My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1194

“You will never be able to accept reality, your newest love will be taken away by time!”

After spending many years with Thor, Loki understands Thors weaknesses, Knowing what he cares about, so Loki is confident about his psychological attack, and he will definitely say Thor furiously. He enjoys the sense of accomplishment that makes Thor furious, but he can’t help it!

But Loki is miscalculating this time!

Unexpectedly by Loki, Thor not only did not get angry under his stimulation, but a smile appeared on his face.

Looking at Loki with an unexpected look on his face, Thor said nonchalantly.

“Who said she will be taken away by the years? Maybe, she will live longer than me!”

Loki hearing this was without the slightest hesitation shaking his head and said .

“This is impossible! The life of people on earth is only a hundred years at most, but we can live for more than 5,000 years. This is the difference between gods and humans and cannot be changed at all!”

Thor laughs Looking towards Loki with a sure face, said slowly.

“Don’t forget who captured your god!”

Loki hearing this, the silhouette of Chen Mo could not help but appear in his mind, his heart could not help but a guilty conscience immediately After looking around, thinking that Chen Mo had moved towards high altitude before, he shouldn’t be around the airship now. Loki quickly relaxed again, turning his head to say to Thor with some annoyance.

“That guy may simply not be an earthling!”

Thor didn’t argue with Loki about whether Chen Mo was an earthling or not, but he spoke directly.

“Regardless of whether he is an earthling or not, at least, he does master the method to turn ordinary earthlings into super fighters. Steve’s strength is already comparable to that of Asgard soldiers. In the past 70 years, he has almost unchanged. Old! I believe that he can turn Jane into the same Divine Race like us!”

Speaking of which, Thor looked at Loki with a playful look, said with a smile.

“So, get ready to get along with your sister-in-law!”

Loki hearing this cant help but think of it. Jane Foster would give it to New York as soon as we met He slapped him, and his fiery temper was evident.

It’s still just an ordinary person now. If Chen Mo can turn her into a Divine Race like them, what terrifying things will she do?

Imagine owning a terrifying sister-in-law who has a grumpy temper and is willing to teach his brother-in-law, Loki feels that his future life is like the sky of Watt Alheim, it’s dark!

As for Thor said, Chen Mo has the method to make Divine Race. Although Loki didn’t want to admit it, he actually believed it in his heart!

Although he has not played against everyone in the Avengers, after controlling Hawkeye, from his mouth, Loki also has some secrets about the overall strength of the Avengers and related secrets. Understand.

Although the strength of other people is far inferior to Chen Mo, they are far superior to ordinary people on Earth. Asgard is considered an excellent fighter, and lifespan is indeed strengthened.

And Chen Mo himself defeated Thor and showed a power comparable to Divine Race!

Although Thor did not say it directly, Loki can also infer from his series of reactions just now. Chen Mo must have personally told him before that it can solve Jane Fosters lifespan problem. , Otherwise Thor would not be so sure if it was just a guess!

Although he has been cleaned up by Chen Mo many times, Loki also has a deep understanding of Chen Mo. If Chen Mo really said it personally, then this matter is most likely to be true!

In other words, he really has the ability to create gods!

At this moment, Loki felt that his idea of ruling the earth could be completely dispelled!

Asgard is safer!

Of course, the premise is that his violent sister-in-law who is about to become a god is absent!

I originally wanted to stimulate Thor and hit him a bit, but didn’t expect was hit by Thor instead!

Immediately, Loki didn’t say much anymore, sitting in the stern of the boat with a complicated mood, driving the airship to continue flying forward.

At the same time, over Asgard, the invisible dark elf battleship is quietly floating there.

In the cabin, like Watt Alheim, it was pitch black and gloomy, with only a few indicator lights emitting red rays of light, which seemed claustrophobic and depressing.

But for dark elves, this is their favorite environment, just like humans like light, dark elves love darkness!

In the command room, the injured Malekis has completed the final repair and is about to wake up. Several dark elves wearing white masks surround him.

After the raid on Asgard, although Malekis succeeded in entering the Golden Palace, the few dark elves that were left have also lost a lot, and a few more dark elves will be true To be extinct!

The dark elves can no longer withstand too much consumption!

However, the time for the celestial bodies to converge is getting closer and closer. If they cannot recapture the etheric particles before the channel connecting the nine kingdoms is opened, all previous sacrifices and efforts will be wasted!

They have no way to wait for 5000 years!

If you don’t take the opportunity of Asgard’s defense collapse to retake the etheric particles in one go, and when Asgard resumes defense, they will be even more impossible to retake it!

This time is already their last chance!

In the eyes of the dark elves looking forward to, the mask on Malekis finally slowly opened, revealing his cold and pale face, but at this time, although his injury has been repaired, But the entire right cheek became pitch black, like coke!

Thor’s thunderbolt left an eternal mark on Malekiss face!

Seeing that Malekis finally woke up, Algorim strode to him, said solemnly.

“Time is running out, we must attack immediately!”


Malekis shook his head with a cold expression.

“You don’t have to go to Asgard anymore, Ether is on the way home!”

Malakis immediately ordered in a deep voice.

“Set sail immediately and return to Wat Alheim!”


Wat Alheim, suborbital space.

In a seemingly void area, Chen Mo, who is in a state of invisibility, is quietly floating in the air, quietly observing the movement of this space.

Suddenly, in an outer space area tens of thousands of kilometers away from Chen Mo, a long black T-shaped silhouette gradually appeared. It was the dark elf battleship from Asgard!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but brighten up when he saw this, and finally waited!

This battleship seems to know the approximate location of Thor and the three of them. After they appeared, they moved towards here and flew over quickly, passing only a few kilometers away from Chen Mo, moving towards the clouds below Got it!

Chen Mo immediately turned around and flew down behind the battleship!

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