My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1383

Rena glanced at the furious George, and she couldn’t help but worry, but she didn’t hesitate at all at her feet, and hurriedly chased David followed along.

George looked at the silhouette of David moving towards the door, and his heart was extremely angry. This is simply challenging his authority!

The angry George shouted immediately.

“Stop for me!”

Rena heard the roar of strong anger coming from behind, she couldn’t help but looked towards David in front.

If David doesn’t stop, she won’t stop either!

But under her gaze, David, who had already walked to the door, stopped. This made her sighed in relief, but at the same time she could not help but feel a little disappointed. If she could, she actually didnt want it. David compromised. She still hoped that David would show off one’s ability and be fearless as she knew when she first joined the FBI!

But reality is not that simple after all. It is not that all problems can be solved as long as the will is firm and fearless. Sometimes, people always have to learn to compromise.

Just when the mixed feelings in Lena’s heart were very unpleasant, I saw David turning around and moving towards George slightly smiled, and said loudly.

“Chief, when you find the Avengers, I will definitely help you catch Tony Stark!”

After David finished speaking, he looked down and looked surprised. Lena, with a hint of excitement, said gently.

“Go, let’s eat, I’m hungry for this delay!”

Rena couldn’t help but smile, nodding her head.

“Me too!”

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent.

The eyes of everyone present couldn’t help but quietly fell on the dark-faced George. Seeing David’s appearance, he was about to tear his face with George, and he didn’t save him any face.

There are not many chances to see the director George deflated, most of them are also attractive spectacle.

I just don’t know what George will do next, everyone can’t help but look forward to it.

George naturally felt the gazes from everyone around him. He knew that if he could not hold David down today, his majesty would definitely be hit. Although the following are irreversible, they are inevitable. Many bad sounds.

This sign must be suppressed!

This is not just a matter between him and David. Several other deputy directors should also be waiting to see him make a fool of himself, and want to find a chance to replace him, but he is absolutely not Will give them this chance!

George knows David very well. He knows exactly what David is after, although he dismisses it!

Immediately, there was a cold light flashing in George’s eyes, and moved towards David said sharply.

“If you dare to walk out of this door today, you won’t use it for work tomorrow!”

Hearing George’s threats, David couldn’t help but stop.

For David, whose goal is to fight crime, George’s threat hit his vital point!

This is also the reason why David has been patient before.

As the director of the Los Angeles Branch of the FBI, George does have the right to fire his agents, even if he is a supervisor, as long as George is willing to pay the capital, there is no problem.

The fact that he was expelled by the FBI will also be recorded in his file and become a stain. When the time comes, even the local police station will not recruit him, and the law enforcement agencies will completely shut the door to him. , He will no longer be able to fight crime legally as a Law Enforcer, unless he wears night clothes like a superhero in the movie, and becomes a “righteous policeman” that is not accepted by the law, and this is not what David wants of.

Rena naturally knew this too, so she just stood quietly behind him without speaking. Anyway, she supported David’s choice.

However, David only paused, and then he opened the door, without looking back, taking Lena away!

In the past, Georges threats did work for him, but now he is no longer the FBI agent who has empty ambitions, but is only struggling with suppression.

Now he is a Level 1 agent of SHIELD. Behind him is the entire SHIELD as a backing. Stroking the SHIELD badge in his pocket, David’s heart is stronger than ever!

Since Chen Mo said that Georges problem will be solved for him, David believes that Chen Mo will be able to solve it. This is not blind trust, but based on Chen Mos strength. Rational judgment.

Dont talk about other things, just the SHIELD badge that Chen Mo gave him that can be transformed into a mechanical spider can reach Georges death. Of course, even if he doesnt die, let him live in There is no problem at all in the hospital for a month!

Watching David and Lena leave categorically, George’s face was as black as the black agent next to him.

No one in the surrounding people spoke, and the needle fell silently in the hall for a while.

Davids departure equivalent to gave George a big mouth, and he slapped him heavily in front of dozens of FBIagents present. George could guess it, no In an hour, this matter will spread throughout the sub-bureau and become well known, and his prestige will be greatly affected.

Looking at David walking away from the door, George hated gnashing teeth, and a hideous color appeared in his eyes.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

David, you will pay for everything you do today!


On the other side, David and Lena moved side by side towards the car parked on the side of the road. Lena looked at Davids profile, her face could not help but surface With a touch of admiration and obsession, this is the Boss she likes until now!

It turns out that he hasn’t changed, but it would rather break but cannot be bend, the fearless man!

David went directly to the front of his car, opened the door and sat in. Lena did not drive her car, but directly opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in.

Putting on her seat belt, Lena couldn’t help turning her head to look towards David, and said with some worry.

“Boss, tomorrow…”

When David looked at Lena worried, he couldn’t help saying with a smile.

“Don’t worry, you know, I’m not an impulsive person. You will know tomorrow.”

Lena hearing this, took a deep look at David to confirm him Not comforting myself, a bright smile appeared on his face immediately, and he stopped mentioning the things just now, and instead said with a smile.

“Lets go now, Im really hungry!”

David nodded with a smile, immediately started the car, put in gear, stepped on the accelerator, the car suddenly Started, leaped forward.

Rena felt the strong acceleration, but she couldn’t help turning her head to look at David, with a bright smile on her face, as if she was back in the day when she joined the FBI and was taken out by David. when.

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