My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 217


Sharon Rogers became silent after hearing Amy’s words. Since she remembered, she seemed to be with Tony _Stark lived together. Before that, she was too young and her memories were very vague. For her father, there was only a tall and strong vague silhouette like a mountain in her memory, but she did not remember his looks at all.

She once asked Tony Stark, but he only knew that her father and his father Howard were comrades-in-arms. As for his specific identity, he did not know.

Although Tony _ Stark and Pepper treat her as kind to her as relatives, she has never had a father in her life. At this time, listening to Amy mentions it, she cant help but feel a little lost. She has never The opportunity to complain to Daddy, she doesn’t even know who her father is.

“What’s wrong, Sharon?”

Seeing her suddenly in a daze, Amy couldn’t help shaking her arm and asked strangely.

“Oh! Nothing, then I will go back first!”

Sharon came back to his senses and quickly explained, then turned around and waited for her at the school gate. Pi walked away.

“Don’t forget what I taught you! Must succeed!”

Amy shouted loudly from behind, waving her small fist.

“Got it!”

Sharon turned her head and moved towards They waved her hand, then turned her head and pulled the shoulder strap of the backpack, packed her mood, and walked towards the door.

Seeing that Sharon had finished speaking with the classmates, the Harpy in the car smiled and opened the car door for her in advance, ready to welcome the noble Little Princess home.

Just as Sharon walked to the door, and Hapi was about to greet her with a smile on his face, two black unlicensed off-road vehicles suddenly rushed out of the spur, and braked harshly. In the sound, it just stopped in front of Sharon Rogers.

The car was not completely stopped, the doors of the two cars were opened. Several sturdy men wearing black combat uniforms and skull masks suddenly jumped out of the car, moved towards Sharon Rogers, who was standing at the door, rushed over.

Hapi was shocked when he saw this, and quickly drew his pistol from his waist and pointed it at these militants of unknown origin.

“Hey! What are you doing! Stop! Stay there! Don’t move!”

His warning is not at all for any effect, the two masked militants closest to him He had been discovered a long time ago, and as he raised the gun, the two also raised the long automatic rifle in their hands, and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.


Happi was shocked when he saw this, and quickly jumped and jumped behind Rolls Royce.

Immediately afterwards, rain-like bullets shot over and hit the Rolls-Royce’s body, bursting with sparks.

Hapi bent down and hid behind the body, feeling the body vibrating constantly under the burst of rifle bullets, bullets flew over his head from time to time, and for a while, he was completely suppressed After getting in the car, there is no way to appear.

Students near the gate of the school, Teacher and their parents heard the sudden sound of gunshots, all screaming and hiding their heads to avoid. There are few school shootings in the United States. Everyone heard the sound of gunfire. Thought is to run!

Everyone can run, but Hapi can’t. He can’t even hide behind the car all the time. These people are obviously going to Sharon. If they drag on, Sharon will definitely be in danger.

Can’t wait any longer!

Hapi squatted behind the car and scanned the surroundings, and found that there was also a car parked not far away. The two cars were about three to four meters apart. At this time, he couldn’t care too much. After gritting his teeth, Harpy squeezed the pistol, deeply exhaled, and a forward came out from the Rolls Royce side.

The two militants have been preventing him from counterattacking with probes, and the bullets are also pouring into the position where he is hiding, but there is no defense that he will suddenly rush out from the side, completely exposed to their muzzle under.

The two immediately turned their guns to get rid of the bodyguard who got in the way, but before they waited for them to take aim, Hapy pulled the trigger first.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

After four consecutive gunshots, two militants were shot together, one of them groaned, and the rifle in his hand fell uncontrollably. Coming down, but the other person only shook his body twice, and then proceeded to point the muzzle at Hapi casually.

I saw three holes in the combat uniforms of the two mens chests with bullets, but the bullets were not at all shot in, but were embedded in the inner body armor, not at all causing them The damage was that the missed bullet hit one of them in the arm, causing him to temporarily lose his battle strength.

