My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 165

Eric Kermongo allowed T’Challa to retain the power of the heart-shaped herbs and fight him with the power of a black panther.

The clansman of Wakanda was amazed by Eric Kermongo’s toughness and confidence.

Although Wakandas technology is very advanced today, the traditions passed down through thousands of years are still well maintained. Just like their Elder system and the waterfall pool before the kings accession to the throne, Wakandas I still worship powerhouse in my heart.

If he can really defeat the Black Panther in the peak state with the powerful power bestowed by the Leopard God, then he is definitely the strongest fighter of Wakanda, which proves that Eric Kerman Ge is the new and stronger Guardian chosen by the Leopard God for them, leading Wakanda to a powerful new king!

Of course, some people think that he is too arrogant, and even tried to challenge the Guardian Panther, who has the powerful power bestowed by Panther God. People who were optimistic about him could not help but change their minds. How is the power of Panthers? If the ordinary person can conquer, he will pay for his arrogance.

Seeing that Zuli put away the potion, T’Challa slowly stood up from the pool and walked to Eric Kermongo.

Since he is so big and wants to challenge the power of the Panthers, T’Challa doesn’t mind teaching him a lesson!

Eric Kermongo took off his gorgeous king dress, and an attendant behind him quickly took the clothes and stepped aside.

Eric strode to the center of the pool and stood opposite T’Challa. At this time, both of them were naked, their strong figures and angular muscles were fully displayed in front of everyone.

As a black panther, T’Challa is already very strong, but Eric Kermongo’s figure is even more shocking.

The huge figure more than two meters high, the muscles all over the body are bulging high, solid and powerful, full of explosive power, two arms like steel, more than T’Challa’s thighs It’s stout, it seems that one punch can beat a person into flesh, and the two slender thighs are like iron pillars, and they are probably not much lighter than a siege hammer.

The broad and hard pectoral muscles on the chest are like two heavy iron shields. While containing powerful strength, they seem to be able to withstand fierce attacks. The broad shoulders and the strong waist and abdomen are distinct. , The solid muscles full of power all show the terrifying power contained in this huge body, like an ominous beast that walked out of the ancients, full of shocking huge oppression force.

While the people watching above the waterfall were amazed, they also understood his self-confidence. Such a majestic body, the power contained must be amazing. It is no wonder that he is so confident and allows T’Challa It retains the power of the panther gained from the strengthening of the heart-shaped herbs.

Those who originally thought he was too big and would inevitably be defeated by T’Challa, are not sure who wins and who loses.

Before the battle officially started, the two priests each came forward with a container and painted the ancient Wakanda Totem pattern on the two to show that their duel was recognized by the leopard god.

While the priests were performing the ancient ceremony, under the cliff behind the pool, Princess Wakanda, Shuri, standing beside Chen Mo, suddenly turned and looked towards Chen Mo.

After Chen Mo and Eric Kermongo entered the palace chamber that day, everyones attention has been focused on the one who killed Ulysses Crow and came to fight for the throne. Nichob Prince’s son, Eric, paid too much attention to Chen Mo not at all, thinking it was Eric’s subordinate.

When Techaka voluntarily gave up the throne, and after Eric became king, Wakabi directly loosened his bondage. After that, Chen Mo used the kings comrades to help attack As the hero who killed Ulysses Crow, he became Wakanda’s guest of honor.

It is precisely because of this that he can now stand by the pool and watch the battle with a group of Elder and members of the royal family, witnessing the sacred throne challenge ceremony.

“I know who you are!”

Princess Shuri turned her head and looked up at Chen Mo’s profile, said solemnly.

Chen Mo hearing this did not respond, his eyes were still watching the two people in the pool, completely remaining unmoved.

Shuri gritted his teeth secretly with anger.

“You are Commander Chen Mo!”

“70 years ago, you drove Hydras super bomber Valkyrie Goddess into the sea and was frozen in the glacier. Not long ago, it was discovered by a scientific expedition team, and he came back to life after thawing.”

Chen Mo didn’t seem to hear what she said at all, and still had no response.

Shuri fiercely glared at Chen Mo and said angrily.

“There are reports on these TVs, but I still know! Your current identity is a major general of the U.S. military, but in fact, you are a high-level officer of the International Secret Agency Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, commander of the special forces !”

Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Shuri. It seems that Wakanda’s intelligence organization is not useless, but some furs are found.

“Aren’t you aiming to maintain world peace and protect human safety? How could you be with this evil killing Human Demon?”

