My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1192

If its an ordinary person, even if its a Selvig Court Academecian running to tell them, there will be a large number of Space Wormholes in Greenwich, and people need to be evacuated, they will only be treated as mental The delusion of disorder.

Sylvie Court Academecian had actually issued a warning to the British government before, but it was not at all taken seriously, and was almost caught as a mental disorder and sent to a mental hospital!

But it’s different if Chen Mo warned them himself!

As a well-known superhero, Chen Mo saved the entire world several times. In World War II, the United Kingdom was also an important member of the Allied Forces. Agent Carter itself was a British agent. For Chen Mo, they In fact, he is very familiar and has been paying attention to all his circumstances.

In New York half a year ago, when Chen Mo led the Avengers War invasion and repelled the aliens, he evacuated the ordinary people in the War Zone ahead of time, avoiding huge casualties, so this time , After receiving Chen Mo’s warning, the British take it extremely seriously!

After sending people to the scene to confirm the two connected wormholes, and after listening to the report of Court Academecian of Selvig, the British leader decided to immediately evacuate the people!

The ten-kilometer range of Greenwich and its surroundings seems small, but it is also in the urban area of London. It is densely populated, and the evacuation will not be completed in a short time. Fortunately, Chen Mo issued it in advance. After warning, they have one day to evacuate. Although it is still urgent, it is completely too late.

After Chen Mo explained the evacuation, he and Thor arrived at Watt Alheim through a secret passage, and his connection with the earth was completely interrupted!

Although there is a space channel connected to the earth in Water Alheim, the previous unmanned reconnaissance aircraft came to Water Alheim through the space channel and quietly took pictures of Malekiss.

But in order to avoid beating the grass to scare the snake, the dark elves, which are extremely technologically advanced, discovered the abnormality. At that time, all drones were silent, and Chen Mo would not risk being If the risks are discovered, continue to maintain communication with the earth.

He has done everything that should be done, and SHIELD can follow up on earth matters. What he has to do now is to eliminate Malekis and eliminate the greatest threat!

The airship flies low above the desolate land of Wat Alheim, and you can see it, whether it is the Desert below your feet or the mountain range in the distance, it is all in pitch black.

The entire world here does not seem to have any other colors!

Jane Foster looked at the scene of the Dark World and felt extremely depressed in her heart. She couldn’t imagine that the entire world had become like this, even the sun shining in the sky. Also all disappeared!

With a heavy heart, the airship flew forward all the way.

Since Odin accepted Chen Mos suggestion and directly agreed to go to Watt Alheim, Thor not at all, like in the movie, spent a lot of time and energy trying to sneak Jane Foss Special escape.

So, they arrived at Wat Alheim earlier than in the movie.

For this reason, their airship flew for a long time in this gloomy and dark world, but still did not find the shadow of the dark elf.

“What is that?”

In the silence, Jane Foster suddenly cried out in surprise, and at the same time raised his hand moved towards and pointed forward.

Thor hearing this moved towards Jane Fosters finger, and you can see a tall major event like a collapsed skyscraper standing in the desert ahead!

Looking at the shape, it seems a little familiar.

It didn’t take long for them to fly in front of these major event objects, and Thor finally recognized them.

“These should be dark elf battleships, but they seem to have crashed a long time ago.”

Thor turned his head and glanced around or fell to the ground or stuck in the ground diagonally. Above, the numerous and endless wreckages of the Dark Elf battleship, with a solemn expression of said solemnly.

“This should be the battlefield where Asgard and the Dark Spirit Spirit Art battled back then!”

Several people looked up and saw that they were all in the front line of sight. The silhouette of the battleship wreck, the number is uncountable!

Only relying on a dark elf battleship and several bladed aircraft on it, Malekis broke into the Asgard Golden Palace forcibly. Although there were reasons for the raid and cursed warriors to respond internally, It also suffices to explain the power of the dark elf battleship, its stealth ability alone, even Heimdall who can see through Nine Realms can’t see it!

Unimaginable, how powerful is the Dark Elf who had such a huge fleet back then!

Thor couldn’t help but think of the description in Asgard’s ancient book.

Dominate one side, unmatched!

If it hadn’t been for their grandfather Boll to stop Malekith, the entire universe would have been under the rule of the dark elves and plunged into darkness!

Although in the battlefield, apart from these huge battleship wrecks, the silhouettes of the soldiers who died that year are no longer visible. Their bodies have long been turned into dust under the 5,000 years of tempering, but they still Can imagine how fierce this battle was!

The extremely powerful dark elves were almost wiped out, and what price did Asgard pay!

How many soldiers stayed here forever, in the black mud under their feet, I dont know how much Asgard blood was spilled! How much of the dark color is dyed by solidified blood!

The airship walked slowly through the remains of the battlefield, and several people looked at the dilapidated and magnificent scene around, and their faces were filled with solemnity.

However, Chen Mo looked at the wreckage of these crashed dark elf battleships, but there was a brilliant flash in his eyes.

It has been 5000 years since these battleships crashed here. Watt Alheim is not always calm and tranquil. From time to time, there will be strong storms sweeping by, strong winds sweeping hard black gravel and weathering. The effect of erosion is far more powerful than on earth!

The bones and weaponry of the soldiers who died in the battle have long been corroded and buried, and although the dark elf battleships that crashed look dilapidated, in fact they have not changed much from the time they crashed!

Black’s outer armor is still flat and firm, 5000 years of baptism, the erosion of sunlight, sand and storms did not leave any traces on it!

Not only the outer armor, but Chen Mo’s thoughts on the inside of the battleship wreck are also the same. Except for the damage caused by the crash and explosion that year, the internal structure of these battleships is still intact.

All this shows that the strength of the various materials used to make this dark elf battleship is very high, and its performance is not inferior to the Alpha alloy mastered by Chen Mo!

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