Chapter 262 The spiritual realm opens

 At the same time, two things appeared in Chu Ning's hands again.

 It was Ge Liuyang who helped him refine the robes and boots used to perform Divine Wind Escape.

Chuning looked at the two things in front of him and muttered softly.

“Although these robes and boots were good at first, now that I have broken through the golden elixir, they are not enough.”

Chun Ning also discovered this when he killed various monsters in the Jiuhua Mountains.

 As he enters the golden elixir stage, his cultivation and mana increase, and he can perform Divine Wind Escape faster.

 The improvement that this robe and boots can bring to him is really limited.

And as Chu Ning's weapon refining skills improved, he could also vaguely feel that these two things Ge Liuyang said at the beginning were comparable to magic weapons.

 Strictly speaking, it has not really reached the magic weapon level.

On the one hand, the materials are naturally limited, and on the other hand, it has something to do with Ge Liuyang not being good at wind formations.

At that time, the Jiuhua Sect had not yet received a complete inheritance, and many of the wind magic arrays that could be used to make robes were incomplete.

 But all this is obviously not a problem for Chu Ning at this moment.

This time he went to Tianyin Pavilion and unexpectedly received a lot of weapon refining materials.

In addition, I have practiced wind spells myself, and I have the assistance of array spirits.

If you want to refine a special wind attribute magic weapon, you can still do it.

Furthermore, Chu Ning has a spiritual body, and as long as he can refine it by himself, he can nurture many natal magic weapons.

Chun Ning thought about it and felt that the magic robe is very suitable as this kind of magic weapon. It can be used at any time when worn on the body.

That's when I fell in love with the bottle of Asparagus Essence from the palace-dressed nun surnamed Jia.

This treasure is the key to turning many monster skins and weapon refining materials into soft materials that can be used to make robes.

Like this, I stayed in the weapon refining room for another ten days.

Chun Ning already had a blue robe in his hand.

 Compared with the green robe made by Ge Liuyang before, this robe is obviously more decorated.

Ch Ning used silk threads refined from special materials to make various array decorations on the placket, cuffs, hem, etc.

 In addition to using the power of wind to increase speed, there is also a certain attack bonus.

 This is naturally to cooperate with Chu Ning in using the technique of setting fire to the prairie fire.

 After all, this technique can still be used even if Chu Ning uses the Heavenly Fire Sword Technique or the Condensation of the Fierce Sun Spirit Bird.

In addition, Chu Ning also added a magic formation called the Wind Hidden Formation to this robe.

This formation can bring about an invisibility effect. After being activated with mana, even high-level monks cannot see it with the naked eye.

Of course, if the other party’s spiritual consciousness is strong, it can be detected.

However, Chu Ning has the Forbidden God Technique, so he can naturally solve this small flaw perfectly.

Wearing this robe and entering the weapon refining room for more than two months, Chu Ning finally came out.

 As soon as he appeared, he attracted Ge Liuyang's attention.

The elder of the Weapon Refining Pavilion appeared directly outside the Weapon Refining Room and asked curiously:

“Junior Brother Chu, has the magic weapon been refined?”

Chuning nodded with a smile, opened his mouth and spat out, and a two-foot flying sword shining with green light fell into his hand.

 Immediately, he handed the sword towards Ge Liuyang.

Ge Liuyang took the sword and looked it over for a moment, then his face was full of surprise.

“You actually refined the Five Elements Spiritual Sword and mixed the Black Mysterious Gold into it!”

Chuning took the flying sword back and put it inside his body.

“I’m pretty lucky. I went to Tianyin Pavilion with Senior Brother Ling to attend a party this time and got some treasures.”

 I took a lot of elixirs to replenish my mana during the process, which supported me until I finally completed the refining of the flying sword. "

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Ge Liuyang immediately shook his head and smiled:

“There’s no such thing as luck or bad luck. Among the Jindan monks, the one I admire the most now is you, Junior Brother Chu!

The skill of refining weapons surpasses me, and the skill of refining alchemy surpasses that of Senior Brother Ling. However, the monks in the early stages of the golden elixir can kill sixth-level monsters.

 Okay, haha! The sect leader is right, our Jiuhua Sect has indeed produced a powerful golden elixir monk. "

As he spoke, Ge Liuyang saw the blue robe on Chu Ning again.

“Hey, the level of your robe has also reached the level of a magic weapon.

 I think the set of robes I refined at the beginning no longer meets your needs, so I changed them. "

Chun Ning knew that Ge Liuyang always spoke straightforwardly, and it was not because he was surprised. At this moment, he cupped his hands and said:

“Senior Brother Ge, thanks to you for helping me refine this robe over the years, it has helped me a lot.”

