My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1173

“Yes, Jane, the carnival over there is the Asgard fighters. They are all rough guys, and I used to remind some people to keep a low profile, you two go over Its too eye-catching.”

Jane Foster naturally knew the importance. She didn’t have to go there, but she was a little puzzled that Chen Mo wouldn’t let her go.

Listening to Thor’s explanation, Jane Foster said nodded immediately.

“Well, you should go alone, but what about the two of us?”

The inside of the Golden Palace is heavily guarded. Both of them are Outsiders. Staying with Thor is not being questioned. If there are only two of them, it is very likely that they will be caught directly by the guards!

Thor hearing this said immediately.

“Come with me, I will send you to my sleeping hall first, where you are waiting for me.”

Immediately, Thor brought Chen Mo and Jane Foster When he arrived in his dormitory, he left and went to the place where he was carnival and celebrating outside the Golden Palace.

Thors palace is like an ancient Roman palace. Although it is not as magnificent as Odins palace, the huge stone pillars stand in great numbers, but it is far more magnificent than some palaces on earth.

Compared with the solemn palace, there is more life here. Although there are not too many gorgeous decorations, the overall feeling is very elegant.

Jane Foster couldn’t help but look around in the dormitory, obviously interested in where Thor lives.

Chen Mo is accustomed to palaces and castles, and is not very interested in architecture. He left Jane Foster in the dormitory, and he walked along the steps on the side of the dormitory to the outside platform alone on.

Standing here, you can see the lively street in the distance, and with Chen Mo’s eyesight, you can clearly see each of them.

Thor’s silhouette quickly appeared in Chen Mo’s line of sight. His appearance was warmly welcomed by everyone around him. People surrounded him and cheered.

Tonights carnival was originally to celebrate the victory of the war, and Thor is undoubtedly the biggest hero in this war and the protagonist of this carnival celebration!

In this battle to quell the rebellion of the nine countries, almost all the difficult bones and powerful enemies were solved by Thor. Without Thor, the casualties of the Asgard army would definitely increase a lot. , The war will not end so soon!

Moreover, in the process, Thor also saved many of them.

For Thor who is extremely powerful and led them to victory, all soldiers are full of admiration and gratitude.

At this time, seeing the protagonist Thor appear, everyone is naturally extremely enthusiastic!

Thor smiled and dealt with the soldiers who had come to cheer for his victory, and finally got out.

He is not in the mood to party now, he still has important things to do!

Although these ordinary soldiers respect him very much, it does not mean that they will disobey Odin’s orders and obey him.

Thor also has no idea of inciting soldiers to rebel.

Instead of wasting words to warn these soldiers who only acted on orders, Thor feels that those who truly trust him are more worthy of his time to remind.

Leaving the lively crowd, Thor glanced around, and quickly walked into a nearby hall.

Compared with the carnival crowd outside, although it is also very lively inside, it is not so noisy. People in groups of three or four get together, drink and laugh, and discuss each other on the battlefield. Interesting fact, the exquisite and beautiful girls dressed in long skirts listened to their narration and cast admiring eyes from time to time, which made the narrator even more excited.

Thor quickly found the silhouette he was looking for, and the other party saw him at the same time.

I saw a majestic bearded sitting at a long table holding a little girl, raising a large wine glass in his hand moved towards him and shouted.

“Thor, you are late, come over and have a big drink with us!”

A young blond man sitting on the table with two beautiful girls in his arms also laughed He raised the wine glass in Thor’s hand.

Thor smiled helplessly, then walked forward and sat down opposite the long table.

Thor glanced at the children around the long table and spoke.

“Vostag, dont teach your children, I dont want them to become alcoholics like you!”

Thor was talking, holding another The woman of a little girl got up and poured him a large glass of wine.

Vorstag smiled and raised his glass to Thor, loudly said.

“haha, don’t worry, Thor, if they dare to drink secretly, I will smash their ass!”

An eight-nine-year-old boy sitting next to Thor Hearing Vostag’s words, he couldn’t help but move his hips, and his eyes quickly moved away from the wine glass in front of Thor.

Thor saw helpless shook the head, raised his glass, and had a toast with Vostag.

This majestic bearded Vostag and the handsome blond young man Fandral are Thors most trusted comrades, and the three most powerful Immortal Palace warriors in Asgard. As for the other person, Huo Genze temporarily stayed in his hometown of Wanaheim after the war, not at all here.

Thor took advantage of the opportunity to drink, and quietly told them about the dark elves and the etheric particles. He did not hide Odin’s reaction, and finally reminded the two to be vigilant during this period of time and summon them as soon as possible Soldiers around are ready for battle.

For Thors reminder, the two of them will naturally not be as careless as Odin. After seeing the two seriously nodded, Thor immediately got up and left the hall. He wanted to find another person. !

The man he didn’t want Jane Foster to see!

As soon as Thor walked out of the hall, he saw Sif leaning on the railing.

Although Sif looks similar to Jane Foster, she is actually very good. She is not under the Immortal Palace three warriors. She is the first female warrior of Immortal Palace and also his friend. , And admirers!

Seeing Thor walking towards her, Sieff couldn’t help showing a happy smile on his face.

Thor glanced around and found that no one was paying attention to them, then walked to Sieff and whispered what he had said to Vostag and Fandral again.

Sif originally thought Thor was looking for her to chat. After hearing Thor said that it was a dark elf thing, although she was a little lost, she still listened carefully to Thor’s words.

When Thor finished speaking, Sieff’s face became serious, and he looked at Thor nodded and said.

“Don’t worry, I will pay attention, you also have to be careful!”

Thor nodded, even if he is about to leave, he will go to the Rainbow Bridge again. Heimdall guards The Rainbow Bridge is also Asgard’s first line of defense. He must be vigilant!

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