My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 164

“I want the throne!”

Eric Kermongos words made everyone present laugh. You are the king of Wakanda Supreme. An Outsider of unknown origin can covet it!

“Joke! What qualifications do you have to claim the throne!”

“Who do you think you are?”

But what happened next happened fiercely Up their faces.

In front of everyone, Eric Kermongo directly revealed his true identity.

“I’m Nijadaka!”

“Son of Prince Nichob!”

“My father was scratched on the chest by a leopard claw!”

“You are not a king! You are a murderer!”

Eric Kermongo stared at the complexion greatly changed King Tchaka on the throne and said loudly!


“Is he the son of Prince Nijob?”

The Elders were so shocked that they could not help but stand up and cry out in surprise.

Prince Nichob has disappeared for decades. The man who didnt expect claimed to be his son. The most amazing thing is that he even said that Prince Nichob was caught by a black panther. If what he said is true, that is to say, King Techaka killed his younger brother, Prince Nijob!

“You lied!”

The queen sitting next to Tchaka stood up and rebuked.

“I’m afraid he didn’t lie at all, Queen.”

The frontier tribe general Wakabi who brought Eric Kermongo with him suddenly said. When all eyes were looking towards him, Wakabi took out a string of necklaces, and the necklace was wearing a special ring.

All the seniors of Wakanda present are all familiar with this ring. This is the Prince ring that only male members of the Wakanda royal family are qualified to wear. It is forged with Vibranium in a unique way by Wakanda. It is impossible to fake, so Eric Kermongo’s identity can already be determined.

“He is really a descendant of Prince Nijob!”

Seeing that his identity has been recognized by everyone, Eric Kermango directly questioned King Tchaka Why did he kill his biological brother and abandon them? Until now, he himself has experienced suffering untold hardships before he killed the sinner who attacked Wakanda and returned home.

“For 30 years, as the king of Wakanda, the Guardian Panthers, you have nothing to do, cowardly and incompetent!”

“Killing brothers and feet, abandoning relatives, without virtue, you have What qualifications to continue to occupy the seat of the king?”

“Today, I, Nijadaka, son of Prince Nichob, exercise my right to challenge you to compete for the king and the Panthers. Throne!”

Tchaka was revealed the most unwilling to mention, the most secret past, the regret of killing the brother, the guilt of abandoning the relatives and rise in the mind again.

After several decades of depression, this kind of emotion broke out again, but it became extremely strong. Tchaka became a little lost in despair, facing Eric Kermango Angrily questioned, Tchaka didn’t even dare to look directly into his eyes.

The lies that have maintained several decades are still exposed.

After a long time, Techaka slowly raised his head and watched Eric Kermongo said in a low voice.

“You are right.”

“I am indeed not qualified to continue to lead and guard Wakanda.”

“I decided to give up the throne!”

Tchaka’s words shocked everyone.



The queen and Princess Prince heard his complexion greatly changed, they have never heard of Tcha Came back to his senses in the shock of killing his brother and leaving his nephew, and was completely unprepared by Tchacas abandonment of the throne. Elders and generals also looked at each other in blank dismay. There are some not knowing what to do.

Just as everyone was panicked about this sudden change, Wakabi, the general of the border tribe, suddenly spoke.

“Since King Techaka has given up the throne, then Nijob Princes son, Nijadaka will be our new king!”

Wakabis When Ulysses Crow infiltrated Wakanda and evacuated after successfully stealing Vibranium, he was killed by a bomb detonated at the border. Therefore, his hatred for Ulysses Crow was stronger than anyone else. .

Its only for several decades. Although Tchaka, a king and a panther, has been hunting Ulysses Crow, he has never really caught him. Already disappointed, the dissatisfaction with him and the hatred of Ulysses Crow grew stronger and stronger.

At this time, Eric Kermongos appearance undoubtedly brought him a huge surprise. This was abandoned by King Techaka, the son of Prince Nichob, who actually killed Yu Lisis Crow avenged him.

He was avenged by his gratitude to Eric Kermongo, coupled with his disappointment and dissatisfaction with Tchaka, and the bloodline of the royal family of Eric Kermongo His identity, his strong strength and resolute acting style, made him choose to support Eric Kermango as the new king without the slightest hesitation.

As a warrior, he has long been tired of the self-proclaimed life under the rule of Tchaka. He is eager to fight, eager to let Wakanda out of hiding, and tell the world that Wakanda is powerful!

He could tell that Eric Kermongo was a real warrior just like him.