Happi saw that this attack failed to kill the two, and a rifle moved towards him again, and there was no time to continue the attack. He quickly moved towards the car next to him and rushed over.

The bullet fired from the rifle of the uninjured militant followed Hapys back and hit the ground and the car body, hitting sparks, but Hapy managed to avoid it. .

Hiding behind the car, Hapi’s chest undulated violently, and his breathing was very heavy. Although it was only a few meters away, he almost exhausted all his strength.

I just passed by in front of the gates of hell, but Hapi didnt choose to continue hiding behind the car. Instead, he didnt even have time to catch his breath and jumped out of the car again. Raising their guns moved towards the two militants in front of them fired desperately.

Because when he just jumped out from behind the Rolls-Royce, he saw several other masked militants approaching Sharon Rogers and started doing it on her!

Sharon Rogers has often followed Tony Stark to play in Chinese dojos since she was a child, and also learned some simple fighting skills. It is very easy to deal with ordinary Hooligan.

But after all, she is just a little girl, her strength is too weak. When encountering these elite mercenary fighters, her resistance seems a little weak, and she is quickly dragged by the system to the one who is parked next to her. The off-road vehicle goes.

At this time, Hapi didn’t care about his own safety anymore, and stood up recklessly, moving towards the militant who was still shooting towards the body and fired several shots.

He didnt expect how, Harpy would repeat the same tricks, and he jumped out of the car bunker again regardless of his own safety, and was hit by Harpy directly on the head. The original continuously gunshots suddenly stopped, a burst of red and white brains slowly trickled out of the bullet holes in the head, and the body also fell softly to the ground.

Resolved the immediate threat, Harpy ignored the others, and quickly pointed the gun at the militant holding Sharon Rogers.

Just before he pulls the trigger, a gunshot suddenly rang out in front of him. Hapi’s whole body as if was struck by lightning, he only felt a pain in the abdomen, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be rapid The loss of the gun, the arm holding the gun became weak, and it fell softly, and he could no longer lift the pistol.

I saw the militant who had been shot in the arm by him before. I didnt know when he dropped the rifle. The hand that was intact took out a pistol from the holster next to his leg. At this moment the muzzle was pointed at Hapy, the white smoke from the muzzle had not yet dispersed.

Hapy Hogan clutched the shot abdomen, leaning on the car full of bullet holes and slowly collapsed to the ground.

Just when the militant who was injured by Harpy planned to continue shooting and kill Harpy to avenge himself and his companions, on the other side, although Sharon Rogers tried to resist, It was forced into the off-road vehicle.

Seeing that the mission was completed, Captain, the leading mercenary, directly ordered a quick evacuation.

Their original plan was to take her away immediately after the target appeared, and quickly evacuate. When the people around them reacted, they had already escaped.

But the accidental appearance of Hapi disrupted their plans and triggered an unexpected gun battle. The police were probably on the way to arrive and they had to evacuate quickly.

Receiving the Captain’s order to evacuate, the mercenary in front of Hapi had to drop Hapi and ran to the car quickly.

He knows their Captains style of doing things. If he didnt follow the order and evacuated quickly, instead of delaying time to kill Harpy, then Captain would never wait for him for even a second, but would directly Lead the team to leave, leave him alone, and leave it to the police who arrive later.

As for whether he will reveal their identities and whereabouts, not to mention that he has never seen Captain’s true face. He doesn’t even know where they are going to send their tied target. Only Captain knew the whole plan. People like them were just following orders. Even if they were caught by the police, they would have no effect on others.

Unwilling to put down the pistol, the injured mercenary no longer cared about the badly injured Hapy, and rushed into the off-road vehicle at full speed.

Just got into the carriage, before the door could be closed, the off-road vehicle roared and rushed out, and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street. At this moment, there was a sound of closing the door. There was a sound.