 “Hey, let’s not mention the polite words.” Ge Liuyang waved his hands at this time.

 Then he suddenly said:

“Actually, it’s okay to thank you. How about you come to take charge of the Weapon Refining Pavilion.

 In terms of the level of weapon refining, I am not as good as you now. "

As soon as Chu Ning heard this, he immediately said:

“Brother, please spare me. I have so many things to cultivate now that I can no longer take care of them.

There is no time to take care of the Weapon Refining Pavilion, and my temperament is not suitable for taking care of such things. "

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Ge Liuyang waved his hand again and said:

“That’s all, I just asked casually, and I know you won’t agree.

However, you still have to spend some time occasionally coming to the Weapon Refining Pavilion to give guidance to the disciples. "

"This is natural." Chu Ning readily agreed.

Then he left the Weapon Refining Pavilion and flew towards his own Tianlan Peak.

 Chuning felt the effect of his new robe for a while along the way, and Chu Ning was immediately very satisfied.

Coupled with the use of Divine Wind Escape, his escape technique is definitely a powerful one among the Golden Core monks.

 After returning to his own Tianlan Peak, Chu Ning immediately took off the robe, then put it into his body, and also started the pregnancy and nurturing process with his soul and elixir power.

 The talent of the spirit body is indeed unaffected by anything.

  If it were an ordinary early-stage Jindan monk, he would be able to take a few magic weapons into his body and use them as his natal magic weapon.

 Yuan Shen and He Dan's power cannot support the pregnancy and maintenance of so many magic weapons.

And Chu Ning can support it because the power of the golden elixir is comparable to that of the middle-stage golden elixir, and because of his strong spiritual consciousness.

However, even so, Chu Ning must spend a lot of time practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art every day to improve his cultivation.

The Nine-Evolution Body Refining Technique and the Divine Refining Technique have not fallen behind either.

 At the same time, the driving of magic weapons and several top-level spells are carried out alternately.

 He devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

Although Chu Ning has been promoted to Jindan Elder, he rarely participates in sect affairs.

Yu Changge and others also knew that Chu Ning didn't like these worldly things, and that Chu Ning was practicing various magic weapons and supernatural powers soon after forming an elixir.

 It's not an urgent matter, so I usually won't call him.

 Time flies, and another year has passed.

On this day, Chu Ning was meditating in his Tianlan Peak Cave.

 At the same time, he also checked his own cultivation proficiency.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), first level (8644/50000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, First Level (19511/45000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (39345/64000)】

“One and a half years, the first half of the year was spent making talismans, refining elixirs, and refining weapons, but it was the next whole year that allowed me to really let go of my thoughts and practice more.

 After entering the golden elixir stage, my various cultivations have indeed slowed down a bit.

Of course, this is also related to my intention to control the speed and consolidate my realm without taking any pills. "

Chun Ning was thinking about the progress of his cultivation. At this moment, he sensed a transmission note coming from the outside world.

He then waved his hand and summoned the talisman.

“Well, the sect leader has summoned us to discuss something?”

Chun Ning was a little surprised. Under normal circumstances, Yu Changge would not come to him.

“Could it be something that happened in the Honghukou Spiritual Realm?”

At this moment, Chu Ning's heart moved slightly, and she vaguely guessed a possibility.

 Because I vaguely heard the sect mentioning this matter a few days ago.

 Immediately flew out of his Tianlan Peak and came to Jiuling Peak.

 In the meeting hall, Yu Changge and Gong Yuyuan have already arrived.

 After Chu Ning arrived, the other elders also arrived one after another.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Yu Changge opened his mouth and said:

“My uncle has received news that the spiritual realm at Honghukou has been completely stabilized, and the spatial boundary is expected to appear within two or three days.

It is said that in the past two days, Alliance Leader Qin Changkong used his own secret skills to conduct some investigations..."

  When Yu Changge said this, his eyes were slightly bright.

"The spatial boundary point of the territory occupied by the Yunxiao Alliance is most likely to be in the Demon Spirit Gate territory that our Jiuhua Sect initially occupied."

 “Is this true?”

As soon as he heard what Yu Changge said, Elder Luojie of Jin Yuanfeng blurted out the words immediately.

However, he soon realized that Qin Changkong was the only late Nascent Soul monk in the Yunxiao League.

Since this person used secret techniques to detect it, there is a high probability that it is accurate.

Roger immediately asked:

“Did the alliance specify how many people could enter, and who could enter the spiritual realm?”

Yu Changge shook his head.

