My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1186

Thors Hammer drew a spark on the Bone Armor, moved towards the distant mountain range, and continued to fly away. Although Algorim was beaten into a stagger, But he still hugged Malkis and smashed the railing and jumped off.

There were two bladed aircraft that flew in front of the Golden Palace during the breakthrough defense. In addition to the one that Malekis rushed into the palace of the palace, there was another one that had been in contact with each other from the outside. After jumping off, he was caught by the aircraft, and then directly powered on, moved towards the air and fled at full speed!

Thor rushed to the outdoor platform and retracted the Thor’s hammer that flew back from a distance. The gnashing teeth moved towards the flying vehicle that fled in the air and threw it over.

Its just a waste of time for Thors Hammer flying back. At this time, the Blade Aircraft has already flown far away. As the Thors Hammer flew out, the Blade Aircraft quickly turned around and moved towards to respond. The dark elf battleship flew away, and soon joined together!

Immediately, the silhouette of the dark elf battleship and the bladed aircraft began to disappear quickly, and before Thor took back the Thor’s hammer and attacked again, the huge silhouette of the dark elf battleship that occupied a sky completely disappeared!

Thor looked at the empty sky with a look of unwillingness, and then suddenly turned his head and looked towards Frigga.

Odin has come to Frigga to support her at this time, looking at the stab wound on Frigga’s chest with a distressed look.

Although Chen Mo threw the long sword and cut off Malekis wrist in time, under inertia, the short blade stabbed a wound on Friggas chest, which was not deep. It’s just bloody, not fatal!

Looking at the palm holding the knife lying on the ground, Odin was extremely frightened. If Chen Mo hadn’t thrown out the long sword in time, this short blade had already pierced Friggas heart. There is no time to rescue!

This reminds Odin of what Chen Mo said when he met Chen Mo and Frigga in the corridor before. He said he would help him protect Frigga because she is Thors mother.

He didn’t take seriously at the time, just as a joke, dignified Divine Race queen, where is a human protection needed!

But he didn’t expect it. In the end, it was Chen Mo who rescued Frigga from Malekis. Otherwise, he would live in regret and pain for a lifetime!

Chen Mo and Thor clearly proved to him that Malkis is still alive and reminded him that the dark elf might attack, but because of his Divine Kings arrogance, not at all has become The dark elves of stray dog took seriously, and it really made them rush into the Golden Palace in a surprise attack, almost making a big mistake!

Odin looked at Frigga in his arms with a look of guilt, not knowing what to say, Frigga looked up at Odin, and felt the guilt in Odin’s heart, with a gentle smile, comforted.

“I’m fine, just some superficial wounds, thanks to the commander!”

Speaking of which, the three people reacted violently and quickly turned towards Chen Mo and moved towards Chen Mo just now. Looking in the direction, Frigga ignored the injury on his body, got out of Odin’s arms, moved towards the collapsed wall and walked quickly.

Thor and Odin also quickly followed along, and Jane Foster, who had been hiding in the corner, heard the sound and walked out.

Just as the four people surrounded the collapsed rock pile and looked heavy, Chen Mo’s voice suddenly sounded from under the rock pile.

“I’m not dead yet, can you guys stop acting like going to the grave?”

In the eyes of the four people, the collapsed wall suddenly floated slowly. After getting up, Chen Mo, wearing steel battle clothes, slowly stood up from the pile of rocks.

Thor several people couldn’t help but look at his chest, but found that except for the black coating on the surface which was somewhat damaged, revealing the silver metallic luster below, the armor itself was not deformed or damaged!

They all saw the power of Algorims attack with their own eyes. Even with Asgards Divine Race armor, its difficult to withstand that attack. Its very likely that people wear armor. It is directly blown, and only the shield embedded with energy protection magic can resist the punch without damage, but the soldier’s arm will definitely break!

They didnt expect Chen Mos armor to be made by Earth technology. The defensive power is so strong. Not only does it have no damage, it also protects the Chen Mo inside. It seems Safe and sound!

In fact, Chen Mo and battle clothes are not as good as they look!

Algorims punch literally hit Chen Mos chest. Fortunately, Chen Mo didnt let the Ark reactor be exposed like Tony _ Stark. Algorim directly blasted the reactor.

Although the outer Edman alloy armor is not damaged, a considerable part of the huge power is still transmitted to the inside of the battle clothes, even if there is a shock absorption system, it cannot be completely offset!

The Ark Reactor was the first to bear the brunt and it was directly damaged. The steel battle clothes went down directly. Chen Mo himself also suffered a certain amount of shock. Fortunately, he has a strong self-healing ability. At this time, the injury has been completely repaired.

But Chen Mo also realized that the current steel battle clothes are far from perfect and powerful!

Although after upgrading to consciousness control, the speed and flexibility of steel battle clothes have been greatly improved, which can provide power bonuses when Chen Mo fights with super powerhouse, but it will not affect the speed. .

However, the fighting ability of battle clothes itself is still not enough to withstand the attack of super powerhouse.

Although Edman alloy armor is indestructible, it does not have the ability of primordial Edman alloy to absorb kinetic energy. There is no problem with resisting sharp weapons such as swords, but it is like Thors Hammer or Cursed Warrior. An overly powerful force attack will still damage the interior of the battle clothes.

This also exposes the lack of performance of battle clothes. Edman alloy alone is not enough to really make battle clothes fearless of any attack.

Even after several upgrades, the current performance of battle clothes is still seriously unbalanced. The outer armor is already strong enough. In terms of response speed, consciousness control also compensates for the original response delay problem, but shock absorption and strength , Reactors and other system aspects still have a lot to improve!

Currently, battle clothes are good for fighting Thor, but they still cant deal with super powerhouses like Odin and Cursed Warrior!

The upgrade and improvement of the product itself is to constantly discover problems in use, and then it can be improved in a targeted manner, just like the previous upgrade for high temperature performance.

Chen Mos steel battle clothes have no problems dealing with ordinary enemies and superheroes. Only these super powerhouses of Divine Race can help him discover the deficiencies of battle clothes and continue to improve.

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