My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1380

Looking at David with a look of excitement, Chen Mo couldn’t help but smile. No one seemed to be able to resist the attraction of super power.

Immediately, Chen Mo said directly to him.

“To complete SHIELD’s mission, or to contribute to maintaining world peace and protecting the earth, SHIELD will record corresponding scores in your file based on your performance and achievements, meet the requirements and pass the review, Agent level can be promoted.”

David hearing this immediately looked at Chen Mo, and some impatient said.

“Then what is my task now?”

Chen Mo slowly said.

“There is no official task to issue for the time being.”

When David was feeling a little disappointed, Chen Mo continued.

“But you can do your job well, clean up the evil and criminal forces in Los Angeles, fight evil and crime, and it is also one of the important tasks of maintaining world peace and protecting the earth. In fact, the identity of the FBI It is very beneficial to you. You only need to work hard to do your job well. Not only can you get the promotion of FBI, the promotion of SHIELD’s agent level will be much faster than other agents.”

David Hearing this could not help but follow nodded, it is indeed the case.

Others simply dont have too many opportunities to fight crimes. If you want to improve the level of agents, you can only rely on completing the tasks assigned by SHIELD. His own job is to fight crime, and he accumulates while working. Merit, the speed of improvement is naturally faster.

David felt that he was full of energy at this time, and he wished to wipe out all the criminals and evil forces in Los Angeles.

“If you encounter an unsolvable problem during the operation, or if you find any special circumstances, you can contact me. If there is my phone in the mobile phone, I will provide you with corresponding support and help.”

When he heard Chen Mo’s words, David couldn’t help but was taken aback. He could naturally judge that Chen Mo’s words were not just words, but could really provide him with support at critical moments, which made his heart Can’t help but suddenly have a strong sense of identity.

When he was at the FBI before, his boss had never said this to him. If there is any problem, he has to solve it by himself. On the contrary, some problems and black pots will be pushed on him. What he gets at the FBI is more exclusion and plot against, which also makes it difficult for him to have a strong enough sense of belonging to the FBI.

Although he has just joined SHIELD at this time, Chen Mos words gave him a sense of belonging that he had never had before in the FBI. Since then, he is no longer alone, and he has a real sense behind him. Backing you can trust and rely on!

Looking at David who was a little excited, Chen Mo continued to explain.

“You can also develop some reserve personnel in the FBI. We will conduct in-depth investigation and review of them. Those who meet the requirements can be absorbed into SHIELD and become your true comrades in arms!”

David hearing this can’t help but think of the group of guys under him.

The Criminal Investigation Department is not a good department. Most of the people who deal with them are vicious gangsters and gangsters. They will encounter gun battles from time to time, and work is very dangerous.

Under the deliberate suppression of the branch director George, their life has become even more difficult, specializing in the dangerous and difficult dirty work.

Those who can stay here now are all passionate youths who have firm ideals and convictions like him. Those who are not firm, greedy for life, fear of death, and obsessed with power and wealth have long since turned to George. Under his command, he was transferred to other departments.

Now that he has joined SHIELD, he has the opportunity to realize his ideals, maintain justice, and gain physical and superpower enhancement. Naturally, he will not forget his guys!

Based on the understanding of his opponents, almost all of them meet the requirements for joining SHIELD. Although some of them are still a little immature in ability, at least there is absolutely no problem in terms of belief!

This can be considered the heaven have eyes, come with all your hardships, and be able to join SHIELD. It can also be regarded as his compensation for the unfair situation they have suffered after following him for so long.

After successfully recruiting David and booking the players under his hand, Chen Mo put on steel battle clothes again under Davids watch, and then disappeared in a teleport. In the office, I turned on the stealth device of battle clothes and flew back to the castle.

This time David personally watched Chen Mo disappear out of thin air, once again confirming his teleport ability. For the various superpowers Chen Mo said, David couldn’t help but look forward to it even more.

Looking down at the information on the desk, David couldn’t help but a smile appeared on his face, then he sorted them one by one, turned and threw them into the trash can next to the desk.

These cases do not need to be investigated anymore. Although he already knows the true identity of Iron Man at this time, he has roughly guessed the identity of Deadpool, but Iron Man is his current leader. Boss, Deadpool is the personal bodyguard of his immediate boss, and it takes his brain to explode the news that Chen Mo is Iron Man.

Compared to finding Deadpool and Iron Man, he has more important things to do!

That is to be a conscientious FBI and fight crime!

But now, he should go home first and have a good sleep.

Since he started investigating the Iron Man incident, David hardly had a good nights sleep. He worked overtime in the office until midnight, and sometimes slept on his desk until dawn. Although he was in good physical shape, so It can’t hold it for a long time.

Throwing away the materials that had tortured him for a long time, David immediately got up, stretched his waist, and then moved towards outside with a relaxed and excited expression.

Today he will have a good sleep, and no one will stop him!

David walked out of the office, and all the people in the office area outside were gone. Obviously, everything that happened in his office before, except him and Chen Mo, not at all anyone else knew.

But just when he was about to leave, a tall silhouette came in from the outside, pushing the door, holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand.

“Leena, why don’t you leave yet, do you really plan to stay with me to work overtime?”

It is David’s old man, Lena who came in from the outside.

When he heard David’s words, Lena raised the coffee cup in her hand and said angrily.

“There is no water in the office, I’ll wash it for you outside, take it, I’m leaving!”

Leena said that she put the coffee cup in her hand into David In the hand, he picked up his bag from the side, turned and moved towards and walked outside.

While walking, she turned her head and said to David.

“Don’t be too late, be careful of sudden death, George won’t count you as a work-related injury!”

When David listened to Rena’s ridicule, he looked down and looked down. Glancing at the steaming coffee in his hand, he couldn’t help being silent for a moment.

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