My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1205

Thor couldn’t help but looked worried when he heard what Jane Foster said. After a little hesitation, Thor immediately spoke.

“I will go too!”

On the one hand, Thor is worried about Jane Fosters safety, fearing that she will be in danger on earth, and all the dark elves will be wiped out, Asgard The crisis has been eliminated, he doesn’t need to rush back.

Furthermore, he is also a member of the Avengers. He is also obligated to contribute to the protection of the earth.

Chen Mo glanced at the two of them. Nodded did not refuse. Thor followed back to Earth. It was indeed helpful. The dangerous creatures of the nine kingdoms are not something that the army can easily deal with. !

Afterwards, Chen Mo did not leave directly, but turned his head and looked towards the etheric particles that were still floating in the air on the side.

Stepping forward, Chen Mo moved towards the etheric particles, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional. When passing by Loki, Chen Mo’s feet were heavily stomped on Loki’s palms that fell on the ground, as if I smashed it hard!

Neither Thor nor Jane Foster noticed this.

Although Loki, who was tragically abused, did not seem to have changed, he still had a gray face and was lying on the ground lifelessly, but in fact, Loki’s heart was instantly stirred up by a stormy sea, full of anxiety and anxiety!

Did Chen Mo find out that he is playing dead again?

It stands to reason that this should never be possible. Loki has absolute confidence in his Illusion Technique.

In terms of combat capability, he may not be considered strong, but after years of continuous practice and application, Illusion Technique has reached a very sophisticated level, even if it is from Frigga who taught him Illusion Technique In comparison, it’s not much better!

Even if Odin comes here, it is impossible to see his Illusion Technique!

Maybe, this is just a coincidence, he just accidentally stepped on his palm!

While Loki was worried, Chen Mo had already stepped aside in front of the etheric particles suspended in midair and released his thought power. Chen Mo tried to slowly wrap up the etheric particles, in Chen Mo When the power of mind touches the etheric particles, they don’t at all react in any special way. They just change direction as if they hit a wall, moving towards other directions and surging away.

When Chen Mo saw this relaxed, he immediately controlled his mind and kept shrinking the circle.

Like a school of fish caught in a fishing net, as the mind force “fishing net” continues to shrink, the ether particles moved towards the center continue to gather.

Its just that the more you compress, the greater the pressure on Chen Mos thought power. In the end, when the ether particles are compressed into a ball the size of a football, Chen Mos thought power can no longer continue. Compressed them!

When Chen Mo saw this, he immediately took out a cylindrical metal glass container from the space, but it was the airtight compartment used by the Life Foundation to store Venom in the “Venom” world.

Chen Mo used his mind to control the ether particles in the airtight cabin moved towards the air to fly away, opened the hatch, and sent the group of ether particles into the airtight cabin, Chen Mo immediately closed the cabin door and retracted the package The power of thought outside the etheric particle.

As soon as Chen Mo’s thought power disappeared, the group of etheric particles surging again, but the sturdy airtight chamber blocked them, no matter how they surging, they could not leave!

Ether particles not at all life and autonomous consciousness. Without human control, ether particles cant attack autonomously. They are just an aimless surge. After being locked in a sealed cabin, they will Rolling and surging inside, it looks like Venom but has several points of.

Reaching out to catch the fallen capsule, Chen Mo took it back to Thor and Jane Foster.

This time, he stepped on Loki’s other palm on the ground again, and ran over it likewise!

There is another sharp pain in his hand. Loki can be 100% sure this time. Chen Mo is definitely on purpose!

As for the corpse torturing and venting his anger, he saw through his Illusion Technique and found that he was pretending to be dead. Although Loki wanted to convince himself that it was the former, his reason told him that he had been discovered by Chen Mo !

Loki even though he wanted to get up and run away immediately, he forcibly resisted the urge!

In front of Thor and Chen Mo, the probability of him running away is zero!

If he gets up from the ground now, he will only get a blow from the furious Thor!

He is not Algorim, let alone Thors Quake and lightning strikes, even Thors fists cant stand him!

Furthermore, there is a doubt in Loki’s mind. Since Chen Mo found out that he was pretending to be dead, why didn’t he just expose him?

Loki is puzzled!

But since Chen Mo didn’t expose him, he just waited and got better!

Chen Mo stepped on Loki’s palm and walked to Thor and the two of them, and threw the airtight capsule containing the ether particles into his hands.

Although the ether particles are also one of the six Infinity gems, they have the ability to change reality, but Chen Mo has tried it just now. His mind power cannot control ether particles at all, and what he can do Collect it that’s all.

Moreover, like other Infinity gems, ether particles cannot be included in the space, so they are of little value to him.

But Chen Mo has no plans to hand them over to Asgard.

In the movie, Odin decided to secretly deliver the ether particles to the collectors, but the final result showed that this was not a wise decision.

Although the collector is located in the depths of the universe, Thanos still finds the ether particle and takes it into his hands. The whole process is much easier than taking other Infinity gems.

Chen Mo, who understands the plot, will naturally not let this happen again. As for the final disposal, Chen Mo already has plans.

At this time, Thor has recalled Thor’s Hammer. Although he has basically mastered the Thunder God’s Force, he can mobilize the divine force within the body and issue the strongest attack no weaker than using Thor’s Hammer. Thor’s Hammer is still a very important weapon for him!

It can not only mobilize the thunderbolt in the sky, and increase his attack power, but the astonishing weight and hard material that is far heavier than it looks can also greatly increase his attack power!

Furthermore, even though Thor is a god, he does not have the ability to fly. Thor’s hammer is his essential equipment for flying!

Holding Thor’s Hammer in one hand, and receiving the airtight chamber thrown by Chen Mo in the other, Thor could not help calming down as he watched the surging ether particles through the bulletproof glass.

Get back the ether particles, the nine kingdoms are completely safe, and the rest is to help the earth cope with the coming celestial aggregation phenomenon!

Thor, who has just led the Asgard army to put down the rebellion in the nine countries, is familiar with the situation in the nine countries.

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