My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 232

Natasha Romanov looked at her side in a panic. The interior space of this large off-road vehicle is very spacious. Is he going to be in the car…

Should I agree, or… I agree!

Always swift and decisive, calm and steady, seeing Tony _ Stark face doesn’t change naked, but the “black widow” with a joke on his face, but at this time his face is flushed, and he is extremely shy and low. He turned his head, and shrank like a shy little girl in the position of the co-pilot and did not dare to say anything.

At this time, the off-road vehicle just drove into a remote forest road. Natasha looked at the deserted woods outside the window, and the heartbeat was faster.

At this moment, Chen Mo’s deep voice sounded again.

“Tell Nick Fury, you have been recruited by the special forces!”


Back to the villa, Natasha Romanov went directly to himself Its been a long time since I came out. The other four people who came back first and Pepper, who had just returned from the company, were all in the living room.

Before in Hanmer Industries, Tony Stark finally got his wish and flew back to the villa with Sharon Rogers. When he asked Sharon if it was irritating, Sharon returned him three words.

Too much panic!

Tony Stark, who had failed to please the children, felt deeply disappointed, but also sighed in relief in his heart. Judging from the performance of Sharon Rogers, She is in a very good state of mind, not at all is too much affected by this kidnapping.

I have to say that Sharon is a very strong girl, even a little too strong, except that when he just entered the room where she was tied up, she showed a little weakness, and soon He once again resumed his strong temperament and refused to expose his weakness in front of him.

I really dont know who she looks like, is it hereditary? Who are her parents?

“Pepper, how is Harpy?”

The first thing Sharon saw Pepper was to ask Harp who was shot by a kidnapper to save him. The case of Pi Hogan.

“Dont worry, its okay. He is already asleep after the operation. We will see him in the hospital tomorrow.”

Pepper touched Sharons hair. Said pettingly.

Slightly nodded, Sharon finally felt relieved. At this moment, she suddenly remembered what Amy and the others had begged her, so she turned around and looked towards Tony _ Stark.

“Tony, many of my classmates are your fans, they want to see you with their own eyes.”

Tony _ Stark watched Pepper touch Sharons head My heart is imbalanced. Why can Pepper touch it, but I am always opened by fiercely when I touch it. Doesn’t the big brother have human rights?

At this time, hearing Sharon’s words, his head was instantly big, and he didn’t want to deal with a bunch of little furry kids, so without the slightest hesitation’s hook the head, resolute and decisive refused.

“Don’t even think about it! No time!”

“I knew…”

Although I didn’t report any hope, I heard Tony Without the slightest hesitation rejection, Sharon is still a little disappointed and angry, so don’t give face, hmph! I hate you!

At this moment, the door of the living room suddenly opened. Chen Mo, who had put away the Edman alloy armor and put on a set of ordinary clothes, strode in.

Seeing the familiar silhouette of Chen Mo, Sharon Rogers immediately forgot to be angry with Tony Stark, and ran towards Chen Mo, rushing directly into his arms.

Chen Mo opened her hands and hugged her, gently stroking her hair and back with a face full of affection. After a long time, Sharon reluctantly left Chen Mo’s arms, wide His chest, strong arms, this feeling is like when I was a child, it seems.

Only when she looked towards Chen Mos face looking forward to her face, she couldnt help but was taken aback. This did not seem to be her father. Although she didnt know who her biological father was, she seemed It’s not a mixed race.

Furthermore, this person looks familiar, as if he has seen him somewhere.

By the way, when Tony came back from Afghanistan, this man stood by his side, and Pepper said that he rescued Tony.

Who is he? What does it have to do with her? Why does she think he is so like the father in her memory?

A series of questions surfaced in Sharon Rogers’ mind.

Chen Mo looked at the confused and charming little girl in front of him, pulling her to sit on the sofa with a face of pity.

“Child, today, I will tell you your life experience!”

Hearing Chen Mo’s words, Sharon, who was immersed in doubts, suddenly raised her head. Looking at Chen Mo with a shocked look, he knows his life experience and who his biological parents are? Will the doubts that have troubled her for ten years be completely solved today?

Tony _Stark was also shocked when hearing this, and he quickly raised his ears. He was also very curious about who Sharon’s biological parents were!

Peggy, Ethan and Wang Jin all came up with curiosity. Looking at Chen Mo’s posture, what I’m going to talk about today is likely to be a huge secret!

Natasha Romanov, who just came out of the room and changed into casual clothes, still has a trace of redness that has not faded away. A pair of beautiful eyes are white with resentment. Chen Mo glanced at him, twisting and slender. His waist also walked to the sofa.

Sweeping his eyes and looking for a place next to him to sit down, looking forward to the few people waiting to hear the story, Chen Mo said nothing, while stroking Sharon’s hair.

“Your full name is Sharon Rogers, and your father is American CaptainSteve Rogers!”


Everyone hearing this couldn’t help but stared wide-eyed, Sharon turned out to be the daughter of American Captain!

Chen Mo took a faint glance, and after everyone had shut up, Chen Mo continued.

“Your mother, of course, is Peggy Carter!”

Sharons brain was blank, and she turned out to be a famous superhero during World War II, American Captain and Agent Carter Daughter!

“No, daddy! Didnt they die several decades ago?”


Chen Mo’s sharp eyes follow Tony swept across his face, and he couldn’t help but curl his neck when he saw it, and he didn’t dare to interrupt anymore.

Sharon’s excitement at hearing Tony’s words suddenly sank.

Yes, even if you know that they are your biological parents, they are all dead and they are still orphans.

Sharon, whose mood fluctuates sharply, not at all reflects the meaning of Tony’s words. Since they died several decades ago, how could they have given birth to Sharon more than ten years ago!

“They are not at all dead!”


Tony _ Stark stared wide-eyed in shock, but closed his mouth tightly Did not dare to speak again.

“Back then, in order to maintain world peace and protect the safety of the earth, we secretly established SHIELD. Yes, it was SHIELD, not the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau.”

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