My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 230

“It’s useless! Give it up, you are impossible to open it!”

Chen Mo ignored him and looked down and carefully checked the explosive position in the ankle ring. The line was distributed, and finally, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Standing up, Chen Mo took out the sword of the king from the space, moved towards Sharon and said “Don’t be afraid”, then moved towards her ankle can be cut down.

The sharp point of the sword swept across an inconspicuous gap in the ankle.


After a light sound, there seems to be no change in the foot ring.

Although Justin Hammer wondered where Chen Mo pulled out the long sword, but he was confident in the Vibranium anklet he had spent a lot of money to build, and said with a smile proudly.

“I said that Vibranium impossible is destroyed, I think you should give up!”

Chen Mo ignored Justin Hammer’s clamor, put away the long sword and squatted down again , Hold both sides of the ankle ring with both hands and gently break it.


Silver’s Vibranium ankle was opened from the chopped gap. Chen Mo took the ankle and put it into the space.

Justin Hammer, who was still looking confident just now, was stunned at the moment the ankle ring was opened, until the ankle ring disappeared into Chen Mo’s hands, he still had no spirit slowly recovers, and he couldn’t believe it. Murmured to himself.

“Impossible! Impossible!……”

At this time, Justin Hammer felt like he had bought fakes, but the previous test in the laboratory was indeed You can’t destroy a single bit after exhausting all methods!

What the hell is going on? !

I put away the bomb ankle and completely relieved the danger. Tony _ Stark and the others are all sighed in relief. With such a bomb on Sharons feet, their hearts have been hanging. Now she It was finally safe, and the rescue operation was not considered a success until then.

Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Tony _ Stark.

“Tony, you take Sharon back first.”

“Okay, daddy!”

Tony nodded, he moved towards Sha Lun stretched out his hands, planning to take her out.


Finally, Sharon Rogers, who was completely safe, quickly regained her strength and saw Tony _Stark intending to hug her. The slap slapped Tony’s hand away.

I am not a little child, and I am not injured. Where do I need to hug!

Tony _ Stark retracted his hands angrily, it seems that everything just now is an illusion, Sharon is still the same Sharon.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but miss Sharon again when he was a child. At that time, every time he reached out to hug her, she would stretch out her hands happily, tiptoe, and put her head up for him to hold. Looking at Sharon Rogers staring at him in front of him, Tony Stark burst into tears.

“That, Sharon, let’s go back first.”

Sharon gave him a glance and ignored him, but turned her head and looked towards Chen Mo pitifully. , This is most likely a mysterious person of her father.

“Sharon, go home with your Tony big brother first, and we will go back soon.”

Chen Mo’s voice is indescribably gentle, Tony _Stark never Hearing what he said, I felt a little uncomfortable for a while. Could this be Tiehan’s tenderness?

Sharon looked up at the stalwart silhouette in front of him, obediently nodded.


Then I got up and moved towards the big cave blasted out by the bat war chariot.

Tony _ Stark glanced at Chen Mo with envy when he saw it, and then quickly followed her and walked out.

A burst of voice then came from outside the cave.

“Sharon, I wear steel battle clothes and fly back with you, OK? It’s exciting!”



After the two quarreled and left, Chen Mo turned and looked towards Justin Hammer who was tied to the chair behind him, his face instantly cold.

Now he has also awakened from the shock of Chen Mo cutting off the Vibranium anklet, and even if he fell into intense fear, without the restraint of Sharons bomb, they would let it go. him?

Seeing Tony and Sharon leaving, leaving only Chen Mo and Wang Jinchao walking over to him, Justin Hammer’s expression became even more horrified.

“What do you want to do?!”

Chen Mo glanced at the silver bracelet on his wrist, which is the detonator of the bomb, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes cold glow.

“Wang Jin, get that’Death God’ here!”


Wang Jin bowed his head and took the lead, and soon left the room On the other side, he brought Captain “Death God”, a mercenary who was seriously injured and unconscious.

For these accomplices, Wang Jinke did not show mercy.

Although he has never killed anyone before, he has followed Wang Kun to practice martial arts for many years, and he is the heir of the “Seven Rings Gang”. Wang Jin did not resist the killing and did not have any psychological pressure.

So most of the essence mercenaries who fought with him were directly killed by his Iron Fist, and the others who did not die on the spot were all seriously injured and could not live long.

The “Death God” who was thrown in front of Chen Mo had a deep recessed fist mark on his chest. The breastbone and ribs were broken, and the broken ribs were inserted into the lungs and mouth. From time to time, the blood foamed out, and the breathing became weaker and weaker, and it would be completely dead soon.

This is naturally clear with Chen Mo’s extremely keen hearing.

Glanced at the dead fish-like “Death God” on the ground, Chen Mo lifts the head, with cold eyes, took a deep look at Justin Hammer who directed all this today.

“You, what are you going to do?!”

I was chilled by Chen Mo’s eyes, and Justin Hammer asked with a trembling voice.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Chen Mo did not speak, raised his right hand and held it in the void. The silver king’s sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, and then moved towards Justin Han under the wave of Chen Mo Silently cut down.


Justin Hammer wailed loudly in horror, but Chen Mo’s sword was not at all slashed to him as he thought , Just as he was puzzled, a sharp pain came from his wrist.

“Ah!!! Aw!!!”

I saw Justin Hammer’s left hand wearing a silver bracelet was cut off with a sword by Chen Mo and fell to the ground.

Justin Hammer felt the severe pain coming from his wrist and looked at the severed hand falling on the ground. The intense pain and incomparable fear directly crushed his nerves, and he rolled his eyes directly. , Fainted.

Chen Mo ignored Justin Hammer, who had fainted, stretched out a long sword, picked up the bracelet from the severed hand with the tip of the sword, and then shook the tip of the sword, turning the bracelet towards Wang Jin Picked the past.

Afterwards, while the bracelet was thrown into the air, Chen Mo retracted the long sword back, followed his wrist, and waved the long sword moved towards the bracelet.

With a sound of “puff!”, the tip of the sword swept across the bracelet, and when it fell into Wang Jin’s hands, it had already opened.

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