My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 216

Seeing Harpy who was sent by Pepper to pick her up, Sharon was about to speed up and walk over, when a bright orange Porsche roadster suddenly came close to her. A hard brake.


A handsome boy in the driver’s seat turned his head, thinking he moved towards Sharon Rogers and shouted.

“Hi, classmate Sharon, is your car broken? Do you want me to send you?”

The beautiful and moving Sharon Rogers has many suitors in the school. This boy is obviously one of them.

“No need, someone will come to pick me up.”

Girls are prematurely mature than male children. Sharon Rogers is even more mature than ordinary peers. She can I didn’t want to play any emotional game with these naive boys, and after a casual deal, I planned to continue moving towards the gate.

But before she could take her foot, another girl’s shout came from behind.

“Sharon! You really ran away! Don’t talk about loyalty! You traitor!”

“We said we were going to Shirleys to open a party tonight, but you secretly Lets run away!”

Sharon Rogers hearing this helplessly stopped, turned and looked behind, and saw her good friend Amy and several other Young Lady sisters aggressively Rushing towards the parking lot, the sharp-eyed Amy spotted Sharon in front of him and shouted directly.

Before the holiday, they planned to go to Shirleys house to have a party together. Sharon was not very interested at first. After receiving Peppers call, she wanted to go home early to see Tony and his. A few mysterious guests.

Sharon knows that with her young lady’s personality, if she directly says that she wants to go home and does not go to the party, she will definitely be stalked by them and held on.

Amy and a few people usually linger for a long time after school every time, so Sharon took the opportunity to take a step first, at worst when the time comes, call them, and say that there is something I cant do. At most, they complained a few words about her, there is no way to keep people from letting go.

But I was delayed by that handsome guy just now, but she was found to have “escaped”, and Amy who had chased it out in advance found her.

Since she had been caught, Sharon Rogers couldn’t escape anymore, so she stood helplessly waiting for them to come over, while fiercely glared at the perpetrator who made her “escape” failed.

The boy touched his nose angrily, but did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he watched happily. They just said that they are going to have a party. If Sharon goes there, do you want to be thick? Facial asked to join in.

Soon, Amy walked over aggressively with a bad face.

“Do you have anything to say?”

Amy put arms across chest, panting with rage and asked Sharon, some babies fat little faces became more It was round, she didn’t create the imposing manner she wanted at all, but looked very cute.

Sharon couldn’t help but extend the hand squeezed Amy’s fleshy little face, and said softly like a Little Sister.

“This time I really have something to do. The family sent a car to pick me up. I will play with you next time, okay?”

Amy turned her head angrily Lun shook his hand away and questioned while rubbing his cheek.

“You dare to lie! You usually drive by yourself, and you have never seen your family pick you up. Okay! Tell me, which car is it? If someone really comes to pick you up, I’ll let you go!”

Sharon usually drives by herself, and she hasn’t been sent off, and it’s no wonder Amy doesn’t believe it.

At this time, several other girls in the same class who were passing by, who didnt deal with them very much, heard their conversation. One of them was very exquisitely dressed, with his head raised, and the swan-like proud girl suddenly laughed. Said aloud.

“Hehe! I think our Cinderella is afraid that she will make a fool of herself when she goes to Shirleys villa!”

“Im also very curious, come and pick us up. What kind of car is the girls, pumpkin carriage? Its not also a beetle, right? Hahahaha!”

The girl seems to be the leader of several girls, and the others are dressed up like her. After she finished speaking, the girl laughed heartily with her.

Different from China, beetle is a compact family car in the United States. Its status is equivalent to the domestic QQ. The price is only about 20,000 US dollars. It is usually opened by ordinary people. They are rich and powerful. Few children in the family are willing to drive such low-end cars.

So drove the beetle, usually did not see a luxury car pick up, Sharon Rogers, who is straightforward and does not like to dress up, became a “Cinderella” in the eyes of some people.

Especially Sharon Rogers is naturally beautiful and looks very beautiful. She doesnt like to dress up. She is refreshing and clean. She is very good at learning. Many boys and children are fascinated by her, even girls such as Amy. Attracted by her straightforward, cheerful and mature personality, she gathered around her.

Although most people think that the family is ordinary, but the popularity in school is very good. Many people dress up all day, but she is jealous of the proud “princesses” who are easy to compare. It was hard to catch an opportunity, and naturally ruthless ridiculed.

Sharon Rogers didnt bother to take care of these naive little girls. She didnt even bother to take a look. She ignored these proud peacocks, but Amy, who was also a little girl, couldnt bear it. Roll up his sleeves and plan to quarrel with them.

“Jessica! You…”

When Sharon Rogers saw this, he waved and stopped Amy.

“Okay, what can I do with them! Look over there, that car is here to pick me up!”

Sharon Rogers reached out to the black parked at the door Rolls-Royce Phantom, Harpy, who was waiting by the car, saw Sharon pointing over, waved to her quickly, and shouted.

“Young Lady!”

Amy was a little surprised when she saw this. She originally thought Sharon was lying to them, but just because she didnt want to make excuses, she didnt expect it. Someone from here came to pick her up, and it was the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and called her Young Lady, which was completely different from their previous guesses.

Turning back, Amy stared at Sharon Rogers with wide eyes.

“Sharon Rogers! You are quite hidden! If we weren’t caught by us today, when are you going to lie to us?”

The face unexpectedly looked at the luxurious Rolls Royce and the sturdy driver next to him, and then turned to look at Sharon Rogers, who was dressed in a clean and simple manner. If it hadnt been for the driver to call Sharon Young Lady, they Unexpectedly, Sharon Rogers, who drove the beetle in a low-key manner, turned out to be a wealthy Young Lady with a background is quite extraordinary.

Sharon Rogers shrugged very calmly in the face of questions from her friends.

