My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 225

Finally, Justin Hammer still didn’t hold it back, and turned to a mercenary.

This mercenary also wears a skull mask and stands quietly against the wall like a statue. It looks no different from the others, but the breath that emanates from his body is even colder, making Justin Han Mo Du was somewhat reluctant to approach.

“No, if the time is up, Tony _Stark hasn’t appeared yet, just chop off one of the hostage’s hands, shoot the video and send it to him, he will naturally obey.”

“Of course, the premise is that he pays enough attention to this hostage and is willing to risk a mortal danger for her.”

The Captain of this group of mercenaries, the man named “Death God” by Justin Hammer is indifferent Speaking of his birth, his voice is the same as his own, low and gloomy, like the mutter of Death God.

Justin Hammer was shocked by his words. He glanced at Sharon Rogers, who was gagged and tied to a chair. There was a hint of sympathy on his face, but also That’s all, in order to get steel battle clothes, let alone cutting her hand, it’s not impossible to kill her.

Actually, from the moment he appeared in front of Sharon Rogers, she was already dead in his eyes.

“Although they are not related by blood, she was almost raised by Tony Stark. He was impossible to leave her alone.”

Although Justin Hammer said so, But Tony Stark hasn’t appeared for a long time. He is not very sure at this time. He asked himself if he was himself, it would be absolutely impossible to commit a risk for an adopted daughter. Even if he was a biological daughter, he would have to think about it, maybe Will change to a more secure way, let the subordinates send the money.

Sharon Rogers on the side heard their conversation, her big eyes could not help showing a trace of fear, but more anger and worry, Tony, you must not go!

Soon, the agreed time was about to arrive, and Tony _Stark still disappeared in the ambush.

The mercenary Captain codenamed “Death God” glanced at the time, and the silhouette that had been standing upright like a statue suddenly moved, moving towards the men beside him stretched out his right hand.

This man is a bit stronger than the others. In addition to the automatic rifle in his hand, he wears a thirty-forty centimeter-long sharp saber at his waist.

Seeing that Captain stretched out his hand, he immediately pulled out the saber from his waist and turned it flexibly in his hand, turning the saber around, holding the blade, and handing the handle to “Death God” Hands.

Sharon Rogers couldnt help but panicked when she saw this. She wanted to struggle but was tied and sturdy, unable to break free. Seeing this, Sharon gave up the futile struggle and turned her head and looked towards “Death God” walking towards her with a knife, in her bright eyes, there is no sign of plea, but only full of anger and unyielding.

A mercenary picked up the video recorder on the table, ready to record the bloody scene that will happen next.

At the other end of the room, Justin Hammer on the sofa quickly turned his head. He didn’t want to see this with his own eyes. He was afraid of nightmares when he went to bed at night.

“Be sharp, don’t get blood everywhere.”

As “Death God” approached Sharon Rogers, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the room It sounded, and at the same time, a strong vibration followed from the ground.

Justin Hanmer’s face changed suddenly, and he quickly got up from the sofa and looked out through a glass window on the wall of the room.

I saw a large hole close to two meters in diameter in the ceiling not far away. A large amount of gray cement dust from the explosion floated down from the hole, and in this dust, A tall silhouette of gold and red is slowly descending from above the entrance of the cave.

His chest and eyes are illuminated with white light, and four dazzling white beams are ejected from the position of his hands and feet. Under the gaze of everyone in the room, he steadily landed on the ground, lit up Through the smoke and dust, the white light eyes looked straight towards Justin Hammer behind the window.

“Iron Man!”

Justin Hammer looked at the sci-fi steel battle clothes in front of him, something absent-minded muttering to himself.

The thing he worries most finally happened.

He didn’t want to expose his identity in front of Tony _ Stark, at least until his own steel soldiers just came out.

But now it seems that his idea has failed.

Since Tony _ Stark came here, he apparently discovered that Sharon Rogers was kidnapped by someone he sent, and already knew that she was here.

In the phone call he made before for testing purposes, Tony _ Stark was obviously acting. In order to delay time, he found this place. It is ridiculous that he believed it to be true and was played by Tony _ Stark.

The layout of the abandoned factory outside has no meaning.

Fortunately, the timid and fearful of death, he not at all underestimated Tony _ Stark, he was ready for the next move early.

After adjusting his mood, Justin Hammer straightened his figure, adjusted his tie, and looked at Tony _ Stark outside the window said with a smile.

“Hi, Tony! You came to me for help so soon?”

“No problem, look! I have helped you find your kid, her name is Sha Lun, what a beautiful little girl.”

“I’ll talk about it for you! You can take her home immediately, but before that, my friend needs you to take you Take off the steel battle clothes on him and give it to him.”

Tony Stark ignored Justin Hammers boring acting skills, ignored his presence, looked past him, looked towards the inside of the room.

I saw Sharon Rogers tied to a chair and his mouth was blocked.

In addition to Sharon and Justin Hammer in the room, there are also more than a dozen warriors wearing black special combat uniforms and skull masks. Several of them have rifle muzzles pointing at Sharon. Len Rogers.

At this moment, a soldier is holding a saber, standing next to Sharon, and there is another person holding a camera next to him. Tony _ Stark has no doubts, if he does not arrive in time, interrupt With their actions, they will definitely hurt Sharon!

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Tony _ Stark’s heart boiled uncontrollably.

But now is not the time to act blindly without thinking. Rescue Sharon is the most important thing.

According to the directions given by Natasha Romanov, he quickly found the room where Sharon was being held. Originally, he planned to open a hole directly from above to enter the room and save Sha Len, but the results of the battle clothes scan made him have to dispel this idea.

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