My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1202

The source of his power as Thor is not Thors Hammer, but himself!

Even without Thor’s Hammer, as long as he can truly control the Thunder God’s Force within the body, he will be able to exert a more powerful formidable power than Thor’s Hammer!

Its just that the previous battle with Chen Mo on the earth, although it made him the Initial Mastery of the Thunder God’s Force, he can use both hands to send out the Thunderbolt, but the formidable power is better than the Thunder God’s Force mobilized by Thors Hammer. Still much weaker.

So although he realized the importance of controlling his own Thunder God’s Force, he still used Thor’s Hammer to fight in the process of the next nine kingdoms. Master how much progress not at all!

And just now, under extreme humiliation and anger, the Thunder God’s Force within the body broke out again, and the formidable power he exerted was not weaker than Thor’s Hammer!

Looking at Algorim who just got up from the ground at several dozen meters opposite, Thor’s eyes flickered, and the color of anger appeared on his face again, and he immediately moved towards He strode up!

One after another electric light overflowed from Thor, hitting the ground, and pulling out a long dazzling arc behind Thor as he ran.

Algorim looked at the rushing Thor, not at all retreating because he was knocked into the air just now. Although the two thunderbolts were stronger than the previous ones, except for the electric Bone Armor on his chest. It was dark and didn’t cause much harm to him.

Even if you can control the thunderbolt, Thor’s power is still far below him. This huge power gap can’t be made up by the discharge!

Facing Thor, who was rushing around with lightning, Algorim also rushed forward!

When they were more than 20 meters away, the two jumped up almost at the same time, moved towards each other and rushed!

The two bodies meet in midair, Algorims arms raised high, moved towards Thor, and the head hits, Thor completely ignores Algorims attack and swipes forward without hesitation. Own fist!

This fist Thor not only used his greatest strength, but also gathered all the Thunder Strength he could mobilize into his fist. While swinging his arms forward, the powerful Thunder Strength was not controlled. The escape, dragged a long arc in the air, clearly marking the trajectory of Thor this fist!

But at this moment, both of them are in the air, unable to move to dodge at all, so although they saw each others attacks, they did not change their intentions at all, and still moved towards each other with all their strength Attack!

Just as Algorim’s arms were about to hit Thor’s back, Thor’s fist was one step ahead and hit Algorim’s face heavily!

The powerful physical strength and the violent Thunder Strength erupted at the same time, forming a strong explosion in the air. Along with the dazzling rays of light, a shock wave quickly spread from the two peoples position moved towards the surroundings, All the sand and dust on the ground were lifted away!

At the very center of the explosion, Algorim was directly bombarded, and his huge body flew back several dozen meters before it fell to the ground in the distance.

Thor couldn’t help feeling excited about being able to mobilize Thunder Strength to deliver such an unparalleled blow with formidable power without relying on Thor’s Hammer.

The formidable power of the attack just now was even stronger than the strongest attack he used to use Thor’s Hammer!

But how long Thor’s excitement didn’t last at all, he soon found that Algorim, who was blasted out by him, stood up again!

Under Thors strongest attack that contained the power of his entire body, the long curved fangs on the side of Algorims cheek were directly blasted off, leaving only a half, beside the broken fangs. The chin is even more scorched.

But apart from this, Algorim was not at all fatally injured, and soon stood up from the ground, his eyes full of anger, looked towards, and the other side came towards him with an electric light Thor.

The broken fangs bear most of the formidable power of Thors blow, so although it looks a bit miserable, Algorims battle strength is not at all affected.

Raising his hand to touch his broken fangs and scorched chin, Algorim felt angry!

Before in Asgard, a horn was cut off by the Chen Mo sneak attack. This time Thor directly smashed a fang with his fist, and both of them were weaker than him. A big chunk!

In the hands of two people who are not as strong as his own, Algorim was very angry. Seeing Thor, who was striding towards him, Algorim looked hated and tight. Clenched his fist, moved towards Thor rushed up!

This time, Algorim did not stupidly jump into the air anymore. In the air, his speed advantage could not be used at all, and the performance of his strength was greatly affected. This is why Thors The fist hits one step first, and he is now embarrassed!

Finding that Algorim is okay, Thor rushed towards him and mobilized Thunder Strength again. A strong thunder and lightning entangled his fist, and he could send out a thunderbolt at any time!

Both of them suffered a big loss in each other’s hands. They had red eyes long ago, wishing to smash each other’s body into pieces. At this time, they both ran extremely fast, full of the imposing manner of press forward. , They ran into each other fiercely in an instant!

Thor roared and moved towards Algorim’s head with a fist entwined with strong electric light. He didn’t believe that Algorim could use another fang to block it this time. hit!

Then he at worst smashed all the fangs and horns on his head, and then exploded his head!

The powerful blow of Thunder Strength that turned the tide of the battle just now allowed Thor to regain his confidence.

It’s just that Algorim is not a weak person after all. He was completely unprepared by his sudden explosion just now, and he suffered a big loss under his care.

Now he is cautious. Facing Thor’s Thunder Strength blow, Algorim quickly raised his arm and waved upwards, and slammed into Thor’s arm fiercely.

Formidable force acted on the arm, Thor’s fist was taken involuntarily and swung upwards, the powerful Thunder Strength gathered on the fist suddenly burst out, a dazzling thunderbolt with the thickness of the arm from Thor Shot on his fist and flew over Algorim’s head, but it didn’t hurt him at all!

The full strength attack was blocked, and Thor’s complexion couldn’t help but sink.

But Thor not at all was discouraged because of this, and immediately mobilized Thunder Strength again, ready to launch the next powerful attack!

However, Algorim did not at all give him enough time to block his attack, then he directly raised his fist and hit him!

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