My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1223

Thor looked at this battlefield where even the terrain had slightly changed, and remembered the records about Watt Alheim he had read before.

The dark kingdom, Wat Alheim, is the home of the dark elves and the closest place to darkness!

The sun is very dim here, and there are no creatures living on the planet except for the dark elves, whether it is animals or plants!

In the 5000 years of the disappearance of the Dark Elves, Watt Alheim can be said to be lifeless!

For such a planet without vegetation, the climate is naturally extremely bad!

Strong hurricanes are raging everywhere from time to time, sweeping a large amount of gravel and gravel on the ground, forming an amazing dark storm of destructive power!

Except for the remains of the dark elf battleship made of extremely high-strength special materials, everything that was once dark elf, including the corpses of countless soldiers who died in the war between the two races, was all consumed in the dark storm. Exhausted!

Thor suddenly recalled that when he left before, there seemed to be a storm approaching in the distance!

Looking at the all around being completely smoothed by some kind of power, and the ground with nothing but black sandstones, Thor’s face became extremely complicated!

Apparently, Loki’s body and the dark elves were completely swallowed by the previous dark storm!

At this time, even if it hasn’t become a fan, I don’t know where it was buried!

It is impossible to find him again!

Thor stood there for a while, and finally raised the Thor’s hammer summon up Heimdall.

Since Loki is dead here, let him be buried here!

Hasn’t Loki always wanted to be king and rule the world? The dark elves have been completely annihilated, and the last powerhouse, Algorim, was killed by Loki himself. He was considered to have conquered this country himself, so let Watt Alheim become his territory and realize his kings dream here. !

A colorful beam of light penetrated the clouds and took Thor back to Asgard.

Seeing Thor coming back alone, Heimdall looked at him with some doubts.

Thor was in a bad mood at this time, not at all explained, just said something.

“I’m going to see the Royal Father!”

Then he threw the Thor’s hammer directly, and flew towards the Golden Palace.

Landing down on the platform in front of the palace, Thor raised his head and glanced at that silhouette standing with a spear in front of the throne at the end of the hall, and moved towards the hall with a heavy face.

Standing in front of the throne, Thor looked at Odin above, under one-knee kneels, and said in a heavy tone.

“Royal Father, the dark elves have been completely wiped out, and the crisis has been completely resolved, but Loki…”

Thor couldn’t help but say this, and then clenching one’s expression on his face. teeth and said.

“In order to save me, he and the cursed warrior are perish together!”

Thor told Odin about everything that happened on Watt Alheim, including Loki’s heroic fearless!

Loki, disguised as Odin, stood on a high platform and listened to Thor telling his heroism. An unclear feeling could not help but surge in his heart, but the play was about to be finished after all!

After listening to Thor’s story, Loki was silent for a while before he imitated Odin’s tone and voice and spoke slowly.

“You once said that there is no king wiser than me, but you are wrong! If it were not for you, the nine kingdoms have fallen into darkness, and you saved them! What should we use Give back to our new king?”

Thor not at all realized that it was not Odin standing on the high platform, and raised his head said solemnly when he heard his words.

“Use my life!”

Rising up from the ground, Thor looked up at Odin and said.

“Royal Father, I cannot be the king of Asgard. I will fight for Asgard and the nine kingdoms to the last minute, but I cannot perform my duties on the throne. Although Loki has many shortcomings, he knows how to rule. But Im ashamed of being inferior!”

“Cruel, bloody and sacrifice can change people. I would rather be a good man than a great king!”

Loki Hearing this was very unexpected in my heart, but in order to avoid being spotted by Thor, I still pretended to be Odin’s tone and attitude, solemnly asked.

“Is this my son’s voice or the woman’s thought?”

Thor hearing this met Odin’s gaze and said firmly.

“When you speak, I cannot hear the voice of the queen! This is my own decision, Royal Father! She doesn’t know what I want to tell you. Now, even if you forbid me to meet She or I am under her control, it is impossible to change anything!”

Loki heard Thor’s determination in his words!

He actually rejected the kingship!

Loki’s heart was very confused at this time. He didn’t expect anyhow. The throne he had been trying so hard to take away from Thor was so easily given up by Thor!

And Thor actually said that he is more suitable to be a king than him!

Is everything he did wrong before?

With a mixed feeling, Loki looked at Thor below, and said slowly in a sense of sorrow.

“A son wants to be a king in his dreams, and a son would rather give up the throne. Is this what I want?”

Looking at some loss “Odin”, Thor slowly said.

“Loki died for glory, and I will live for glory. Isn’t this what you strive for?”

When Loki heard Thor say that he died for honor, his face couldnt help A trace of complexity flashed, but when Thor finished speaking, he raised the Thor’s hammer in his hand, ready to return it to him!

He is not the real Odin. There is simply no way to control Thor’s Hammer. If he dares to pick it up, he will show up immediately!

Loki said immediately.

“It belongs to you, if you can be worthy of it!”

Loki, whose acting skills are so impressive, imitated Odin extremely vividly, so that Thor has no doubts. .

Listening to Odin’s spurring words, Thor immediately said nodded seriously.

“I will work hard for this!”

Loki is now fully engaged in the play, brought into the role of Odin, looking at Thor, Loki has a deep and slow look said.

“I cannot give you blessings, nor can I give you wealth!”

Thor hearing this nodded said.

“I know.”

Thor turned around to leave after speaking, but heard Odin’s excited voice behind him.

“I am proud of having such a son! Although, I can’t express it in words, but I will miss you in my heart, go! My child!”

Thor Hearing this turned and looked towards Odin on the high platform, he couldn’t help but show a smile on his face. He was very happy to get Odin’s understanding!

“Thank you, Royal Father!”

After Thor said, he turned and strode away. He couldn’t wait to go back to see Jane Foster.

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