My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1225

Standing behind the two of them, Chen Mo hearing this couldn’t help but smile. Abraham Erskine Court Academecian thought of going with him!

Taking out a syringe filled with green liquid from the space, Chen Mo put his hand on the table in front of them.

“Are you talking about this?”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian and Maya Hansen were startled by the sudden outstretched arm and the sudden sound behind them Jump, and quickly turned around, only to find Chen Mo’s arrival.

“Are you back? How about there?”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian looked at Chen Mo and asked with concern.

Chen Mo said with a smile.

“It’s all done!”

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian hearing this nodded, then turned his head and looked towards the syringe Chen Mo put on the table and looked at the green inside. Erskine Court Academecian couldn’t help but frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

“This is Thor’s blood? It turned out to be green?”

Chen Mo hearing this smiled helplessly, knowing that the two of them were startled by him just now, simply Without noticing what he said, he immediately raised his finger and pointed to Tony Stark’s flame giant dragon still biting on the screen, slowly said.

“This is the blood of this flame giant dragon. This giant dragon can control the flame, attack and fly, and the formidable power of the flame is far above Kylian!”

After hearing Chen Mo’s words, the two of them couldn’t help but re-looked towards the giant dragon on the screen. This giant dragon can even breathe fire!

It just happened that Tony Stark flew out of dragon’s mouth under his rescue, and then a turbulent dragon breath shot out from the giant dragons mouth, burning the air in the sky. Distorted!

The two looked at the terrifying dragon’s breath that was obviously stronger than Kylian’s flames by several levels, but their eyes lit up at the same time!

Chen Mo’s voice continued to ring in their ears.

“Moreover, this flame giant dragon has very strong physical fitness and is almost completely immune to flame attacks. It may be able to play a role in the perfection of the desperate situation virus.”

Maya Hansen couldnt help but think of the natural phenomenon of Kylians body when he used flames. Now the desperate situation. The biggest problem with the virus is that the body cannot fully contain and suppress the power of the flame after the transformation. Accidentally, the entire body will be destroyed by the explosion of flame energy. All exploded!

And this giant dragon uses flames with ease, and there is no flames on the body. The flame energy within the body is very stable!

Isn’t this exactly what they want to achieve?

Just when the two of them were so excited and wanted to start studying immediately, Chen Mo’s tone suddenly became solemn, a solemnly solemnly.

“But you must be careful. After all, this is the blood of giant dragons. I don’t want to be transformed into an inhuman monster!”

Erskin Court Academecian hearing this It was nodded with a face of approval, and said in agreement.

“You are right, this is a heterogeneous gene after all, so you should be careful! But you can rest assured that we can completely abandon the genes involved in the body structure of the giant dragon and screen out and control the flame separately. Related clips, and we will definitely conduct enough animal experiments to ensure that it is foolproof!”

Chen Mo hearing this nodded, if someone else guarantees this, Chen Mo will definitely not be relieved, but said this It is Abraham Erskine Court Academecian, Chen Mo has worked with him for many years, and he knows his rigorous style best. He said that there is no problem, then there will be absolutely no problem!

Erskine Court Academecian is not the Red Skull and Kilian kind of desperate lunatic in order to increase strength by fair means or foul. He is a true scientist and will never pursue a stronger one. Power does not care about everything. If the negative factors in the giant dragon gene cannot be eliminated, he will definitely give them up without the slightest hesitation!

This is also the reason why Chen Mo chose Erskine Court Academecian to be in charge of the “God Creation Project”. After changing to any other scientist, he may get lost in his power and desperate to “make God”. , But Erskine Court Academecian never!

With him, Maya Hansens previous mistakes are impossible to repeat!

Abraham Erskine Court Academecian thought about it for a while, then looked towards Chen Mo and said with a serious face.

“But in this way, we may have to give up most of the power genes of the flame giant dragon, and the final enhancement effect will definitely be much worse!”

Maya Hansen hearing This complexion changed, he looked at the powerful flame giant dragon in the video with a look of dismay, then turned his gaze to Chen Mo with a look of anxiety.

Obviously, after finally getting the genes of such a powerful mythological creature, Maya Hansen was not willing to give up its powerful power easily!

If the power gene of the flame giant dragon can be completely absorbed, then the human body will be strengthened to gain incomparably tyrannical power, and the flame ability will definitely be stronger. Maybe you can directly create a controlling flame Spiritual God!

And if you really abandon the power gene of the flame giant dragon, the final strengthened physical fitness is not enough, it is very likely that you will not be able to withstand all the flame power of the flame giant dragon, or it will be as easy as the ultimate creature before Self- destruction, or you can only weaken the enhancement of the flame energy at the same time, the final enhancement effect will be greatly reduced!

Chen Mo glanced at Maya Hansen and couldn’t help but shook the head. In her eyes, Chen Mo saw enthusiasm, persistence and persistence, but also saw paranoia and fanaticism!

As the creator of the desperate situation virus, Maya Hansen dedicated her youth to the desperate situation virus. She has paid too much for the research on the desperate situation virus!

In addition to working under Kirian for more than ten years, Maya Hansen has also been affected by unnoticeable influence. Although he has not become as evil and crazy as Kirian, he still maintains a certain level. The bottom line and kindness, but the obsession with perfecting the desperate situation virus has become stronger!

If Chen Mo did not awaken Abraham Erskine Court Academecian, but instead let her continue to be responsible for the research of the desperate situation virus, the “God Creation Project” may eventually get out of control, and may even create a ratio Kylian is even more terrifying, monster-like existence!

For example, small dragon people!

Fortunately, Chen Mo was prepared!

Not only did the more rigorous and rational Abraham Erskine Court Academecian take charge of the entire plan in advance, Chen Mo also got the ability to make up for the defects of the flame giant dragons power genes, even more powerful than the flame giant dragons power A powerful gene sample without any side effects!

Take out the syringe containing Thor’s blood from the space and hand it to Abraham Erskine Court Academecian.

Receiving the syringe, Abraham Erskine Court Academecian looked at the red blood in it, looked up towards Chen Mo, and asked with a puzzled face.

“What is this again?”

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