My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1204

Loki was hugged by Algorim, moved towards Algorim’s chest involuntarily, and the long blade protruding from his chest immediately penetrated Loki’s The chest came out from behind him again!


Thor couldn’t help but eye socket cracked when he saw this. He roared and struggling to get up, but Algorim’s violent attack made him almost unconscious. At this time, the brain was dizzy, and simply stood does not raise.

Algorim looked at Loki, coldly smiled, who was pierced into his chest by a sharp blade with him, and his face was full of pain. Grabbing Loki’s body with both hands, he pushed out.

Loki was pulled out of the long knife, fell back several meters, clutching his chest and fell to the ground weakly, while Algorim seemed to be okay, with a long stab from his chest Knife, just walked towards Loki like this.

Loki looked at Algorim’s face without any fear, but with a fierce force, coldly said.

“See you in hell, monster!”

Algorim felt something was wrong, a single thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and quickly moved towards his waist and looked at him. But I saw a space grenade that has been activated at some point!

Algorim was shocked, and he quickly reached out to take off the grenade and threw it out, but after all, he was a step late!

Just when his palm just touched the space grenade, the grenade exploded suddenly, and a space black hole with a diameter of more than two meters burst open instantly, wrapping him in it!

The powerful suction immediately acted on his body, even with Algorim’s strong physical quality, he could not resist the tear of the black hole.

In the sound of mournful scream, Algorim’s body quickly collapsed toward the middle!

First, the legs and arms, one after another twisted and retracted into the torso, then the head collapsed under the strong suction, and in a blink of an eye, Algorim’s huge body Only the thickest and hardest chest back is Bone Armor.

As the black hole finally disappeared, Algorim’s silhouette also completely disappeared, leaving no dust!

And it was only then that Thor struggled to get up from the ground, staggering towards Loki’s side.

“No, no, no, no!”

Thor knelt on the ground, shouting excitedly, and hurriedly lifted Loki from the ground and hugged him in.

“You stupid! You always don’t listen to me, I didn’t mean to give him to me!”

Loki lay in Thor’s arms, clutching his piercing His chest was gasping quickly, and his voice whispered weakly.

“I know, I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot…”

Thor looked at Loki’s pain and weakness, as if he might die at any time, he couldn’t help but said in a panic.

“Hold on! Don’t leave me, okay!”

Loki looked at Thor’s face with a flustered look that had never appeared before, and an imperceptible trace flashed in his eyes Guilty color, whispered.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

Thinking that Loki was apologizing for the wrong things he did before, Thor shook his head quickly.

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

“I will tell Royal Father what you did today!”

Loki has become weaker now , Even the rapid breathing became faintly discernable. Hearing Thor’s words at this time, he used his last strength to speak softly.

“I didn’t do it for him!”

After saying this, Loki slowly closed his eyes, and the blood on his pale face quickly faded, and a touch of dead gray took over I lost my entire face and completely lost its vitality!


Thor held the dead Loki and roared to the sky in grief.

Not far away, Jane Foster, who was concealed by Loki’s Illusion Technique, also showed up with Loki’s death.

Walking quickly to Thor’s side, Jane Foster looked at Loki who was dead in Thor’s arms, and the hatred of him for invading the earth couldn’t help dissipating.

Loki’s performance today is all in her eyes. First, she cooperated with Thor to destroy the ether particles, and then when she was about to be sucked into the black hole made by the space grenade, dash on bravely with no thought of personal Safety came forward and rescued her, but he was almost sucked into the black hole.

And just now, in order to save Thor, he ignored the dangerous sneak attack. The extremely powerful Algorim, although he saved Thor, he paid the price of his life!

At this moment, looking at Loki, whose chest was blood dyed red and his face was gray and lifeless, Jane Foster felt that she could no longer hate him!

As Thor was immersed in the grief of Loki’s death, Chen Mo’s figure suddenly appeared beside them.

Thor felt the silhouette suddenly appearing next to him, and couldn’t help turning his head to look around. After Chen Mo came back, Thor couldn’t help standing up and said to Chen Mo with a painful expression.

“Loki, he and Algorim perish together!”

Chen Mo glanced at Loki who was lying on the floor lifeless, he saw everything that happened just now In my eyes, including things Thor and Jane Foster did not see!

Raising his hand on Patted Thor’s shoulder, Chen Mo slowly said.

“It might be a better ending for him to die like a hero than to be permanently imprisoned in a dungeon as a sinner.”

Chen Mo said Looking down at Loki’s “corpse” lying on the ground with a gray face, he said meaningfully.

“Perhaps, this is the result he wanted!”

Thor not at all heard Chen Mo’s words, but he also accepted Chen Mo’s statement.

Indeed, even if he returns smoothly this time, Odin will not necessarily let Loki out because of this. After all, what he did before can not be offset by helping to act a scene.

To spend the rest of his life in the dungeon is not the life Loki wants. In contrast, dying as a hero may really be the best result!

Loki should also not want to exist as a sinner in Asgard forever. Although he is dead now, he will be Asgard and even the hero of the nine kingdoms from now on!

Thinking about this, Thor’s grief could not help but be relieved a lot. Looking at Loki’s corpse lying on the ground, Thor felt a touch of pride in his heart!

Just when Thor was about to return to Asgard with Loki’s body, Chen Mo suddenly said.

“The dark elves have all been wiped out, but the celestial gathering is still going on. The space channel connecting the nine kingdoms is about to open, and a lot of unstable space channels will appear on the earth. Dangerous creatures from the great nations are very likely to enter the earth. I want to return to the earth to prevent it from being destroyed!” Jane Foster hearing this hurriedly said.

“I will go back with you!”

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