Taoist from Daluo Sect, Qiu, has admitted defeat!”

At this moment, the middle-aged monk from the Tianji Alliance who had been slightly injured after being suppressed by the old man surnamed Diaomei using a fire wheel-shaped magic weapon shouted.

“How about I just give up the sixth-level monster I killed to my fellow Taoist? How about we let it go?”

When the old man named He heard this, he snorted coldly, as if he had just been angered by the middle-aged man's indiscriminate attack.

At this moment, he ignored the middle-aged monk's lowered head and suppressed the power of the magic weapon even more.

Gradually, the middle-aged monk became more and more exhausted. Although he fought back several times, he caused some damage to the old man named He.

 But after several attempts, it seemed that all means had been exhausted.

 Finally, the golden light of the golden ruler used by this man disappeared under the flywheel attack of the old man named He.

It was obvious that he could no longer attack. The middle-aged monk named Qiu from the Tianji Alliance suddenly turned a little pale.

 Then the man opened his mouth and sprayed out a golden round elixir.

 This elixir met the old man's flywheel and knocked it away directly.

However, the middle-aged man's face turned a little paler, but there was also a hint of madness in his eyes.

He actually laughed at the old man named He with a raised eyebrow and said:

"Come on, if you have the ability, show off the golden elixir to Bibi, or call out your helper who has been lying in wait!"

The expression of the old man named He who was driving the flywheel changed slightly at this moment.

 “Help? What helper? Between us…”

The old man surnamed He with eyebrows was about to say whether there was any misunderstanding between the two.

At this time, the middle-aged monk surnamed Qiu from the Tianji Alliance suddenly felt something, and did not even wait for the old man surnamed He to finish speaking.

 Then he drove the golden elixir directly towards the old man named He.

At the same time, a faint green sword light flashed from behind his body, piercing through his body.

The middle-aged monk surnamed Qiu, who had already used his golden elixir, did not have much defense at all, and his vitality was quickly drained by this blow.

The middle-aged monk surnamed Qiu looked fierce at this moment and shouted:

“You forced me to do this, and you will die with me! Explode!”

With this loud roar, the golden elixir that had just flown to the old man named He exploded.

 Under his deliberate control, the huge impact was all concentrated on the old man named He.

The old man surnamed He with Diao Mei did not expect that this person would explode the golden elixir at will.

By the time he reacted, it was too late to dodge, so he could only release a defensive shield immediately to resist.

It's just the power of the golden elixir's self-destruction, which cannot be resisted by ordinary defenses.

The old man with eyebrows surnamed He was directly lifted more than ten feet away by the air wave, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood with a pale face and stabilized his body.

 Obviously, he had been seriously injured this time.

At this moment, his eyes were looking at the figure holding a small green sword in the air, and he asked with an ugly expression:

“Who are you, your Excellency, and why do you provoke us to fight?”

Chuning looked at the old man named He and said with a smile:

“Congratulations to fellow Taoist priest, what are you talking about? Your lord, Taoist fellow Ao, has an agreement with my senior fellow disciple.

I happened to be passing by again and saw you guys fighting, so I helped out. "

The old man surnamed He with eyebrows flashed a hint of suspicion when he heard Chu Ning's words.

 “Are you from the Black Cloud Sect?”

 After saying this, the old man named He looked at Chu Ning who was getting closer, and he was full of vigilance.

“Exactly.” Chu Ning laughed again.

"He Daoyou doesn't seem to believe it? Your sect Ao Daoyou specifically asked this sect to help kill Chu Ning of the Jiuhua Sect.

 This matter must not be false after all. "

The old man surnamed He with eyebrows secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Although he didn't know about this, he was not surprised that Ao Langtian would do all these things.

 Furthermore, ordinary monks would not know this.

Just as he was slightly relieved, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

But at this moment, the small green sword in Chu Ning's hand suddenly shot out and attacked him.

 (End of this chapter)

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