"Uncle Master didn't mention this matter during the summons. I guess it's still undecided."

But then, he smiled again and said:

“However, since this space boundary point is in the territory controlled by our Jiuhua Sect.

 This matter is naturally the most beneficial to us, so we should be able to get a few places. "     Speaking of this, Yu Changge looked at Chu Ning and asked:

“Junior brother Chu, do you still want to enter the spiritual realm?”

“Sect Master, I really want to go in and give it a try.”

When Chu Ning heard this, he answered without any hesitation.

After many rounds of talent refresh, all four spirit bodies of the Talisman Array among the Hundred Arts of Immortal Cultivation have been refreshed.

Chu Ning thought that the possibility of refreshing the rest of the training skills was not so great.

Moreover, the formation spirit body is even directly refreshed in the hidden talent.

In this way, Chu Ning vaguely felt that even the next time it was refreshed, it would most likely be a spirit-like body.

And according to the system, the spiritual body talents that are always rewarded to oneself are consistent with one's own cultivation.

 And what he is currently practicing is the Five Elements Chaos Art. It is not impossible to help him gather the Five Elements Spiritual Body after two refreshes.

Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal. If you don’t have a golden spiritual root, you cannot refresh your metallic spirit body.

 This is a big deal.

 Now that there is such an opportunity, Chu Ning naturally wants to fight for it.

 And it’s not just about trying your luck, but about trying your best to gain something.

Yu Changge saw Chu Ning’s resolute attitude and said nothing more.

His eyes swept over Roger and Chu Ning.

"In this case, without further delay, the two junior brothers should set off as soon as possible."

 As he spoke, Yu Changge looked at Gong Yuyuan.

“Senior Brother Gong, my uncle’s intention is that if we can get three places, our sect will arrange for another late-stage Jindan monk to enter.

I want to take charge of the sect, and there is also a late-stage Jindan monk at Honghukou.

I would also like to trouble you to go together. As for who enters the spiritual realm, we can discuss it at the mouth of Dehong Lake. "

 “Okay!” Gong Yuyuan responded.

The three of them immediately got up and went to prepare. At this time, Yu Changge said to Chu Ning again:

“Junior brother Chu, although you have powerful magical powers, you have just formed the elixir not long ago.

If there is a chance, that would be the best. If not, don’t force it.

 You are so young, you have left the green hills, and you are not afraid of running out of firewood. "

After Yu Changge finished speaking, the other Jindan elders also nodded and cast concerned glances at Chu Ning.

“The sect master is right, Junior Brother Chu, you are still young and you don’t have to fight to the death with others.”

"Yes, in this secret realm, even people who are also members of the Yunxiao Alliance cannot be completely trusted. Junior brother should be careful."


Hearing what everyone said, Chu Ning immediately nodded and said:

“Thank you for your concern, fellow apprentices. Please be careful.”

 Everyone said nothing more.

Chuning returned to his Tianlan Peak and found that there was nothing special to prepare.

He then packed up the two golden thunder eagles and Ling Xiaobai in a spirit animal bag and took them with him.

Although the level of several spiritual beasts has not reached the golden elixir level, they can still be of great help to Chu Ning.

 This little guy Ling Xiaobai has helped Chu Ning solve many problems before.

And after advancing to level four, the little guy has another talent.

You can hear the monk's spiritual consciousness. The little guy specially tried it. As long as it is not comparable to the Yuanying monk's spiritual consciousness, he can still hear the sound.



 After more than ten years, Chu Ning arrived again.

In the past ten years or so, Jiuhua Sect has naturally arranged for foundation-building monks to come here to guard the territory.

 But because of Chu Ning’s special nature, he has never participated.

 Compared with more than ten years ago, there have been obvious changes here.

 The entire mouth of Dahonghu Lake is divided and shrouded by three completely different formations.

As soon as Chu Ning entered this place, he clearly felt the intensity of spiritual energy that was completely different from before.

The surrounding mountains are lush and lush, and you can see many elixirs and fruits from time to time.

 It's just because it's not mature yet, so it's not picked by the immortal cultivators.

“This place has become an excellent place for cultivation.

It seems that the formation of this spiritual realm has also affected the surrounding spiritual energy.

The formation of this spiritual realm is indeed much more advanced than the wood spirit realm I have seen before. "

Chun Ning actually did some research on this matter before.

 There is no obvious level between different spiritual species, but the spiritual realms are different.

Just like the previous wood spirit realm near Qingxi Sect, only monks in the Qi Refining Stage can enter.

 The spiritual realm here can withstand the entry of Jindan monks.