Chen Mo hearing this slightly smiled , Looked into Shuri’s eyes slowly said.

“Evil? Not necessarily.”

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he ignored Princess Shuri next to him, turned his head and looked towards the pool.

As the two talked, the priest had finished drawing Totem and stepped back.

In the pool, the two who completed the pre-war ceremony each took up their own weapons, naked torso, ancient Totem, Wakanda traditional cold weapon, the two in the challenge pool were like two Like the most primordial fighters, they stood in awe.

T’Challa holds a shield in his left hand, a sharp short spear in his right hand, Eric Kermongo has a short spear in one hand, and a large and thick one in the other hand. Long knife.

The weapons of the two seem ordinary, but they are actually made of precious Vibranium, which is extremely sharp.

Seeing that the two are ready, High Priest Zuli raised the gorgeous lance in his hand.

“Challenge, start!”

With the lance of High Priest Zuli, the battle between the two officially began.

The two rushed forward almost at the same time, and the knee-length pool water could not stop them from moving forward at all. When they rushed forward, the huge force pushed away the pool water blocking the front, splashing Lao Gao.

Amidst the spray that was thrown in the sky, the two hit each other hard.

Eric Kermango directly raised the heavy long knife in his hand, moved towards T’Challa and hacked his head, T’Challa quickly raised the shield to block the momentum is big, Power is a deep blow.

In the beginning, Eric deliberately controlled his own strength. The two looked evenly matched, their strengths were equal, and they played fiercely.

The eyes of the people watching the battle were completely attracted by the fierce battle between the two. They also realized that Eric Kermongo was not blindly entrusted, but really had this strength.

They couldnt help but be shocked by his strength. The Panthers are their Guardian for generations. They are blessed by the Leopard God and possess powerful strength far beyond ordinary people. And Eric Kerman Ge not at all had taken heart-shaped herbs and obtained the powerful power bestowed by the leopard god, but he could compete with T’Challa. This had to shock them.

However, they were shocked a little earlier.

After a fierce battle, Eric Kermongo quickly figured out the strength of T’Challa. His physical fitness, as Chen Mo said, is about four times that of ordinary people. The level of fighting skills is quite good, but compared with him, it is still a lot worse.

Understanding the details of T’Challa, Eric has no more thoughts about delaying.

When T’Challa used all his strength and wielded his short spear to slash at him, Erics right hand long knife slashed out against the short spear he had slashed, and the huge force smashed T ‘The short spear in Challa’s hand was cut directly and flew out and plunged into the rock under her feet.

It didn’t stop there. While T’Challa was still unconscious, the short spear in Eric’s left hand moved towards him and quickly pierced it out.

T’Challa, with the weapon released, quickly raised the shield to resist, and the free right hand also supported under the shield. Nevertheless, Eric’s stabbing made him withdraw a step backward. .

The short spear’s attack was blocked, but Eric did not stop his attack. Until T’Challa reacted, the right hand long knife slashed on the shield again.

Next, the two weapons in Eric’s hands took turns attacking, and the shield moved towards T’Challa firmly raised launched a fierce attack, and the huge power shocked T’Challa. Shield’s hands became numb, and his feet continued to retreat in response to repeated attacks, and soon retreated to the edge of the cliff.

Just when T’Challa was about to fall off the cliff, in the exclamation of everyone, Eric Quermango dropped the spear in his left hand and grabbed T’Challa to death. On the edge of the shield he was holding fast, his sturdy arms pulled back forcefully, and threw him into the pool behind him with the shield.

T’Challa fell heavily into the knee-length pool, and the shield in his hand also flew out and fell to the side.

Although he completely lost his weapon and fell to the ground embarrassedly, he finally escaped the ending of being knocked off the cliff.

Just not waiting for the queen and the others to let go of the heart, Eric Kermongo turned back and strode to T’Challa, piercing the long knife on the ground, Iri Ke raised Iron Fist and moved towards T’Challa, who had just gotten up, with a heavy punch and knocked him to the ground.

Waiting for him to get up again, he was greeted with another swift punch, which hit his chest hard, accompanied by the vaguely “ka ka” sound of the skull cracking.

T’Challa was knocked down again and again, and got up again and again, but he took longer and longer, and the time he persisted was shorter and shorter,

Eric Quellmango had reservations, not at all, but the continuous heavy blows still caused T’Challa to fracture many places and internal organs. After falling to the ground again, T’Challa worked hard for a long time. After all, he couldn’t get up, and fell to his knees weakly in the pool, completely losing the ability to resist.

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