My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1183

Malekis did not pay attention to the broken throne anymore. After throwing the black hole grenade, he directly took the person moved towards the side of the palace!

He has a unique connection with the ether particles, and he can roughly sense where the ether particles are!

Under the guidance of this induction, Malekis rushed over with two dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers moved towards Frigga’s bedroom!

At this time, most of the guards in the Golden Palace were attracted to the dungeon by Algorim. There were not many obstacles on the road, but this was the case. When Malekis rushed to Frigga He was the only one left at the entrance of his bedroom.

But Malekis obviously didnt care about the life and death of his men. Looking at the gorgeous golden door in front of him, there was a glimmer of excitement in Malekiss eyes. He could feel the etheric particles he was looking for. It’s inside!

Pushing open the door of the bedroom with a cold face, Malekis strode in, and at a glance he saw “Jane Foster” sitting on the side of the stone platform and Fred standing in front of her. Frigga.

“Jane Foster” saw Malkis who broke in suddenly, stood up from the stone steps with a look of panic, and hid behind Frigga, who was holding a short sword A majestic look towards Malekis, said solemnly.

“Retreat! Monster, I can spare you not to die!”

Malkis didnt take Friggas warning seriously. Asgard, he broke through, and How could he retreat because of this woman’s words!

“You can’t help me, woman!”

As Malekis said, he moved towards They went up!

Frigga greeted him with a sword and solemnly asked.

“Who are you?”

“I am Malekiss! I’m here to get back what belongs to me!”

Malekis said Then, I saw that Frigga couldn’t help but turned his head and looked towards “Jane Foster” who was standing behind, even knowing that the ether particle must be within the body.

Malakis looked towards “Jane Foster” and then walked towards her.

“Jane Foster” hurriedly moved towards and ran away. Malekis was about to chase after him, but Frigga abruptly swung his sword out, even if he dodges quickly. A cut was made on the face by the short sword.

Malakis immediately pulled out the short blade from his waist angrily, moved towards Frigga, stabbed, but was beaten by Frigga fiercely to the short blade and fell to the ground with a single backhand. The sword made a wound on Malekis’ arm.

Malakis realized that he had underestimated this woman, and didn’t expect her strength to be lower than him.

The etheric particles are right in front of him, and the excitement that he is about to recapture the etheric particles makes him a little underestimated. He was knocked down the weapon as soon as he fought!

Malkis, who had reacted, immediately cheered up, except that the short blade had already let go, and he could only fight Frigga with his bare hands.

In fact, the strength of the two was originally equal, but the negligent Malekis at first was knocked down and lost the opportunity. Now with his bare hands, under Frigga’s fierce attack, He can only retreat steadily, and keep retreating!

Several consecutive swords suppressed Malekis so weakly to fight back, Frigga finally seized the opportunity, and a sword hit Malekis’s neck and forced him to the wall!

In a blink of an eye, Malekis was directly captured by Frigga!

However, Malekis did not panic, but turned his gaze aside with a sneer. Frigga felt something was wrong, and quickly turned around and swung his short sword moved towards behind him!

At the same time, she also saw that silhouette behind her, which turned out to be a very tall and strong figure, but her body was covered with bone spurs, and her head had long horns and fangs. , Looks extremely hideous monster!

The short sword in his hand was directly grasped by him. Frigga felt as if he was clamped by iron tongs and could not continue to swing it. However, the palm of the monster did not mean to be injured and bleeding!

With a surge of power, the short sword in his hand was taken away by the monster in front of him, and then he grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up in the air, and lifted her feet off the ground without resistance. Power.

Frigga, who just defeated Malekis swiftly, became a captive of others in a blink of an eye. This vicious monster is so powerful!

But just as Malekis smiled triumphantly and was about to catch “Jane Foster”, a sharp silver sword light suddenly appeared from the high platform beside them. moved towards Algorim, the cursed warrior who was holding Frigga, cut it over!

Malekiss face changed when he saw this sword light that appeared out of nowhere. The speed of this sword was extremely fast, and it appeared so suddenly. If it was cut at him, he simply can’t dodge!

However, Algorim is different from the past. After becoming a cursed warrior, not only has his strength increased many times, his defense, physical strength, reaction speed and agility have also been greatly improved.

When Chen Mo slashed, although his back was facing the stone platform, Algorim still felt the sudden attack behind him, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart, as if This sword can pose a great threat to him!

Algorim immediately ignored the Frigga he was holding in his hand, and quickly sent his hand to let her go, and at the same time swiftly rushed forward, trying to avoid the threatening sword behind him. !

I have to say that the strength of the cursed warrior is indeed very powerful. Chen Mo, who has been hiding on the high platform, saw the opportunity to gain momentum and the sword was discovered in time by him, and he avoided it. Can cause substantial harm to him.

But Chen Mo didnt get nothing. He was a sudden attack after all. Algorim just avoided the key in haste, but the long horns above his head were cut by Chen Mo. One is broken, only half is left!

After a sword, Chen Mo’s figure completely appeared on the high platform, black armor and silver sword, murderous aura, and seeing Malkis heart trembled, he quickly moved towards and hid away!

Frigga got out of Algorim’s palm and looked at Chen Mo with a shocked look. She didn’t expect this earthling to have such a powerful strength.

Just now, she was held in front of Algorim by the neck, and she witnessed the whole process of Chen Mo’s attack!

The swift and fierce sword like lightning, it would be difficult for her to take it after changing!

But it was obviously not the time to sigh, and noticed that Malekis moved towards “Jane Foster” and rushed, Frigga quickly turned and chased him.

Although the image of Jane Foster formed by that Illusion Technique is enough to be fake, it will disappear as soon as you touch it, and it will be easily exposed, and the real Jane Foster is hidden here. In the sleeping hall, if Malekis is not stopped, he will find him sooner or later.

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