Of course, correspondingly, the time for the spiritual seed to appear does not need to be the same as it was in Qingxi Sect.

The sect has been setting up for decades, and has gathered batch after batch of disciples in the Qi refining stage to enter. With the help of formations, they forced the spiritual seed to appear in the world.

 After the Jindan monks enter, as long as they gather a small group and use powerful magic power, they can force the spiritual species to appear in the world.

Although there have been considerable changes in Honghukou, the general geographical appearance has not changed significantly.

 Among the Yunxiao League's residences, the Jiuhua Sect still has a mountaintop to settle down.

When a few people arrived, Tang Xuan, Yuan Zhuo and the elder named He were already waiting.

Chun Ning and the other two people came together, and Tang Xuan said to them:

“After discussing the matter of entering the spiritual realm, the three alliances have already made a rough plan.

 Within today, all the foundation-building monks will evacuate, leaving only Nascent Soul and Golden Core monks.

 When the space boundary point officially appears in two days, we will open the space channel for everyone to enter. "

As he spoke, Tang Xuan had a smile on his face and said:

“The number of people entering the three alliances this time is related to the size of the area they occupy. The Tianji Alliance accounts for 40%, the Demonic Alliance accounts for 35%, and our Yunxiao Alliance accounts for 25%.

A total of sixty people from the Yunxiao Alliance entered. In view of our previous contributions, the alliance allocated three places. "

Hearing Tang Xuan's words, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Ning.

Everyone knows that this contribution refers to seizing the territory of the Demon Spirit Sect.

After all, there are nearly fifty sects in the Yunxiao League, and the Jiuhua Sect is not very high in ranking, and can still be allocated three places.

This is mainly because the spatial boundary point is on the territory where Jiuhua Sect captured the Demon Spirit Gate.

“This time, in addition to our Jiuhua Sect, which has three places to enter, the Guiyuan Sect in the alliance has five places.

Da Luo Sect was the first to occupy the territory here, and was given four quotas. There are also several other stronger sects, all of which have more than three quotas.

I am thinking that there must be many late-stage Jindan monks entering this time. Yuyuan and Yuan Zhuo, what do you two think? "

After Tang Xuan asked this question, Chu Ning couldn't help but look at Gong Yuyuan and Yuan Zhuo.

Although the spiritual seeds in this spiritual realm are golden spiritual seeds, monks who practice metallic skills will be more useful in obtaining spiritual seeds or aura.

 But this does not mean that it is unattractive to other monks.

 First of all, in such a high-level spiritual realm, there will be no shortage of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

 Because it has been proven before that the stability of the spiritual realm takes time, but the small world within it has already been formed long ago, and many spiritual realms have even moved from other places.

 There are many heavenly materials and earthly treasures inside, which are of great benefit even to late-stage Jindan monks.

Secondly, if you can really obtain spiritual seeds and refine them, even if you are not a monk practicing the same attribute technique, it will be of great benefit.

It is said that thousands of years ago, there were special cases where monks obtained spiritual species with different attributes, but after refining, they broke through the late Golden Core stage and entered the Nascent Soul stage.

 Obviously this is still very attractive to the late Jindan monks.

 “Let Senior Brother Gong enter.”

 “Let Junior Brother Yuan enter!”

After Tang Xuan finished speaking, Gong Yuyuan and Yuan Zhuo said almost in unison.

 Then Gong Yuyuan immediately waved his hand and said:

“Junior brother Yuan, you are nearly a hundred years younger than me, but now your cultivation level is equivalent to mine.

 In terms of talent and potential, you are better than me. In this case, I should be more generous.

Let’s not talk about whether there will be a chance after entering. Even if there is, I should give it to you. "

When Yuan Zhuo heard this, he who never spoke much did not say anything more at this moment. He just bowed towards Gong Yuyuan and said:

 “Thank you, senior brother!”

When Tang Xuan saw this, he decided:

“In this case, Yuan Zhuo, Luo Jie and Chu Ning will enter the spiritual realm.”

 After speaking, several people discussed the situations they might encounter after entering the spiritual realm.

 Then, except for Elder Nahe who sent the foundation-building monks back to the sect and then returned.

Chun Ning and the others are practicing breath adjustment with peace of mind in this station, waiting for the appearance of the spatial boundary point.

Two days passed by in a flash, and today Chu Ning was continuing to practice in the cave.

Tang Xuan's voice reached his ears.

“Let’s go, the alliance leader sent a message, the spatial boundary point has appeared, and it is indeed the location that was previously inferred.

 The spiritual realm is about to open, let’s go there quickly. "

 (End of this chapter)

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