My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1171

Obtaining the necessary evidence, Chen Mo sent the drone back to Earth along the space channel and reported to Selvig Court Academecian and the others that they were safe, lest they continue to worry .

Watching the drone submerged into the ground again from where it flew before, the three Chen Mo immediately returned to the dungeon along the passage, under the complicated gazes of the stone gate guard and Loki, Go straight away and go to find Odin!

But just after the three people left, on the ground where the drones just disappeared, many of the same drones flew out one after another, and they scattered all the way along the passage where the three Chen Mo left. Then, a signal transfer belt was formed, and the signals from the underground space and the earth on the other side of the wormhole passed through the underground barriers to the upper dungeon.

However, due to the special material of the Golden Palace itself, the signal will still be blocked and cannot be transmitted to the upper level.

So after Chen Mo walked out of the stone gate, he began to quietly release a lot of smaller drones the size of a fingernail from the space. As Chen Mo left all the way, they were taken by Chen Mo. One after another is released, hidden in various places in the Golden Palace. In addition to being able to transfer signals, it can also help Chen Mo keep abreast of the situation in the dungeon and the Golden Palace!

In this way, although Chen Mo is in Asgard, he can still keep in touch with the earth and can monitor the situation in the dungeon and the golden palace at any time.

Although the technology of Asgard is also very advanced, it is obviously not the same type as the earth, and the development of many places is extremely uneven. At least in terms of communication and monitoring, it can be said that there is almost no. Chen Mo is not worried The signals from these micro robots will be discovered.

Its just that the newly created space channel is not very stable and may disappear again at any time. Chen Mo does not know how long the communication with the earth can be maintained.

Thor and Jane Foster did not know Chen Mo’s movements. After they left the dungeon, they found that the sky was already dark, and there were snowflakes floating outside the Golden Palace. .

A hustle and bustle came faintly from a distance.

Jane Foster looked at the street illuminated by magic lights floating in the air through the window, and asked Thor curiously.

“What are they doing, so lively?”

Thor looked out and frowned.

“The battle to put down the rebellion of the nine countries is completely over today. There should be a carnival to celebrate the victory of the war!”

Know that the dark elves and Malkis are still alive , Thor doesnt think its a good time to celebrate.

Thor couldn’t help speeding up his pace and hurried away from the palace moved towards Odin.

Soon, the three of them found Odin in the palace in the middle of the Golden Palace.

When the three arrived, he was standing on the large outdoor platform at the forefront of the palace, holding Eternal Spear in his hands, quietly looking down at the crowds who were celebrating in a carnival below, with a hint of emotion on his face. And pride seems to have returned to the high-spirited and vigorous days of the Nine Realms!

Thor walked quickly to Odin’s side, glanced at the brightly lit street in the distance, then looked towards Odin, and said solemnly.

“Royal Father, we found evidence that Malkis is still alive!”

Odin hearing this is not at all, but the reaction is too big, just turned his head and quietly Looking at Thor, he didn’t seem to care very much, or he didn’t think Thor and the others could really find any valuable evidence.

Thor not at all cared about Odin’s attitude, turned around and looked towards Chen Mo. Chen Mo’s reaction to Odin just now was slightly frowned, but he didn’t say much, he took out his phone and released the projection.

When Odin saw the dark elf battleship appearing in the video, his eyes moved involuntarily, and he became serious, but when he watched the entire video, his expression relaxed again, watching The three asked casually.

“How did you get this?”

Thor couldn’t help but looked towards Chen Mo, he didn’t understand this.

Chen Mo looked at Odin’s relaxed expression and strengthened the feeling he had just felt. It seems that he may be busy this time, but he still opened his mouth to explain to Odin.

“It is now in the period of celestial convergence. A space channel connecting Wat Alheim and Asgard was created at a place on Earth. This image was taken by an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft sent in the past. Time Just after the etheric particles appeared.”

Odin hearing this nodded, slowly said.

“Yes, the ether particle was created by Malekiss. There is a certain induction between him and the ether particle. After the ether particle is born, it is normal to wake him up, didn’t expect, darkness The elves really have a remnant to survive!”

Although Odin’s tone was surprised, he was not at all dignified when he discovered the existence of ether particles.

Thor did not notice this. Seeing that Odin had agreed with the statement that Malekis was still alive, he said quickly.

“Royal Father, they will definitely come back to regain the ether particles. We should immediately strengthen Asgard’s defenses and be ready to face the attack of the dark elves!”

Thor thought that Odin would nodded agree However, didn’t expect Odin looked at Chen Mo and Jane Foster sternly, then turned his head and said to Thor.

“My son, the heroic Thor, when did he become as timid and cautious as the earthlings? It seems that staying with earthlings makes you as weak as them!”

Odin ignored Jane Foster’s angry gaze, looked at Thor and continued.

“The dark elves are no longer the super race that dominated the universe! They now have only one battleship left, no more than a hundred people, but stray dogs that’s all, simply not Opponents of the mighty Asgard Divine Race! They may not even dare to show up, so they ran to the corner without knowing where to hide, struggling on whilst at death’s door!”

For Thor’s worried dark elves attacking Asgard, Odin simply disagrees.

What he is worried about is the etheric particles. For the dark elves and Malekiss that were once annihilated by Boll, now there are only a few remaining dark elves and Malkis not at all taking seriously.

As long as Malekis is not allowed to get the ether particles, in his opinion, there is no threat.

And Jane Foster, who contains ether particles within the body, is in Asgard. With various defensive measures inside and outside Asgard, Odin does not think these dark elves can attack.

And the defense in the Golden Palace is very strict, the spirit root of the dark spirit is impossible to snatch the ether particles from them!

If Malekis is really tired of life , Even if its good, he will kill them all, accomplish what his father Boll has not done, and let the dark elves completely annihilate the race!

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