My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1384

But her gaze is still the same as everyone else’s, and she moves towards the door from time to time.

Half an hour passed quickly, and there was still no movement outside. Lena couldn’t help but check the time. Although George was always the last one in the sub-game, it should have arrived now.

Based on what she knows about George and what happened yesterday, he shouldn’t have been silent until now.

Is he brewing any bigger conspiracy?

Rena, who was a little worried, couldn’t help contacting a colleague who was familiar with the administrative department, and quietly inquired, but unexpectedly learned that George had not come to work.

Reina can’t help but frown, hearing this, what the hell is happening?

Rena could not help but feel a little disturbed by this abnormal situation.

When the other people in the Criminal Investigation Department knew about it, they couldn’t help but become worried, afraid that George would want to cheat them with some big trick.

Not only the people from the Criminal Investigation Department, but the entire Los Angeles Branch of the FBI are watching George’s movements and waiting for his arrival.

There is a sense of tension in the rising wind forebodes the coming storm throughout the sub-game.

Everyone believes that George must be brewing something, with his arrival, waiting for David is bound to be a fatal blow!

But this time, it was a whole morning, until 12:00 noon, George still did not show up. Someone noticed something was wrong, and tentatively called George, only to find that his phone number was already Shut down.

At this moment, everyone realized that something went wrong!

Immediately they did not continue to wait any longer, they used their own methods and contacts to investigate George’s movements.

They are a group of FBI after all, with ways, means and connections that an ordinary person does not have.

The result of their investigation soon came out, and this result was unexpected to everyone!

George was arrested!

According to what they learned, George was captured by a group of black clothed persons in the middle of the night last night, and the identities of those who captured him were from the Supervision Department of the General Administration!

The Supervision Department is the disciplinary supervision department within the FBI. It can be said that it is the department that FBI agents like them are least willing to contact.

Because when someone from the Supervision Office comes to you, it means that the Dongchuang incident has occurred. None of the people taken away by the Supervision Office can return safely.

Removals are all light, and more people are sent directly to prison!

And George was taken away by the inspectorate, and the result is already obvious.

Many people know what George did in the sub-game, and he was impossible to come back this time, waiting for him will be a long prison life.

But at the same time, many people’s hearts are also raised.

Not only is George the branch director, many of them are also unclean, especially those closest to George, they are more or less directly involved in Georges work. Among those things, now that George is arrested, they are also likely to be implicated and go to jail with George.

When many people were panicking and fidgeting, news of George’s arrest spread quickly in the sub-game, and people could not help but think of David for the first time.

George had a quarrel with David in the hall last night, and he was taken away by the surveillance office that night. No one would believe that this was just a coincidence!

Many people have seen the situation at that time, and it spread within the entire Los Angeles branch within an hour.

David has been deliberately suppressed by George for so long, and everyone in the sub-game is very clear. But before that, although David did not succumb to Georges lewdness, he never Never confronted him head-on.

His behavior was very abnormal last night. Most people guessed that he was suppressed by George for too long, and finally couldn’t help but explode.

But some people who know David know that he is not an impulsive person. The silence before that was just forbearing that’s all. The sudden outbreak last night reminded them a lot, and today George is being monitored. The people who took it away confirmed the speculation of some people.

David found the evidence and tripped George!

That’s why he dared to face George directly, taunting George fiercely in front of many people, without considering the risk of being retaliated by George.

I am afraid that he had already handed over the evidence to the headquarters at that time, and knew that George would be arrested that night, so he was so mercilessly against George, and it was considered to be all the evil accumulating over such a long time. Vented out.

Behind this, their brains made up a drama of a silly salary, nothing more than David’s tolerance under George’s suppression, while dealing with various complicated cases that job applicants gave him, It was also secretly collecting evidence of his corruption, and finally after getting enough evidence to bring him down, he gave George a fatal blow last night.

While David was out for lunch with the people from the criminal investigation, Lena and the others found that everyone looked towards Davids eyes were full of awe and jealousy, even looked towards their eyes changed completely.

Just when a few people were puzzled, Lenas mobile phone rang dong, and Lena took out her mobile phone and took a look, and then suddenly a touch of surprise appeared on her face. Surprise!

Seeing other people looking at her with a puzzled look, Reina immediately suppressed her excitement and whispered excitedly.

“George was taken away by the people from the Supervision Department last night!”

Everyone was surprised when they heard Lena’s words.


“Very good! Boss doesn’t need to go now!”

“This bastard is over!”


Lena looked up towards David, but did not see the slightest surprise on his face, but saw a smile of the winner on the corner of his mouth!

He already knew!

Contacting everything that happened last night, Lena quickly understood that Georges arrest must have something to do with David!

No wonder he turned against George impulsively last night, it turns out he knew he would be arrested that night!

He is not impulsive, but confident!

Although Lena’s guess is not entirely correct, it is almost the same, except that David’s confidence is not the evidence that others imagined to bring down George, but Chen Mo and SHIELD!

Georges arrest caused a big stone that was weighing on everyones heart to be finally removed, everyone happily followed David out of the gate, moved towards a nearby restaurant, and relaxed a few people Could not help but joked.

A young female agent approached Lena and asked quietly.

“Hey Lena, how did you feel last night, will Bosss battle strength please you?”

This female agent seems to have a low voice, but in fact, the voice is just enough Everyone heard that David, who was walking in the front, was hearing this, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but a little smile.

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