My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 163

Under the personal leadership of Colonel John, Eric Kermongo entered Chen Mo’s office with great excitement and anxiety.

Seeing Chen Mo sitting behind the large desk, Eric knelt down with excitement.

“Long live Hydra!”

Eric Kermongo bowed to the ground religiously, his body trembled with excitement in his heart, he finally saw faith God!

As for Chen Mos Asian appearance, not at all makes him feel any surprises. He has already known that Spirit Sea, the god of Hydra, has many Avatars in the mortal world. Before he I only know that there is “Red Skull” Schmidt. Obviously, the appearance of the Asian in front of him is only one of God’s Avatars.

“Get up.”

Chen Mo’s voice was not loud, but it was full of Supreme’s majesty, which shocked Eric’s mind.

Hydra has spent decades and carefully trained, not only Hydra’s loyal soldiers, but also Chen Mo’s most devout believer, and his faith in Chen Mo is extremely firm.


Being able to personally see the great Spiritual God of faith, and listen to the teachings of God, gave Eric an incomparable glory and excitement. Hearing Chen Mo’s words quickly responded with a respectful voice and stood up from the ground.

Looking at Eric Kermongo standing in front of him, Chen Mo was satisfied and nodded. From the outside, Eric was very brave and brave.

Eric Kermongo, who was originally tall and strong, has been transformed by the enhanced Super Soldier serum. He is more than two meters tall and his muscles are extremely strong. The tall one stood up, full of explosive power.

With the sturdy aura exuding from his body, and the sharp eyes of a wild beast, it is like an ancient ominous beast, giving people a huge shock.

Of course, in front of Chen Mo at this time, it is more like a tamed beast, powerful and docile.


No one knows what the two people talked about in the office. On 2nd day, after a night of dressing and preparation, the two set off from the base on a Hydra fighter plane and went to Africa.

The speed of the Hydra fighter exploded in full force. It was astonishingly fast. It quickly crossed the entire European continent to the south and reached northeastern Africa, dozens of kilometers away from the border of the Kingdom of Wakanda, in a desert. Zhong landed slowly.

The yellow sand and dust on the ground were blown by the strong air current jetted from below the engine, flying around the fighter plane, until the plane stopped and the engine was turned off, the dust in the sky slowly dissipated .

The hatch in the belly of the plane opened slowly, Chen Mo and Eric Kermongo got off the plane, carrying a huge bag on Erics shoulder .

The two did not stop after getting off the plane. They walked directly to one side. A small propeller plane was parked not far from the Hydra fighter plane. In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion and trouble, They will fly this ordinary plane directly into Wakanda territory.

As a top-notch special fighter, Eric Kermongo has received system combat, shooting and special operations training, including the driving of various fighters, and start this small propeller The airplane is naturally nothing difficult.

Throwing the package into the luggage compartment of the tail section of the airplane, the two boarded the airplane, and after a period of taxiing amid the buzzing sound of a propeller airplane, the airplane rose into the air and flew towards Wakanda. go with.

Behind them, the hatch of the Hydra fighter was slowly closed, the energy engine ejected a blue flame, and rose up steadily. At the same time, it turned the nose, moved towards the north, and flew quickly. Disappeared in the sky.

Crossing the border of Wakanda, the surrounding scenery began to change. The desolate Gobi gradually disappeared and replaced by the endless green grassland.

Eric Kermongo on the plane, looking at the surrounding vast grassland and the dense tropical jungle in the distance, the expression in his eyes is extremely complicated. This is his hometown, Wakanda. .

Withdrawing his thoughts, Eric Kermongo controlled the plane to descend slowly. In the distance, a small simple village appeared in their sight.

The plane landed at several hundred meters outside the village, Eric Kermongo pulled the huge bag from the luggage compartment and carried it on his shoulders, followed Chen Mo, moved towards Walk to the village.

People in the village also noticed their arrival. Several Wakandas with blue cloaks with strange patterns on their bodies came to them on horseback.

They are the warriors of the Wakanda border tribe. They live on the border of Wakanda as hunters and herders. They deceive the outside world and conceal the fact that Wakanda is technologically advanced. At the same time, they also shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending Wakanda.

Chen Mos gaze stopped for a while on their blue cloak. According to the plot in the movie, this seems ordinary, full of African national characteristics, but actually contains high technology, ordinary Beneath the surface, it is actually woven by Vibranium through a special process, which can stimulate defensive power and a powerful energy shield, which is enough to resist the attack of sonic cannons.

