My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 231

“Give it to him!”

Chen Mo moved towards “Death God” whose breathing on the ground has become weaker, motioned, and waited for Wang Jin to wear it to him Well, after the heartbeat signal on the bracelet reappeared, Chen Mo stretched out his hand and took out the bomb anklet that Sharon had removed from the space.

The time in the space is static, so no matter how long it is left in the space, the state when taken out is exactly the same as when it is put in. That is to say, the signal not at all is interrupted. Will explode.

Now after taking it out, it continues to receive the heartbeat signal of “Death God”, which is seamlessly connected, so the indicator light on the bomb foot ring is still blue, which is safe.

After putting the ankle ring on Justin Hammer, who had fainted, Chen Mo slapped him directly, and then, regardless of his hysterical wailing, he sat in the bat war chariot with Wang Jin and left. Here.

The bat war chariot just drove out of the underground garage exit and returned to the ground. Chen Mo saw Ethan Court Academecian wearing Mark II standing in front of a group of guards. He was still standing beside him. Natasha Romanov who just arrived.

Chen Mo and Tony _Stark were naturally seen by the guards when they entered the building. Wang Jins bat war chariot broke the wall and entered when it was very dynamic. In order to prevent them from making trouble, Chen Mo ordered Ethan Court Academecian stayed outside.

Now the name of Iron Man can be said to be unknown. The video of his battle with Iron Monger is widely circulated. Almost all the guards present have watched it more than once, and many of them are his fans. .

They are also very aware of the strength of Iron Man. Although two Iron Man appeared before, they still dare not act blindly in the face of Ethan Court Academecian wearing Mark II steel battle clothes. Without thinking, he confronted him in front of the building. Thanks to Iron Man’s deterrence, if he did start, Ethan Court Academecian might trip himself up in a hurry.

Bat war chariot stopped beside Ethan Court Academecian, Chen Mo opened the car door and walked out.

“Ethan, get in the car! You and Wang Jin will go back first.”

Ethan Court Academecian was originally worried about how to get back soon. He might crash on the way when he was flying by himself. I dont want to be a human skateboard again, is it possible that I want to go back?

Then I dont know how many falls!

At this time, I heard Chen Mo’s words, and my heart was settled, and he staggered over and got into the car awkwardly.

When the guards on the opposite side saw this, they couldn’t help but wonder, is this Iron Man fake?

Standing there and thinking about that, why does it seem like polio?

Just as they were wondering, the sci-fi black war chariot door slowly closed, and then quickly began to accelerate, before they had time to react, rushed past them, Long away.

Looking at this sci-fi war chariot disappearing in the distance, a group of guards turned around and looked towards Chen Mo and Natasha Romanov who remained in place.

The dark Edman alloy armor on Chen Mo looks no weaker than steel battle clothes. The powerful imposing manner on Chen Mo is countless times stronger than the previous counterfeit Iron Man. The group of guards was shocked for a while and did not dare to step forward.

However, as time went by, more and more guards rushed over from the surroundings, and soon the two Chen Mo were completely surrounded and blocked in front of the building.

As the number of people increased, their confidence gradually increased, and they began to begin to stir.

The sudden sound of an explosion from the ground and the violent vibration that followed made them commotion.

Natasha Romanov felt the commotion of the guards, glanced at Chen Mo, who was still very calm beside him, and asked with a somewhat hoarse sexy voice.

“Commander, shall we fight out soon?”

Although Chen Mo didnt understand why Chen Mo didnt just leave when she was young, she was not worried. No matter how many guards there are, they can’t pose any threat to her and Chen Mo, but they are just a little troublesome.

Chen Mo shook the head slightly when she heard her.

“Lets drive back.”

Drive? Is it to grab a car? But then you have to fight out first!

Just as Natasha Romanov was puzzled, a burst of engine rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance. Soon, more than a dozen large black SUVs appeared in her vision. A group of guards moved towards behind them and they rushed at high speed.

A harsh brake sound rang, and dozens of large off-road vehicles with flashing police lights suddenly stopped outside the crowd, enclosing a group of guards in a semi-enclosed manner.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!…”

A continuous door opening sounded. The doors of a dozen off-road vehicles were all opened, and dozens of people were physically strong. , Wearing black combat uniforms, fully armed soldiers rushed down from the car, and quickly took control of the stunned guards.

Afterwards, two figures came out of the crowd and moved towards Chen Mo came over. It was Phil Phil Colson in a black suit and the fully armed “crossbones” in combat uniforms. Brock Rumlow.



The two walked up to Chen Mo and stood still.

Chen Mo glanced around and found that the situation on the scene had been controlled by the special forces, so he gently nodded and said to the two.

“I will leave the rest to you. I will let Tony send you the live video.”

“Yes! Commander!”

“Okay, sir!”

Chen Mo was nodded toward the two, and directly led Natasha Romanov through the crowd and got into an off-road vehicle.

“Bang! Bang!” Closing the door twice, Chen Mo slammed on the accelerator, hit the steering wheel in his hand, quickly turned around, and rushed towards the far door.

In the car, Natasha Romanov turned his head slightly and looked carefully at Chen Mo who was driving. At this time, he had already put the armor on his head into the space and lifted the head of Nano In combat uniforms, a majestic and stern face appeared.

So close to Chen Mo, the Legendary hero, SHIELD boss, the most important thing is to stay alone with the most powerful house in the world who looks very young and handsome, Natasha Romanov couldnt help but feel Some strange feelings came out, and the eyes of Chen Mo couldn’t help but become a little blurred.

“Good job!”

Chen Mo suddenly spoke while driving the car.

Natasha Romanov hearing this moved towards Chen Mo sexy bearing and charming temperament’s slightly smiled, did not speak.

“I want you.”

Chen Mo looked forward, said in deadly earnest.

Natasha Romanov couldn’t keep calm anymore, only feeling the whole body warm, and the heart began to beat involuntarily.

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