My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1184

But Malekis was one step faster than Frigga after all, and noticed Frigga chasing behind him. Malekis quickly picked up the short that she had knocked out before. blade, moved towards “Jane Foster” who flees in panic chased after him.

Jane Foster is just an ordinary person. Where did he escape his chase. Before Frigga could catch up, Malekiss hand had already grabbed “Jane Foster” .

However, after his palm touched “Jane Foster”‘s body, he passed through her body without any hindrance, and “Jane Foster” The silhouette is also like a bubble, breaking apart in a burst of golden rays of light, disappeared!

After Malkis was taken aback, he couldn’t help turning his head and looked towards Frigga, who was catching up, and roared angrily.

“Witch! Where is the ether?!”

Frigga coldly smiled, without speaking, but rushed forward and attacked him with a fist.

Although the dagger was captured by Algorim, even with his bare hands, Frigga was not afraid.

The fierce attack made Malekis hurriedly parry, and the short blade in his hand also moved towards Frigga.

Frigga’s agile skills made most of Malkis’s attacks missed, and some unavoidable attacks were also blocked by the golden wristbands on her arms.

It’s just that the short blade in Malekis’s hands still gives him a certain advantage. Although he is not as good as Frigga, but with the convenience of the weapon, he did not fall into the wind. In the past, no one can do anything for a while.

On the other side, after avoiding Chen Mos surprise attack, Algorim quickly turned around and looked towards Chen Mo. At the same time, he also noticed the half that fell on the ground. The black horns.

If it weren’t for hiding quickly, if the sword hit his head, he might have to cut his skull directly!

Although he felt resistance to his monster-like appearance in his heart, Algorim was still angry when Chen Mo cut off his horns!

It’s just anger, but not at all fear!

In Algorim’s view, the guy in black armor on the stone platform only took advantage of the sneak attack, and this could hurt him.

Algorim has absolute confidence in the strength of his cursed warrior. Even Divine King Odin is not necessarily his opponent!

Chen Mo on the stone platform also not at all eased because he cut off a horn of Algorim.

In the sword just now, he can say that he has done his best and is ready to go. Whether it is speed or strength, he has already played to the extreme, and it has taken advantage of the sneak attack.

But this was the case, but Algorim avoided him in time, and only cut off a horn, almost without success.

Furthermore, when cutting off the horn just now, Chen Mo could clearly feel the huge resistance from the blade. If he hadn’t used his full strength, coupled with the powerful blessing of steel battle clothes, he would simply not be able to cut it. Break!

If he only relies on his own strength, it is estimated that he will be able to cut a gap that’s all!

The strength of the cursed warrior’s body is a bit beyond his imagination, but I don’t know if his body is as hard as this horn!

The two looked at each other for a while, and their eyes were filled with murderous aura, the next moment, the figures of the two moved at the same time, and they moved towards each other and rushed up!

Chen Mo waved an unrolled bolt of white silk with a long sword in his hand, moved towards Algorim and cut it off.

Just cut off a horn with Chen Mos sword, Algorim didnt dare to pick it up empty-handed like he did with Frigga. It just so happened that he was still holding the short he snatched from Frigga. Sword, even with a sword to block.


With a crisp sound and sparks, Chen Mo’s sword was blocked by him, but Algorim also discovered that the blade of the short sword An obvious gap appeared on the top, but it broke directly when the two swords struck each other!

Obviously the quality of the short sword in his hand is far inferior to the long sword in Chen Mo’s hand!

But after all, it is the saber of the Asa Divine Race guard, not made by Fantie. Although it broke the blade, it still blocked Chen Mo’s attack and was not directly cut off!

Algorim immediately smashed Chen Mo’s long sword, and then moved towards Chen Mo and slashed it over!

The short fight just now made Chen Mo feel that Algorim’s power is far above him!

The power that came when the long sword was swung open was extremely powerful, if it weren’t for him to take back the long sword first, he would almost be pushed out.

Even if Chen Mo is wearing steel battle clothes and his strength has been greatly increased, Algorim, the cursed warrior, still crushes Chen Mo in strength!

So Chen Mo not at all and Algorim meet force with force. Seeing the opponent’s dagger cut, Chen Mo flashed past flexibly and moved towards his chest as a chest stab. go with!

Although he looks sturdy and cumbersome, in fact Algorim is not slow. On the contrary, he reacts and attacks very quickly.

One shot down, and seeing Chen Mo’s long sword pierced in his chest, Algorim didn’t dare to use his strong body like ordinary Asgard soldiers.

The horn that was cut by Chen Mo just now was still lying on the ground. He didn’t think his body could block this magic weapon.

Algorim immediately waved the short sword cut in his hand to block it.

Chen Mo knew that he was not as powerful as the cursed warrior. He saw that the long sword could not stab Algorim before being blocked. Chen Mo did not insist on it. He quickly adjusted the direction of the blade, moved towards short. The gap where the sword had been cut before took the initiative to cut up, and when the two swords fought, sparks popped out, deepening the gap again.

Then Chen Mo not at all fought Algorim hard, but with the force of rebound, quickly retracted the sword, and the long sword drew an arc in the air and moved towards Algorim’s neck again Cut it off!

Algorim’s reaction was also very quick. The dagger lifted up to block Chen Mo’s attack, but the gap on the dagger was deepened again!

The speed and reaction of the two are very quick. You come and go with you, and the fight is much more intense than Frigga and Malkis. The long sword of “Dang! Dang!” The sound of fighting is endless, and the sparks of the collision of the blades are constantly flashing!

However, as time went on, Chen Mo soon fell into a disadvantage!

Algorims speed is not much slower than him, and he completely crushes Chen Mo in strength. In addition to taking the initiative in a short time with the initial attack, Chen Mo has been very Was soon suppressed by Algorim’s counterattack.

Chen Mo relied on a slightly stronger speed and subtle sword technique to support, so he did not lose on the spot, but he was completely passive.

In the face of Algorim’s violent and violent attacks, Chen Mo can only resolve, block and dodge, and is unable to fight back!

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