He believes that Eric Kermangobitchaka is very suitable to become the king of Wakanda. He will definitely be able to protect Wakanda better and lead Wakanda to become stronger.

General Wakabis words made a group of Elders came back to his senses from shock and not knowing what to do, looked towards the desperate Tchaka, and then look at the heroic and aggressive Eric Kermongo, several Elders looked at each other and couldn’t help being nodded.

Elder, the oldest merchant tribe, said.

“Since King Techaka voluntarily gave up the throne, then the challenger, Ni Jadaka, will inherit the throne.”

“from now on _”


Standing on the side of Tchaca, the young Prince saw such an amazing change in the situation. His father took the initiative to hand over the throne and couldnt help turning pale with fright. See the Elders. They had already begun to admit that this man who appeared suddenly became a king, and the shocked T’Challa hurriedly stopped.

“I am the Prince of the Wakanda Kingdom, and I also have the right to inherit the throne!”

Several Elder hearing this looked at each other in blank dismay, the merchant tribe Elder thought about it and spoke Said.

“Prince Nijadaka challenged King Techaka, and Techaka voluntarily gave up, which is tantamount to giving the throne to Prince Nijadaka.”

“So at this time, Ni Jadaka is our king.”

T’Challa hearing this complexion greatly changed, and he was about to speak, but he heard Elder continue to say.

“T’Challa Prince, if you want to fight for the throne, you can challenge in the waterfall duel of the ceremony.”

T’Challa hasn’t had time to speak yet. Eric Kermongo, the general unfastened his handcuffs, took two steps forward and looked down at T’Challa said solemnly.

“Very well, let us follow the tradition and speak with strength. The person who wins the duel will become the king of Wakanda, the real panther!”

The eyes collided in the air, as if countless fierce sparks burst out.


A week later, in the middle section of the majestic and ancient waterfall, in a pool with its back against the cliff and facing the abyss, the water depth of the knee, King Wakandas enthronement ceremony is being held here .

On the towering and steep cliffs behind the pool, clansman from various tribes of Wakanda stood, all wearing the grandest tribal costumes.

In the last ages, King Wakandas enthronement ceremony was held here, and the content of the ceremony has never changed. The Royal General of the Kingdom accepted clansman and other five tribes who wanted to compete for the kings seat in the pool. The challenge of royal family members can only be achieved after victory. This is their tradition for thousands of years.

High Priest Zuli carried a bowl of potion and walked to T’Challa who was kneeling in the pool water. When he was about to give it to him, Eric Kermango spoke.

“What is this?”

Faced with the inquiry of the “king”, Zuli explained.

According to tradition, the king of Wakanda is also the black panther guarding the kingdom. They took heart-shaped herbs to strengthen their bodies and their strength was far beyond ordinary people.

In order to maintain the fairness of the duel, when accepting challenges from others, the panther needs to drink the potion that relieves the powerful ability brought by the heart-shaped herbs to ensure the fairness of the strength of the duel.

Eric Kermango not at all has taken heart-shaped herbal medicines, so naturally there is no need to relieve it.

But at this time, T’Challa has already taken heart-shaped herbs and has become the new Panther.

In these years, after Tchaka got older, he passed the responsibility of the Panther to his only son, T’Challa, the only heir on the surface of the kingdom.

Its just that TChalla has been a Panther for several years, but he still hasnt caught Ulysses Crow. Its nothing to do. This is also the general’s thorough treatment of their father and son. Disappointment, the reason for switching to Eric Kermongo.

T’Challa took the heart-shaped herbs and gained the power bestowed by the leopard god, so for the sake of fairness, T’Challa should drink the potion that relieves the ability of the heart-shaped herbs before the duel.

But Eric Kermongo shook the head and said proudly.

“No need!”

“Let him use the strongest strength to fight with me. I want you to know that I am the strongest Guardian God in Wakanda, the real one Black Panther!”

Seeing Eric Kermongo’s tough attitude, although it was against tradition, Zuli had to obey his orders and handed the potion to the men behind him.

This seems very unfair. It seems that T’Challa has taken a big advantage, but no one knows except Chen Mo. Eric Kermango accepted the enhanced Super Soldier The enhancement of the serum is five times the strength of an ordinary person.

According to Chen Mos speculation, judging from the battle between American Captain and Panthers in the movie, the two are basically equivalent in strength. The heart-shaped medicinal herb should have the same effect as the original Super Soldier serum. Increase the quality of people to about four times that of ordinary person.

In other words, even if T’Challa takes heart-shaped herbs, he is not an opponent of Eric Kermongo.

Of course everyone at Wakanda didn’t know this.

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