My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 226

This room is not an ordinary reinforced concrete frame and hollow brick structure. Its four walls, upper and lower ceilings and floor are all half-meter thick reinforced concrete, and the outer layer is covered A layer of 10 cm thick special alloy steel plate is formed, and the only glass window is thick high-strength bulletproof glass.

Obviously, this is the trump card that Justin Hammer deliberately prepared to prevent Tony Stark from discovering the truth.

In order to get steel battle clothes and ensure his own safety, Justin Hammer also spent a lot of thought, but it turns out that his caution is not at all wrong.

If it werent for his timidity, he built this defensive fortress in this three-story underground parking lot in advance. Just now Tony _ Stark did not land outside, but appeared directly beside them. , And one person rewarded them with a miniature automatic tracking missile.

With the formidable power of Mark III, the arc pulse cannon and other weapons in the palm cannot quickly break the wall. Once the people inside react, this short time is enough for them to harm Sharon Rogers. .

The formidable power of small missiles such as armor-piercing bombs and high-explosive bombs that can instantly destroy the wall is too huge. While destroying the wall, it will inevitably damage the Sharon Rogers inside.

Tony _ Stark’s ignorance made Justin Hammer annoyed for a while, he simply gave up going around the circle, grabbed a pistol from a mercenary on the side, pointed at Sharon Rogers and shouted proudly .

“Tony _Stark, listen to me!”

“Get out of the battle clothes immediately!”

“This set of battle clothes, I I want it!”

Until then, Tony _Stark’s eyes fell on him. The face hidden behind the helmet was full of coldness, and the murderous intention in his eyes was full of desire. Gushing out.

However, now that Sharon is in his hands, Tony Stark has to compromise.

In the past, Justin Hammers request could not be met, but according to Chen Mos suggestion, he spent a lot of energy redesigning. The improved Mark 3 no longer requires external clothing. The platform can be directly opened for loading and unloading.

Amid the intensive sound of mechanical transmission, the battle clothes changed quickly. The entire front armor was opened to both sides one by one, revealing Tony _ Stark wearing tight clothes inside.

Walking out of the battle clothes slowly, Tony _ Stark lifts the head and looked towards Justin Hammer behind the bulletproof glass with a sharp gaze.

Looking at Tony _ Stark coming out of the battle clothes, Justin Hammer’s eyes showed an expression of excitement that could not be suppressed. The steel battle clothes of the year for something even in dreams were about to arrive, and from Judging from the way the battle clothes were opened just now, it was far more advanced than he thought. Compared with it, the simply made by his engineers is a pile of rubbish.

Justin Hammer with bright eyes stared at the battle clothes for a long time before turning his gaze to Tony _Stark, and a coldness could not help but appear in his eyes.

To Tony _ Stark, he has always had deep jealousy and resentment. His colleagues are enemies, but they are more talented than you, more romantic than you, handsome than you, and stronger than you in every aspect. Those who step on their feet firmly and can’t stand up are enemies!

This time, in order to get steel battle clothes, Justin Hammer, who has always been timid, has taken the risk and took this irreversible step. Once the devil in his heart is released, the rapidly expanding Evil Thought can make People become crazy.

Justin Hammer hadnt decided whether to take the opportunity to kill Tony Stark. After all, his status is unusual, not only a well-known rich man, the militarys largest arms supplier, but also As everyone knows, the famous superhero Iron Man, and joined the strategic response team formed by commander Chen Mo, the impact of killing him is absolutely sensational.

But now he has appeared in front of Tony _ Stark, exposing his identity as the master behind the kidnapping incident. If he were to go out alive, the consequences would be unthinkable, so the moment he saw Tony _ Stark , Justin Hammer has already made a decision and must not let him go out alive!

As long as there is steel battle clothes, through dismantling and analysis of it, he will be able to create his own steel soldier. When the time comes, he will be a guest of politicians, even if things are exposed , With the steel Legion formed by powerful steel soldiers, he also has the strength to fight against anyone!

So Tony _ Stark at this moment is already dead in his eyes.

Seeing Tony _ Stark coming out of the battle clothes, Sharon Rogers couldn’t help but curse in her heart while being moved.


Is Tony _Stark an idiot? Of course not… well, this is really hard to say.

But at least he is not impulsive now. It is related to the safety of Sharon Rogers. He will certainly not take it lightly.

Although she has no blood relationship with her, she is after all the orphan of her father’s comrade-in-arms. Tony Stark looked at the cute and ignorant Lori who was sent to him back then, and couldn’t let her go.

More than ten years have passed. Although he is a playboy outside, selfish, and arrogant, he has always loved Sharon Rogers.

Although she has lost her parents, Sharon Rogers still grows up in love and is loved as a princess.

In these years, he is both the elder brother and the father, carefully caring for the growth of Sharon Rogers, putting a lot of effort and affection on her.

He brought up a Little Luoli personally. In Tony _ Stark’s heart, she is already his relative. Anyone who wants to hurt her will surely usher in his boundless anger!

“You can take the battle clothes and let Sharon go!”

Tony Stark glared at Justin Hammer said solemnly.

“Wait until I really get my hand!”

Justin Hammer smiled triumphantly, and moved towards the mercenary Captain “Death God” waved his hand.

“Send two people out and bring me the battle clothes back.”

While speaking, Justin gave “Death God” a deep, cold look in his eyes.

Lightly nodded, “Death God” obviously understood Justin Hammer’s meaning, and the two men on the side moved towards gestured.

Two fully armed elite mercenaries were immediately nodded and walked towards the door with automatic rifles.

The timid and fearful Justin Hammer is obviously very dedicated to protecting his life. Not only the walls of the fortress are made of concrete and alloy steel plates, and the only windows are thickened. The strengthened bullet-proof glass, the door, the only access way, is also specially designed.

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