My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1187

The opponents Chen Mo will face in the future will only get stronger and stronger. There is still a long way to go to upgrade the steel battle clothes!

But for these all are things in the future, he still needs to solve the dark elves in front of him!

To tell the truth, the strength of the cursed warriors Algorim and Malekis was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He didn’t expect Malekis to face Frigga, who lost his weapon. He could gain the upper hand so quickly and almost killed Frigga.

If he were not proficient in Gun Battle Technique and used to keep abreast of the entire battlefield situation at any time, it would be really difficult to save Frigga from Malkis.

Algorim’s strength is even more powerful, much stronger than Thor, who is now the Initial Mastery Thunder Strength. Although it should not be the opponent of Divine King Odin in peak state, Chen Mo is not sure about it now. Can Odin, who has entered his twilight years, defeat him!

Algorim, who has become a cursed warrior, is definitely the most powerhouse he has encountered so far, and will be for a long time to come!

Although Frigga has been saved now, Algorim and Malekis have escaped. The matter is far from over!

Wearing steel battle clothes that had completely shut down and lost power, Chen Mo slowly walked out of the pile of rocks and stood in front of the four.

The Ark reactor was damaged, and the battle clothes could not be turned on automatically without energy supply. Chen Mo had to manually release the clothes and wave the battle clothes into the space.

Seeing the blood on the corner of Chen Mo’s mouth, the four of them realized that Chen Mo was not intact either, or was injured by Algorim’s blow.

“Are you badly hurt, do you want me to send you to the Medical Room?”

Thor said quickly, looking towards Chen Mo’s eyes are indeed full of gratitude.

He saw Malkis short blade stabbing Friggas chest with his own eyes, but he had no time to stop him. If it werent for Chen Mo to throw out the long sword regardless of his own safety, he cut off Malki. In the palm of Si, Frigga at this time has already died in the hands of Malekis. He can’t imagine how painful he would be when the time comes!

It’s not just Thor, but Odin, who has been dissatisfied with Chen Mo before, is full of respect in his eyes looking towards Chen Mo.

No matter how disrespectful Chen Mo was to him before, but he saved his beloved wife Frigga, then Chen Mo is his benefactor and deserves his respect and respect!

Chen Mo raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, slightly smiled, and said to Thor.

“I forgot to tell you that my self-healing ability is also strong. Any injury can heal on its own. It was just a shock injury, and it has been cured!”

Thor Four Hearing this is all looking at Chen Mo with monster eyes, especially the Odin trio. I cant help but think in the heart, are we Divine Race or are you Divine Race?

Their self-healing ability is already very strong. The wound on Frigga’s arm has stopped bleeding, but the bone-visible wound still hasn’t healed at all. It will take a while to fully recover.

And Chen Mo received such a heavy blow just now, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Obviously he suffered a serious internal injury, but it was just a blink of an eye, and he was already healed!

No wonder they cant accept it!

Chen Mos series of performances have completely subverted their understanding of earthlings. When did the weak earthlings give birth to such a terrifying powerhouse? Chen Mos previous strengths and various magic And powerful ability, even in their Asgard Divine Race, can definitely be ranked at the forefront.

As for the strength of the cursed warrior, Odin somewhat understands. With his strength that has begun to decline, he is not at all confident that he can win, but Chen Mo has fought with him for a long time, and finally was hit for saving the talent. Flying, but it’s okay to fly!

Odin glanced at the dagger that was thrown on the ground by Algorim and had been cut in half.

If it werent for the enemy to see a helping hand, just flee, and then continue to fight, after Chen Mo cut off the dagger, the opponent has no weapons, its hard to say who wins and who loses!

Going forward, Odin looked at Chen Mo with a serious face, said solemnly.

“I should accept your suggestions!”

Thor and Frigga hearing this, both looked at Odin with surprise. They knew Odins character very well. As Odin of Divine King, who can say this, is equivalent to admitting his mistake, this is the first time Thor has ever remembered!

Jane Foster was also surprised. She also didn’t expect to be self-sufficient. Odin, who was very arrogant, would admit her mistakes.

But Chen Mo knows that this is because he almost lost Frigga because of his arrogance and ignoring their warnings!

Furthermore, Chen Mo just saved Frigga and showed his great strength. Naturally, Odin will no longer regard him as a weak earthling, but put Chen Mo in the same position as him. , This will tell him this remark!

Otherwise, even in the face of Thor, he would be impossible to admit his mistake.

Looking at the white-haired, majestic Odin, Chen Mo knew that it was not easy for him to say this remark. Chen Mo not at all refused Odin’s goodwill.

In other words, he is more than 5,000 years old, and he has to save some face. So Chen Mo didn’t mention the previous things anymore, but said with a smile.

“It’s not too late to accept now!”

Odin hearing this thought of the escaped Malekis and the mighty cursed warrior, his expression became dignified, looking calmly Chen Mo of Chen Mo, Odin didn’t dare to look down, and immediately asked with a straight face.

“What should we do now?”

“The goal of Malekiss is the etheric particles. This celestial gathering is his best opportunity to bring the universe back to darkness. He He will definitely not give up. After regrouping, he will definitely launch an attack again and retake the etheric particles!”

Speaking of which, Chen Mo looked towards Odin and asked sternly.

“Can Asgard’s current defense still prevent them from attacking again?”

Odin hearing this couldn’t help but frowned.

Before, due to carelessness, he did not at all strengthen the defense, nor did he personally conduct the command. This invasion of the dark elves was entirely a counterattack by Asgards guards, so he does not know the whole The history of the invasion and the damage caused.

But judging from the fact that they broke into the Golden Palace so easily and even almost killed Frigga, the power of these remaining dark elves is not as weak as he thought!

Odin knows that Chen Mo is right. Malekis will never give up so easily, especially after he has successfully broken into the Golden Palace once, the next invasion may happen at any time. This time, Odin will never care about it anymore!

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