A large enclosure next to the village also houses several huge rhinos. These rhinos were raised by the border tribes since they were young. They were able to follow their orders and were equipped with heavy steel armor. The formidable power is enough to knock an armored vehicle into flight, and even if a person is hit, only the skeleton will be cut off.

At this moment, they seem to be just gentle big guys pacing slowly in the fence.

The warriors of the border tribes in the village disguised as herdsmen, they quickly reacted after spotting the plane flying in the sky. When the two of them just got off the plane, they hadnt gotten far. The warrior riding a steed came to them.

Eric Kermangos unusually tall and strong appearance obviously made them on guard. Several fighters spread out on both sides, faintly surrounding them, staring at them firmly. , The hand hidden under the cloak has grabbed the weapon, ready to attack at any time.

The headed man with a sturdy look and the appearance of a leader looked at Chen Mo and Eric Kermango who stopped, and glanced at the huge bag on Eric’s shoulder. , Asked seriously.

“What is this?”

Speaking, Chen Mo not at all, he has recognized the leader, who is the leader of the Wakanda border tribe and the general of the Wakanda army Wakabi.

Wakabis questioning gaze turned to Eric, who was carrying the bag, and Eric met his gaze calmly and said lightly.

“A gift.”

After Eric Kermango said, he threw the bag on his shoulder to the ground, bending over to open it.

His actions apparently alarmed several frontier tribal warriors behind Wakabi. They quickly withdrew their weapons from the criticism and moved on to attack Eric. Fortunately, Wakabi was in time. He stretched out his arms to stop them, he wanted to see what “gifts” these two strangers had brought.

As Eric opened the bag, Ulysses Crow’s vivid, unstoppable face appeared in everyone’s eyes.

Wakabi took two steps forward, looked down towards the body in the bag, and confirmed that it was indeed Ulysses Crow. Undoubtedly, Wakabi looked towards the physique seriously. Eric Kermongo, who is tall and strong, exuding wild beast-like sturdy breath, solemnly asked.

“Who are you?”


Wakanda hunted down the enemy for decades, Ulysses Crow was killed, The news of sending the body quickly spread among the Wakanda executives.

The important figures of the four tribes Elder, king, queen, Prince, and princess who learned the news were all gathered in the palace chamber.

Due to the big relationship, Chen Mo and Chen Mo were taken into the hidden capital of Wakanda by Wakabi, and they were rushing towards the palace. They wanted to see if who brought them the biggest Wakanda. Enemy.

Before they arrived, a fierce dispute broke out among a group of high-level officials, because according to Wakabi’s report, one of them claimed to be a Wakanda, but they did not know his existence.

The argument stopped when Chen Mo and Eric Kermongo were brought into the Chamber by Wakabi.

Looking at the tall and mighty, imposing manner, the terrifying Eric Kermongo, everyone in the chamber couldn’t help but think of one person, and he was the only one among the five tribes who was not present. The leader of the tribe, Mbaku, was as tall and strong as a humanoid beast, and the person in front of him looked taller and stronger than Mbaku.

Is he a member of the Jabari tribe? Such a tall and strong figure, in Wakanda, only the people of the Jabari tribe who live on the high mountains can have it. Even in the Jabari tribe, he is definitely the strongest.

In this way, it makes sense, why they dont know anything about this outsider, who calls himself Wakanda. Of all the five tribes, only the Jabari tribe refuses to use technology and lives alone on the mountain. There is too much overlap with them not at all, and they naturally don’t know about the clansman they are living outside.

Its just that the facts are obviously not as simple as they guessed. At the first sight of Eric Kermongo, King Tchaka was involuntarily shocked. This mans face was too familiar It was so similar to that person, he couldn’t help but think of some unbearable past events that he had deliberately forgotten and didn’t want to remember.

Chen Mo and Eric Kermongo entered the chamber and stood in front of the crowd. Although the two brought their enemies that they had hunted for decades, they were still unclear. People’s details, so they are still tied up.

Chen Mo didnt care about it. He could break free at any time as long as he wanted to. He stood there indifferently, taking the expression of the people across the scene in the entire scene, Tchakas violently fluctuating eyes not at all escaped his sight.

“Why are you here?”

The oldest merchant tribe, Elder asked.

“I stand on your side and punish those who steal Vibranium and kill your clansman.”

“Come to the justice that your king can’t fulfill!”

Eric Kermongo said proudly.

“What do you want?”

The mining tribe Elder with a red braid next to him then asked.

I glanced at the Wakanda executives opposite, Eric Kermongo said solemnly.

“I want the throne!”

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