My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1382

At this time, David has no respect for the FBI and regulations. The shackles on him have been completely broken with the appearance of Chen Mo. What he has to do is to follow Do it with your own heart, whether it’s work or love!

The elevator stopped on the first floor. David headed up and walked towards the door with Lena, but just behind them, the door of another elevator opened, and the director George from inside Walking out, I just saw David and Lena walking side by side in front of them.

George doesn’t at all care about Lena, but looking at David, who has a straight waist, George’s brows can’t help but frown, and he immediately stops him.

“Are you ready to leave work? How is the investigation of the crash?”

Rena could not help but gritted her teeth secretly when she saw George called them. Handing them some difficult cases is that’s all, can’t even get off work normally?

David has been working overtime for many days for this case, and finally got off work early today and was stopped by him again!

After spending so many years with David, Lena naturally knows the reason George suppressed them, because they still have principles and persistence, and they are not the same person as George!

But they are under Georges hands, their arms cant twist their thighs. They are worried that David and George will have a conflict. Lena is about to explain to him, but David stops him and turns to look at George. Said with a calm face.

“You asked me to find out if there is Iron Man. I have already figured it out. Combining the traces of the scene and the testimony of Kobe and the others, the final result of the investigation is, yes!”

It was time to get off work at this time. Many people were in the lobby and were preparing to go out. When George stopped David, many people couldnt help but stop. Some wanted to see Davids jokes, and some A trace of disgust flashed in George’s eyes.

Seeing that David’s tone of voice was a bit blunt, George couldn’t help but hesitate to flash in his eyes. This guy just talked to him in front of so many people? It seems that the suppression of him is still too light!

George immediately became stern and scolded loudly at David.

“If you have it, it’s over? Find him! I want to know who he is!”

In fact, George didn’t know that this case is not easy to investigate, so he would Leave it to David, this kind of thing is most suitable to make things difficult to suppress this hard bone!

In the past, David might be obedient to go back to work overtime to investigate. After all, George is his immediate boss. Although he is a bit tricky, it is also because his work has not been done well.

George and everyone present also thought so, but Rena suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

From the huge changes that suddenly appeared in David to the obviously provocative words to George just now, Lena smelled an unusual smell and looked at David’s erect silhouette. , Lena couldn’t help but have the illusion that a volcano was about to erupt!

At this moment, under Georges glare and the different eyes of everyone in the hall, a mocking smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Davids mouth. He looked at George without flinching and said jokingly. .

“Who else is Iron Man? Of course Tony Stark! You don’t want me to catch him? Then I need the help of the Avengers, or you can contact SHIELD for me As the head of the Los Angeles Branch of the FBI, you must have a call from Nick Fury, right?”

Everyone in the room could not help being stared wide-eyed when he heard Davids words, with an incredible look on his face. Look at David.

This guy is not crazy, right? Tony _ Stark, Nick _ Fury, SHIELD, Avengers, these all are the things in the movie are good!

David wont be because George always asked him to investigate Deadpool and Iron Man. Its maddening to study the case!

But there are also many people who dont think David is crazy. From Davids tone, they heard joking and disdain. They were obviously playing with George on purpose, but this sounds more like crazy. Up!

George is the director of their FBI Los Angeles Branch. He is in control of the appointment and dismissal and work arrangements of all of them. If he offends him, no matter how strong his ability is, he can never expect to have the slightest improvement. It was miserable to use the power at hand, David is the best example.

If it weren’t for George’s deliberate suppression, with David’s abilities and merits, he would have been promoted at this time, at least as a senior director, and even the deputy director of the branch is not impossible.

But David confronted George so directly today, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat, George, who was not pleasing to his eyes, will definitely give him more shoes, and may even fly into a rage out of Under the humiliation, he deliberately killed him in the mission!

Similar things are not uncommon in the history of the FBI. Just concealing or deliberately ignoring some key information is enough to make the mission agents fall into a desperate situation.

Its just that there are hidden dangers in doing this after all. If it is investigated, it will inevitably be affected. This is also the reason why George only suppressed David before directly pitting him to death. There is still something in his heart. Scruples.

But looking at his angry expression at this time, he might have begun to figure out how to kill David.

Others were just watching the excitement, but George was almost pissed off by David!

Although David knew that he was deliberately suppressing him, he still respected him on the surface. At least he would not directly confront him in front of so many people and prevent him from coming to stage!

And now, feeling the strange glances of many FBI employees in the hall, George only felt a rush of anger rushing to the top of his head, and he could not wait to shoot David this damn hard bone!

This bastard dares to ruthless taunt him in front of so many people!

Does he think he is an idiot?

Where are SHIELD and Avengers in this World? Those are obviously fictitious in the movie!

It seems that the previous suppression of him is still not enough. He must be told who is in control of their life and death in this branch!

As many people have guessed, George has really begun to figure out how to put the thorn in David completely!

Even if you dont kill him, you still have to make him disabled and get out of the FBI. As for subsidies, you dont have to think about it. Waste is not eligible to waste federal funds. Let him, the director, help. He keeps it, as it is to compensate him for the less money he made over the years!

While George glared at David with various dark thoughts in his mind, David ignored him and directly turned and moved towards the door and strode.

He has enough of this disgusting guy!

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