“I didn’t lie to you.”

“Don’t admit it yet!”

Amy’s round face burst, and said angrily.

“Then why are you driving a beetle?”

Sharon hearing this turned to glance at the distinctive Carina beetle in the luxury car group, and said dotingly .

“Because I like it, sports cars and so on are too vulgar, don’t you think my little beetle is so cute?”

Amy hearing this could not help but looked towards Sharon The beetle car, attracted by its pink color and cute appearance, couldn’t help but cautious in his eyes, involuntarily pointed his little head and said.

“Well, it’s very cute…”

When she saw this, Shirley couldn’t help but roll the eyes and pinched her arm, which made her sober. , Immediately stared again, hands on his waist, moved towards Sharon Rogers loudly said.

“Even so, why did you never talk about the situation in your family?”

“You never asked.”

Sa Ren’s words left several people speechless. It is indeed no wonder Sharon Rogers. They thought that Sharon’s family conditions were average. In order to take care of her self-esteem, they never asked her family’s situation.

“Then…why never had a car come to pick you up before?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Amy thought about it again. Then he thought of another question.

“I can drive by myself. Why do I have to be picked up? This time I sent someone from my family in advance, or I will drive back by myself.”

“Then… “

Amy has no problem at all this time. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally put down the arm that was stuck in her waist.

“Well, you are reasonable.”

Sharon Rogers couldn’t help touching Amy’s head when she saw it, and said dozingly.

“Well, I didn’t keep you from deliberately. There is nothing to say. We play together and it has nothing to do with family background.”

Amy hearing this, Nodding vigorously in agreement.

“Uh, yes!”

Just then, Jessica on one side suddenly stared at the license plate of the Rolls-Royce Phantom stared wide-eyed.

“What is your relationship with Tony Stark?!”

Jessica turned her head abruptly, looked at Sharon Rogers with a complicated expression, and asked excitedly.

Amy and several people hearing this are all taken aback.

“Tony _Stark?”

“Are you talking about Iron Man?”

Several people asked suspiciously.

“Yes! It’s Iron Man Tony Stark!”

Jessica said, pointing her finger at the black Rolls Royce Phantom.

“Look at the license plate of that car, STARK5! That’s Tony _Stark’s car!”

Everyone turned their heads and looked around and found the Rolls Royce The license plate is indeed “STARK5”.

Jessica is an avid fan of “Iron Man” and is very concerned about Tony _Stark’s news. She once read about Tony _Stark’s many luxury cars in a magazine The introduction focuses on several of the cars he often rides. One of their biggest features is that the license plate numbers all start with Tony Starks surname, “STARK”, and “STARK5” is exactly a black Rolls Royce phantom!

This time, everyone present has exploded. Iron Man’s car, what does this mean? !

Amy and Shirley quickly rushed to Sharon Rogers and took her arm.

“Sharon! Tell me the truth! What is your relationship with Tony _Stark?!”

“Sharon, Tony _Stark won’t be your father, right? My classmate turned out to be Iron Mans daughter! OMG! OMG!!!”

Sharon Rogers didn’t expect a car and a license plate to expose herself and Tony _Stark However, she didn’t mean to hide it deliberately. She didn’t take the initiative to say it before, but she didn’t want to show off. Now that she was discovered, she didn’t have to deceive them.

Waving a hand to stop the non-stop questioning and speculation of the girls, Sharon Rogers slowly said.

“Okay! That is indeed Tony Stark’s car, I live with him.”

Just as the fans of “Iron Man” below were excited When Qi Qi wanted to ask questions, Sharon Rogers interrupted them again with a wave.

“But, we are not father and daughter, Tony _Stark is mine…”

Speaking of this, Sharon Rogers said in a speech, and she couldn’t help but think of her childhood and Tony _ Stark lives together bit by bit.

She likes riding horses, so he let her ride around her neck and run around the room, she giggled happily, but he brow beaded with sweat; she was afraid of the dark at night and dare not be alone When he went to bed, he sat by her bed and told her a story. He coaxed her to sleep before going back to sleep; he developed a new weapon in the laboratory, and she played by herself next to him. He accidentally fell and cried. He hurriedly Put down the missile in his hand to pick her up and check if there was anything wrong with her. In the end, the missile exploded and blew up half of the laboratory.

His beloved Lord car was painted abstractly by her. He was reluctant to scold her and praised her with tears in his eyes. Later, she painted all the cars as a little person. So he really cried.

Thinking of all the past, Sharon Rogers couldn’t help but evoke a warm smile at the corner of her mouth. She looked at the people in front of her and said softly.

“He is my brother!”

Hearing Sharon Rogers answer, the girls next to him finally couldnt help them, and they all clamored to see the idol “Iron Man “Even the guy who had been cool on the sports car next to him couldn’t help it, got out of the car and joined the girls’ team.

“Sharon! We are good sisters, anyway, you must show me my idol!”

Amy took Sharon’s hand and shouted excitedly .

“There is me! And me!”

Shirley and the others also shouted.

Sharon looked at these Tony fans and rolled the eyes helplessly. What is good about Tony except being handsome, these ignorant girls and boys, Sharon glanced at the crowd The boy with an excited expression added.

“Okay, I’ll go back and ask him, if he doesn’t want me, I can’t do anything.”

After all, its my classmates and friends, lets help them ask, thats I don’t know if Tony, the selfish and arrogant guy, would be willing to talk to his little fans.

“You are his younger sister! He will definitely agree!”

Shirley said confidently, her fascinating expression seemed to have seen an idol.

Amy is not so optimistic, she also has a big brother, and her big brother is not responsive to her.

“Sharon! If he doesn’t agree, you will tell your daddy, he must be against you!”

“That’s how I did it, and it was me every time Win!”

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