My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1185

On the other side of the palace, the battle between Malekis and Frigga also came to a deadlock.

Malkis was able to lead the dark elves to dominate the universe and compete with Odin’s father. Although he mainly relied on the power of etheric particles, his own strength was not weak.

Even without ether particles, Malekiss is not as powerful as Odin and Thor, but it is much stronger than the Immortal Palace Three Warriors and the female warrior Sif!

Its just that Malekis doesnt like to lead the way like Odin and Boll. In the past, he either commanded his army to launch attacks or relied on etheric particles to attack. There are many, so the melee experience is slightly inferior to Frigga, the queen of Asa Divine Race!

Frigga is good at Illusion Technique, but she is not a pure mage!

Few people know that Frigga is also a powerful female warrior!

Odin fought in Nine Realms back then, Frigga also set foot on the battlefield with him and helped him win many victories, but later because he was tired of killing, he left the battlefield and turned to their Daughter, Hela, followed Odin and finally conquered Nine Realms!

Malkis not at all thought that Frigga was so strong in melee combat.

This is also the reason why he was hit by Frigga short blade as soon as he fought at first and fell into a disadvantage.

But this does not mean that Malekis is really much weaker than Frigga.

At this time, Friggas short sword was taken away by Algorim, but Malekis had a short blade in his hand. The advantage was completely reversed. Although Frigga with his bare hands was relying on his rich combat experience. at all was quickly defeated, but it was unable to pose a threat to Malekis who was fully alert.

On the contrary, she is the one who will lose for a long time. Under the fierce attack of Malekis, Frigga’s situation has become a bit precarious!

I hurriedly raised his arm again and used his wristband to block the knife that Malekis struck with all his strength, but he didnt want Malekis not at all to close the knife and attack again. Instead, he directly pressed the sword against the guard. The wrist was slashed down, and before Frigga retracted her arm, a knife was cut on her arm!

The sharp blade cut a very deep wound on Frigga’s arm. The bones are deeply visible, and the bright red blood flowed out quickly, flowing down the arm!

Frigga’s complexion changed involuntarily when his arm was hit hard, and he quickly stepped back, but Malekis did not give her a chance to get out.

Taking advantage of Frigga’s slow movement after being injured, Malekis caught up and slashed fiercely again!

Frigga endured the severe pain in his arm, gritted his teeth and raised the other arm again, barely blocking this blade.

When he was not injured, he was barely able to resist Malkiss attack with his bare hands. At this time, his right arm was hit hard and he could no longer block his body. As a result, his bodys flexibility was greatly affected. With his left arm intact, it became more and more difficult to deal with Malkis’s attack!

After gritting his teeth to block Malekiss attack again, Frigga had no time to block Malekiss last blow moved towards the chest!

Just when Malekis looked savage and Frigga was desperate, a silver long sword suddenly rolled over and flew over, Senhans sharp blade drawn one in the air After another circle, when the short blade was about to pierce Frigga’s chest, the sharp blade of the long sword just cut into Malekis’s knife-holding wrist while rolling!

Although Malekis’s body strength is much stronger than that of an ordinary person, under the sharp sword edge of the long sword, it is easily swept across like tofu!

Malkis’ right hand was cut off from his wrist, and along with the short blade held in his hand, moved towards the ground fell down!

And the long sword that cut off the right hand of Malekis continued to roll over and flew in front of the two of them, and finally, with a sound of “puff!”, it penetrated deeply into the side wall Among them, to the end!

But at the same time, a black silhouette was also knocked into the air by a huge impact, and hit the wall on the other side hard, crashing the wall made of golden rocks directly. One piece, buried in the gravel!

Chen Mo was in a fierce battle with Algorim just now, but although he was at a disadvantage, Chen Mo was still paying attention to the surrounding situation.

After discovering that Frigga was injured, Chen Mo focused on her. The reason why he followed them was to protect her from being killed like in the movie.

So when Malekis’ short blade was about to pierce Frigga’s heart, Chen Mo didn’t care about anything else, and quickly threw the long sword in his hand!

Malkis’s wrist, which was finally severed in time, saved Frigga.

However, Chen Mo was originally suppressed by the incomparably powerful Algorim, and relied on slightly better speed and exquisite Sword Art to barely support him. At this time, he threw a long sword to save Frigga. However, a huge weak spot was revealed, and Algorim seized the opportunity. Fiercely punched him in the chest and blasted him directly!

From Malekiss swinging a knife to Friggas chest, to Chen Mo throwing a long sword to cut off Malekiss palm, saving Frigga, but Algorim punched him Boom, all this happened in a flash.

At the entrance of the palace, Thor and Odin, who had just arrived, happened to see this scene!

Seeing that Friggas arm was stained with blood, and he almost died in Malekis hands. Thor eye socket cracked, directly lifted Thors hammer and summoned Lightning moved towards Maleki. Si shot over!

Malkis’ right hand was just cut off by the long sword thrown by Chen Mo. Before he had time to react, he was hit by the lightning from the back of his right cheek!

The powerful thunderbolt energy raged on Malekiss face, directly energizing his right half of his face into a scorched black, and the whole person was injured and fell directly to the ground.

Algorim just hit Chen Mo with a punch, and was about to rush to kill Chen Mo completely, but when he saw Thor and Odin come together, Malkis was also injured and fell to the ground.

Knowing that it is impossible to regain the etheric particles today, Algorim made a decisive decision, rushed to Malkis and picked him up, and ran at full speed toward the outdoor platform on one side.

The furious Thor saw that the enemy wanted to escape, and while rushing in, he threw the Thor’s Hammer moved towards the two who fled.

However, although Thor’s Hammer hit Algorim’s back, it did not at all cause him too much damage.

Algorim, who has turned into a cursed warrior, is extremely strong, and his back is covered with Bone Armor. Thors hammer slammed on the thick Bone Armor and made a loud noise. Algorim’s figure was smashed by the powerful force.

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