My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1203

Thor is not as powerful as Algorim after all, and the gap between the two is not small!

Thor simply can’t stop Algorim’s attack by relying on his own strength, nor can he cause any damage to him, and he can only rely on Thunder Strength bonus to be able to fight!

Faced with Algorim’s powerful punch, Thor had to fight back hastily, knocking out part of the Thunder Strength that had just been mobilized.

The fists of the two collided in the air, and the power of thunderbolt exploded, finally blocking Algorim’s attack. Both of them were involuntarily withdrawing a step backwards, Thor just mobilized The Thunder Strength that got up was also consumed.

Thor has not fully mastered God’s Force after all. It takes time to mobilize the thunderbolt. It is impossible to achieve the maximum formidable power with every attack as before.

After seeing the formidable power of his strongest attack, Algorim simply didn’t give him a chance to accumulate energy.

An attack was blocked, followed by another punch. With his own powerful strength, speed, defense and unlimited endurance, Algorims violent attacks continued, Thor had to fight with all his energy, and there was no chance of accumulating the strongest attack!

And the ordinary thunderbolt attack can only make his attack a little pause at most, simply not enough to cause enough damage.

Thor’s strength and speed are not as good as Algorim’s, even with the blessing of Thunder Strength, it quickly fell into a disadvantage again.

Under Algorim’s another heavy punch, Thor was knocked to the ground again!

At this time, Algorim didnt have the thought of playing tricks anymore. He rode directly on Thor. With an amazing speed, his fists moved towards Thors head and blasted out continuously, forming a shadow of fists in the air at a fast speed. !

Under Algorim’s full-scale violent attack, Thor’s vertigo was even stronger than last time, so Thor completely lost his power to resist. The thunder and lightning on his fist just gathered a little, and it was in Argo Reem’s heavy strikes dissipated.

Later, the lightning on Thor’s fist completely disappeared, and Thor’s consciousness began to blur.

If this continues, even if Algorims head is not blown, he will be completely comatose and be slaughtered!

Just when Thor was in danger, Loki, who had been standing on the sidelines, touched him quietly from behind!

The fighting situation between Thor and Algorim reversed several times, and Loki’s mood also fluctuated up and down. When Thor flew to Algorim, Loki thought that Thor was going to win and end the battle. ‘t expect that he was finally defeated by Algorim.

Looking at Thor who was violently beaten by Algorim, Loki couldn’t help but shook the head, and then picked up a long knife dropped by the Dark Spirit Spirit Warrior from the ground, and quietly moved towards Argo. Lim touched it behind him!

After being overturned by Thor several times, Algorim had the upper hand and completely suppressed Thor, but he didnt dare to care at all. His fists moved towards Thors face in turns at the fastest speed. , All the attention was placed on Thor, for fear that he would explode again, and the defense around him could not help but relax a bit.

And Loki is best at disguise and sneak attacks. Taking advantage of Algorim’s full attention by Thor, Loki held a long knife and quietly approached behind Algorim.

Algorim is still beating Thor violently, and he doesn’t notice Loki behind him!

Standing behind Algorim, Loki did not dare to attack casually.

Loki had witnessed most of the battle between Thor and Algorim before, and was shocked by Algorim’s horrible defense.

The formidable power of Thor’s Quake when flying is so huge, he dare not stand on Quake’s flight path anyway!

Algorim was able to hit Thor’s hammer directly with his arm!

According to Thor, Algorim was hit on the back by Thors Hammer in Friggas sleeping quarters. As a result, Thors Hammer was shot and he was unscathed. Take Malekis to escape safely.

If he can’t severely wound Algorim with a single blow and completely turn the tide of the battle, to act blindly without thinking will only put him in. He is not as strong as Thor’s physique, and he will be Algorim. With so many strikes in his fists, it wont take long for him to be blown to his head and die on the spot!

Carefully converging his breath, Loki’s eyes swept across Algorim’s back.

After being strengthened by the cursed stone, most of Algorim’s body is covered by a thick Bone Armor, and the Bone Armor on his back is thicker than other places!

The reason why Algorim was able to block the attack of Thor’s Hammer relied on this extremely hard Bone Armor.

But under careful observation, Loki still found a weak spot!

Although the Bone Armor behind Algorim covers almost all places, it is not a complete piece, but is composed of several large pieces of Bone Armor spliced together, which has a certain gap in itself. And as Algorim waved his arms, the size of these gaps was constantly changing!

Loki quickly locked the gap in the back of Algorim, slowly raised the long knife in his hand, and pointed the tip of the knife at the gap!

When Algorim raised his fists and slammed them on Thors head, the seams on his back also opened up to the maximum. Loki’s eyes were cold light flashed, and he immediately forced the long knife towards Go ahead!

The tip of the knife pierced through the bones and pierced Algorim’s heart suddenly. A strong resistance came from the handle of the knife. Loki gritted his teeth and continued to push hard. The sharp dark elf long The knife pierced Algorim’s entire body within the body, until it reached the handle!

Algorim, who was attacking, only felt a chill in his vest, and he didnt have time to react. He felt a pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw a long blade pierced from his chest. Human sneak attack stabbed through the chest!

Algorim couldn’t help but stop his attack. Thor, who was about to fall into a coma, also opened his eyes again, looking at the long knife pierced from Algorim’s chest, with a look of surprise.

Looking at the long knife pierced from the chest, Algorim stood up from Thor, turned and looked towards Loki behind him.

Just when Thor thought Algorim was about to fall, Algorim suddenly reached out and hugged Loki, and pulled him moved towards his chest!

If you change someone else, even if Thor is hit hard by this, he will indeed fall to the ground, but Algorim will no longer be an ordinary creature under the transformation of the cursed stone. The injury through the chest simply has no effect on him!

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