My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 218


Wang Jin’s complexion turned red with excitement, and he responded in a loud voice with an extremely exciting voice.

He is going to fight with Iron Man and the commander! He has been yearn for something even in dreams that things come true so soon!

Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards the sexy and beautiful super agent, “Black Widow” Natasha Romanov.

“Natasha, after arriving at Hanmer Industries, you secretly sneak into their headquarters building, control the central monitoring room of Hanmer Industries, and find Justin Hanmer and Sharon!”

“Yes! Commander!”

At this time, since Chen Mo had smashed her identity, she didn’t need to continue to hide, and immediately took the order.

Although the identity of the founder of Chen Mo SHIELD is not well-known, his current identity on the surface is the commander of the Special Forces of the State Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau. He belongs to the absolute top of SHIELD. Have the right to command her as a senior agent.

Even if Nick Fury asks, at worst it is said that Chen Mos identity was discovered by Chen Mo. With Chen Mos ability, its not surprising to find her identity. She was “forced helpless” to Chen. Mo confessed that the status of the senior agent of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau is logical.

When the time comes as the commander of Chen Mo’s special forces, it is normal to direct her to perform tasks.

In fact, Chen Mo didn’t intend to reveal her identity, so she let her complete the task here under the name of Nick Fury. Anyway, it is her own person and has no influence on them.

Its just that, because Hanmer Industrys monitoring system is not at all connected, Jarvis cant invade, so they can only start from within. Among the people in the villa, the ability to sneak in, except Chen Mo In addition, it must belong to the top agent Natasha Romanov strongest.

So, Chen Mo ordered Natasha Romanov to sneak into the Hanmer Industrial Building secretly, control the monitoring room, and find out the locations of Justin Hammer and Sharon Rogers for the next rescue action.

Chen Mo originally asked Wang Jin to send Natasha Romanov, a sexy personal assistant, to Hanmer Industries, which made the other two strangers. After hearing the task assigned to her by Chen Mo , The two were even stared wide-eyed in surprise.

Not to mention this task is a weak girl, even they are the big Lords, it is difficult to complete, it is not enough to sneak in, if Wang Jin goes, it is estimated that everyone will be alarmed as soon as he enters the door. Not to mention whether he can enter the monitoring room smoothly, the bad consequences that may be caused by just beating the grass to scare the snake are enough for them to eat a pot.

Natasha Romanovs sudden change of temperament when he responded to Chen Mos order made it even more difficult for the two to accept. The originally sexually perceptive beauty assistant has transformed into a valiant and formidable looking, murderous aura The dignified beauty agent, this made them a little bit too adaptable for a while.

Until this time, the two people realized that the beauty assistant who has been taking care of their daily lives turned out to be a female agent!

But looking at the two of them just now, she seems to be Chen Mo’s subordinate.

Reminiscent of Chen Mo’s identity as a major general in the US military and the formation of a superhero team, it is obvious that Chen Mo’s identity behind the scenes is not simple, and it is not a big deal to have a few agents under him.

Ethan Court Academecian But remember, before in Afghanistan, Chen Mo broke into the terrorist base with two powerful agents and rescued him and Tony Stark. The name was Fei. El Colesons agents visited the villa several times later.

However, is it really good to send a beautiful agent to serve as an assistant by your side?

In spite of Wang Jin and Ethan Court Academecians surprise at their true identity, Natasha Romanov took a tactical communication headset from Chen Mo and went straight to the black parked in the garage. Bat war chariot.

As for Tony and Wang Jin, whether it is Mark III, Bat War Chariot, or their nano combat uniforms, they all have communication functions, and they have been connected to Jarvis and can talk at any time.

“Hurry up? I’m in a hurry!”

Standing next to the war chariot, Natasha Romanov turned and moved towards Wang Jin, who was behind, urged very directly .

Completing the task is the first thing. She is thinking about how to complete the task assigned by Chen Mo as soon as possible. She doesn’t allow Wang Jin to waste time.

Wang Jin looked like a different person. Natasha Romanov, who was swift and decisive, showing off one’s ability, quickly speeded up and ran over.

Soon, Wang Jin also drove the bat war chariot and drove Natasha Romanov to Hanmer Industries, leaving only Ethan Court Academecian and Chen Mo in the garage.

Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Ethan, with a hint of thought in his eyes.


“I’m not navigating properly!”

Ethan Court Academecian saw Chen Mo’s eyes, afraid he would follow the last time The same left him to navigate him, and quickly interrupted him.

“Jarvis can do this! I have to do something too!”

Chen Mo hearing this seriously looked at Ethan Court Academecian and saw that he looked firm. After thinking about it a bit, it was finally nodded.

“Okay, then you put on the Mark II and stand by over Hanmer Industries with Tony. Pay attention, you must not be found!”

Justin Hammer at this time I dont know that his actions and positions have been discovered, and the situation is still stable. Once he is discovered, he will definitely beat the grass to scare the snake, which will adversely affect the subsequent rescue operations, and may even cause damage. Sharon poses a danger.

“Don’t worry!”

Ethan Court Academecian received Chen Mo’s approval, and the happy nodded promised that he finally had the opportunity to participate in the action!

To Ethan Court Academecian, Chen Mo is quite relieved, nodded, Chen Mo said to Jarvis.

“Jarvis! Equip Ethan with Mark II!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Wait for Mark II to be equipped on the dressing platform When Ethan Court Academecian of steel battle clothes stumbled back to Chen Mo, Chen Mo had already been seated in a silver Audi R8 roadster and was also ready to go.

“Can you?”

Looking at the look of Ethan Court Academecian walking around, Chen Mo asked a little worried.

“No problem! I’m not used to wearing it for the first time, just get used to it.”

Ethan Court Academecian’s confident voice came from the speaker of the armor.

“Well, then you pay attention to safety, remember! Don’t expose!”

Chen Mo again cautiously asked, Ethan Court Academecian hearing this vigorously nodded.

At this moment, Tony _ Stark’s voice suddenly sounded from the two communicators.

“I have arrived in the sky above Hanmer Industry, and no target was found!”


Chen Mo finished speaking to Tony and turned around looked towards Ethan in steel battle clothes, said solemnly.


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