My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1224

Just as Thors silhouette rose into the sky and disappeared outside the palace, on the high platform, Odin, who watched him leave, slowly sat on the throne behind him. on.

A golden light flashed over him, revealing Loki’s original appearance.

“No, thank you!”

With a relieved smile on his face, Loki whispered to himself.

Anyway, Thor leaving Asgard is a good thing for him. He doesn’t have to worry about being accidentally seen by Thor and revealing his identity.

On Earth, Chen Mo is driving a flame giant dragon galloping high in the sky. After completely throwing Tony Stark away, Chen Mo turned on the invisibility device fixed on the dragon horn, several dozen meters long flame The giant dragon and the raging flames around it all disappeared into the air!

Although there is a stealth device, Chen Mo also not at all directly controlled the flame giant dragon and flew to SHIELD, but stopped when he was still dozens of kilometers away from the coast.

Explain that the flame giant dragon is active in this area and don’t be found out, Chen Mo immediately teleported back to SHIELD.

Shortly after Chen Mo left, Tony _Stark also chased up. Seeing that he could see the coast and was about to reach his destination, Tony _Stark couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

He tried desperately to catch up all the way, but the flame giant dragon seemed tireless, and the speed was not reduced at all. It was almost at the end, but he still couldn’t catch it!

Presumably Chen Mo has arrived at SHIELD at this time, it seems that the stealth device is out of play!

Just as Tony _Stark flew over this area with loss, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, as if he was being stared at by some terrifying rare beast!

But this feeling was only a flash, and soon disappeared, Tony Stark didn’t think much, still moved towards the New York suburbs and galloped away.

Tony _ Stark didnt know, just above him several dozen meters, the invisible flame giant dragon was quietly watching him away, if it hadnt been for Chen Mos order, it would have taken a bite. The food delivered to the door was eaten!

Flying at full speed for a while, it is also a little hungry!

Although the tin can that has been flying with him for a long time is not big, it can still fill the gaps!

The flame giant dragon, whose memories and original consciousness were erased by Chen Mo, has long forgotten that it had eaten Tony _Stark once before.

I watched Tony _Stark leave with some dismay, the flame giant dragon circling boredly in the air, but soon its eyes were attracted by a silhouette swimming in the ocean below!

The underwater body is about three meters long, and a triangular fin on its back is exposed to the surface of the sea. As it swims through the sea and moves forward, it looks very eye-catching!

The size of this creature is much larger than the flying iron can just now, and it looks even more delicious!

The flame giant dragon remembered Chen Mos command, and looked around. As a powerful top-level mythical creature, its vision is also very powerful, much more powerful than a high-power Telescope, far away. It was easily taken in the entire scene.

After confirming that there is no risk of exposure, the flame giant dragon immediately lowered his head and re-looked towards the shark swimming slowly under the sea. A drop of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, but the huge body was moving faster. Dive towards the sea!

As the top of the ocean food chain, this shark did not feel the danger in the air at all. It still swims slowly on the surface of the sea at a moderate pace, without knowing that a more powerful cosmic top raider is at all. The eater is swooping towards it!

The huge dragon’s mouth opened forcefully, moved towards the sea, and it snapped away. There’s no resistance of the shark, which was more than three meters long, was bit in its mouth!

As the head of the flame giant dragon lifted up, the shark in its mouth struggled and was taken away from the water, and disappeared into the air under the effect of the invisibility device.

Only the sea water and blood scattered in the air can prove its existence!

Catch the prey with a single blow, and the swooping body of the flame giant dragon is quickly raised. The dragon claw cuts through the sea. The flames surrounding the body quickly evaporate the sea water. It is smoky!

Flying back into the air, the flame giant dragon felt the hard struggle of the prey in its mouth, and immediately bit fiercely. The half-meter-long dragon teeth immediately penetrated the shark within the body completely. The body is completely pierced!

The strong body was torn and deformed under the strong bite force, and the spine was directly bitten off. The original fierce struggle quickly weakened, but the life force of the shark is very powerful. Although it has died, the body is not at all completely paralyzed, under the effect of the residual nerve instinct, its already twisted body still twitched from time to time, stubbornly swinging a few times.

Relying on the shark’s sharp teeth and strong bite force, the sharks are rampaging the ocean, but now they have encountered a more powerful predator, and they are easily killed by just one face and there’s no resistance!

Until the sharks life was completely gone, the flame giant dragon suddenly raised its head and swallowed it whole into its stomach!

However, although a three-meter-long shark is not a small one, it still cant fill the belly of the flame giant dragon. After swallowing the prey, the flame giant dragon feels good taste and cant help but stick out his tongue and lick it. Licking the shark blood stained on dragon’s mouth, he immediately cast his gaze into the sea below, like a fishy cat, eagerly looking for the fish’s silhouette!

When the flame giant dragon was hunting at sea, Chen Mo had already returned to SHIELD.

silhouette appeared at the weapon test site below the base, which is also the laboratory where they are currently conducting the desperate situation virus experiment, Chen Mo moved towards looking at the computer and so on Abraham Erskine Court Academecian and Maya Hansen walked over.

The two watched very enthusiastically, until Chen Mo walked behind them and didnt notice. Chen Mo couldnt help but moved towards the computer screen. Then he found that it was Tony _Stark being played on it. The picture of the flame giant dragon biting in his mouth!

It seems that they already know about things in London.

“Oh my God, Court Academecian, this giant dragon is so big, Tony is not enough for it to stuff his teeth!”

Maya Hansen looked at the flame giant Tony Stark, who was struggling in dragon’s mouth, couldn’t help but smile.

Obviously seeing Tony _ Stark crippled, Maya Hansen is in a very good mood!

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian hearing this nodded, but his eyes are on the giant dragon whose body is surrounded by raging flames!

“This giant dragon is very powerful and can control flames. Tony’s arc pulse cannon can do no harm to it. If we can get some of its blood samples, our research will be possible. Get a breakthrough!”

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