My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1381

David suddenly discovered that Lena seems to have been making coffee for him over the years, and he has become accustomed to the taste. Others, including him, are making coffee. They are either too thick or too light, only the cup in hand is just right!

Watching the silhouette of Lena walking to the door, David suddenly shouted.

“Wait a minute!”

Rena couldn’t help but stop hearing this, turning her head in confusion and looked towards David. Seeing him put the coffee on the table next to him, she couldn’t help being surprised Said.

“What’s the matter? Coffee doesn’t taste good? It shouldn’t. I do it at the concentration you like.”

David looked at Lei with a puzzled look. Na, can’t help but shook the head gently, said with a smile.

“The coffee is okay, but I don’t plan to work overtime tonight.”

Speaking of which, David looked at Lena and said slowly with a serious face.

“Lets eat together? Ill treat.”

Rena looked at David with a look of surprise, and then suddenly reacted. At the same time of accident, she was also happy and quickly nodded Said.

“Okay! I opened a new restaurant near my house. I heard that it tastes good!”

David walked up to Rena and looked at the blush on her face. , Nodded with a smile.

“Then let’s try it!”

The two immediately walked out of the office area of the Criminal Investigation Department, moved towards the elevator, in the elevator, both of them Without speaking, the surrounding atmosphere became a little subtle for a while.

Rena turned her head and glanced at David secretly. In addition to being happy, she couldn’t help but feel a little confused. During this time, David worked overtime in the office every day, studying those cases, why today Suddenly leaving get off work early, is it exciting?

And I didnt ask him to have dinner together before, but apart from having dinner with other people from the Criminal Investigation Department, the two had never eaten alone, let alone today David was unprecedented. ‘S actively invited her, and the sun came out to the west?

And she also found that Davids whole state seems to be a little different from before. Although his eyes are still full of bloodshot eyes due to the long stay up all night, there is a hint of sharp rays in his eyes. of light, the spirit of the whole person is even better than ever, some like when she just joined the FBI before and was transferred to David.

At that time, he was like this. The whole person was high-spirited and vigorous, and seemed to be full of infinite power, which made the people around him couldn’t help but be infected.

Its just that afterwards, under Georges constant suppression, although David has not changed his original aspirations, he is still full of fighting spirit and determined to do what he thinks is right, but the heavy work and pressure are It made him like a sharp sword covered in dust, and his whole person became a lot depressed, and a bit less high-spirited and vigorous in the past.

But at this time, on David, Lena felt the familiar feeling again, like a sharp sword wiped off the dust attached to it, showing off one’s ability!

All of this speaking of which seems very obvious, but it is only the feeling of Lena, and only when she has been with David for so many years and is very familiar with him can she keenly perceive this change.

Rena even has a feeling that the audacity revealed by David at this time seems to be stronger than before!

But she clearly remembers that when he was in David’s office before, he was not like this. Just what happened to her making a cup of coffee, can make such a huge change for him!

David naturally noticed Lena’s puzzled gaze and knew what she was weird, but he was only slightly smiled, not at all talking.

Before, when David was just an ordinary agent and team leader, he did not at all contact the FBI’s rights and interest circles. All he wanted to do was to fight crime, eradicate evil, and protect citizens His superiors are naturally willing to have a subordinate who works hard to solve the case and dares to fight.

However, when he relied on his own ability to become the head of the Criminal Investigation Department, the situation changed and he had certain rights. After touching the interest circle, his choice and persistence It becomes a hindrance to other people’s gains, and suppression naturally follows.

It is not only the suppression and restriction from the upper level that made him tired to cope, but the disappointment with the FBI made him doubt his previous beliefs. Can joining the FBI really realize his ideals?

A warrior who has begun to doubt in his heart naturally loses his original spirit.

Although he is also trying to change all of this, even trying to change the entire FBI, the doubt in his heart has never disappeared.

And David, who is struggling to change and doubt with all his energy, naturally has no energy to talk about personal relationships with his children.

And he didn’t want to be separated from each other because of his relationship with Lena.

If you fall in love with colleagues in the department, according to FBI regulations, one of them must be transferred to another department.

In these years, its not that Renas feelings for him are unknown. In fact, he has been following him since joining the FBI. He has grown from an immature newcomer to now being able to act alone and become his right-hand man. The capable subordinates have no good impressions.

For this reason, he didn’t want Rena to be transferred.

If Lena is transferred to another department, due to the nature of their work in the mobile department, they may only be able to stay together at night, or even when they are busy, they may not see each other for a few days.

And like now, they spend most of their time together every day. They get along day and night, they can see each other at any time, and they can fight side by side when performing tasks. They can also rush forward immediately when they are in danger. .

Compared to being together like falling in love, he is more willing to maintain the current state.

If there are no accidents, either, he will get promoted through hard work and get out of the action department and can live like a normal person with Lena, or Lena never waits for his feedback , And finally gave up and came together with others.

From the current situation, it is obvious that the probability of the latter is higher.

As long as George is still there, it’s impossible to watch him climb up and spoil them!

Fortunately, the appearance of Chen Mo changed everything!

Now David has no doubts in his heart at all, because at this time, in his heart, his identity is an agent of SHIELD, and the FBI is just his cover that’s all. Since the FBI has problems, then Solve these problems!

Moreover, after the change of identity, Davids mentality has also undergone tremendous changes. The previous scruples about FBI rules have been completely broken. What if the FBI stipulates that the same department cannot be together, Lao Tzu It happens to be together!

Not only be together during the day, but also at night!

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