My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 224

This is the human resources department of Hanmer Industries. The female employee whose ID card was stolen by Natasha Romanov just now is an employee of the human resources department.

Natasha tidyed her hair and quickly observed the surroundings, seemingly casual.

Not far from her is the office area of the Human Resources Department. Many people are nervously busy inside, and people come in and out with documents from time to time.

While Natasha was observing, a guard in uniform with an electric baton on his waist appeared at the end of the corridor, took a casual glance towards this side, and then walked forward again. .

Natasha Romanov eyes shined, and immediately walked towards that side.

Walking through the corner at the end of the corridor, the guard that I saw just now appeared in front of Natasha again. At this time, he was a dozen meters away in front of him, walking with his back facing her. .

After observing all around concealedly, Natasha quickly found several monitors placed on the ceiling, but based on her experience, it was easy to find a few blind spots for monitoring. One place, just not far in front of the guard.

Calculating the distance silently, Natasha kept walking, following the guard, and walking forward quickly.

Her pace seemed random, but there was almost no sound. The guard walking in front didnt know that behind him, there was a deadly “black widow” fast approaching him near!

And there is no abnormality in the monitoring picture. Natasha’s steps are elegant and brisk, and her lithe and graceful posture is sexy and charming, she looks like a beautiful workplace beauty.

Soon, Natasha quietly approached behind the guards, and at this moment they just entered a blind spot of surveillance.

After scanning the two ends of the corridor with sharp eyes and confirming that there is no one else, Natasha exerted force under her feet and rushed forward quickly. As he approached behind the guard, the right hand quickly reached out and pushed him The electric baton pinned to his waist was pulled out.

Without waiting for the guard’s response, Natasha quickly turned on the switch and stabbed the flashing front end of “pi pa” to the guard’s back.

The guard only felt a fragrant wind blowing, and the waist was suddenly empty, and then a sharp pain came from the back waist accompanied by a strong numbness, and the whole body was shaken, and soon became weak Slumped to the ground.

After bringing down the guards easily, Natasha dragged him directly by his clothes and dragged him into a nearby room.

This is a small Conference Hall. Before doing this, Natasha sensed that not at all others exist in it.

Close the door, looking at the guard who was stiffly frozen on the ground with a look of horror, Natasha moved towards him with a charming smile, then leaned down and untied his belt.

Soon, Natasha tied him up firmly, just to be on the safe side, he put his head up again, knocked him out, and then took his identity from his chest. card.


At 1000 meters above Hanmer Industry, two gold-red and black steel silhouettes are quietly suspended in the air.

Just now they have received a call from the “kidnapper”, asking Tony Stark to take the steel battle clothes and all the design materials, alone to their designated location to redeem people, and can not wear battle clothes.

And Tony _ Stark asked Jarvis to check the surveillance video around the location and found that a group of militants did arrive there in two unlicensed black off-road vehicles that were the same as the school entrance.

Chen Mo can be sure that there is a trap, the purpose is to snatch the steel battle clothes, if Tony Stark really does not wear battle clothes as they say, he will not be better than ordinary people. With so much battle strength, in front of a group of fully armed elite mercenaries, it is not yet to be crumpled.

When the time comes, not only will he be robbed of battle clothes, but he himself may be in danger. Who knows if Justin Hammer will get rid of Tony Stark directly to avoid future troubles.

The kidnappers didn’t give much time. If Tony doesn’t show up when the time is up, Justin Hammer will definitely be prepared, and it may be against Sharon, so there is not much time left for them.

Now its up to Natasha Romanov to control the monitoring room as soon as possible and find Sharon Rogers.

However, Chen Mo not at all urged. He believed in Natasha’s ability and did not reply to explain that she was acting. It was not a wise move to urge her at this time, and there was not enough time.


In the monitoring room, Natasha sat down in front of the computer, quickly operated, recalled the previous monitoring screen, and followed the trajectory of the two off-road vehicles entering Hanmer Industries , Searched all the way down.

On the ground around her, several guards were lying upright on the ground, their bodies twitching from time to time.

While checking the surveillance, Natasha pulled out the electric baton from time to time to give those who had recovered their mobility, let them continue to lie on the ground and twitch.

A few minutes later, Natasha eyes shined, finally found it.

In the surveillance screen, a group of militants got off the off-road vehicle and walked into an iron gate with Sharon Rogers who was tied up, and the playback screen showed Justin Hammer I also walked in a few minutes ago.

But the screen ends here, and the next screens are no longer found. Obviously, the monitoring is not at all installed in that room.

But by checking other monitors around, Natasha can confirm that the room is not at all other exits, and they didn’t come out in that room!

“Commander, found Sharon Rogers!”


In a room on the third basement of a building in Hanmer Industries, Justin Han Mo was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar. Although he tried to be very calm, from his stiff expression and flashing eyes, he could tell that his mood was not at all so calm.

On the table in front of him, there is an open laptop computer, and a picture of an abandoned factory is displayed on the screen. In the corner of the picture, more than a dozen are like the mercenaries in the room. Dressed up and wearing a skull mask, the fully armed soldiers are standing by, but no one appears on the other end of the screen.

Obviously he intends to watch the whole process of Tony _ Stark handing over the steel battle clothes with his own eyes, but he saw that the agreed time was approaching, but there was no movement there, which made me a little uneasy. Justin Hammer started to feel a little flustered.

“Death God, contact your subordinates to see what’s going on there. Do you want to call Tony Stark again to urge you.”

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