My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1193

In addition to extremely powerful materials, the level of technology contained in the Dark Elf battleship itself is far more advanced than Chen Mos current technology, even if it is comparable to Chitauris mothership. Compared with that, although the volume is much smaller, the overall performance and technological level still exceed a lot!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed the super race that almost ruled the entire universe back then. Even after 5000 years, their technological level is still ahead of most civilizations!

But compared to these battleship wrecks that have long been turned into a pile of scrap iron, Chen Mo is obviously more interested in the only intact battleship!

While the Thor trio were still looking at the surrounding battlefield ruins in a trance, Chen Mo suddenly activated the propellers and flew out of the airship. He turned around in midair and Chen Mo watched The three people who came back to his senses spoke.

“Dark elves may appear at any time, I will follow you in the dark, and everything will follow the plan!”

Thor hearing this was immediately nodded, and raised his head to face Chen Mo.


Immediately, Chen Mo’s thruster was fully activated, silhouette moved towards the sky and flew quickly, and disappeared above the high-altitude clouds in a blink of an eye.

Thor three raised their heads and watched Chen Mo leave, but the expression on their faces was completely different.

Thor’s face was looking forward to the upcoming battle, while Jane Foster looked a little worried and uneasy. As for Loki, the whole person relaxed.

The evil star finally left, although it was only temporary, and Loki knew that Chen Mo would follow them secretly, but as long as Chen Mo was not around, he felt much more relaxed!

The airship carried three people and continued to fly forward. Without Chen Mo by his side, Loki even raised the airship’s height to quite high. Obviously, the “fear of heights” has been relieved!

Chen Mo did not care about the three Lokis anymore, and flew quickly toward the sky, through the thick black clouds, and continued to fly upwards for a while, and finally reached Ya, which is nearly 100 kilometers above the ground. Orbital space.

In order to save Frigga, Chen Mo’s steel battle clothes were hit hard by Algorim and he was directly paralyzed. Even Chen Mo was injured.

Fortunately, the only real damage is the Ark reactor that was hit by Algorim frontally through the armor. The other systems and structures were not at all damaged. Does not affect normal use.

In Chen Mo’s space, the spare Ark reactor is full of boxes. After Chen Mo replaced the new Ark reactor, the battle clothes restored the energy supply and can continue to be used normally. .

The air in the suborbital space is very thin, but it doesn’t have any effect on Chen Mo wearing steel battle clothes.

The newly upgraded steel battle clothes are equipped with the oxygen circulation system used by Tony Stark on the Mark 39 suborbital armor. As long as there is enough energy, Chen Mo can be exhaled. The carbon dioxide is re-disassembled into oxygen, realizing the continuous recycling of the air inside the battle clothes, and supplying the breathing consumption of Chen Mo.

If Chen Mo needs, he can even fly directly into outer space. After many transformations and upgrades, the steel battle clothes have greatly improved their ability to adapt to various extreme environments. Have the ability to work continuously in space!

After entering the suborbital space, Chen Mo stopped and continued to fly upwards, the power of the thrusters under his feet was reduced, and the battle clothes were suspended in the altitude of nearly 100 kilometers.

Although it is still in the atmosphere, the scene that can be seen is almost the same as in space.

Looking down from here, Wat Alheim was able to see the shape of the planet, which looked like a huge briquettes shrouded in dense smoke. The planet was pitch black without A hint of other colors!

Chen Mo just hovered in the air, moved towards the depths of space to look.

In the dark universe, a rays of light and some dim stars are hanging in the distance, and the already dim rays of light are blocked by a planet that should be a Watt Alheim satellite For the most part, only the edge of the sun ring continued to sprinkle rays of light on Watt Alheim, but it was already very weak.

The revolution period of this satellite should be the same as that of Watt Alheim, so that it can always block in front of the star, which is why Watt Alheim can always be in the dark state.

The sun seen from Wat Alheim is always a dim sun ring!

Chen Mo doesnt know if this situation is a coincidence, or whether the dark elves deliberately created a dark environment. With the extremely developed technology of the dark elves, they do have the ability to change the revolution cycle of satellites. Transform the planet’s environment!

However, Chen Mo not at all paid too much attention to this peculiar sight. Suspended in the suborbital space, a ripple flashed by, and Chen Mo’s silhouette disappeared into the air with no trace.

In the case that Chen Mo didn’t take the initiative to show up, even if the dark elf battleship flew by, he couldn’t find the existence of Chen Mo!

Chen Mo is so hidden in the suborbital space, waiting for the arrival of Malekis!

In the airship, after Chen Mo left, Jane Foster passed the initial restless, and quickly calmed down with Thor’s company, but a strong sense of exhaustion followed Come.

Riding in an airship, hitting a mountain, crossing over, and battlefield relics, everything made her nervous and excited. In addition to the previous reasons for seasickness, Jane Foster quickly lay down Thor fell asleep in his arms.

Seeing that Jane Foster was asleep, Thor cautiously picked her up, lightly put her on the bow and covered her with a blanket.

Looking at the weak Jane Foster, Loki couldn’t help speaking with envy and jealousy.

“If the energy of her within the body is given to me, how much can I do!”

Thor hearing this turned his head and glanced at Loki, lightly saying.

“Then you must die, you will be completely swallowed by this thing!”

“She will be fine, at least until now.”

Loki refuses to accept Said.

Thor arranged the blankets for Jane Foster, then got up and walked across to Loki to sit down and said at the same time.

“Her strength is beyond your imagination!”

Loki hearing this smiled disapprovingly, watching Thor deliberately stimulate him.

“Get ready to say goodbye to her!”

Thor is full of confidence in today’s actions. Not at all was affected by Loki’s words. He glanced at the sleeping Jane. Foster said firmly.

“It won’t be today!”

Loki didn’t give up fighting Thor. This is his biggest hobby in many years!

Seeing Thor remain unmoved, Loki stood up immediately, said solemnly.

“Today, tomorrow, what is a hundred years? For us, it’s just a snap!”

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