Obviously, if the mercenary had been delayed for a while, he would be left behind by the off-road vehicle.

Hapi got a shot in the abdomen, slumped on the ground with his back leaning on the car, angrily watching the two off-road vehicles disappear into the corner of the street, eyes full of anxiety.

Its too late to be grateful that he escaped from the dead, and he didnt care about his injuries. Hapi, who became very weak due to a large amount of blood loss, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and used a trembling Finger dialed Pepper’s phone.

As for why it is not Tony _ Stark, apparently in Harpy in mind, Pepper is much more reliable than Tony _ Stark.

After experiencing the initial panic, Amy and the others in the school looked at Harpy Hogan who had fallen in a pool of blood and Sharon Rogers who had just been taken away in front of them. , Hurriedly called the police and called an ambulance.


Tony _ Starks seaside villa.

Identified who kidnapped Sharon Rogers. Tony quickly found out the current position of Justin Hammer through Jarvis. He is not an elite mercenary, and his actions are not as concealed as they are. Justin Hammer, who thought he would not be discovered so soon, did not mean to hide his whereabouts. Jarvis easily found him through the city monitoring system.

“He is in Hanmer Industries now!”

And soon they also discovered that two unlicensed black off-road vehicles drove into Hanmer through a hidden side door In the industrial factory area, if there is no accident, the car should be the kidnapped Sharon Rogers!

Finding the location of the main messenger and Sharon, Tony _ Stark was going to fly out even though he put on Mark 3 steel battle clothes and the thrusters under his feet started.

“Hold on!”

Chen Mo suddenly stopped Tony _Stark.

Tony _ Stark, who was flying towards the garage passage leading to the ground, stopped in the air, hovering in midair, and turned to look at Chen Mo suspiciously.

“Hammer Industries is so big, do you know where they hid Sharon?”

Tony Stark was taken aback by Chen Mo’s question, yes, Han As second only to Stark Industries second-largest arms supplier in the U.S., Murder Industries is not much smaller than Stark Industries. It covers a very large area. There are many factories, office buildings and other buildings inside. It’s hard to find.

Although the power of Mark 3 is powerful, it is useless to find a target. In many cases, power alone is not enough.

The monitoring system of Hanmer Industry is independent, not at all connected to the Internet, so Jarvis cannot invade. Before through the invasion of the city monitoring system, I only knew that Justin Hanmer entered Hanmer Industry and did not come out. at all found his specific location.

The same is true for the two off-road vehicles that kidnapped Sharon Rogers. They only found out that the vehicles had driven into Hanmer Industries through monitoring outside Hanmer Industries, but they did not know where they ended up going. , Hanmer Industries is so big, it is simply unrealistic to expect a little bit to find it.

“What should I do?”

Tony _Stark asked anxiously. The sudden kidnapping of Sharon Rogers left him in a mess for a while. There was simply no way to calmly think about it and found out After my previous plan simply didn’t work, I placed my hopes on Chen Mo, and Dad would have a solution!

“You first go to Hanmer Industries to stand by. Without my order, you are not allowed to act blindly without thinking! Be careful, don’t be discovered by them!”

Tony _Stark hearing this Didnt ask much, he turned around, the thrusters under his feet and palms increased the power output, ejected a dazzling white flame, pushed him forward, and quickly flew out along the arc-shaped garage passage. in midair traversed a beautiful arc and rushed to the location marked on the map at full speed.

He believes that Chen Mo will arrange the following things. All he has to do is to act according to Chen Mos instructions. The famous Legendary hero, Commander Chen Mo, will definitely lead them to rescue successfully. Sharon Rogers!

After Tony set off, Chen Mo looked towards Wang Jin and Natasha Romanov beside him.

“Wang Jin! You drive Natasha to the outskirts of Hanmer Industrial in a bat war chariot, and then stand by outside, dont be exposed!”

Chen Mo looked at his face seriously There is also a somewhat immature Wang Jin, solemnly said.

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