My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1196

Malekis looked at Loki coldly, but he didnt speak at all. Obviously he didnt believe his words easily. At this moment, Algorim standing beside him He said suddenly.

“He is the enemy of Asgard, he was also locked in a dungeon before.”

Malakis took a look at Loki, and then walked towards Thor who fell on the ground. At this time, one side of his face was originally pale, but the other side was scorched black, thanks to Thor’s thunderbolt!

“Look at me!”

Malakis said, kicking Thor, who was struggling to get up again, overturned.

Looking at Thor, who had broken his arm with a weak face, the anger in Malekis’s heart dissipated most of the moment. Loki also helped him avenge him by cutting off one of his hands. From then on , He became a useless person, which is more interesting than killing him directly!

The satisfied Malekis no longer doubted Loki, and immediately moved towards Jane Foster stretched out his palm, and Jane Foster, who was lying on the ground, slowly followed his gesture Floating in midair, immediately, strands of tiny black and red particles emerged from all over her face and chest, as if attracted by some kind of attraction, they gathered in the air in front of her.

During the process of extracting ether particles from Malekis, as the host, Jane Foster could not help but emerge a terrifying scene in his mind. The earth was swallowed by darkness and became peaceful. It was as dead and dark as Watt Alheim, the sun went out and plunged into darkness.

As the terrifying ether particles spread wildly, the solar system, the Milky Way, and even the entire universe were completely swallowed by this dark force and plunged into the boundless darkness!

Just when Jane Foster was frightened, all ether particles finally gushed out of her within the body, losing the support of ether particles within the body, Jan Fosters body Then he fell from the air and fainted to the ground.

The etheric particles surging like life in the sky are under the control of Malekis, and moved towards his hands rushing past!

At this moment, Thor, lying on the ground, suddenly moved towards Loki loudly shouted.

“Loki, do it!”

At the same time, Thor reversed his previous weakness, straightened up from the ground on his knees, and restored the broken right hand. Reached out to the Quake hammer that fell aside.

Loki, who had been standing aside, received Thor’s signal, and immediately moved towards Thor with a wave of his hand. A burst of golden light lit up in his palm, and Thor flashed the same golden rays of light.

Wherever the rays of light passed, Thors severed palm reappeared, and the injuries on his body instantly disappeared. The silver fish-scale armguards appeared only when fighting appeared on the naked arms. !


The Thor’s hammer flew into Thor’s hands, and the original embarrassing posture was swept away under the golden light. He was seriously injured just now and was left to be killed. Thor, instantly resurrected with full blood, and entered a state of battle!

Actually, starting from the knife stabbed by Loki on the top of the mountain, they were acting. The knife, injuries, and broken hands were all Lokis Illusion Technique, even Thors silver-scale arm armor in combat. Hidden by Illusion Technique, the purpose is to create the illusion of Thor’s serious injury, let Malekis relax his vigilance, and take out the etheric particles from Jane Foster within the body in front of them!

Now the time has come. Looking at the ether particles that are pouring into Malekiss in the sky, Thor holds Thors hammer and starts to mobilize Thunder Strength. On Thors hammer, the silver lightning flashes rapidly. Out and become brighter and brighter.

While Thor moved Thors Hammer towards the etheric particles in the air, Loki cast an Illusion Technique to relieve Thors disguise, and quickly rushed to the unconscious Jane Foster. She pressed under her body and protected.

At the same time, a strong thunderbolt shot out from Thor’s Hammer, instantly hitting the etheric particles floating in the air before they could flood into Malekis within the body!

Thors sudden attack directly interrupted the connection between the etheric particles and Malekiss. Malekis as if was struck by lightning, his body could not help but back away, while the etheric particles were on the thunderbolt. Under the continuous strikes, Malekis once again raised his hand to recall the etheric particles, but found that the etheric particles were out of control!

The thick and dazzling thunderbolt arc directly connects Thors hammer and the ether particles. As a large amount of violent thunderbolt energy accumulates in the ether particles, the liquid of this scarlet rolls violently while it is originally dark. The red is getting brighter!



A dazzling red light burst out suddenly, and the ether particles finally could not bear under the continuous strikes of Thunder Strength, and exploded above everyones heads. A small red mushroom cloud was formed, and the erupting powerful force swept the audience, rolling up countless dust, covering everyone in it, and for a while, nothing was seen!

Malkis saw the etheric particles explode, his heart was tight, he quickly raised his hands and tried to summon etheric particles again, then he suddenly sighed in relief, this time, there was no Thor. With the interference of Thunder Strength, he finally sensed the existence of ether particles again, and they were not at all destroyed by Thor!

Just when Malekis was about to gather the ether particles together again and inhale within the body, he suddenly felt a heart-pounding killing intent coming from behind him!

It’s just that Malekis just felt that something was wrong, and he didn’t have time to react at all, so he felt a cold in his neck and quickly lost consciousness!

Algorim, who stood beside Malekiss, saw the whole process with his own eyes!

Although the air is full of dust, you can still vaguely see the outline within the range of one meter around the body.

Just when Malekis raised his hands to recall the etheric particles, a cold sword light suddenly appeared behind him out of thin air, moving towards Malekis neck at a very fast speed Cut it away, even the dust in the sky can’t completely conceal the brilliance of this sword!

At the same time, a tall silhouette completely covered by black armor also suddenly appeared behind Malekis. That sword light was cut out by the long sword in his hand!

Whether it is the sword light that appeared out of thin air, or the tall silhouette wrapped in black armor, Algorim was very familiar with it!

Before in Asgard, he was cut off by a sword that appeared out of nowhere. He knew the formidable power of this sword light!

Algorim, even if the complexion changed, he punched out quickly and wanted to stop it, but it was simply too late!

Until Chen Mo’s long sword cut through Malekis’ neck, Algorim’s fist just reached Chen Mo.

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