My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1195

On the ground, Jane Foster is still asleep in the bow of the ship, while Loki and Thor are sitting in the stern, but neither speaks.

The airship flew forward slowly, and after passing through the wreckage of two huge battleships again, the front finally became empty. The silhouette of the wreckage of the battleship was no longer visible, but it always flew out. The area of the battlefield remains.

But soon Thor and Loki raised their heads at the same time and moved towards the sky ahead.

I saw a huge long sword-like black battleship that was exactly the same as the wreck they had seen before, but was very complete, slowly piercing through the clouds!


Thor couldn’t help but wake up Jane Foster who was still sleeping.

Jane Foster woke up and saw Thor and Loki look up towards the sky with solemn faces, couldn’t help but get up and moved towards the sky and saw that the ship was moving towards the ground and landing After the huge dark elf battleship, Jane Foster couldn’t help muttering.


Thor and Loki looked at each other, Loki immediately adjusted the direction of the airship, and moved towards the location where the dark elf battleship landed and flew past.

The distance of several kilometers came in an instant when the airship was flying at full speed, but instead of flying directly to the battleship, they landed quietly on the top of a hill far from the battleship more than two hundred meters. Come down.

Bent over and squat on the top of the mountain, the three of them looked down at the huge dark elf battleship that plunged straight into the ground like a long sword.

Malkis and Algorim have walked out of the battleship with a dozen dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers, and are striding towards them!

“Are you ready?”

Thor moved towards Jane Foster, who was a little nervous around him, asked softly.

Before Jane Foster’s nodded had time to speak, Loki on the side spoke in an angry voice.

“I’m ready!”

In fact, from now on, Jane Foster is only a supporting role, and Loki is the real protagonist of this “show”!

Thor hearing this glanced at Loki, and thinking of the next plan, his expression became serious.

The two of them were no longer hiding their bodies immediately. They stood up together, stepped forward, and stood side by side to the extreme edge of the top of the mountain. The red cloak fluttered in the wind, very eye-catching in this dark world .

Below is leading a person moved towards Malekis, who is walking in the direction of the etheric particles he senses, when he sees the two people appearing on the top of the mountain!

“This plan of yours will kill us both!”

Loki looked down at Malkis who suddenly stopped and the tall cursed warrior behind him. Algorim, said to Thor.

Thor has a serious nodded face.

“Yes, it is very possible!”

Loki hearing this couldn’t help but turn his head and looked towards Thor, then lifted his handcuffed hands and stretched out towards Thor.

Thor glanced at him, but he didn’t react at all, but hesitation appeared on his face.

Loki couldn’t help but say.

“You still don’t trust me, Old Brother!”

Thor hearing this looked up towards Loki, smiled mockingly, and asked back.

“What about you?”

Loki also knew that he had lied to Thor too many times before, and now it is really not easy for Thor to believe him again.

But Thor stared at Loki for a moment, before reaching out to help him open the handcuffs.

Regained freedom, Loki rubbed his uncomfortable wrists for a long time, turned around and looked at Malekis and the others down the mountain, and said softly.

“No, I won’t!”

While talking, Loki’s right hand slowly stretched to his waist, and quietly pulled out the dagger, taking advantage of Thor’s defense, Loki suddenly turned around and stabbed him in the chest!

Thor, who was attacked by the Loki sneak attack, screamed in pain. Before he could react, he was pushed off the top of the mountain by Loki and rolled down the slope!


Jane Foster only had time to cred out in surprise, when he saw that Thor’s Loki suddenly injured Thor’s by a sneak attack and jumped down behind him, moved towards Thor, who was still rolling, caught up!

Jane Foster didn’t care about anything else, and hurriedly jumped down the hillside, staggering followed along.

At the foot of the mountain, Malekis looked at Thor rolling down the slope, and Loki and Jane Foster who followed behind. Although he didnt know what happened, he still took his men. Walked over.

He can feel that the etheric particles are in the woman within the body!

As Malekis continued to walk forward with the dark elves, Thor had already rolled from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Loki is holding a dagger in his hand, and the aggressive moved towards is lying on the ground struggling to get up and Thor strode forward.

“Do you really think I care about Frigga, do you care about any of you?”

When Thor was just propping up his upper body, Loki came by his side, fiercely kicked Kicked on him.

Although Loki’s strength is far inferior to Thor, it is also very strong. When Thor was unable to resist, he kicked him directly off the ground and rolled in the air for several times before falling again. On the ground.

At the same time, a strong sense of pleasure couldn’t help but gush out in Loki’s heart. Isn’t this what he has been pursuing?

Thor fiercely and beat him!

Although todays situation is special, it does not prevent him from enjoying the process!

While moving towards Thor, who was lying on the ground in a panic, strode forward, Loki loudly said excitedly.

“All I want is to trample you and Odin’s corpses under your feet!”

Thor tried to prop up his body again, his eyes quickly swept around and he found it soon Quake’s hammer dropped not far away.

He immediately moved towards Thor’s Hammer and stretched out his hand, trying to summon it into his hand.

But just when Thors Hammer flew from the ground and moved towards him, Loki had already come to him, grabbed his outstretched right arm, and lifted it up. The dagger fell suddenly, Thor’s right hand was cut off by his wrist!


Thor screamed and fell to the ground directly holding the broken arm. The flying Thor’s hammer also lost its guidance. From Loki He flew by and fell not far away. At this time, Jane Foster finally ran down from the mountain and rushed to Thor’s side, watching him lose one’s head out of fear with his broken arm.

At this time, Loki came forward, hugged Jane Foster from behind, pulled her away from Thor, and turned to the dark elves who came closer. Said the voice.

“Malekiss! I’m Loki from Jotunheim! I brought you a gift!”

Loki said, putting Jane Fu in his arms Steer pushed out hard, and Jane Foster staggered two steps forward and fell directly in front of Malekis.

“The reward I want is very simple, I want to sit in a chair and watch Asgard burn brightly!”

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