My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1172

Odin looked at the crowd below and continued to Thor.

“What you should do now is not to be afraid of some dark elves’ attack, and worry that they are relying on a small battleship to attack Asgard, but you should go down to enjoy and celebrate your victory, to the soldiers In the middle, enjoy a drink and party with them all night!”

Thor wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Odin directly with a wave.

“Okay, no more talk! If you are worried, you are optimistic about her and her within the body’s ether. I believe you can deal with those dark elves alone.”

Odin said, glanced at Jane Foster, and continued.

“And isn’t this what you always wanted? She will stay in Asgard and stay with you until the ether is taken out!”

Thor hearing this is not at all He was a little bit happy because he heard what Odin meant.

They simply have no way to take out the ether particles from Jane within the body. If this continues, Janes life force will be completely absorbed by the ether particles. When the time comes, when the host dies, the ether particles will naturally be able to Take it out!

In this way, although Jane Foster will always be by his side, but he can’t even reach the original for several decades, and will die soon and leave him.

Odin seems to be perfecting him, but in fact he just wants to wait until Jane Foster dies, recover the etheric particles, and completely sever the relationship between Thor and Jane Foster!

Thor glanced at the unknown Jane Foster, looked at Odin angrily, and said excitedly.

“What if I find a way to take out her aether within the body! And let her have the same long life as ours?”

Odin hearing this nodded.

“No problem, if I can do what you said, I will definitely not object to you being with her again!”

Thor gave Odin a deep look , Said solemnly.

“it’s a deal!”

After Thor said, he turned around and walked away, and some unfathomable mystery Jane Foster gave Odin a strange look and quickly Follow Chen Mo and follow Thor to leave the palace.

“What shall we do now?”

Walking out of the palace, Jane Foster asked Thor.

I thought that getting the evidence would convince Odin to be more vigilant. Didnt expect Odin to be so arrogant that he didnt even listen!

Chen Mo was too surprised by this not at all. What he did before was to try that’s all as much as possible. It would be best to succeed in convincing Odin. Failure was also within his expectation. I didn’t expect Odin to be as good as Thor.

Odin actually has reasons to be arrogant.

His Royal Father Boll led the Asgard army to a great victory over the dark elves and almost wiped them out. As a victor, Odin is naturally qualified to despise these defeated, a fish that escaped the net.

And Odin also led the Asa Divine Race in the South and North Wars, relying on tyrannical forces to defeat the big clans, unifying the Nine Realms, is the true master of Nine Realms, Supremes Divine King!

Asgard’s army is also the strongest battle strength of Nine Realms experienced in the war!

Although the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge in the past led to turmoil in the nine countries, it is now completely suppressed by Thor and Asgard’s forces.

With the imposing manner of great victory and confidence in his own strength and the battle strength of the Asgard army, Odin would naturally not pay attention to the dark elves who have been hiding for 5000 years like a stray dog!

But Thor is not as arrogant and conceited as Odin. Even if he has confidence in his own strength, this matter is related to the life and death of Jane Foster, he has to deal with it carefully!

Hearing Jane Fosters question, Thor said solemnly frowning in thought.

“The Asgard army only obeys the Royal Father’s orders. I can only command them temporarily during the war. After returning to Asgard, the military power will be automatically lifted!”

, Thor turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo and said.

“Now it seems that we can only rely on ourselves!”

Chen Mo nodded, looking at Thor slowly said.

“Or we should join the following carnival.”

Thor and Jane Foster hearing this are both looking surprised at Chen Mo, when Are you still caring?

When the two looked at Chen Mo puzzledly, they listened to Chen Mo’s explanation.

“Since Odin cannot be persuaded to fully strengthen Asgards defenses, then we shall prepare as much as possible, mobilize all those who trust you, and let them be prepared to respond to the attack of the dark elves at any time. Don’t be beaten completely unprepared when the time comes!”


Thor hearing this brightened and said excitedly.

“Even if the army cannot be mobilized directly, but as long as some people are prepared, even if the dark elves come, they can respond quickly!”

Looking at the lively streets outside immediately , Thor’s face also became relaxed.

“It seems that we do need to join the carnival!”

“It’s not us, it’s you!”

Just in Thor, we are going to bring two When the person passed, Chen Mo suddenly corrected.

Seeing Thor’s puzzled look, Chen Mo glanced at Jane Foster, then asked Thor immediately.

“Are you sure you want to take Jane with you?”

Thor is a bit reckless, but he is not a fool. When Chen Mo reminded him, he immediately thought of something wrong. One of his friends and combat partners, Immortal Palace female warrior Sif has always been interesting to him. If he takes Jane to see her, Thor feels uncomfortable when he imagines that scene!

Not accepting her love is thats all. Its not right to bring Jane to her to stimulate her, and he doesnt want to cause Janes misunderstanding.

And Chen Mo is not sure what will happen to these two women when they meet, in case they dont agree with each other directly…

Think of Jane Foster in The two consecutive slaps given to him when the Medical Room just woke up, Thor didn’t think she would show weakness because she was not as strong as Sif!

Once the two really fought, he couldn’t do anything yet, so he could only stand in the middle as a shield to separate the two.

Imagining the scene where he was caught between the two after they fought, Thor couldn’t help but shudder!

Fortunately, Chen Mo reminded him in time, otherwise he might lose control tonight, and he will definitely suffer in the end!

Being played in women’s doubles by an Immortal Palace female warrior and a sturdy earth girlfriend who doesn’t agree with each other, even if he is Thor, skin is rough and flesh is thick, he can’t stand it!

But then Thor couldn’t help but look at Chen Mo with his monster eyes. This guy has never been to Asgard before. How did he know about this?

Noting that Jane Foster was looking at him with some doubts, Thor dared not ask Chen Mo directly about his doubts, but quickly turned around and explained to Jane.

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